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Last active December 2, 2022 18:54
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Avrae Commands from Tutorials
Arguments in brackets like <this> are required, and arguments in brackets like [this] are optional. Make sure not to include the brackets themselves! Semicolons ; will be used to separate commands and descriptions in this document.
!help COMMANDNAME ; view the syntax and check that that is correct.
### Tutorial Quickstart
!roll d20 ; rolls 1d20 and posts the result.
!check <skill> ; rolls the entered skill check. ex. !check stealth
!save <ability> ; rolls the specified saving throw. ex. !save dex
!action <action> ; rolls an specific attack, or a race, class or feat ability. ex. !action "Unarmed Strike"
!action list ; list the actions you have available.
### Tutorial Beyond
Login to and visit your Account Settings page in DnDBeyond. You'll see an option there to link your Discord account.
!ddb ; confirm DnDBeyond account is linked.
!beyond <dndbeyond url> ; import a DnDBeyond character. Can import more than one.
!character ; shows your active character.
!character [character name] ; sets your active character to the name you selected.
The DM for that campaign can link it to a specific Discord channel by using
!campaign [campaign_link] in that channel. This will tie that channel to your campaign’s DndBeyond Game Log.
!spell <name> ; look up details of a spell. ex. !spell "Magic Missile"
!cast <name> ; cast a spell. ex. !cast "Magic Missile"
!monster <name> ; show the details of a monster.
!item <name> ; show the details of an item.
!feat <feat> ; show the details of a feat.
### Tutorial Playing the Game
!sheet ; view your character's sheet.
!game status - shows your current, maximum, and temporary hit points. It also shows any counters the character has associated with them, such as spell slots or special abilities like a Dragonborn's Breath Weapon or a Druid's Wild Shape.
!game thp <amount> ; add temporary hit points.
!game hp <amount> ; modifies your health by the given amount. If you use a negative value it removes that much health.
!game hp set <hp> ; sets your hit points to a certain value.
!game hp max - sets your current hit points to your maximum hit points.
!init hp set <name> [hp] ; manage hp for any combatant in initiative. ex. !init hp set Goblin1 10
!customcounter list ; see what custom counters are attached to your character.
!customcounter <name> <amount> ; add or subtract (-) named custom counter.
!cc ; short for !customcounter
!cc reset <name> ; reset named custom counter to default value.
!save death ; roll a death save.
!game deathsave fail ; manually fail a death save.
!game deathsave success ; manually succeed a death save.
!game deathsave reset ; reset death save counters.
!game longrest ; take a long rest.
!game shortrest ; take a short rest.
### Tutorial Spellcasting
!cast <name of spell> ; cast named spell if have that ability or on spell list. ex. !cast "Toll the Dead"
!cast <name of spell> -l <slot level> ; cast a named spell at a higher level. ex. !cast "Shadow Blade" -l 3
!cast <name of spell> -t <name of target> ; cast a named spell at a target. automation of healing and damage will not play out unless you are in initiative. ex. !cast "Chill Touch" -t "Adult Blue Dragon"
If you're ever looking to target more than one creature with the same spell, you can use multiple -t <name of target> arguments. For example, !cast "Mass Healing Word" -t "Samric Alestorm" -t "Alanna Holimion" -t "Arwyn Terra".
!game spellslot <level of spell slot> -<number of spell slots>
!game spellslot <level of spell slot> +<number of spell slots> ; manage spells slots lost or gained with + or -.
### Tutorial Initiative (Player)
!init join ; add your active character to the initiative tracker (which is pinned in the channel you roll initiative in!)
!init join -p <value> ; use a specific number for your initiative roll.
!init status [name] ; check status of a named combatant.
![action|attack|a] [action_name] [args] ; attack with active character in initiative, use -t (for target) plus the name of the creature we want to attack. ex. !a "unarmed strike" -t Goblin1
!a list ; see available attack/action options.
!help action ; see available
!init attack (!i a ; for short) ; uses the current combatant in the initiative order to attack.
!i a [action name] hit ; posts an automatic hit with the named action, can be used with other arguments like -t.
!spellbook ; see which spells active character has available.
!cast <spell name> [args] ; casts a spell that the current character can cast.
-i ; will ignore the usual spellcasting requirements to cast other spells, like if using a scroll for example.
!init cast <spell name> [args] ; casts spell using active combatant in initiative.
ex. !init cast "meteor swarm" -t Goblin1 -i -phrase "A Dinosaur’s Best Friend!"
!init status ; show conditions, spell duration or other temporary effects.
!init re <name> [effect] ; used to remove effect named or without effect name ends all effects on that combatant. ex. !init re "Boone Twilly" "poisoned"
!help init effect ; for more help and arguments available.
!init next ; moves initiative to the next creature/character in initiative order.
### Running the Game (DM)
If you have your D&D Beyond account linked, you can use [your unlocked monsters](
here in Avrae, too. See the D&D Beyond Link tutorial for more information.
!moncheck <name of monster> <skill> ; skill check for named monster in and out of combat, ex. !moncheck Commoner "Sleight of Hand" ; Also !mc
!help moncheck
!monsave <name of monster> <ability> ; saving throw for named monster, ex. !monsave Commoner Dexterity ; Also !ms
!help monsave
!monattack <monster name> list ; list off attacks a monster can take. ex. !monattack "Silver Dragon Wyrmling" list ; Also !ma
!help monattack
!monattack <name of monster> <name of attack> ; have named monster use the named attack. ex. !monattack "Silver Dragon Wyrmling" bite
!monster <name of monster> ; view the list of named monster actions.
!moncast <name of monster> <name of spell> ; cast named monster's named spell. ex. !moncast Lich Blight ; Also !mcast
!help moncast
!bplan help - Help info for Battle Planner Tool *Added from Avrae Dashboard*
!denc help - Help info for Dynamic Encounter Tool *Added from Avrae Dashboard*
!play help - Help info for Play Games *Added from Avrae Dashboard*
### Tutorial Initiative (DM)
!init begin ; Start initiate. ; Also !i
!init madd <monster_name> [args] ; add monster combatants to initiative. ex. !i madd "death dog" ; -name <name> ; gives monster special name. -n <number> ; adds number of monsters or can do random like 1d3.
!help i madd
!monimage <name of monster> ; show player image of monster.
!i next ; advance initiative turn.
!i prev ; go back in initiative.
!i move <name> ; jump to specific combatant.
!i skipround; jump ahead in initiative.
!init [attack|action|a] <atk_name> [args] ; attack action with named attack. -t <name> targets. ex. !i a bite -t Orkira ; -rr 2 ; reroll (multiattack method) ; Can do multiple targets with -t Okire -t Briv
!help i a
!init hp <name> [hp] ; manually apply changes to hp. ex. !i hp DD1 -1
!init hp set <name> <hp> ; set hp to specific value. ex. !i hp set DD1 15
!init hp max <name> ; reset named creatures health. ex. !i hp max DD1
DM can also control player when it is their turn in initiative using !init commands.
!init cast <spell_name> [args] ; ex. !i cast "spiritual weapon" -t DD1
!init status [name] [args] ; show status of combatant in initiative. ex. !i status Orkira
!init re <name> [effect] ; remove named effect. ex. !i re Orkira "spiritual weapon"
!init remove <name> ; manually remove combatant from initiative. ex. !i remove DD1
!init end ; end initiative tracking with confirm yes or no.
!randchar [level] ; rolls up a random 5e character.
![randname|name] [race] [option] ; generates a random name, optionally from a given race.
!rollstats ; rolls random stats.
!character server ; Sets the current global active character as a server character.
Initiative Utilities
Rolls concentration saves for a caster. Will remove any concentration effects on a failure.
!conc drop
Removes any concentration effects in combat and does nothing out of it.
Shows that your character (or target) is taking the dash action.
Shows that your character (or target) is taking the disengage action.
Shows that your character (or target) is taking the dodge action.
Shows that your character (or target) is taking the help action for an ally.
Shows that you are taking the ready action.
This alias allows you to quickly and easily view the spellbook for any target in initiative.
Deals damage that accounts for resistances of a target in combat.
Provides an easily edited list of targets in the initiatives.
Provides a list of all the actual names of monsters in the initiative.
Attempts to rename monster combatants to reduce ambiguity.
Gives a quick listing of your active characters abilities.
For when you use your readied action as set by !ready
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