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Last active October 18, 2023 16:27
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Scrap book: new AI system core
// How to write your very own MMO --- an introduction to multiplayer game design
// Copyright © 2023 Simon A. Nielsen Knights <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with this program. If not, see <>.
const std = @import("std");
const io =;
const mem = std.mem;
const math = std.math;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
// An example of where "machine learning" is useful within the context of games
// using four charatcters that battle to the death while adjust their behaviour
// based on their guess of what the other will do.
// The implementation uses a markov chain to predict what the next move will be
// and acts accordingly based on the prediction along with other data points
// which the character has access to. This allows the charater to change it's
// behaviour when faced with repetitive actions instead of continuing with an
// ineffective strategy (e.g switch to light attacks if the target keeps on
// evading heavy attacks). The markov chain is then used by the infinite-axis
// utility system which uses it to decide which action is the most useful
// given the current situation. The infinite-axis system itself is capable of
// replace all uses of state machines, behaviour trees, and forward planners
// along with driving animation, audio, and other systems which need to be
// aware of the current situation to activate without much change to the code.
// This is a simplification of the real system used in the game without access
// to embeddings, influence mapping, optimization, and many other things that
// add further detail to character behaviour.
const Flags = packed struct {
dry_run: bool = false,
iterations: bool = false,
log_actions: bool = false,
render_response_activations: bool = false,
render_response_curves: bool = false,
render_markov_chain_heatmap: bool = false,
dump_markov_chain_csv: bool = false,
pub const help = crlf(
\\Usage: levy-ai-demo [OPTION...]
\\ --help
\\ Display this help message.
\\ --dry-run
\\ Don't execute the battle simulation.
\\ --iterations=<integer>
\\ Number of iterations to run.
\\ --log-actions
\\ Log actions for all characters.
\\ --render-response-activations=<name>
\\ Render a graph for each response activation (verbose).
\\ --render-response-curves=<name>
\\ Render graphs for each of the response curves from the configuration
\\ of the named character (default: alice).
\\ --render-markov-chain-heatmap=<name>,<name>
\\ (requires ANSI) Render a heatmap of the probability matrix.
\\ --dump-markov-chain-csv=<name>,<name> Dump the probability matrix to CSV.
\\ Copyright © 2023 Simon A. Nielsen Knights <>
\\ This work is licensed under AGPL-3.0-only, see
pub const Int = @Type(.{ .Int = .{ .signedness = .unsigned, .bits = @bitSizeOf(Flags) } });
pub const Tag = std.meta.FieldEnum(Flags);
pub const Values = struct {
name: Name = .alice,
target: Name = .eve,
iterations: u8 = 10,
pub fn bit(tag: Tag) Int {
return @as(Int, 1) << @intFromEnum(tag);
pub const map = std.ComptimeStringMap(Tag, .{
.{ "--dry-run", .dry_run },
.{ "--iterations", .iterations },
.{ "--log-actions", .log_actions },
.{ "--render-response-activations", .render_response_activations },
.{ "--render-response-curves", .render_response_curves },
.{ "--render-markov-chain-heatmap", .render_markov_chain_heatmap },
.{ "--dump-markov-chain-csv", .dump_markov_chain_csv },
fn crlf(comptime text: []const u8) []const u8 {
return comptime blk: {
var string: []const u8 = "";
var it = mem.tokenize(u8, text, "\n");
while ( |line| string = string ++ line ++ "\r\n";
break :blk string;
const upper_half_block = "▀";
const lower_half_block = "▄";
const fill_block = "█";
pub fn main() !void {
var instance: std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}) = .{};
defer assert(instance.deinit() == .ok);
var stdout_buffer =;
var stderr_buffer =;
const stdout = stdout_buffer.writer();
const stderr = stderr_buffer.writer();
const gpa = instance.allocator();
const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(gpa);
defer std.process.argsFree(gpa, args);
const flags: Flags, const values: Flags.Values = blk: {
var options: Flags.Int = 0;
var values: Flags.Values = .{};
for (args[1..]) |arg| {
if (mem.eql(u8, arg, "--help")) {
try stderr.writeAll(;
options = Flags.bit(.dry_run);
const split = mem.indexOfScalar(u8, arg, '=') orelse arg.len;
const name = arg[0..split];
const flag = orelse {
return error.UnknownFlag;
const bit = Flags.bit(flag);
if (options & bit != 0) return error.DuplicateFlag;
switch (flag) {
.iterations => {
values.iterations = try std.fmt.parseInt(u8, arg[split + 1 ..], 0);
.render_response_curves => { =[split + 1 ..]) orelse {
return error.UnknownName;
.render_response_activations => { =[split + 1 ..]) orelse {
return error.UnknownName;
.render_markov_chain_heatmap, .dump_markov_chain_csv => {
const tuple = arg[split + 1 ..];
const comma = mem.indexOfScalar(u8, tuple, ',') orelse return error.MissingTarget; =[0..comma]) orelse return error.UnknownName; =[comma + 1 ..]) orelse return error.UnknownName;
else => if (split != arg.len) {
try stderr.writeAll(name);
try stderr.writeAll(": doesn't support value parameters\r\n");
return error.InvalidFlagParameters;
options |= bit;
break :blk .{ @bitCast(options), values };
var game: Game = .{};
if (!flags.dry_run) {
// run game simulation
for (0..values.iterations) |iteration| {
const out = if (flags.render_markov_chain_heatmap)
if (flags.log_actions) {
for (&game.choices, 0..) |choice, index| {
const action, const utility, const target = choice;
const name: Name = @enumFromInt(index);
try out.print("{s}(hp: {d:.2}, sp: {d:.2}) performs {s} on {s}: {d:.5}\r\n", .{
try out.print("iteration: {d}\r\n", .{iteration + 1});
if (flags.render_markov_chain_heatmap) {
try renderHeatmap(game,,, stderr);
if (flags.render_response_curves) {
const actions = &game.gladiators[@intFromEnum(].behaviour.actions;
try renderCurves(actions, stderr);
if (flags.dump_markov_chain_csv) {
const prediction = game.gladiators[@intFromEnum(].prediction;
for (&prediction) |mc| {
for (&mc.action) |vector| {
for (&vector, 0..) |prob, i| if (i + 1 == vector.len) {
try stdout.print("{d}\r\n", .{prob});
} else {
try stdout.print("{d},", .{prob});
try stderr_buffer.flush();
try stdout_buffer.flush();
// zig fmt: off
const arena: [Name.len]Gladiator = .{
.{ .name = .alice, .resources = .{ .potions = 3, .weapon = .axe } },
.{ .name = .bob, .resources = .{ .potions = 0, .weapon = .knife } },
.{ .name = .charlie, .resources = .{ .potions = 8, .weapon = .sword } },
.{ .name = .eve, .resources = .{ .potions = 1, .weapon = .spear } },
// zig fmt: on
const Game = struct {
gladiators: [Name.len]Gladiator = arena,
choices: [Name.len]struct { Action, f32, Name } = undefined,
pub fn step(game: *Game) void {
for (&game.gladiators, &game.choices) |gladiator, *choice| {
choice.* = gladiator.behaviour.choice(&.{
.{ .self = &gladiator, .target = &game.gladiators[0] },
.{ .self = &gladiator, .target = &game.gladiators[1] },
.{ .self = &gladiator, .target = &game.gladiators[2] },
.{ .self = &gladiator, .target = &game.gladiators[3] },
for (&game.gladiators, &game.choices) |*gladiator, choice| {
for (&game.choices, 0..) |chosen, i| {
if ( |enemy| {
const action, _, const target = chosen;
.action = action,
.target = target,
const action, _, const target = choice;
const reaction, _, const enemy = game.choices[@intFromEnum(target)];
const victim = &game.gladiators[@intFromEnum(target)];
switch (action) {
.pass, .evade, .block => {
gladiator.status.stamina += 5;
.light_attack => if (!(reaction == .block and enemy == { -= gladiator.resources.weapon.attack(.light);
gladiator.status.stamina -= 5;
.heavy_attack => if (!(reaction == .evade and enemy == { -= gladiator.resources.weapon.attack(.heavy);
gladiator.status.stamina -= 10;
.heal => { += 0.1;
victim.resources.potions -= 1;
const Name = enum {
pub fn indexOf(name: Name, other: Name) ?usize {
if (name == other) return null;
const this: usize = @intFromEnum(name);
const that: usize = @intFromEnum(other);
return if (this > that) that else (that - 1);
pub const len = @typeInfo(Name).Enum.fields.len;
pub const map = std.ComptimeStringMap(Name, .{
.{ "Alice", .alice },
.{ "alice", .alice },
.{ "Bob", .bob },
.{ "bob", .bob },
.{ "Charlie", .charlie },
.{ "charlie", .charlie },
.{ "Eve", .eve },
.{ "eve", .eve },
const Weapon = enum {
const len = @typeInfo(Weapon).Enum.fields.len;
pub const damage: [2][len]f32 = .{
.{ 0.30, 0.10, 0.20, 0.25 },
.{ 0.45, 0.15, 0.30, 0.40 },
pub const time: [2][len]f32 = .{
.{ 0.5, 0.1, 0.2, 0.4 },
.{ 0.8, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 },
pub const Mode = enum { light, heavy };
pub fn attack(weapon: Weapon, mode: Mode) f32 {
return damage[@intFromEnum(mode)][@intFromEnum(weapon)];
pub fn delay(weapon: Weapon, mode: Mode) f32 {
return time[@intFromEnum(mode)][@intFromEnum(weapon)];
const Action = enum {
const Event = struct {
action: Action,
target: Name,
const Gladiator = struct {
/// Given name an table offset.
name: Name,
/// Status of the gladiator.
status: Status = .{},
/// Predictions for each character in the playing field excluding self.
prediction: [Name.len - 1]MarkovChain = [_]MarkovChain{.{}} ** (Name.len - 1),
/// Behaviour configuration for the gladiator.
behaviour: Behaviour = .{},
/// Resources for use in combat.
resources: Resources,
/// Action sequence the gladiator is forced to perform.
initial_sequence: []const Event = &.{},
const dim: comptime_int = @typeInfo(Action).Enum.fields.len;
const Status = struct {
health: f32 = health_max,
stamina: f32 = stamina_max,
cooldown: f32 = 0,
pub const health_max = 10;
pub const stamina_max = 30;
/// A structure which records the probaility of each state transition and adjusts as new events unfold.
const MarkovChain = struct {
/// Frequency table encoding the probability of the next action given the last action performed.
action: [dim][dim]f32 = .{.{1} ** dim} ** dim,
/// Frequency table encoding the probability of the next target given the last action performed.
target: [dim][Name.len]f32 = .{.{1} ** Name.len} ** dim,
/// The current state reached after processing the previous event.
state: Action = Action.pass,
/// Cached sum of the probability vector.
one: [dim]struct { f32, f32 } = .{.{ dim, Name.len }} ** dim,
/// Adjust the probability of transitioning to the given state from the last.
pub fn observe(mc: *MarkovChain, event: Event) void {
const action: usize = @intFromEnum(event.action);
const target: usize = @intFromEnum(;
const state: usize = @intFromEnum(mc.state);[state][0] += 1; // increment cached total of the probability vector[state][1] += 1;
mc.action[state][action] += 1; // increment the probability for this action to be performed[state][target] += 1; // increment the probability of the target the action will affect
mc.state = event.action; // advance to the new state
/// Extract the probability of the next action being the given from the current state.
pub fn probability(mc: *const MarkovChain, event: Event) struct { f32, f32 } {
const action: usize = @intFromEnum(event.action);
const target: usize = @intFromEnum(;
const state: usize = @intFromEnum(mc.state);
const action_freq, const target_freq =[action];
return .{
mc.action[state][action] / action_freq,[state][target] / target_freq,
const Behaviour = struct {
/// The complete list of actions that a character can perform along with a default list of reasons why
/// the character should execute each action.
actions: Actions = .{},
/// Bias vector used to adjust action utility at runtime.
bias: Bias = .{1} ** dim,
pub const Bias = [dim]f32;
fn dummy(_: Context) f32 {
return 0;
const off = .{ .description = "off", .response = .{ .constant = 0 }, .function = &dummy };
pub const Actions = struct {
evade: []const Consideration = &.{off},
heal: []const Consideration = &.{off},
heavy_attack: []const Consideration = &.{
.description = "useless if stamina is depleted",
.response = .{ .bezier = .{ 0, 0, 1, 1 } },
.function = &struct {
fn eval(context: Context) f32 {
return context.self.status.stamina / Status.stamina_max;
.description = "more useful when target is healty",
.response = .{ .bezier = .{ 0.5, 0.5, 1, 1 } },
.function = &struct {
fn eval(context: Context) f32 {
return / Status.health_max;
light_attack: []const Consideration = &.{
.description = "useless if stamina is depleted, useful near depletion",
.response = .{ .logistic = .{ -7, 1, 0, 0 } },
.function = &struct {
fn eval(context: Context) f32 {
return context.self.status.stamina / Status.stamina_max;
block: []const Consideration = &.{
.description = "more useful when low on health",
.response = .{ .logistic = .{ 7, 1, 0, 0 } },
.function = &struct {
fn eval(context: Context) f32 {
return / Status.health_max;
.description = "more useful as the chance to be attacked increases",
.response = .{ .linear = .{ 1, 0, 0 } },
.function = &struct {
fn eval(context: Context) f32 {
if ( |index| {
const chance, _ = context.self.prediction[index].probability(.{
.action = .light_attack,
.target =,
return chance;
} else return 0;
pub const Context = struct {
self: *const Gladiator,
target: *const Gladiator,
pub const Consideration = struct {
description: []const u8,
response: Response,
function: *const fn (Context) f32,
pub fn eval(con: Consideration, context: Context) f32 {
return con.y(con.function(context));
pub const Response = union(enum) {
logistic: Four,
logit: Three,
normal: Four,
linear: Three,
bezier: Four,
constant: f32,
pub const Four = struct { f32, f32, f32, f32 };
pub const Three = struct { f32, f32, f32 };
pub fn y(consideration: Consideration, x: f32) f32 {
switch (consideration.response) {
inline else => |params, tag| {
const f = @field(Consideration, @tagName(tag));
const response = f(params, x);
return @min(1, @max(0, response));
/// Calculate the degree of reponse / acctivation based on the given stimulus using
/// a logistic curve.
fn logistic(params: Response.Four, x: f32) f32 {
const m, const k, const c, const b = params;
return k / (1 + @exp(m * (x - 0.5 - c))) + b;
/// Calculate the degree of reponse / acctivation based on the given stimulus using
/// a logit curve.
fn logit(params: Response.Three, x: f32) f32 {
const m, const c, const b = params;
return (m * @log10((x - c) / (1.0 - (x - c))) / 5.0) + 0.5 + b;
/// Calculate the degree of response / activation based on the given stimulus mapped
/// over a normal distribution.
fn normal(params: Response.Four, x: f32) f32 {
const m, const k, const c, const b = params;
const t = x - c - 0.5;
return m * @exp(-30.0 * k * t * t) + b;
/// Adjust the linear response.
fn linear(params: Response.Three, x: f32) f32 {
const m, const c, const b = params;
return m * (x - c) + b;
/// Calculate the degree of response / activation based on the given stimulus mapped
/// over a bezier curve.
fn bezier(params: Response.Four, x: f32) f32 {
const a, const b, const c, const d = params;
const @"(1-x)^3" = (1 - x) * (1 - x) * (1 - x);
const @"3x(1-x)^2" = 3 * x * (1 - x) * (1 - x);
const @"3x^2(1-x)" = 3 * x * x * (1 - x);
const @"x^3" = x * x * x;
return a * @"(1-x)^3" + b * @"3x(1-x)^2" + c * @"3x^2(1-x)" + d * @"x^3";
fn constant(c: f32, _: f32) f32 {
return c;
pub fn select(be: *const Behaviour, context: Context) struct { Action, f32 } {
const fields = @typeInfo(Actions).Struct.fields;
var best: struct { value: f32 = 0, name: Action = .pass } = .{};
inline for (fields) |field| {
const considerations = @field(be.actions,;
const len: f32 = @floatFromInt(considerations.len);
// Reduce the rate of decline for items with many considerations otherwise items
// with only a few considerations will be interpreted as being of higher utility
// which defeats the point of the infinite-axis utility system.
const modification = 1 - (1 / len);
var total: f32 = 1;
for (considerations) |con| {
const score = con.eval(context);
total *= @max(0, @min(1, score + (1 - score) * score * modification));
if (best.value < total) {
best.value = total; = @field(Action,;
return .{,
pub fn choice(be: *const Behaviour, contexts: []const Context) struct { Action, f32, Name } {
assert(contexts.len != 0);
var action: Action = .pass;
var best: f32 = 0;
var name: Name = undefined;
for (contexts, 0..) |context, index| {
const act, const utility =;
if (utility >= best) {
action = act;
best = utility;
name = @enumFromInt(index);
return .{ action, best, name };
const Resources = struct {
weapon: Weapon,
potions: u4,
pub const max_potions = 15;
fn renderHeatmap(game: Game, name: Name, target: Name, writer: anytype) !void {
const prediction = game.gladiators[@intFromEnum(name)].prediction;
const mc = prediction[name.indexOf(target) orelse return error.CannotTargetSelf];
for (&, &mc.action) |one, vector| {
const total, _ = one;
for (vector) |action| {
const heat: u8 = @intFromFloat(254.999 * (action / total));
try writer.print("\x1b[48;2;{d};{d};0m ", .{ heat, heat >> 1 });
try writer.writeAll("\x1b[0m\n");
fn renderCurves(actions: *const Gladiator.Behaviour.Actions, writer: anytype) !void {
const prime: u24 = 7919;
const Rgb = packed struct { r: u8, g: u8, b: u8 };
const fields = @typeInfo(Gladiator.Behaviour.Actions).Struct.fields;
inline for (fields) |field| {
const considerations = @field(actions,;
try writer.writeByteNTimes('-', 80);
try writer.writeAll("\r\n");
if (considerations.len != 0) for (0..40) |_y| {
const y = 39 - _y;
for (0..80) |x| {
var upper: u24 = 0;
var lower: u24 = 0;
var hit: u2 = 0;
for (considerations, 1..) |con, index| {
const colour: u24 = @intCast(index);
const signal = @as(f32, @floatFromInt(x)) / 79;
const response: u8 = @intFromFloat(con.y(signal) * 79);
const y2: u2 = @intFromBool(response == y * 2);
const y1: u2 = @intFromBool(response == y * 2 + 1);
const local_hit: u2 = (y1 << 1) | y2;
hit |= local_hit;
switch (local_hit) {
0b00 => {},
0b10 => upper = colour,
0b01 => lower = colour,
0b11 => {
upper = colour;
lower = colour;
const top: Rgb = @bitCast(upper *% prime);
const bot: Rgb = @bitCast(lower *% prime);
switch (hit) {
0b00 => try writer.writeByte(' '),
0b10 => try writer.print(
"\x1b[38;2;{d};{d};{d}m" ++ upper_half_block ++ "\x1b[0m",
.{ top.r, top.g, top.b },
0b01 => try writer.print(
"\x1b[38;2;{d};{d};{d}m" ++ lower_half_block ++ "\x1b[0m",
.{ bot.r, bot.g, bot.b },
0b11 => try writer.print(
"\x1b[38;2;{d};{d};{d}m\x1b[48;2;{d};{d};{d}m" ++ upper_half_block ++ "\x1b[0m",
.{ top.r, top.g, top.b, bot.r, bot.g, bot.b },
try writer.writeAll("\r\n");
for (considerations, 1..) |con, index| {
const c: Rgb = @bitCast(@as(u24, @intCast(index)) *% prime);
try writer.writeAll("[ ");
try writer.writeAll(con.description);
try writer.writeAll(" ] ");
try writer.print("\x1b[38;2;{d};{d};{d}m", .{ c.r, c.g, c.b });
for (0..80 - con.description.len - 10 - |_| {
try writer.writeAll("━");
try writer.writeAll("\x1b[0m [ " ++ ++ " ]\r\n");
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