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Created February 23, 2014 13:27
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k-means method on Haskell
import Data.List
import System.IO
import System.Random
type Cluster = Int
type Point = (Double, Double) -- Point in R^2
type CPoint = (Cluster, Point) -- Classified Point
---- Euclid Distance between Two Points
dist :: Point -> Point -> Double
dist (x0,y0) (x1,y1) = sqrt $ (x0-x1)^2 + (y0-y1)^2
---- Center of Points
center :: [Point] -> Point
center = (\(ys,zs) -> (average ys, average zs)).unzip
where average xs = (sum xs)/((fromIntegral.length) xs)
---- CPoints are Same Cluster or Not
colleague :: CPoint -> CPoint -> Bool
colleague (c0,_) (c1,_) = c0 == c1
--- One Step of K-means Method
kmeans :: [CPoint] -> [CPoint]
kmeans xs = map (\(_,p) -> (classify p, p)) xs
---- Classify a Point
classify :: Point -> Cluster
classify x = (snd.last.sort) $ map (\(c,p) -> (dist x p, c)) (centers xs)
---- Calculate Prototypes
centers :: [CPoint] -> [CPoint]
centers xs = map ((\(cs,ps) -> (head cs, center ps)).unzip) $ (groupBy colleague).sort $ xs
main = do
gen <- getStdGen
handle <- openFile "data.csv" ReadMode
content <- hGetContents handle
points :: [Point]
points = map makePoint $ lines content
---- "Double, Double" -> (Double, Double)
makePoint :: String -> Point
makePoint ps =
let substr = groupBy (\x y -> and [x/=',', y/=',']) ps
in (read $ head substr, read $ last substr)
---- Create Initial Value
iv :: [CPoint]
iv = zip (randomRs (0,2) gen :: [Int]) points
---- K-means Method !!
experiment = iterate kmeans iv
result = (groupBy colleague).sort $ experiment!!100
output :: Int -> IO()
output n = do
handle <- openFile ("result"++(show n)++".csv") WriteMode
mapM_ (hPutStrLn handle) $ map form (result!!n)
hClose handle
form :: CPoint -> String
form (c,p) = (show $ fst p) ++ ", " ++ (show $ snd p)
mapM_ output [0..2]
hClose handle
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