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Forked from cemerick/browser_repl.clj
Created March 23, 2013 05:26
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;; ## Changes from cljs.repl.browser
;; * Multiple concurrent browser-REPLs can be safely used
;; * The browser-REPL's HTTP server is now always-on
;; * Each browser-REPL session supports a new top-level "entry" URL that
;; can be used to easily start the REPL in a browser or other JS runtime
;; (i.e. you don't need to have a separate webapp running to initiate the
;; browser-REPL connection)
;; * The entry (and REPL) URLs are available in slots on the browser-REPL's
;; environment, making it trivial to automate browser-REPL sessions
;; with e.g. phantomjs (see the added `exec-env` for an easy automated browser-REPL
;; option)
;; * Replaced the custom HTTP server with* bits
;; (AFAICT, a part of J2SE 6+, not random implementation details:
;; * The :port argument to `repl-env` is no longer supported; the lifecycle
;; of the server is not tied to the creation of a browser-REPL environment.
;; If you need to get the port of the running browser-REPL server, use
;; `(get-browser-repl-port)`; if you need a URL you can use with
;; `clojure.browser.repl.connect` as shown in existing browser-REPL tutorials,
;; it's available under `:repl-url` from the browser-REPL environment you want to
;; connect to.
;; Copyright (c) Rich Hickey. All rights reserved.
;; The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the
;; Eclipse Public License 1.0 (
;; which can be found in the file epl-v10.html at the root of this distribution.
;; By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by
;; the terms of this license.
;; You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.
(ns cemerick.cljs.browser-repl
(:require [ :as io]
[cljs.compiler :as comp]
[cljs.closure :as cljsc]
[cljs.repl :as repl])
(:import cljs.repl.IJavaScriptEnv
( HttpServer HttpHandler HttpExchange)))
(declare handle-request)
(defn- create-server
(doto (HttpServer/create (InetSocketAddress. 0) 0)
(.createContext "/" (reify HttpHandler
(handle [this req] (handle-request req))))
(.setExecutor clojure.lang.Agent/soloExecutor)
(defonce server (delay (create-server)))
(defn stop-server [] (.stop @server 0))
(defn start-server [] (alter-var-root #'server #(delay (create-server))))
(defn get-browser-repl-port [] (-> @server .getAddress .getPort))
(defn- send-response
[^HttpExchange ex status string-body & {:keys [content-type]
:or {content-type "text/html"}}]
(let [utf8 (.getBytes string-body "UTF-8")]
(doto ex
(-> .getResponseHeaders (.putAll {"Server" ["ClojureScript REPL"]
"Content-Type" [(str content-type "; charset=utf-8")]}))
(.sendResponseHeaders status (count utf8))
(-> .getResponseBody (doto (.write utf8) .flush .close)))))
(defn send-404
[ex path]
(send-response ex 404
(str "<html><body>"
"<h2>Page not found</h2>"
"No page " path " found on this server."
(def ^:private session-init {:return-value-fn nil
:client-js nil
:loaded-libs #{}
:preloaded-libs #{}
:open-exchange nil
:exchange-promise nil
:ordering nil
:opts {}
:*out* nil})
(defonce ^:private sessions (atom {}))
(defn- deliver-exchange
[session-id exch]
(if-let [promise (-> @sessions (get session-id) :exchange-promise)]
(do (swap! sessions update-in [session-id] assoc :open-exchange nil :exchange-promise nil)
(deliver promise exch))
(swap! sessions assoc-in [session-id :open-exchange] exch)))
(defn- open-exchange
(let [p (promise)]
(if-let [exch (-> @sessions (get session-id) :open-exchange)]
(do (swap! sessions assoc-in [session-id :open-exchange] nil)
(deliver p exch))
(swap! sessions assoc-in [session-id :exchange-promise] p))
(defn- set-return-value-fn
"Save the return value function which will be called when the next
return value is received."
[session-id f]
(swap! sessions (fn [old] (assoc-in old [session-id :return-value-fn] f))))
(defn send-for-eval
"Given a form and a return value function, send the form to the
browser for evaluation. The return value function will be called
when the return value is received."
([session-id form return-value-fn]
(send-for-eval @(open-exchange session-id) session-id form return-value-fn))
([exch session-id form return-value-fn]
(set-return-value-fn session-id return-value-fn)
(send-response exch 200 form :content-type "text/javascript")))
(defn- return-value
"Called by the server when a return value is received."
[session-id val]
(when-let [f (-> @sessions (get session-id) :return-value-fn)]
(f val)))
(defn repl-client-js [session-id]
(slurp @(:client-js (get @sessions session-id))))
(defn- send-repl-client-page
[^HttpExchange ex session-id]
(let [url (format "http://%s/%s/repl" (-> ex .getRequestHeaders (get "Host") first) session-id)]
(send-response ex 200
(str "<html><head><meta charset=\"UTF-8\"></head><body>
<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
(repl-client-js session-id)
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">
clojure.browser.repl.client.start(" (pr-str url) ");
(defn- send-repl-index
[ex session-id]
(let [url (format "http://%s/%s/repl" (-> ex .getRequestHeaders (get "Host") first) session-id)]
(send-response ex 200
(str "<html><head><meta charset=\"UTF-8\"></head><body>
<script type=\"text/javascript\">"
(repl-client-js session-id)
"<script type=\"text/javascript\">
clojure.browser.repl.connect(" (pr-str url) ");
(defn send-static
[ex session-id path]
(let [opts (get @sessions session-id)]
(if (and (:static-dir opts)
(not= "/favicon.ico" path))
(let [path (if (= "/" path) "/index.html" path)
st-dir (:static-dir opts)]
(if-let [local-path (seq (for [x (if (string? st-dir) [st-dir] st-dir)
:when (.exists (io/file (str x path)))]
(str x path)))]
(send-response ex 200 (slurp (first local-path)) :content-type
(condp #(.endsWith %2 %1) path
".html" "text/html"
".css" "text/css"
".html" "text/html"
".jpg" "image/jpeg"
".js" "text/javascript"
".png" "image/png"
(send-404 ex path)))
(send-404 ex path))))
(defmulti handle-post :type)
(defmethod handle-post :ready
[{:keys [session-id http-exchange]}]
(swap! sessions #(update-in % [session-id] merge
{:loaded-libs (-> % (get session-id) :preloaded-libs)
:ordering (agent {:expecting nil :fns {}})}))
(send-for-eval http-exchange session-id
'[(ns cljs.user)
(set! *print-fn* clojure.browser.repl/repl-print)] {})
(defn add-in-order [{:keys [expecting fns]} order f]
{:expecting (or expecting order) :fns (assoc fns order f)})
(defn run-in-order [{:keys [expecting fns]}]
(loop [order expecting
fns fns]
(if-let [f (get fns order)]
(do (f)
(recur (inc order) (dissoc fns order)))
{:expecting order :fns fns})))
(defn constrain-order
"Elements to be printed in the REPL will arrive out of order. Ensure
that they are printed in the correct order."
[session-id order f]
(doto (-> @sessions (get session-id) :ordering)
(send-off add-in-order order f)
(send-off run-in-order)))
(defmethod handle-post :print
[{:keys [content order session-id http-exchange]}]
(constrain-order session-id order
(fn []
(binding [*out* (-> @sessions (get session-id) :*out*)]
(print (read-string content)))
(.flush *out*)))
(send-response http-exchange 200 "ignore__"))
(defmethod handle-post :result
[{:keys [content order session-id http-exchange]}]
(constrain-order session-id order
(fn []
(return-value session-id content)
(deliver-exchange session-id http-exchange))))
(defn ^:private handle-request
[^HttpExchange req]
(let [uri (-> req .getRequestURI .getPath)
[[_ session-id static-path]] (re-seq #"/(\d+)/repl(/.+)?" uri)]
(case (.getRequestMethod req)
"GET" (cond
(and session-id (= static-path "/start")) (send-repl-index req session-id)
(and session-id static-path) (send-static req session-id static-path)
session-id (send-repl-client-page req session-id)
:default (send-404 req uri))
"POST" (let [message (-> req .getRequestBody io/reader slurp read-string)]
(handle-post (assoc message
:http-exchange req
:session-id session-id))))
(catch Throwable t (.printStackTrace t)))))
(defn browser-eval
"Given a string of JavaScript, evaluate it in the browser and return a map representing the
result of the evaluation. The map will contain the keys :type and :value. :type can be
:success, :exception, or :error. :success means that the JavaScript was evaluated without
exception and :value will contain the return value of the evaluation. :exception means that
there was an exception in the browser while evaluating the JavaScript and :value will
contain the error message. :error means that some other error has occured."
[session-id form]
(let [return-value (promise)]
(send-for-eval session-id form (partial deliver return-value))
(let [ret @return-value]
(try (read-string ret)
(catch Exception e
{:status :error
:value (str "Could not read return value: " ret)})))))
(defn load-javascript
"Accepts a REPL environment, a list of namespaces, and a URL for a
JavaScript file which contains the implementation for the list of
namespaces. Will load the JavaScript file into the REPL environment
if any of the namespaces have not already been loaded from the
ClojureScript REPL."
[{:keys [session-id] :as repl-env} ns-list url]
(let [missing (remove (-> @sessions (get session-id) :loaded-libs) ns-list)]
(when (seq missing)
(browser-eval session-id (slurp url))
(swap! sessions update-in [session-id :loaded-libs] (partial apply conj) missing))))
(defrecord BrowserEnv []
(-setup [this]
(swap! sessions update-in [(:session-id this) :*out*] (constantly *out*))
(require 'cljs.repl.reflect)
(repl/analyze-source (:src this))
(-evaluate [this _ _ js] (browser-eval (:session-id this) js))
(-load [this ns url] (load-javascript this ns url))
(-tear-down [this]
(swap! sessions dissoc (:session-id this))))
(defn compile-client-js [opts]
(cljsc/build '[(ns clojure.browser.repl.client
(:require [ :as event]
[clojure.browser.repl :as repl]))
(defn start [url]
(event/listen js/window
(fn []
(repl/start-evaluator url))))]
{:optimizations (:optimizations opts)
:output-dir (:working-dir opts)}))
(defn create-client-js-file [opts file-path]
(let [file (io/file file-path)]
(when (not (.exists file))
(spit file (compile-client-js opts)))
(defn- provides-and-requires
"Return a flat list of all provided and required namespaces from a
sequence of IJavaScripts."
(flatten (mapcat (juxt :provides :requires) deps)))
(defn- always-preload
"Return a list of all namespaces which are always loaded into the browser
when using a browser-connected REPL."
(let [cljs (provides-and-requires (cljsc/cljs-dependencies {} ["clojure.browser.repl"]))
goog (provides-and-requires (cljsc/js-dependencies {} cljs))]
(disj (set (concat cljs goog)) nil)))
(defn repl-env
"Create a browser-connected REPL environment.
session-id: The id of the (pre-existing) session to bind to
working-dir: The directory where the compiled REPL client JavaScript will
be stored. Defaults to \".repl\".
serve-static: Should the REPL server attempt to serve static content?
Defaults to true.
static-dir: List of directories to search for static content. Defaults to
[\".\" \"out/\"].
preloaded-libs: List of namespaces that should not be sent from the REPL server
to the browser. This may be required if the browser is already
loading code and reloading it would cause a problem.
optimizations: The level of optimization to use when compiling the client
end of the REPL. Defaults to :simple.
src: The source directory containing user-defined cljs files. Used to
support reflection. Defaults to \"src/\".
[& {:as opts}]
(let [opts (merge (BrowserEnv.)
{:optimizations :whitespace
:working-dir ".repl"
:serve-static true
:static-dir ["." "out/"]
:preloaded-libs []
:src "src/"
:session-id (str (rand-int 9999))}
session-id (:session-id opts)
repl-url (format "http://localhost:%s/%s/repl" (get-browser-repl-port) session-id)
opts (assoc opts
:repl-url repl-url
:entry-url (str repl-url "/start")
:working-dir (str (:working-dir opts) "/" session-id))
preloaded-libs (set (concat (always-preload)
(map str (:preloaded-libs opts))))]
(swap! sessions update-in [session-id] #(merge %2 %)
(assoc session-init
:ordering (agent {:expecting nil :fns {}})
:opts opts
:preloaded-libs preloaded-libs
:loaded-libs preloaded-libs
:client-js (future (create-client-js-file
(io/file (:working-dir opts) "client.js")))))
(println (str "Browser-REPL ready @ " (:entry-url opts)))
(deftype DelegatingExecEnv [browser-env command ^:volatile-mutable process]
(-setup [this]
(cljs.repl/-setup browser-env)
(let [command (into-array String (concat command [(:entry-url browser-env)]))]
(set! process (.. Runtime getRuntime (exec command))))
(def k process)
(-evaluate [this a b c] (cljs.repl/-evaluate browser-env a b c))
(-load [this ns url] (cljs.repl/-load browser-env ns url))
(-tear-down [_]
(cljs.repl/-tear-down browser-env)
(.destroy process)))
(defn exec-env*
[browser-repl-env command+args]
{:pre [(every? string? command+args)]}
(DelegatingExecEnv. browser-repl-env command+args nil))
(defn exec-env
"Create a browser-REPL environment backed by an external javascript runtime
launched via exec.
Accepts all of the arguments supported by `repl-env`,
plus an optional :exec-cmds value, which, if provided, must be a seq of strings
that constitute the command to be executed when the browser-REPL is set up.
(The :entry-url of the browser-repl will be passed as an additional argument in
this command.) The default :exec-cmds is
[\"phantomjs\" \"/path/to/generated-temp-phantomjs-script.js\"]
e.g. to open the browser-repl in the background using Chrome on OS X,
you can specify:
(exec-env :exec-cmds [\"open\" \"-ga\" \"/Applications/Google\"]
[& {:keys [exec-cmds] :as args}]
(let [exec-command (or exec-cmds
(let [f (doto ( "phantomjs_repl" ".js")
(spit (str "var page = require('webpage').create();"
(.getAbsolutePath f))])
benv (apply repl-env (apply concat (dissoc args :exec-cmds)))]
(exec-env* benv exec-command)))
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