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Created February 26, 2013 16:17
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  • Save tayfunoziserikan/5039717 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tayfunoziserikan/5039717 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
- :year
- :month
- :day
show_filter_tooltip: Show filter
hide_filter_tooltip: Hide filter
csv_export_tooltip: Export to CSV
filter_tooltip: Filter
reset_filter_tooltip: Reset
boolean_filter_true_label: "yes"
boolean_filter_false_label: "no"
previous_label: «
next_label: »
# Title of the icon clicking on which will show the calendar to set the FROM date.
date_selector_tooltip_from: From
# Title of the icon clicking on which will show the calendar to set the TO date.
date_selector_tooltip_to: To
# The title of the checkox to turn on negation
negation_checkbox_title: Exclude
# link to switch to show all records
show_all_records_label: show all
# tooltip for the link to switch to show all records
show_all_records_tooltip: Show all records
# Warning message shown when the user wants to switch to all-records mode
all_queries_warning: Are you sure you want to display all records?
# link to paginated view
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_label: back to paginated view
# tooltip for the link to paginated view
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_tooltip: Switch back to the view with pages
# Title of the date string.
date_string_tooltip: Click to delete
saved_query_panel_title: Saved Queries
save_query_button_label: Save the state of filters
saved_query_deletion_confirmation: Are you sure?
saved_query_deletion_link_title: Delete query
saved_query_link_title: Load query
validates_uniqueness_error: A query with this name already exists
validates_presence_error: Please submit the name of the custom query
query_deleted_message: Saved query deleted.
query_saved_message: Query saved.
select_all: Select all
deselect_all: Remove selection
expand: Expand
collapse: Collapse
- :year
- :month
- :day
show_filter_tooltip: Sýna síumöguleika
hide_filter_tooltip: Fela síumoguleika
csv_export_tooltip: Flytja út CSV
filter_tooltip: Sía
reset_filter_tooltip: Hreinsa
boolean_filter_true_label: Já
boolean_filter_false_label: Nei
previous_label: «
next_label: »
# Title of the icon clicking on which will show the calendar to set the FROM date.
date_selector_tooltip_from: Frá
# Title of the icon clicking on which will show the calendar to set the TO date.
date_selector_tooltip_to: Til
# The title of the checkox to turn on negation
negation_checkbox_title: Undanskilja
# link to switch to show all records
show_all_records_label: Sýna allt
# tooltip for the link to switch to show all records
show_all_records_tooltip: Sýna öll gögn
# Warning message shown when the user wants to switch to all-records mode
all_queries_warning: Ertu viss um að þú viljir láta sýna öll gögn?
# link to paginated view
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_label: Aftur til síðuhorfs
# tooltip for the link to paginated view
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_tooltip: Aftur til síðuhorfs
# Title of the date string.
date_string_tooltip: Smella á til að eyða
saved_query_panel_title: Vistaðar leitarskipanir
save_query_button_label: Vista síuval
saved_query_deletion_confirmation: Ertu viss?
saved_query_deletion_link_title: Eyða leitarskipun
saved_query_link_title: Hlaða leitarskipun
validates_uniqueness_error: Leitarskipun með þessu nafni er þegar til
validates_presence_error: Vinsamlegast gefið heiti fyrir leitarskipun
query_deleted_message: Vistaðri leitarskipun hefur verið eytt
query_saved_message: leitaskipun hefur verið vistuð
# To do: translate
select_all: Select all
deselect_all: Remove selection
- :year
- :month
- :day
show_filter_tooltip: Filter tonen
hide_filter_tooltip: Filter verbergen
csv_export_tooltip: Als CSV exporteren
filter_tooltip: Filter
reset_filter_tooltip: Terugstellen
boolean_filter_true_label: ja
boolean_filter_false_label: neen
previous_label: «
next_label: »
# Title of the icon clicking on which will show the calendar to set the FROM date.
date_selector_tooltip_from: Vanaf
# Title of the icon clicking on which will show the calendar to set the TO date.
date_selector_tooltip_to: Tot
# The title of the checkox to turn on negation
negation_checkbox_title: Uitsluiten
# link to switch to show all records
show_all_records_label: Alle rijen tonen
# tooltip for the link to switch to show all records
show_all_records_tooltip: Alle rijen tonen
# Warning message shown when the user wants to switch to all-records mode
all_queries_warning: Bent u zeker dat u alle rijen wilt tonen?
# link to paginated view
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_label: Terug naar pagina's
# tooltip for the link to paginated view
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_tooltip: Terug naar pagina's
# Title of the date string.
date_string_tooltip: Klik om te verwijderen
saved_query_panel_title: Opgeslagen query's
save_query_button_label: Query opslaan
saved_query_deletion_confirmation: Bent u zeker?
saved_query_deletion_link_title: Query verwijderen
saved_query_link_title: Query laden
validates_uniqueness_error: Deze query bestaat reeds
validates_presence_error: Gelieve de naam van de query in te vullen
query_deleted_message: Opgeslagen query verwijderd.
query_saved_message: Query opgeslagen
select_all: Selecteer alle rijen
deselect_all: Deselecteer alle rijen
- :year
- :month
- :day
show_filter_tooltip: Afficher le filtre
hide_filter_tooltip: Cacher le filtrer
csv_export_tooltip: Exporter en CSV
filter_tooltip: Filtrer
reset_filter_tooltip: Effacer
boolean_filter_true_label: oui
boolean_filter_false_label: non
previous_label: «
next_label: »
# Title of the icon clicking on which will show the calendar to set the FROM date.
date_selector_tooltip_from: De
# Title of the icon clicking on which will show the calendar to set the TO date.
date_selector_tooltip_to: à
# The title of the checkox to turn on negation
negation_checkbox_title: Exclure
# link to switch to show all records
show_all_records_label: Voir tous
# tooltip for the link to switch to show all records
show_all_records_tooltip: Voir tous les enregistrements
# Warning message shown when the user wants to switch to all-records mode
all_queries_warning: Etes-vous certain de vouloir afficher tous les enregistrements?
# link to paginated view
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_label: Retour à la vue paginée
# tooltip for the link to paginated view
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_tooltip: Retour à la vue par pages
# Title of the date string.
date_string_tooltip: Cliquez pour effacer
saved_query_panel_title: Requêtes sauvées
save_query_button_label: Sauver l'état des filtres
saved_query_deletion_confirmation: Etes vous sûr?
saved_query_deletion_link_title: Effacer la requête
saved_query_link_title: Charger la requête
validates_uniqueness_error: Un requête existante porte déjà ce nom
validates_presence_error: Veuillez indiquer le nom de la requête que vous souhaitez sauver
query_deleted_message: La requête a été effacée.
query_saved_message: La requête a été sauvée.
select_all: Sélectionner tout
deselect_all: Désélectionner tout
- :year
- :month
- :day
show_filter_tooltip: Показать фильтр
hide_filter_tooltip: Спрятать фильтр
csv_export_tooltip: Экспорт в CSV
filter_tooltip: Фильтровать
reset_filter_tooltip: Сброс
boolean_filter_true_label: да
boolean_filter_false_label: нет
previous_label: «
next_label: »
# Title of the icon clicking on which will show the calendar to set the FROM date.
date_selector_tooltip_from: С
# Title of the icon clicking on which will show the calendar to set the TO date.
date_selector_tooltip_to: До
# The title of the checkox to turn on negation
negation_checkbox_title: Исключая строки
# link to switch to show all records
show_all_records_label: показать все
# tooltip for the link to switch to show all records
show_all_records_tooltip: Показать все записи
# Warning message shown when the user wants to switch to all-records mode
all_queries_warning: Вы уверены в том, что хотите отобразить все записи?
# link to paginated view
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_label: Назад к постраничному выводу
# tooltip for the link to paginated view
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_tooltip: Назад к постраничному выводу
# Title of the date string.
date_string_tooltip: Кликните, чтобы удалить дату
saved_query_panel_title: Сохранённые фильтры
save_query_button_label: Сохранить фильтр
saved_query_deletion_confirmation: Вы уверены?
saved_query_deletion_link_title: Удалить сохранённый фильтр
saved_query_link_title: Загрузить сохранённый фильтр
validates_uniqueness_error: Сохранённый фильтр с таким именем уже существует
validates_presence_error: Пожалуйста введите имя сохраняемого фильтра
query_deleted_message: Сохранённый фильтр удалён.
query_saved_message: Сохранённый фильтр сохранён.
select_all: Отметить все
deselect_all: Убрать выделение
- :year
- :month
- :day
show_filter_tooltip: Mostrar o filtro
hide_filter_tooltip: Esconder o filtro
csv_export_tooltip: Exportar em CSV
filter_tooltip: Filtrar
reset_filter_tooltip: Reinicializar
boolean_filter_true_label: sim
boolean_filter_false_label: não
previous_label: «
next_label: »
# Title of the icon clicking on which will show the calendar to set the FROM date.
date_selector_tooltip_from: De
# Title of the icon clicking on which will show the calendar to set the TO date.
date_selector_tooltip_to: a
# The title of the checkox to turn on negation
negation_checkbox_title: Excluir
# link to switch to show all records
show_all_records_label: Ver todos
# tooltip for the link to switch to show all records
show_all_records_tooltip: Ver todos os registos
# Warning message shown when the user wants to switch to all-records mode
all_queries_warning: Tem a certeza de querer visualizar todos os registos?
# link to paginated view
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_label: Retorno à vista paginada
# tooltip for the link to paginated view
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_tooltip: Retorno à vista por página
# Title of the date string.
date_string_tooltip: Cliquar para apagar
saved_query_panel_title: Queries gravadas
save_query_button_label: Gravar o estado dos filtros
saved_query_deletion_confirmation: Tem a certeza?
saved_query_deletion_link_title: Apagar a query
saved_query_link_title: Caregar a query
validates_uniqueness_error: Já existe uma query com o mesmo nome
validates_presence_error: Queira indicar o nome da query que deseja gravar
query_deleted_message: A query foi apagada.
query_saved_message: A query foi gravada.
select_all: Selecionar todos
deselect_all: Remover seleção
- :year
- :month
- :day
show_filter_tooltip: Mostrar o filtro
hide_filter_tooltip: Esconder o filtro
csv_export_tooltip: Exportar em CSV
filter_tooltip: Filtrar
reset_filter_tooltip: Reinicializar
boolean_filter_true_label: sim
boolean_filter_false_label: não
previous_label: «
next_label: »
date_selector_tooltip_from: De
date_selector_tooltip_to: a
negation_checkbox_title: Excluir
show_all_records_label: Ver todos
show_all_records_tooltip: Ver todos os registos
all_queries_warning: Tem certeza que gostaria de visualizar todos os registos?
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_label: Voltar à lista paginada
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_tooltip: Voltar à lista por página
date_string_tooltip: Clique para apagar
saved_query_panel_title: Filtros gravados
save_query_button_label: Gravar o estado dos filtros
saved_query_deletion_confirmation: Tem certeza?
saved_query_deletion_link_title: Apagar o filtro
saved_query_link_title: Carregar o filtro
validates_uniqueness_error: Já existe um filtro com o mesmo nome
validates_presence_error: Indique o nome do filtro que deseja gravar
query_deleted_message: O filtro foi apagado.
query_saved_message: O filtro foi gravado.
select_all: Selecionar todos
deselect_all: Remover seleção
- :year
- :month
- :day
show_filter_tooltip: Zobraziť filter
hide_filter_tooltip: Skryť filter
csv_export_tooltip: Exportovať do CSV
filter_tooltip: Filter
reset_filter_tooltip: Zrušiť filtre
boolean_filter_true_label: "áno"
boolean_filter_false_label: "nie"
previous_label: «
next_label: »
# Title of the icon clicking on which will show the calendar to set the FROM date.
date_selector_tooltip_from: Dátum od
# Title of the icon clicking on which will show the calendar to set the TO date.
date_selector_tooltip_to: Dátum do
# The title of the checkox to turn on negation
negation_checkbox_title: Inverzný výber
# link to switch to show all records
show_all_records_label: Zobraziť všetko
# tooltip for the link to switch to show all records
show_all_records_tooltip: Zobrazí všetky záznamy v databáze
# Warning message shown when the user wants to switch to all-records mode
all_queries_warning: Určite chceš zobraziť všetky záznamy v databáze?
# link to paginated view
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_label: späť na stránkové zobrazenie
# tooltip for the link to paginated view
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_tooltip: Prepnúť do stránkového zobrazenia
# Title of the date string.
date_string_tooltip: Kliknutím zmažeš
saved_query_panel_title: Uložené filtre/výsledky
save_query_button_label: Uložiť stav filtrov
saved_query_deletion_confirmation: Si si istý?
saved_query_deletion_link_title: Vymazať uložený filter
saved_query_link_title: Nahrať uložený filter
validates_uniqueness_error: Filter s uvedeným názvom už existuje.
validates_presence_error: Prosím zadaj názov uloženého filtra.
query_deleted_message: Uložený filter bol vymazaný.
query_saved_message: Filter bol uložený.
select_all: Vyber všetko
deselect_all: Zrušiť výber
- :year
- :month
- :day
show_filter_tooltip: Zobrazit filtr
hide_filter_tooltip: Skrýt filtr
csv_export_tooltip: Exportovat do CSV
filter_tooltip: Filtr
reset_filter_tooltip: Zrušit filtr
boolean_filter_true_label: "áno"
boolean_filter_false_label: "ne"
previous_label: «
next_label: »
# Title of the icon clicking on which will show the calendar to set the FROM date.
date_selector_tooltip_from: Dátum od
# Title of the icon clicking on which will show the calendar to set the TO date.
date_selector_tooltip_to: Dátum do
# The title of the checkox to turn on negation
negation_checkbox_title: Inverzní výběr
# link to switch to show all records
show_all_records_label: Zobrazit všechno
# tooltip for the link to switch to show all records
show_all_records_tooltip: Zobrazí všechny záznamy v databáze
# Warning message shown when the user wants to switch to all-records mode
all_queries_warning: Určitě chceš zobrazit všechny záznamy v databáze?
# link to paginated view
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_label: zpět na stránkové zobrazení
# tooltip for the link to paginated view
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_tooltip: Přepnout do stránkového zobrazení
# Title of the date string.
date_string_tooltip: Kliknutím zmažeš
saved_query_panel_title: Uložené filtry
save_query_button_label: Uložit aktuálni stav filtrů
saved_query_deletion_confirmation: Seš si jistej?
saved_query_deletion_link_title: Smazat uloženej filtr
saved_query_link_title: Použít uloženej filtr
validates_uniqueness_error: Filtr už existuje.
validates_presence_error: Prosím zadej název filtru.
query_deleted_message: Uložený filtr byl smazán.
query_saved_message: Filtr byl uložen.
select_all: Vyber všechno
deselect_all: Zrušit výběr
- :year
- :month
- :day
show_filter_tooltip: Filter einblenden
hide_filter_tooltip: Filter ausblenden
csv_export_tooltip: CSV Export
filter_tooltip: Filter
reset_filter_tooltip: Reset
boolean_filter_true_label: "Ja"
boolean_filter_false_label: "Nein"
previous_label: «
next_label: »
# Title of the icon clicking on which will show the calendar to set the FROM date.
date_selector_tooltip_from: Von
# Title of the icon clicking on which will show the calendar to set the TO date.
date_selector_tooltip_to: Bis
# The title of the checkox to turn on negation
negation_checkbox_title: Ausschließen
# link to switch to show all records
show_all_records_label: Alle anzeigen
# tooltip for the link to switch to show all records
show_all_records_tooltip: Alle anzeigen
# Warning message shown when the user wants to switch to all-records mode
all_queries_warning: Wollen Sie wirkliche alle Einträge anzeigen?
# link to paginated view
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_label: Zurück zur seitenbasierten Ansicht
# tooltip for the link to paginated view
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_tooltip: Zurück zur seitenbasierten Ansicht
# Title of the date string.
date_string_tooltip: Löschen
saved_query_panel_title: Gespeicherte Abfragen
save_query_button_label: Filter speichern
saved_query_deletion_confirmation: Sind Sie sicher?
saved_query_deletion_link_title: Abfrage löschen
saved_query_link_title: Abfrage laden
validates_uniqueness_error: Eine Abfrage mit dieser Bezeichnung existiert bereits!
validates_presence_error: Bitte vergeben Sie einen Namen!
query_deleted_message: Abfrage gelöscht.
query_saved_message: Abfrage gespeichert.
select_all: Alle auswählen
deselect_all: Auswahl aufheben
- :year
- :month
- :day
show_filter_tooltip: 显示过滤
hide_filter_tooltip: 隐藏过滤
csv_export_tooltip: 输出CSV档
filter_tooltip: 过滤
reset_filter_tooltip: 清除过滤
boolean_filter_true_label: "是"
boolean_filter_false_label: "否"
previous_label: «
next_label: »
# Title of the icon clicking on which will show the calendar to set the FROM date.
date_selector_tooltip_from: 从
# Title of the icon clicking on which will show the calendar to set the TO date.
date_selector_tooltip_to: 至
# The title of the checkox to turn on negation
negation_checkbox_title: 排除
# link to switch to show all records
show_all_records_label: 显示全部
# tooltip for the link to switch to show all records
show_all_records_tooltip: 显示全部记录
# Warning message shown when the user wants to switch to all-records mode
all_queries_warning: 确定要显示全部记录?
# link to paginated view
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_label: 回到分页显示
# tooltip for the link to paginated view
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_tooltip: 切换到分页显示
# Title of the date string.
date_string_tooltip: 按下以清除
saved_query_panel_title: 查询存储
save_query_button_label: 储存查询状态
saved_query_deletion_confirmation: 确定删除?
saved_query_deletion_link_title: 删除查询
saved_query_link_title: 读取查询
validates_uniqueness_error: 已存在相同名称的查询
validates_presence_error: 请为此查询命名
query_deleted_message: 查询已删除
query_saved_message: 查询已储存
select_all: 全选
deselect_all: 全清
- :year
- :month
- :day
show_filter_tooltip: Filtreyi göster
hide_filter_tooltip: Filtreyi gizle
csv_export_tooltip: Export to CSV
filter_tooltip: Filtrele
reset_filter_tooltip: Temizle
boolean_filter_true_label: "Evet"
boolean_filter_false_label: "Hayır"
previous_label: «
next_label: »
# Title of the icon clicking on which will show the calendar to set the FROM date.
date_selector_tooltip_from: From
# Title of the icon clicking on which will show the calendar to set the TO date.
date_selector_tooltip_to: To
# The title of the checkox to turn on negation
negation_checkbox_title: Exclude
# link to switch to show all records
show_all_records_label: Hepsini göster
# tooltip for the link to switch to show all records
show_all_records_tooltip: Tüm kayıtları göster
# Warning message shown when the user wants to switch to all-records mode
all_queries_warning: Tüm kayıtları göstermek istediğinizden emin misiniz?
# link to paginated view
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_label: Sayfalanmış görünüme geç
# tooltip for the link to paginated view
switch_back_to_paginated_mode_tooltip: Switch back to the view with pages
# Title of the date string.
date_string_tooltip: Silmek için tıkla
saved_query_panel_title: Saved Queries
save_query_button_label: Filtreyi kaydet
saved_query_deletion_confirmation: Emin misin?
saved_query_deletion_link_title: Sorguyu sil
saved_query_link_title: Sorguyu çalıştır
validates_uniqueness_error: A query with this name already exists
validates_presence_error: Please submit the name of the custom query
query_deleted_message: Saved query deleted.
query_saved_message: Query saved.
select_all: Hepsini seç
deselect_all: Hiçbirini seçme
expand: Genişlet
collapse: Daralt
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