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Last active March 6, 2024 14:25
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Principal Component Analysis on Bioconductor/DESeq2 object
#' Perform Principal Components Analysis on a DESeqTransform object
#' This function is based on the `DESeq2::plotPCA()` function, but returns the
#' results of `prcomp` in a tidy list format. This is more flexible for further
#' custom plotting and exploring factor loadings of the PCA.
#' @param x an object of class DESeqTransform
#' @ntop number of most-variable genes to select. Igored if "genes" is specified.
#' @genes character vector of specific genes to use
#' @return a list with four `data.frame` objects: pc_scores, eigen_values,
#' loadings (eigen vectors) and the original data.
prcomp.DESeqTransform <- function(x, ntop = 500L, genes = NULL, ...){
# Get sample info
sample_info <-
# Get counts
x <- SummarizedExperiment::assay(x)
message("Only using ", genes, " genes as requested.")
if(!all(genes %in% rownames(x))) stop("Not all provided genes are in the gene count matrix.")
selected_genes <- which(genes %in% rownames(x))
} else if(is.numeric(ntop) & ntop < nrow(x)){
ntop <- round(ntop)
message("Only using ", ntop, " most variable genes.")
# calculate the variance for each gene
rv <- genefilter::rowVars(x)
# select the ntop genes by variance
selected_genes <- order(rv, decreasing=TRUE)[seq_len(min(ntop, length(rv)))]
} else {
message("Using all ", nrow(x), " genes.")
selected_genes <- 1:nrow(x)
# Get the data for those genes
selected_expr <- x[selected_genes, ]
# perform a PCA on the data in assay(x) for the selected genes
## Need to transpose the matrix as prcomp clusters by rows
pca <- prcomp(t(selected_expr), ...)
#### Eigen scores table ####
# Get sample information from DESeq x
# and bind the PC scores
pc_scores <- sample_info %>%
#### Eigen values table ####
eigen_values <- data.frame(PC = colnames(pca$x), stdev = pca$sdev) %>%
dplyr::mutate(var = stdev^2,
var_pct = var/sum(var),
cum_var = cumsum(var_pct),
PC = forcats::fct_inorder(PC))
#### Factor loadings table ####
factor_loadings <- pca$rotation %>% %>%
dplyr::mutate(gene = row.names(.)) %>%
dplyr::select(gene, dplyr::everything())
#### Convert the original data to a data.frame ####
selected_expr <- selected_expr %>% %>%
dplyr::rename_all(dplyr::funs(paste0("sample", .))) %>%
dplyr::mutate(gene = rownames(.)) %>%
dplyr::select(gene, dplyr::everything())
# Return a list with each of these xs
return(list(pc_scores = pc_scores,
eigen_values = eigen_values,
loadings = factor_loadings,
original = selected_expr))
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