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Created November 14, 2013 21:36
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Xamarin Studio and NuGet Package Restore
# /Users/todd/projects/SignalR/.nuget/nuget.targets: Error: Command 'mono --runtime=v4.0.30319 ../../.nuget/NuGet.exe install "packages.config" -source ";" -RequireConsent -solutionDir "../../" -nocache' exited with code: 1. (Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.Portable)
kvothe:Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.Portable todd$ mono --runtime=v4.0.30319 ../../.nuget/NuGet.exe install "packages.config" -source ";" -RequireConsent -solutionDir "../../" -nocache
Package restore is disabled by default. To give consent, open the Visual Studio Options dialog, click on Package Manager node and check 'Allow NuGet to download missing packages during build.' You can also give consent by setting the environment variable 'EnableNuGetPackageRestore' to 'true'.
kvothe:Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.Portable todd$ export EnableNuGetPackageRestore=true
kvothe:Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.Portable todd$ mono --runtime=v4.0.30319 ../../.nuget/NuGet.exe install "packages.config" -source ";" -RequireConsent -solutionDir "../../" -nocache
Successfully installed 'Microsoft.Bcl 1.0.19'.
Successfully installed 'Microsoft.Bcl.Build 1.0.5'.
Successfully installed 'Microsoft.Net.Http 2.1.10'.
Successfully installed 'Newtonsoft.Json 5.0.6'.
kvothe:Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client.Portable todd$
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