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Last active December 28, 2015 22:09
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Save taxilian/7570037 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <boost/process.hpp>
#include <boost/assign/list_of.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_array.hpp>
#include "logging.h"
#include "BrowserPlugin.h"
#include <json/json.h>
#include "ImageFileLoader.h"
#include <boost/date_time/posix_time/posix_time.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include "ElmoControllerMac.h"
namespace bp = ::boost::process;
using std::getline;
using std::string;
using std::map;
using std::vector;
using boost::filesystem::path;
using boost::filesystem::exists;
using namespace boost::posix_time;
int ElmoControllerMac::refCount(0);
const int wait_milliseconds = 100;
namespace {
map<long, string> DeviceTypes;
map<string, long> DeviceStrings;
class NoDataException : public std::runtime_error {
NoDataException(const string& what_arg) : std::runtime_error(what_arg) {}
ElmoControllerMac::ElmoControllerMac(const ImageHandlerPtr& imageHandler) : CameraController(imageHandler), m_cameraListInit(false) {
FBLOG_INFO("ElmoControllerMac", "Initializing Elmo controller. refCount: " << refCount);
if (refCount++ == 0) {
path pluginPath (FB::BrowserPlugin::getFSPath());
path ElmoPath = pluginPath.parent_path() / "" / "Contents" / "MacOS" / "ElmoShim";
if (!exists(ElmoPath)) {
FBLOG_WARN("ElmoControllerMac", "ELMO SDK not found; Elmo Support not present");
m_cameraListInit = true;
} else {
ElmoShimPath = ElmoPath.string();
m_processThread = boost::thread(&ElmoControllerMac::runThread, this);
boost::mutex::scoped_lock _l(m_mutex);
while (!m_cameraListInit) {
// We need to wait for the camera detection to finish (or fail) before continuing
boost::posix_time::time_duration wait_duration = boost::posix_time::milliseconds(10);
m_signal.timed_wait(_l, wait_duration);
ElmoControllerMacPtr ElmoControllerMac::create(const ImageHandlerPtr& imageHandler) {
return boost::make_shared<ElmoControllerMac>(imageHandler);
ElmoControllerMac::~ElmoControllerMac() {
if (--refCount == 0) {
std::string getLine(bp::pistream& is) {
string resp;
int i = 0;
while (resp.empty()) {
// The client will never intentionally send an empty string; if it did, there is something wrong.
std::getline(is, resp, '\n');
if (++i == 100) {
// Timeout; this will never happen unless we've lost communications with the pipe
FBLOG_ERROR("ElmoControllerMac", "Gave up polling data from the process after " << i << " attempts");
throw NoDataException("Lost communications with the process");
return resp;
std::string sendCommand(bp::postream& os, bp::pistream& is, const std::string& command, const std::string& arg = std::string()) {
Json::Value root(Json::objectValue);
root["command"] = command;
Json::Value argsDoc(Json::arrayValue);
if (!arg.empty()) { argsDoc.append(arg); }
root["args"] = argsDoc;
Json::FastWriter writer;
std::string out = writer.write(root);
//FBLOG_INFO("ElmoControllerMac", "Sending to ElmoShim: " << out);
os << out;
return getLine(is);
void ElmoControllerMac::processImage(boost::process::pistream& is, const std::string& rep)
//FBLOG_INFO("ElmoControllerMac", "Image frame detected");
Json::Value root;
Json::Reader rdr;
if (rdr.parse(rep, root)) {
if (root["message"] != "Success") {
FBLOG_INFO("ElmoControllerMac", "Error getting frame from \"" << root["camera"].asString() << "\" (" << rep << ")");
// Valid json
long size = root["size"].asInt();
//FBLOG_INFO("ElmoControllerMac", "Received frame, " << size << " byte jpeg.");
boost::shared_array<uint8_t> block(new uint8_t[size]); *)block.get(), size);
bool gray(false);
int nwidth(640);
int nheight(480);
boost::shared_array<uint8_t> rgbData = ImageFileLoader::get()->loadImageData(block.get(), size, nwidth, nheight, gray);
imageCallbackRGB24(rgbData, nwidth, nheight, false, true);
void ElmoControllerMac::runThread() {
FBLOG_INFO("ElmoControllerMac", "Starting the ElmoShim");
bp::context ctx;
ctx.environment = bp::self::get_environment();
ctx.stdout_behavior = bp::capture_stream();
ctx.stdin_behavior = bp::capture_stream();
ctx.stderr_behavior = bp::silence_stream();
ctx.work_directory = path(ElmoShimPath).parent_path().string();
vector<string> args = boost::assign::list_of("ElmoShim");
bp::child c = bp::launch(ElmoShimPath, args, ctx);
bp::pistream& is = c.get_stdout();
bp::postream& os = c.get_stdin();
FBLOG_INFO("ElmoControllerMac", "Started the ElmoShim");
try {
// First get a list of available cameras, which the
// binary will output first thing
boost::mutex::scoped_lock _l(m_mutex);
string cameraList;
std::getline(is, cameraList, '\n');
FBLOG_WARN("ElmoControllerMac", "Camera List: " << cameraList);
Json::Value list;
Json::Reader rdr;
if (rdr.parse(cameraList, list)) {
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) {
m_cameraList.push_back(list[i].asString() );
} else {
FBLOG_WARN("ElmoControllerMac", "Invalid JSON camera list: " << cameraList);
m_cameraListInit = true;
} catch (...) {
// If we got here, something seriously wrong went down; abort!
m_cameraListInit = true;
boost::mutex::scoped_lock _l(m_mutex);
// Begin the loop
bool running = true;
bool connected = false;
string log;
string current_camera;
try {
while (running) {
ptime start(microsec_clock::local_time());
ElmoMessageType inMsg;
while (m_messageQ.try_pop(inMsg)) {
switch(inMsg) {
case ElmoMessage_Shutdown:
FBLOG_WARN("ElmoControllerMac", "Shutdown requested");
running = false;
connected = false;
case ElmoMessage_Connect: {
FBLOG_WARN("ElmoControllerMac", "Connect requested");
boost::mutex::scoped_lock _l(m_mutex);
current_camera = m_currentCamera;
FBLOG_WARN("ElmoControllerMac", "Connected to " << current_camera);
connected = true;
} break;
case ElmoMessage_Disconnect: {
FBLOG_WARN("ElmoControllerMac", "Disconnect requested");
current_camera = string();
connected = false;
if (running && connected) {
// Camera is connected
log = sendCommand(os, is, "GetImage", current_camera );
//FBLOG_WARN("ElmoControllerMac", "GetImage response: " << log);
processImage(is, log);
// We want this to run not more than every [wait_milliseconds] ms
// However, sometimes the draw may take that long -- or even longer
// and we don't want to artificially make it slower
ptime stop(microsec_clock::local_time());
time_duration len(stop-start);
long wait_time = wait_milliseconds - len.total_milliseconds();
if (wait_time > 0) {
boost::posix_time::time_duration wait_duration = boost::posix_time::milliseconds(wait_time);
boost::mutex::scoped_lock _l(m_mutex);
m_signal.timed_wait(_l, wait_duration);
} catch (NoDataException &ex) {
FBLOG_ERROR("ElmoControllerMac", "Lost connection to the ElmoShim: " << ex.what());
// Break out of the loop, we seem to have lost our connection
try {
log = sendCommand(os, is, "Shutdown");
FBLOG_WARN("ElmoControllerMac", "Shutdown response: " << log);
} catch (NoDataException &ex) {
FBLOG_WARN("ElmoControllerMac", "Couldn't send shutdown; ElmoShim not responding");
vector<string> ElmoControllerMac::getCameraList() {
return m_cameraList;
void ElmoControllerMac::connect(const string& str) {
m_currentCamera = str;
if (str.empty() && !m_cameraList.empty()) {
m_currentCamera = *m_cameraList.begin();
} else if (m_cameraList.empty()) {
throw CameraError("No camera detected");
FBLOG_INFO("ElmoControllerMac", "Requested camera connection: " << str);
void ElmoControllerMac::disconnect() {
m_currentCamera = "";
FBLOG_INFO("ElmoControllerMac", "Requested camera disconnect.");
void ElmoControllerMac:: shutdown() {
#include "CameraController.h"
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/condition_variable.hpp>
#include <boost/process.hpp>
#include "SafeQueue.h"
enum ElmoMessageType {
ElmoMessage_Redraw = 0,
class ElmoControllerMac : public CameraController {
ElmoControllerMac(const ImageHandlerPtr& imageHandler);
static ElmoControllerMacPtr create(const ImageHandlerPtr& imageHandler);
std::string getPrefix() { return "ELMO "; }
virtual std::vector<std::string> getCameraList();
virtual void connect(const std::string&);
virtual void disconnect();
void shutdown();
void runThread();
void processImage(boost::process::pistream& is, const std::string& rep);
void sendMessage(const ElmoMessageType t) {
boost::thread m_processThread;
boost::mutex m_mutex;
boost::condition_variable m_signal;
static int refCount;
std::string m_currentCamera;
std::vector<std::string> m_cameraList;
bool m_cameraListInit;
std::string ElmoShimPath;
FB::SafeQueue<ElmoMessageType> m_messageQ;
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