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Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
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  • Save tayfunoziserikan/8775414 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tayfunoziserikan/8775414 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AB2014 Terminal History
7640 mkdir ab2014-gitflow
7641 cd ab2014-gitflow
7642 touch
7643 ls
7644 git init
7645 ls -al
7646 git status
7647 git add
7648 git status
7649 git commit -m "first commit"
7650 git status
7651 git log
7652 git remote add origin
7653 git push -u origin master
7654 clear
7655 git flow init
7656 git checkout
7657 git branch
7658 git push origin develop
7659 git flow feature start home_page
7660 git branch
7661 cd Desktop
7662 ls
7663 mkdir test
7664 cd test
7665 git init
7666 git flow init
7667 git checkout master
7668 touch test.txt
7669 git add test.txt
7670 git status
7671 open .
7672 git checkout develop
7673 git checkout master
7674 git commit -m "test file create"
7675 git checkout develop
7676 git checkout master
7677 git checkout develop
7678 touch blah.txt
7679 git add blah.txt
7680 git commit -m "blah file create"
7681 git checkout master
7682 exit
7683 touch index.html
7684 nano index.html
7685 subl index.html
7686 open index.html
7687 git status
7688 git add .
7689 git status
7690 git commit -m "Home page was created"
7691 git flow feature finish home_page
7692 git push
7693 git push origin develop
7694 git flow feature finish home_page_imp
7695 git flow feature start home_page_imp
7696 subl .
7697 git status
7698 git add .
7699 git status
7700 git commit -m "home page was improved"
7701 git flow feature publish home_page_imp
7702 git checkout develop
7703 git checkout feature/home_page_imp
7704 git checkout develop
7705 git flow feature start documents
7706 subl .
7707 git status
7708 git add .
7709 git status
7710 git commit -m "Documents was created"
7711 git flow feature finish documents
7712 git push
7713 git checkout feature/home_page_imp
7714 git flow feature finish home_page_imp
7715 git push
7716 git branch
7717 git push origin :feature/home_page_imp
7718 git flow release start 0.1.0
7719 touch VERSION.txt
7720 nano VERSION.txt
7721 katip
7722 gem install katip
7723 katip
7724 git status
7725 git add .
7726 git commit -m "Bump version 0.1.0"
7727 git flow release finish 0.1.0
7728 git push
7729 git tag
7730 git push --tags
7731 git flow hotfix start 0.1.1
7732 subl index.html
7733 git status
7734 git add index.html
7735 git commit -m "Typo fixed"
7736 git flow hotfix finish 0.1.1
7737 git push
7738 git push --tags
7739 git log
7740 history
7741 cd ..
7742 ls
7743 ruby --version
7744 clear
7745 irb
7746 gem --version
7747 gem update --system
7748 gem list
7749 gem server
7750 clear
7751 gem install bundler
7752 bundle --version
7753 clear
7754 mkdir bundler-test
7755 cd bundler-test
7756 ls
7757 bundler init
7758 bundle init
7759 ls
7760 subl .
7761 bundle install
7762 gem list
7763 cd ..
7764 ls
7765 clear
7766 rails new blog
7767 subl .
7768 cd blog
7769 subl .
7770 clear
7771 gem environment
7772 rails s
7773 exit
7774 which subl
7775 ls
7781 cd Desktop/ab2014/simple-rack
7782 rackup
7783 subl .
7784 exit
7785 cd Desktop/ab2014
7786 ls
7787 subl .
7788 cd simple-rack
7789 subl .
7790 bundle
7791 ruckup
7792 rackup
7793 exit
7794 cd Desktop
7795 cd ab2014
7796 rails new -h
7797 clear
7798 rails new blog
7799 cler
7800 clear
7801 rm -rf blog
7802 rails new blog
7803 cd blog
7804 subl .
7805 rails server
7806 rails server -h
7807 rails generate -h
7808 rails generate controller welcome index
7809 rails s
7810 mine .
7811 rake routes
7812 rails s
7813 cd Desktop/ab2014/blog
7814 rails g controller posts
7815 rake routes
7816 rails generate model Post title:string text:text
7817 rake db:migrate
7818 mine .
7819 rake routes
7820 rails generate model Comment commenter:string body:text post:references
7821 rake db:migrate
7822 rails generate controller Comments
7823 rake routes
7824 rails console
7825 clear
7826 git init
7827 git status
7828 git add .
7829 git status
7830 git commit -m "Project initialized"
7831 git staus
7832 git status
7833 clear
7834 rails generate migration AddOrderNumberToPosts
7835 rails generate migration AddOrderNumberToPosts order_number:string
7836 rake db:migrate
7837 rails generate migration RemoveOrderNumberToPosts order_number:string
7838 rake db:migrate
7839 rake db:schema:dump
7840 rake db:structure:dump
7841 rake db:seed
7842 rake db:reset
7843 exit
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