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Last active October 12, 2015 18:11
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Messing around with type elaboration from ADT -> GADT
data AT
data BT
data CT
type AAttrs = Int
type BAttrs = Int
type CAttrs = Int
data Elem eltype c where
A :: (Eq c, Show c) => AAttrs -> c -> Elem AT c
B :: (Eq c, Show c) => BAttrs -> c -> Elem BT c
C :: (Eq c, Show c) => CAttrs -> c -> Elem CT c
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
module Witness where
-- import Data.Reflection
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
-- import Data.Proxy -- from tagged
data UExp
= UDbl Double
| UBol Bool
| UString String
deriving (Show, Eq)
data TTyp a where
TTBol :: TTyp Bool
TTDbl :: TTyp Double
TTString :: TTyp String
TTArr :: TTyp a -> TTyp b -> TTyp (a->b)
deriving instance Show (TTyp a)
deriving instance Eq (TTyp a)
data TExp a where
TDbl :: Double -> TExp Double
TBol :: Bool -> TExp Bool
TString :: String -> TExp String
deriving instance Show (TExp a)
deriving instance Eq (TExp a)
data ATExp = forall a . TExp a ::: TTyp a
deriving instance Show ATExp
typeCheckExp :: UExp -> Maybe ATExp
typeCheckExp (UDbl d) =
return $ TDbl d ::: TTDbl
typeCheckExp (UBol b) =
return $ TBol b ::: TTBol
typeCheckExp (UString s) =
return $ TString s ::: TTString
data Equal a b where
Eq :: Equal a a
class Type a where
theType :: TTyp a
instance Type Double where
theType = TTDbl
instance Type Bool where
theType = TTBol
instance Type String where
theType = TTString
test :: TTyp a -> TTyp b -> Maybe (Equal a b)
test TTBol TTBol = return Eq
test TTDbl TTDbl = return Eq
test TTString TTString = return Eq
test _ _ = Nothing
uxp :: UExp
uxp = UBol True
texp :: TExp Bool
texp = TBol True
aexp :: ATExp
aexp = texp ::: TTBol
extract :: TTyp a -> ATExp -> Maybe (TExp a)
extract s (e ::: t) = do
Eq <- test t s
return e
extractExp :: (Type a) => ATExp -> Maybe (TExp a)
extractExp = extract theType
toTExp :: (Type a) => UExp -> Maybe (TExp a)
toTExp = extractExp <=< typeCheckExp
compileExp :: TExp a -> a
compileExp (TDbl d) = d
compileExp (TBol b) = b
compileExp (TString s) = s
compile :: (Type a) => UExp -> a
compile = compileExp . fromJust . toTExp
compileAExp :: (Type a) => TTyp a -> ATExp -> a
compileAExp t = compileExp . fromJust . extract t
matchU :: UExp -> IO ()
matchU u =
case typeCheckExp u of
Nothing -> print "oops"
Just (_ ::: t) -> case show t of
"TTBol" -> print $ not (compile u)
-- "TTBol" -> print $ not (compile u)
"TTDbl" -> print $ 10.2 * (compile u :: Double)
"TTString" -> print $ reverse (compile u :: String)
main :: IO ()
main = do
matchU $ UString "woah"
matchU $ UDbl 2.0
matchU $ UBol True
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