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byte range aware file-response for ring
(ns byte-range.file
(:require [ring.util.response :as ring-resp :refer
[header status get-header content-type]]
[ring.util.time :refer [parse-date format-date]]
[ring.util.request :as request]
[ring.util.codec :as codec]
[pantomime.mime :refer [mime-type-of]]
[clojure.string :as str]
[ :as io])
(:import [ RandomAccessFile]
[java.util Date]
[ GZIPOutputStream]))
(def default-buffer-size 10240)
(def default-expiry-time 604800000)
(def multipart-boundary "MULTIPART_BYTERANGES")
(defn range-ex
[message length]
(ex-info message {:type :response
:headers {"Content-Range" (str "bytes /* " length)}
:error 416}))
(defn get-date-header [req key]
(if-let [header (ring-resp/get-header req key)]
(.getTime (parse-date header))
(defn date-header [req key value]
(ring-resp/header req key (format-date (Date. value))))
(defprotocol IToByteRange
(byte-range [_]))
(extend-protocol IToByteRange
^{:pre (and start end total)}
[{:keys [start end total] :as this}]
(assoc this :length (inc (- end start))))
(byte-range [this]
(let [length (.length this)]
(byte-range {:start 0 :end (dec length) :total length})))
(byte-range [this]
(let [[_ start end total] (first (re-seq #"(\d*)-(\d*)/(\d+)" this))
start (Long/parseLong start)
end (Long/parseLong end)
total (Long/parseLong total)
[start end] (cond
(= start -1) [(- total end) (dec total)]
(= end -1) [start (dec total)]
:else [start end])]
(if (> start end)
(throw (range-ex "invalid range" total))
(byte-range {:start start :end end :total total})))))
(defn content-range
[{:keys [start end total]}]
(str "bytes " start "-" end "/" total))
(defn load-ranges
[range length]
(if-not range
(map (fn [s] (byte-range (str s "/" length)))
(-> range (.substring 6) (.split ",")))))
(defn find-range
[req file e-tag]
(let [length (.length file)
frange (byte-range file)
range (get-header req "Content-Range")
if-range (get-header req "If-Range")]
(if (and range (re-seq #"^bytes=\d*-\d*(,\d*-\d*)*$" range))
(throw (range-ex "invalid-range-format" length)))
(if (and if-range (= if-range e-tag))
(let [if-range-time (get-date-header req "If-Range")]
(if (and (not= if-range-time -1)
(< (+ if-range-time 1000) (.lastModified file)))
(load-ranges range length)))
(catch IllegalArgumentException _ [frange]))
(load-ranges range length))))
(defn accepts? [header value]
(let [accept-values (str/split header #"\s*(,|;)\s*")]
(first (filter (fn [s]
(or (= s value)
(= (str/replace s #"/.*$" "/*") s)
(= s "*/*")))
(defn accepts-gzip? [req]
(if-let [accept-encoding (ring-resp/get-header req "Accept-Encoding")]
(accepts? accept-encoding "gzip")))
(defn write-all-output [output file]
(let [buffer (byte-array default-buffer-size)]
(loop []
(let [read (.read file buffer)]
(when (pos? read)
(.write output buffer 0 read)
(defn write-partial-output [output file start length]
(.seek file start)
(loop [to-read length]
(let [buffer (byte-array default-buffer-size)
read (.read file buffer)]
(when (pos? read)
(if (pos? (- to-read read))
(.write output buffer 0 read)
(recur (- to-read read)))
(.write output buffer 0 (int to-read)))))))
(defn file-output
[file {:keys [start end length]}]
(fn [output]
(with-open [file (RandomAccessFile. file "r")]
(if (= (.length file) length)
(write-all-output output file)
(write-partial-output output file start length))))))
(defn multipart-file-output
[file ranges]
(fn [output]
(binding [*out* (io/make-writer output {})]
(loop [ranges ranges]
(when-let [r (first ranges)]
(println (str "--" multipart-boundary))
(println (str "Content-Type: " (mime-type-of file)))
(println (str "Content-Ranges: " (content-range r)))
(file-output file r)
(recur (rest ranges))))
(println (str "--" multipart-boundary "--"))))))
(defn single-range-response
[req file range]
(-> (ring-resp/response (if (= :get (:request-method req))
(file-output file range)))
(ring-resp/header "Content-Range" (content-range range))
(ring-resp/header "Content-Length" (str (:length range)))
(ring-resp/status (if (= (:length range) (.length file)) 200 206))))
(defn multipart-response
[req file ranges]
(-> (ring-resp/response (if (= :get (:request-method req))
(multipart-file-output file ranges)))
(ring-resp/content-type (str "multipart/byteranges; boundary="
(ring-resp/status 206)))
(defn matches
[header to-match]
(let [values (str/split header #"\s*,\s*")]
(first (filter (fn [s]
(or (= s to-match) (= s "*")))
(defn range-response
[req file ranges]
(let [ranges (if (empty? ranges) [(byte-range file)] ranges)]
(if (= 1 (count ranges))
(single-range-response req file (first ranges))
(multipart-response req file))))
(defn cached? [req e-tag last-modified]
(let [if-none-match (get-header req "If-None-Match")
if-modified-since (get-date-header req "If-Modified-Since")]
(or (and if-none-match (matches if-none-match e-tag))
(and (nil? if-none-match)
(not= if-modified-since -1)
(> (+ if-modified-since 1000) last-modified)))))
(defn resume? [req e-tag last-modified]
(let [if-match (get-header req "If-Match")
if-unmodified-since (get-date-header req "If-Unmodified-Since")]
(or (and if-match (matches if-match e-tag))
(and (not= if-unmodified-since -1)
(<= (+ if-unmodified-since 1000) last-modified)))))
(defn disposition [req content-type]
(let [accept (get-header req "Accept")]
(if (or (.startsWith content-type "image")
(and accept (accepts? accept content-type)))
(defn file-response
[req filepath & [opts]]
(if-let [file ((var ring-resp/find-file) filepath opts)]
(let [length (.length file)
last-modified (.lastModified file)
e-tag (str (.getName file) "_" length "_" last-modified)
ctype (mime-type-of filepath)
expires (+ (System/currentTimeMillis)
(:default-expiry-time opts default-expiry-time))]
(cached? req e-tag last-modified)
(-> (ring-resp/response)
(status 304)
(header "ETag" e-tag)
(date-header "Expires" expires))
(resume? req e-tag last-modified)
(-> (ring-resp/response)
(status 416))
(let [range (find-range req file e-tag)]
(-> (range-response req file range)
(content-type ctype)
(header "Content-Disposition" (disposition req ctype))
(header "Accept-Ranges" "bytes")
(header "ETag" e-tag)
(date-header "Last-Modified" last-modified)
(date-header "Expires" expires)))))))
(defn file-request
[req root-path opts]
(let [opts (merge {:root root-path, :index-files? true,
:allow-symlinks? false
:default-expiry-time default-expiry-time} opts)]
(if (= :get (:request-method req))
(let [path (subs (codec/url-decode (request/path-info req)) 1)]
(file-response path opts)))))
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acthp commented Sep 27, 2019

The byte-range method for String mishandles the case where start or end are missing. In those cases the matched string is "", and parseLong will throw. It won't return -1, which is what the code checks for.

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