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Created December 17, 2015 08:29
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Lid driven cavity flow in python
import numpy
from matplotlib import pyplot
from matplotlib import rcParams
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
from matplotlib import cm
from math import pi
rcParams[''] = 'serif'
rcParams['font.size'] = 16
def plot_3D(x, y, p):
'''Creates 3D plot with appropriate limits and viewing angle
x: array of float
nodal coordinates in x
y: array of float
nodal coordinates in y
p: 2D array of float
calculated potential field
fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=(11,7), dpi=100)
ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')
X,Y = numpy.meshgrid(x,y)
surf = ax.plot_surface(X,Y,p[:], rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.viridis,
linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
def L2_error(p, pn):
return numpy.sqrt(numpy.sum((p - pn)**2)/numpy.sum(pn**2))
def L1norm(new, old):
norm = numpy.sum(numpy.abs(new-old))
return norm
def initialise(nx, ny, xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin):
'''Initialize the Poisson problem initial guess and other variables
nx : int
number of mesh points in x
ny : int
number of mesh points in y
xmax: float
maximum value of x in mesh
xmin: float
minimum value of x in mesh
ymax: float
maximum value of y in mesh
ymin: float
minimum value of y in mesh
X : 2D array of floats
X-position of mesh
Y : 2D array of floats
Y-position of mesh
p_i: 2D array of floats
initial guess of p
dx : float
mesh size in x direction
dy : float
mesh size in y direction
dx = (xmax-xmin)/(nx-1)
dy = (ymax-ymin)/(ny-1)
# Mesh
x = numpy.linspace(xmin,xmax,nx)
y = numpy.linspace(ymin,ymax,ny)
X,Y = numpy.meshgrid(x,y)
# Initialize
p_i = numpy.zeros((ny,nx))
return X, Y, x, y, p_i, dx, dy
def calculate(omega, psi, dx, dy, l1_target):
'''Performs Jacobi relaxation
omega : 2D array of floats
Initial guess for omega
psi : 2D array of floats
Initial guess for psi
dx: float
Mesh spacing in x direction
dy: float
Mesh spacing in y direction
l1_target: float
Target difference between two consecutive iterates
omega: 2D array of float
Distribution after relaxation
l1_norm_omega = 1.
l1_norm_psi = 1.
iterations = 0
nx, ny = omega.shape
u_j = 1.
while l1_norm_omega > l1_target or l1_norm_psi > l1_target:
# calculate psi
psi_d = psi.copy()
psi[1:-1,1:-1] = 1./(2.*(dx**2 + dy**2)) * \
((psi_d[1:-1,2:]+psi_d[1:-1,:-2])*dy**2 +\
(psi_d[2:,1:-1] + psi_d[:-2,1:-1])*dx**2 -\
# BCs for psi are automatically enforced
l1_norm_psi = L1norm(psi_d, psi)
# calculate omega
omega_d = omega.copy()
omega[1:-1,1:-1] = .25 * (omega_d[1:-1,2:] + omega_d[1:-1, :-2] \
+ omega_d[2:, 1:-1] + omega_d[:-2, 1:-1])
factor = (-1./(2.*(dy**2)));
##Neumann B.C.
omega[-1, 1:-1] = (factor*((8.*psi[-2, 1:-1]) - psi[-3, 1:-1])) - ((3. * u_j) / dy)
# bottom
omega[0, 1:-1] = (factor*((8.*psi[1, 1:-1]) - psi[2, 1:-1]))
# right
omega[1:-1, -1] = (factor*((8.*psi[1:-1, -2]) - psi[1:-1, -3]))
# left
omega[1:-1, 0] = (factor*((8.*psi[1:-1, 1]) - psi[1:-1, 2]))
l1_norm_omega = L1norm(omega_d, omega)
iterations += 1
print('Number of Jacobi iterations: {0:d}'.format(iterations))
return omega, psi
##variable declarations
nx = 41
ny = 41
xmin = 0.
xmax = 1.
ymin = 0.
ymax = 1.
l1_target = 1e-6
X_omega, Y_omega, x_omega, y_omega, omega_i, dx, dy = initialise(nx, ny, xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin)
X_psi, Y_psi, x_psi, y_psi, psi_i, dx, dy = initialise(nx, ny, xmax, xmin, ymax, ymin)
#plot_3D(x, y, p_i)
omega, psi = calculate(omega_i.copy(), psi_i.copy(), dx, dy, l1_target)
# plot_3D(x_psi, y_psi, psi)
pyplot.contourf(x_psi,y_psi,psi,20, cmap=cm.viridis)
maxPsi = numpy.absolute(psi).max()
print('max psi: {0:f}'.format(maxPsi))
maxOmega = numpy.absolute(omega).max()
print('max omega: {0:f}'.format(maxOmega))
pts = numpy.round(psi[32,::8], 4)
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