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Created November 2, 2013 11:09
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import types
import math
# Supporting Functions
def prod(l):
temp = 1.
for i in xrange(len(l)):
temp *= l[i]
return temp
def isNumber(n):
return isinstance(n,int) or isinstance(n,float) or isinstance(n,long) or isinstance(n,complex)
def numberToPoly(number):
return Poly(lambda n: number if n==0 else 0)
def pExp(poly):
a = poly[0]
q = poly - a
ea = math.exp(a)
return Poly(lambda n: ea * sum( [ (q**i)[n] / prod( [ (j+1) for j in xrange(i) ] ) for i in xrange(n+1) ] ) )
def pLog(poly):
a = poly[0]
if a==0: return
logA = math.log(a)
q = poly/a - 1
return logA + Poly(lambda n: sum( [ (-1)**(i%2) / (i+1.) * (q**(i+1))[n] for i in xrange(n)] ) )
def pGraph(poly,precision=10,x_min=-1.,x_max=1.,y_min=-1.,y_max=1.,scale=200.,step=0.01):
from Tkinter import Tk,Canvas
root = Tk()
c = Canvas(root, width = scale*(x_max-x_min), height = scale*(y_max-y_min))
x = x_min
y = poly(x,precision=precision)
while x < x_max:
x0 = x
y0 = y
x += step
y = poly(x)
xb = scale*(x0-x_min)
yb = scale*(y_max-y_min)-scale*(y0-y_min)
xa = scale*(x-x_min)
ya = scale*(y_max-y_min)-scale*(y-y_min)
# Definition of
# Infinite Lazy Polynomials Class
class Poly:
def __init__(self,coeffs):
# init with list
if isinstance(coeffs,list):
self.coeffs = lambda n: coeffs[n] if n < len(coeffs) else 0
# init with lambda
if isinstance(coeffs, types.LambdaType):
self.coeffs = coeffs
# print poly
def __repr__(self):
return ", ".join([ str(self[i]) for i in xrange(10) ] + ["..."])
# return nth coeff
def __getitem__(self,n):
return self.coeffs(n)
# poly(x)
def __call__(self,x,precision=10):
return sum([ self[i] * x**i for i in xrange(precision) ])
# -poly
def __neg__(self):
return Poly(lambda n: -self.coeffs(n))
# poly + scalar, poly0 + poly1
def __add__(self,other):
if isNumber(other): other = numberToPoly(other)
return Poly(lambda n: self.coeffs(n) + other.coeffs(n))
# scalar + poly, poly0 + poly1
def __radd__(self, other):
if isNumber(other): other = numberToPoly(other)
return Poly(lambda n: other.coeffs(n) + self.coeffs(n))
# poly - scalar, poly0 - poly1
def __sub__(self,other):
if isNumber(other): other = numberToPoly(other)
return Poly(lambda n: self.coeffs(n) - other.coeffs(n))
# scalar - poly, poly0 - poly1
def __rsub__(self, other):
if isNumber(other): other = numberToPoly(other)
return Poly(lambda n: other.coeffs(n) - self.coeffs(n))
# poly * scalar, poly0 * poly1
def __mul__(self,other):
if isNumber(other):
return Poly(lambda n: self.coeffs(n) * other)
if isinstance(other,Poly):
return Poly(lambda n: sum([ self.coeffs(k) * other.coeffs(n-k) for k in xrange(n+1) ]))
# scalar * poly
def __rmul__(self,other):
if isNumber(other):
return Poly(lambda n: other * self.coeffs(n))
# poly / scalar, poly0 / poly1
def __div__(self,other):
if isNumber(other):
return Poly(lambda n: self.coeffs(n) / other)
if isinstance(other,Poly):
return self * other.inv()
# scalar / poly
def __rdiv__(self,other):
if isNumber(other):
return other * self.inv()
# poly ** r
def __pow__(self,other):
if isinstance(other,int) or isinstance(other,long):
if other==0: return numberToPoly(1)
elif other < 0:
return (self ** -other).inv()
p2 = self ** (other/2)
if other%2==0: return p2 * p2
else: return p2 * p2 * self
if isinstance(other,float):
a = self[0]
if a == 0: return
ar = a ** other
q = self / a - 1
def coeff(n):
return prod([ other - i for i in xrange(n) ]) / prod([ (i+1) for i in xrange(n)])
return Poly(lambda n: ar * sum([coeff(i) * (q ** i)[n] for i in xrange(n+1) ]))
# inverse
def inv(self):
a = self[0]
if a == 0 : return
q = 1 - self / a
return Poly(lambda n: sum([ (q**i)[n] for i in xrange(n+1) ]) / a)
# derivative
def derivative(self):
return Poly(lambda n: self[n+1]*(n+1))
x = Poly(lambda n: 1 if n==1 else 0)
if __name__ == '__main__' :
print "This is Infinite lazy polynomials Class"
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