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Forked from djiwondee/
Last active December 29, 2022 17:51
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Dashboard with current conditions and forecast
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"name": "Prepare Dashboard Data",
"func": "var windDirection = {};\nvar windDirectionIcon = {};\nvar windSpeed = {};\nvar windSpeedIcon = {};\nvar sunRise = {};\nvar sunSet = {};\nvar conditionIcon = {};\nvar temp = {};\nvar humidity = {};\nvar pressure = {};\nvar clouds = {};\n\n\nvar date = new Date ();\n\n/* function for converting meteorogical degree to text */\n\nvar degToCard = function(deg){\nif (deg>11.25 && deg<=33.75){\nreturn \"ССВ\";\n }else if (deg>33.75 && deg<56.25){\nreturn \"СВ\";\n }else if (deg>56.25 && deg<78.75){\nreturn \"ВСВ\";\n }else if (deg>78.75 && deg<101.25){\nreturn \"В\";\n }else if (deg>101.25 && deg<123.75){\nreturn \"ВЮВ\";\n }else if (deg>123.75 && deg<146.25){\nreturn \"ЮВ\";\n }else if (deg>146.25 && deg<168.75){\nreturn \"ЮЮВ\";\n }else if (deg>168.75 && deg<191.25){\nreturn \"Ю\";\n }else if (deg>191.25 && deg<213.75){\nreturn \"ЮЮВ\";\n }else if (deg>213.75 && deg<236.25){\nreturn \"ЮЗ\";\n }else if (deg>236.25 && deg<258.75){\nreturn \"ЗЮЗ\";\n }else if (deg>258.75 && deg<281.25){\nreturn \"З\";\n }else if (deg>281.25 && deg<303.75){\nreturn \"ЗСЗ\";\n }else if (deg>303.75 && deg<326.25){\nreturn \"СЗ\";\n }else if (deg>326.25 && deg<348.75){\nreturn \"ССЗ\";\n }else{\nreturn \"С\"; \n }\n}\n\n\n\n/* Function for Time Conversions */\n\nfunction timeConverter(UNIX_timestamp){\n var a = new Date(UNIX_timestamp * 1000);\n var hour = a.getHours();\n var min = a.getMinutes();\n if (min < 10) {min = \"0\" + min;}\n else {min = min;}\n var sec = a.getSeconds();\n if (sec < 10) {sec = \"0\" + sec;}\n else {sec = sec;}\n \n var time = hour + ':' + min + ':' + sec ;\n return time;\n}\n\nconditionIcon.topic = \"ConditionIcon\";\nconditionIcon.payload = \"fa-4x wi wi-owm-\" + msg.payload.icon;\n\nwindDirection.topic = \"WindDirection\";\nwindDirection.payload = degToCard(msg.payload.winddirection);\n\nwindSpeed.topic = \"WindSpeed\";\nwindSpeed.payload = msg.payload.windspeed + \" m/s\"; /* \" + windDirection.payload; */\n\nwindSpeedIcon.topic = \"WindSpeedIcon\";\nwindSpeedIcon.payload = \"wi wi-darksky-wind\";\n\nsunRise.topic = \"SunRise\";\nsunRise.payload = timeConverter(msg.payload.sunrise);\n\nsunSet.topic = \"SunRet\";\nsunSet.payload = timeConverter(msg.payload.sunset);\n\ntemp.topic = \"Temperature\";\ntemp.payload = msg.payload.tempc + \" °C\"\n\nhumidity.topic = \"Humidity\";\nhumidity.payload = msg.payload.humidity + \"%\"\n\npressure.topic = \"Pressure\";\npressure.payload = msg.payload.pressure + \" гПа\"\n\nclouds.topic = \"Clouds\";\nclouds.payload = msg.payload.clouds + \"%\"\n\nreturn [conditionIcon, windSpeedIcon, windSpeed, windDirection, windDirectionIcon, sunRise, sunSet, temp, humidity, pressure, clouds];",
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"order": 1,
"width": 1,
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"format": "<div style=\"display: flex;height: 100%;justify-content: center;align-items: center;\">\n<i class=\"wi wi-owm-01d\"></i>&nbsp;<i class=\"fa fa-arrow-up\"></i>\n</div> ",
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"format": "<div style=\"display: flex;height: 100%;justify-content: left;align-items: center;\">\n<i class=\"fa-2x wi wi-darksky-wind\"></i>\n</div>",
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"format": "<div style=\"display: flex;height: 100%;justify-content: center;align-items: center;\">\n<i class=\"{{msg.payload}}\"></i>\n</div>",
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"name": "Prepare Forecast Icon",
"func": "var wfcIcon1 = {};\nvar wfcIcon2 = {}; \nvar wfcIcon3 = {};\nvar wfcIcon4 = {};\nvar wfcIcon5 = {};\nvar wfcIcon6 = {};\nvar wfcIcon7 = {};\nvar wfcIcon8 = {};\n\n\nvar date = new Date ();\n\n/* Function for Time Conversions */\n\nfunction timeConverter(UNIX_timestamp){\n var a = new Date(UNIX_timestamp * 1000);\n var hour = a.getHours();\n var min = a.getMinutes();\n if (min < 10) {min = \"0\" + min;}\n else {min = min;}\n var sec = a.getSeconds();\n if (sec < 10) {sec = \"0\" + sec;}\n else {sec = sec;}\n \n var time = hour + ':' + min; /* + ':' + sec ;*/\n return time;\n}\n\n/* Convert OpenWeeather Map Icon to */\n\n/*\nconst owIconMap = new Map();\n\nowIconMap.set('01d', 'wi-day-sunny'); // clear sky\nowIconMap.set('02d', 'wi-day-cloudy'); // few clouds\nowIconMap.set('03d', 'wi-cloud'); // scattered clouds\nowIconMap.set('04d', 'wi-cloudy'); // broken clouds\nowIconMap.set('09d', 'wi-day-showers'); // shower rain\nowIconMap.set('10d', 'wi-day-rain'); // rain\nowIconMap.set('11d', 'wi-thunderstorm'); // thunderstorm\nowIconMap.set('13d', 'wi-snow'); // snow\nowIconMap.set('50d', 'wi-fog'); // mist\nowIconMap.set('01n', 'wi-night-clear'); // clear sky\nowIconMap.set('02n', 'wi-night-alt-cloudy'); // few clouds\nowIconMap.set('03n', 'wi-cloud'); // scattered clouds\nowIconMap.set('04n', 'wi-cloudy'); // broken clouds\nowIconMap.set('09n', 'wi-night-alt-showers'); // shower rain\nowIconMap.set('10n', 'wi-night-alt-rain'); // rain\nowIconMap.set('11n', 'wi-thunderstorm'); // thunderstorm\nowIconMap.set('13n', 'wi-snow'); // snow\nowIconMap.set('50n', 'wi-fog'); // mist\n*/\nwfcIcon1.topic = msg.payload[0].dt_txt;\nwfcIcon1.payload = \"fa-2x wi wi-owm-\" + msg.payload[0].weather[0].icon;\n\nwfcIcon2.topic = msg.payload[1].dt_txt;\nwfcIcon2.payload = \"fa-2x wi wi-owm-\" +msg.payload[1].weather[0].icon;\n\nwfcIcon3.topic = msg.payload[2].dt_txt;\nwfcIcon3.payload = \"fa-2x wi wi-owm-\" + msg.payload[2].weather[0].icon;\n\nwfcIcon4.topic = msg.payload[3].dt_txt;\nwfcIcon4.payload = \"fa-2x wi wi-owm-\" + msg.payload[3].weather[0].icon;\n\nwfcIcon5.topic = msg.payload[4].dt_txt;\nwfcIcon5.payload = \"fa-2x wi wi-owm-\" + msg.payload[4].weather[0].icon;\n\nwfcIcon6.topic = msg.payload[5].dt_txt;\nwfcIcon6.payload = \"fa-2x wi wi-owm-\" + msg.payload[5].weather[0].icon;\n\nwfcIcon7.topic = msg.payload[6].dt_txt;\nwfcIcon7.payload = \"fa-2x wi wi-owm-\" + msg.payload[6].weather[0].icon;\n\nwfcIcon8.topic = msg.payload[7].dt_txt;\nwfcIcon8.payload = \"fa-2x wi wi-owm-\" + msg.payload[7].weather[0].icon;\n\n//owIconMap.clear(); //freeing resource\n\nreturn [wfcIcon1, wfcIcon2, wfcIcon3, wfcIcon4, wfcIcon5, wfcIcon6, wfcIcon7, wfcIcon8];",
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"width": 1,
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"format": "<div style=\"display: flex;height: 100%;justify-content: center;align-items: center;\">\n <i class=\"{{msg.payload}}\"></i>\n</div>\n",
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"format": "<div style=\"display: flex;height: 100%;justify-content: center;align-items: center;\">\n <i class=\"{{msg.payload}}\"></i>\n</div>",
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"width": 1,
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"format": "<div style=\"display: flex;height: 100%;justify-content: center;align-items: center;\">\n <i class=\"{{msg.payload}}\"></i>\n</div>",
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"width": 1,
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"format": "<div style=\"display: flex;height: 100%;justify-content: center;align-items: center;\">\n <i class=\"{{msg.payload}}\"></i>\n</div>",
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"order": 8,
"width": 1,
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"format": "<div style=\"display: flex;height: 100%;justify-content: center;align-items: center;\">\n <i class=\"{{msg.payload}}\"></i>\n</div>",
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"width": 1,
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"format": "<div style=\"display: flex;height: 100%;justify-content: center;align-items: center;\">\n <i class=\"{{msg.payload}}\"></i>\n</div>",
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"id": "e58a247.3094b58",
"type": "function",
"z": "dd915477f6bd30ad",
"name": "Prepare Forecast Data",
"func": "var fcdata = {};\n\nfcdata.payload = {\n forecast: {\n dt00: {\n dt_txt: msg.payload[0].dt_txt,\n temp_min: msg.payload[0].main.temp_min,\n temp_max: msg.payload[0].main.temp_max,\n temp: msg.payload[0].main.temp,\n desc: msg.payload[0].weather[0].description\n },\n dt01: {\n dt_txt: msg.payload[1].dt_txt,\n temp_min: msg.payload[1].main.temp_min,\n temp_max: msg.payload[1].main.temp_max,\n temp: msg.payload[1].main.temp,\n desc: msg.payload[1].weather[0].description\n },\n dt02: {\n dt_txt: msg.payload[2].dt_txt,\n temp_min: msg.payload[2].main.temp_min,\n temp_max: msg.payload[2].main.temp_max,\n temp: msg.payload[2].main.temp,\n desc: msg.payload[2].weather[0].description\n },\n dt03: {\n dt_txt: msg.payload[3].dt_txt,\n temp_min: msg.payload[3].main.temp_min,\n temp_max: msg.payload[3].main.temp_max,\n temp: msg.payload[3].main.temp,\n desc: msg.payload[3].weather[0].description\n },\n dt04: {\n dt_txt: msg.payload[4].dt_txt,\n temp_min: msg.payload[4].main.temp_min,\n temp_max: msg.payload[4].main.temp_max,\n temp: msg.payload[4].main.temp,\n desc: msg.payload[4].weather[0].description\n },\n dt05: {\n dt_txt: msg.payload[5].dt_txt,\n temp_min: msg.payload[5].main.temp_min,\n temp_max: msg.payload[5].main.temp_max,\n temp: msg.payload[5].main.temp,\n desc: msg.payload[5].weather[0].description\n },\n dt06: {\n dt_txt: msg.payload[6].dt_txt,\n temp_min: msg.payload[6].main.temp_min,\n temp_max: msg.payload[6].main.temp_max,\n temp: msg.payload[6].main.temp,\n desc: msg.payload[6].weather[0].description\n },\n dt07: {\n dt_txt: msg.payload[7].dt_txt,\n temp_min: msg.payload[7].main.temp_min,\n temp_max: msg.payload[7].main.temp_max,\n temp: msg.payload[7].main.temp,\n desc: msg.payload[7].weather[0].description\n }\n }\n}\n\n\n\nreturn fcdata;",
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"name": "Forecast",
"order": 1,
"width": 8,
"height": 1,
"format": "<div layout=\"row\" layout-align=\"space-around start\" ng-repeat=\"data in msg.payload.row\">\n <span flex style=\"color: white\">{{data.cell01}}</span>\n <span flex style=\"color: white\">{{data.cell02}}</span>\n <span flex style=\"color: white\">{{data.cell03}}</span>\n <span flex style=\"color: white\">{{data.cell04}}</span>\n <span flex style=\"color: white\">{{data.cell05}}</span>\n <span flex style=\"color: white\">{{data.cell06}}</span>\n <span flex style=\"color: white\">{{data.cell07}}</span>\n <span flex style=\"color: white\">{{data.cell08}}</span>\n</div>",
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"id": "c5b71946.ca4de",
"type": "function",
"z": "dd915477f6bd30ad",
"name": "Prepare forecast for UI widget",
"func": "var forecastData = {};\n\n// prepare forecast data for CSS based ui widget\n\nforecastData.payload = {\n\trow: {\n\t\t// time \n\t\tdata01: {\n\t\t\tcell01: msg.payload[0].dt_txt.substring(11, 13),\n\t\t\tcell02: msg.payload[1].dt_txt.substring(11, 13),\n\t\t\tcell03: msg.payload[2].dt_txt.substring(11, 13),\n\t\t\tcell04: msg.payload[3].dt_txt.substring(11, 13),\n\t\t\tcell05: msg.payload[4].dt_txt.substring(11, 13),\n\t\t\tcell06: msg.payload[5].dt_txt.substring(11, 13),\n\t\t\tcell07: msg.payload[6].dt_txt.substring(11, 13),\n\t\t\tcell08: msg.payload[7].dt_txt.substring(11, 13)\n\t\t},\n\t\t// temperature\n\t\tdata02: {\n\t\t\tcell01: Math.round(msg.payload[0].main.temp) + \" °C\",\n\t\t\tcell02: Math.round(msg.payload[1].main.temp) + \" °C\",\n\t\t\tcell03: Math.round(msg.payload[2].main.temp) + \" °C\",\n\t\t\tcell04: Math.round(msg.payload[3].main.temp) + \" °C\",\n\t\t\tcell05: Math.round(msg.payload[4].main.temp) + \" °C\",\n\t\t\tcell06: Math.round(msg.payload[5].main.temp) + \" °C\",\n\t\t\tcell07: Math.round(msg.payload[6].main.temp) + \" °C\",\n\t\t\tcell08: Math.round(msg.payload[7].main.temp) + \" °C\"\n\t\t}\n\t}\n}\n\nreturn forecastData;",
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"noerr": 0,
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