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Last active January 17, 2022 10:16
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Helper functions to manipulate and/or coerce qtl2 objects. Eventually might make sense to submit as pull request?

#' Add phenotype data to a cross2 object
#' @param x An object of class "cross2".
#' @param pheno A data.frame with phenotype data. All columns, apart from the one with
#' individual ID, will be converted to numeric values.
#' @param idcol A numeric or character value with the index or name of the column
#' that contains the individual IDs.
#' @param retain_all A logical value indicating whereas all individuals should be
#' retained in the cross2 object (default) or to only retain those that have
#' both genotype and phenotype data.
#' @export
#' @rdname add_pheno
add_pheno <- function(x, pheno, idcol = 1L, retain_all = TRUE){
#' @export
#' @rdname add_pheno
add_pheno.cross2 <- function(x, pheno, idcol = 1L, retain_all = TRUE){
#### Format pheno data.frame ####
# Coerce to data.frame (in case tibble or data.table is provided)
pheno <-
# Get column name
# if it is provided as a character
idcol <- which(colnames(pheno) %in% idcol)
if(length(idcol) == 0) stop("No ID column found with that name.")
if(length(idcol) != 1) stop("Only 1 ID column can be provided.")
# Get vector of individual IDs in phenotype provided
ids <- as.character(pheno[[idcol]])
# remove ID column from pheno table
pheno <- pheno[, -idcol]
pheno <- as.matrix(pheno) # ensure it's matrix
# Add these to rownames of phenotype table
rownames(pheno) <- ids
# If user does not want to retain all data
# Retain only those individuals that are in the cross object
ids <- ids[which(ids %in% rownames(x$geno[[1]]))]
# Subset phenotype table to retain only those individuals
pheno <- pheno[ids, ]
# Convert to matrix using qtl2 helper function
pheno <- qtl2:::pheno2matrix(pheno)
#### Add to cross2 object ####
# If user does not want to retain all data
# Subset cross2 object to retain only IDs in phenotype file
x <- x[rownames(pheno), ]
# Add pheno slot
x[["pheno"]] <- pheno
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wrapped into a package along with other "tidiers":

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