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Created April 28, 2020 21:21
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A more flexible Promise.all replacement, allows more syntax options including using objects / maps
// Object.fromEntries polyfill, if you use this your tsconfig.json probably will need to be
// updated with something like this in compilerOptions (using this with node 10.17):
// "lib": [
// "ES2018", "ES2019.Object",
// ]
function ObjectFromEntries<A extends PropertyKey, B>(iter: [A, B][]) : Record<A, B> {
const obj: Record<A, B> = {} as any;
for (const pair of iter) {
if (Object(pair) !== pair) {
throw new TypeError('iterable for fromEntries should yield objects');
// Consistency with Map: contract is that entry has "0" and "1" keys, not
// that it is an array or iterable.
const { '0': key, '1': val } = pair;
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
configurable: true,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: val,
return obj;
if (!('fromEntries' in Object)) {
(<any>Object).defineProperty(Object, 'fromEntries', {
configurable: false,
enumerable: true,
writable: true,
value: ObjectFromEntries,
type PromiseRecord = Record<PropertyKey, Promise<any>>;
type PromiseTuple = [...Promise<any>[]];
type PromiseTupleRO = readonly [...Promise<any>[]];
type unPromise<T> = T extends Promise<infer U> ? U : T;
type unPromiseObject<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: unPromise<T[K]>;
type PT = Promise<any>;
// This allows us to handle up to 14 arguments as arrays
type tupleTypes = never
| [PT]
| [PT, PT]
| [PT, PT, PT]
| [PT, PT, PT, PT]
| [PT, PT, PT, PT, PT]
| [PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT]
| [PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT]
| [PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT]
| [PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT]
| [PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT]
| [PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT]
| [PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT]
| [PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT]
| [PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT, PT];
function toPromiseEntry<K, PVal>(entry: [K, PVal]) : Promise<[K, unPromise<PVal>]> {
return Promise.resolve(entry[1]).then(res => [entry[0], res]) as any;
export async function PromiseObjAll<T extends PromiseRecord>(obj: T) : Promise<unPromiseObject<T>> {
const pList = Object.entries(obj).map(toPromiseEntry);
return Promise.all(pList).then(Object.fromEntries);
// type PromiseAllReturn<T extends Promise<any>[] | PromiseRecord> =
// T extends PromiseArray ? ReturnType<PromiseConstructor['all']
// Handles objects
export async function PromiseAll<T extends PromiseRecord>(object: T) : Promise<unPromiseObject<T>>;
// Handles normal arrays in a way that extracts them to tuples
export async function PromiseAll<T extends tupleTypes>(array: T) : Promise<unPromiseObject<T>>;
// Handles const arrays in a way that has no upper limit
export async function PromiseAll<T extends PromiseTupleRO>(array: T) : Promise<unPromiseObject<T>>;
// Handles any other arrays
export async function PromiseAll<T extends PromiseTuple>(array: T) : Promise<unPromiseObject<T>>;
// Handles when you pass them in as separate parameters
export async function PromiseAll<T extends PromiseTuple>(...array: T) : Promise<unPromiseObject<T>>;
// export async function PromiseAll<T extends PromiseArrayRO>(array: T) : Promise<unPromiseObject<T>>;
export async function PromiseAll(arrayOrObj: any) {
if (Array.isArray(arrayOrObj)) {
return Promise.all(arrayOrObj);
} else if (arguments.length > 1) {
return Promise.all([...arguments]);
} else if ('then' in arrayOrObj) {
return Promise.all([arrayOrObj]);
} else {
return PromiseObjAll(arrayOrObj);
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