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Created February 14, 2023 11:25
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instagram kullanici bilgileri ve son postlari alan kod
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($ch, [
CURLOPT_URL => '' . $_GET['username'] . '/embed/',
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 6.0.1; SM-G935S Build/MMB29K; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/55.0.2883.91 Mobile Safari/537.36',
$output = curl_exec($ch);
$photo = '';
$username = $_GET['username'];
$followers = 0;
$postCount = 0;
$posts = [];
$regex = '@\\\"owner\\\":{\\\"id\\\":\\\"([0-9]+)\\\",\\\"profile_pic_url\\\":\\\"(.*?)\\\",\\\"username\\\":\\\"(.*?)\\\",\\\"followed_by_viewer\\\":(true|false),\\\"has_public_story\\\":(true|false),\\\"is_private\\\":(true|false),\\\"is_unpublished\\\":(true|false),\\\"is_verified\\\":(true|false),\\\"edge_followed_by\\\":{\\\"count\\\":([0-9]+)},\\\"edge_owner_to_timeline_media\\\":{\\\"count\\\":([0-9]+)@';
preg_match($regex, $output, $result);
if (isset($result[2])) {
$photo = str_replace('\\\\\\', '', $result[2]);
if (isset($result[9])) {
$followers = $result[9];
if (isset($result[10])) {
$postCount = $result[10];
preg_match_all('@\\\"thumbnail_src\\\":\\\"(.*?)\\\"@', $output, $result);
$posts = array_map(function ($image) {
return str_replace('\\\\\\', '', $image);
}, array_slice($result[1], 0, 5));
if (!file_exists(__DIR__ . '/' . $username . '.jpg') && $photo) {
file_put_contents(__DIR__ . '/' . $username . '.jpg', file_get_contents($photo));
echo json_encode([
'username' => $username,
'photo' => $photo,
'followers' => $followers,
'postCount' => $postCount,
'posts' => $posts
<img src="<?= $username ?>.jpg" alt="">
<h3><?= $username ?></h3>
Takipci: <?= $followers ?> - Post: <?= $postCount ?>
<?php foreach ($posts as $post): ?>
<img src="<?= $post ?>" alt="">
<?php endforeach; ?>
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