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Created December 22, 2010 16:07
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Save taxilian/751687 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Example of using HTTPService as an embedded web server
// global scope
boost::shared_ptr<HTTP::HTTPService> PhotoUploaderPlugin::globalHTTPService;
boost::weak_ptr<ProxyHandler> PhotoUploaderPlugin::globalProxyHandler;
void PhotoUploaderPlugin::StaticInitialize()
// Place one-time initialization stuff here; note that there isn't an absolute guarantee that
// this will only execute once per process, just a guarantee that it won't execute again until
// after StaticDeinitialize is called
globalHTTPService = HTTP::HTTPService::create("", 0, K_LOCALHOST); // Auto-select port
boost::shared_ptr<ProxyHandler> proxy(boost::make_shared<ProxyHandler>());
globalProxyHandler = proxy;
void PhotoUploaderPlugin::StaticDeinitialize()
// Place one-time deinitialization stuff here
globalHTTPService.reset(); // Release the shared_ptr
// Later on (for example in your API class) to get the URI of the web server:
FB::URI base_uri = getPlugin()->m_http->getBaseUri();
// Note that getPlugin() is the function generated by default in your
// root JSAPI class that returns an instance to your plugin object
* ProxyHandler.cpp
* fbplugin
* Copyright Facebook, inc
#include "HTTPClient/HTTPRequest.h"
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
#include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
#include "logging.h"
#include <set>
#include "ProxyHandler.h"
using namespace boost::algorithm;
using std::string;
using namespace HTTP;
static const char* target_prefix = "";
static std::set<std::string> proxy_whitelist = boost::assign::list_of
bool ProxyHandler::requiresVerifiedURI() const {
return false;
HTTPResponseData* ProxyHandler::handleRequest(const HTTPRequestData& req) {
bool valid = false;
for (std::set<std::string>::iterator it = proxy_whitelist.begin();
it != proxy_whitelist.end(); it++) {
if (starts_with(req.uri.path, *it)) {
valid = true;
if (!valid) return NULL;
//if (proxy_whitelist.find(req.uri.path) == proxy_whitelist.end()) return NULL;
#ifndef NDEBUG
FBLOG_INFO("ProxyHandler: Starting request for \"%s\"\n", req.uri.path.c_str());
FB::URI target = string(target_prefix) + req.uri.path;
target.query_data = req.uri.query_data;
boost::scoped_ptr<HTTPRequest> http_req(HTTPRequest::create());
boost::shared_ptr<HTTPRequestData> http_reqdata(new HTTPRequestData(target));
HTTPResponseData* our_resp = new HTTPResponseData;
HTTP::Status final_status = http_req->getStatus();
boost::shared_ptr<HTTPResponseData> resp;
if (final_status.state == HTTP::Status::COMPLETE && (resp = http_req->getResponse()) && resp->code == 200) {
our_resp->code = 200;
our_resp->data.swap(resp->data); // take ownership of remote response data
FBLOG_DEBUG("ProxyHandler", "ProxyHandler: response received. " << our_resp->coalesceBlocks()->size() << " bytes.\n");
FBLOG_DEBUG("ProxyHandler", "Received headers (" << resp->headers.size() << "):\n");
#ifndef NDEBUG
for (std::multimap<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator mt = resp->headers.begin(); mt != resp->headers.end(); ++mt) {
FBLOG_DEBUG("ProxyHandler", "\"" << mt->first.c_str() << "\": \"" << mt->second.c_str() << "\"\n");
// Maintain Content-Type header
std::multimap<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator mt = resp->headers.find("Content-Type");
if (mt != resp->headers.end()) {
our_resp->headers.insert(std::make_pair("Content-Type", mt->second));
} else {
if (resp) {
our_resp->code = resp->code;
} else {
our_resp->code = 500;
our_resp->addDatablock(new HTTPStringDatablock(final_status.last_error));
std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator inst = req.uri.query_data.find("__instanceid");
if (inst != req.uri.query_data.end()) {
try {
int32_t instanceID = boost::lexical_cast<int32_t>(inst->second);
boost::mutex::scoped_lock _l(callback_lock);
std::map<int32_t, error_callback_t>::iterator it = error_callbacks.find(instanceID);
if (it != error_callbacks.end()) (it->second)(target, final_status.last_error);
} catch (...) {}
return our_resp;
void ProxyHandler::registerErrorCallback(int32_t instanceID, error_callback_t callback) {
boost::mutex::scoped_lock _l(callback_lock);
error_callbacks[instanceID] = callback;
void ProxyHandler::unregisterErrorCallback(int32_t instanceID) {
boost::mutex::scoped_lock _l(callback_lock);
std::map<int32_t, error_callback_t>::iterator it = error_callbacks.find(instanceID);
if (it != error_callbacks.end()) error_callbacks.erase(it);
#pragma once
#include "HTTPService/HTTPHandler.h"
#include "APITypes.h"
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <map>
class ProxyHandler : public HTTP::HTTPHandler {
virtual ~ProxyHandler() { }
virtual bool requiresVerifiedURI() const;
virtual HTTP::HTTPResponseData* handleRequest(const HTTP::HTTPRequestData& req);
typedef boost::function<void(const FB::URI&, const std::string&)> error_callback_t;
void registerErrorCallback(int32_t instanceID, error_callback_t callback);
void unregisterErrorCallback(int32_t instanceID);
std::map<int32_t, error_callback_t> error_callbacks;
boost::mutex callback_lock;
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you need add_firebreath_library(HTTPService) to use this.

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