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Last active December 6, 2019 11:35
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calculate the change over a time variable, relative to one of the time points
#' Calculate relative change across time
#' @param value a vector with the values to calculate the change over.
#' @param time a vector with the time points.
#' @param ref_time the reference time point to scale the change by.
relChange <- function(value, time, ref_time = min(time)){
# check if reference time is contained in the given vector
if(any( stop("Missing values in 'value' not supported. Remove them first.")
if(any( stop("Missing values in 'time' not supported. Remove them first.")
if(length(ref_time) != 1) stop("Provide a single value for 'ref_time'.")
if(!(ref_time %in% time)) stop("'ref_time' is not present in time vector.")
if(length(value) != length(time)) stop("'value' and 'time' should be of same length.")
# # check if time is in order:
# if(any(diff(time) < 0)) stop("Please make sure time is in ascending order")
# Calculate the average per time point
mean_by_time <- tapply(value, time, mean, simplify = TRUE)
# get the value for the reference time point
ref_value <- mean_by_time[names(mean_by_time) == ref_time]
# calculate the scaled relative change
#rel_change <- diff(mean_by_time)/ref_value
rel_change <- (mean_by_time-ref_value)/ref_value
# return as a data.frame
data.frame(time = as.numeric(names(rel_change)), change = rel_change, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' Calculate relative change with bootstrapped intervals
#' @param value a vector with the values to calculate the change over.
#' @param time a vector with the time points.
#' @param ref_time the reference time point to scale the change by.
#' @param nboot number of bootstrap samples.
#' @param summary_quantiles the quantiles to summarise the bootstrap values.
relChangeBoot <- function(value, time, ref_time = min(time),
nboot = 1000,
summary_quantiles = c(0.005, 0.025, 0.975, 0.995)){
# make sure value and time are sorted
value <- value[order(time)]
time <- time[order(time)]
# resampling function
stratified_sampling <- function(value, time){
boot_sample <- tapply(value, time, sample, replace = TRUE, simplify = FALSE)
boot_sample <- unlist(boot_sample)
names(boot_sample) <- NULL
# resample the data
boot_samples <- replicate(nboot, stratified_sampling(value, time))
# calculate relative change for each of them
boot_changes <- apply(boot_samples, 2, relChange, time = time, ref_time = ref_time)
boot_changes <-"rbind", boot_changes)
# summarise bootstraps
boot_summary <- tapply(boot_changes$change, boot_changes$time, quantile,
probs = summary_quantiles)
# tidy into a data.frame
boot_df <-"rbind", boot_summary))
names(boot_df) <- paste0("q", summary_quantiles)
# return result with mean change as well
cbind(relChange(value, time, ref_time), boot_df)
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