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Created May 19, 2016 14:21
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A way of enforcing transactions
(ns datomscript.model
(:require #?@(:clj [[datomic.api :as d]
[ :as log]])
#?@(:cljs [[datascript.core :as d]])
[clojure.string :as string]
[clojure.walk :as walk]))
(def vconcat (comp vec concat))
(defn get-model [models model-type]
(get models (keyword (namespace model-type))))
(defn nameify [model]
(keyword (name (:name model)) "model"))
(defn merge-opts [schema opts]
(merge schema
(let [opts' (into #{} opts) ]
(cond-> {}
(:fulltext opts') (assoc :db/fulltext true)
(:component opts') (assoc :db/isComponent true)
(:nohistory opts') (assoc :db/noHistory true)))))
(defn merge-enums [schema enums]
(let [ns (name (:ns enums))
part (:part enums)]
(fn [e v]
(conj e
{:db/id (d/tempid (or part :db.part/user))
:db/ident (if (namespace v)
(keyword ns (name v)))}))
(:values enums))))
(defn pull-entity-model [entity model]
(fn [pull k field-map]
(if (= (:type field-map) :ref)
{:model/type (:model/type entity)}
(get entity k)))
(:fields model)))
(defn validate-ref-field [field test-value]
(if (= (:ref field) :any)
(let [ref-models (map #(keyword (name %) "model") (if (keyword? (:ref field))
[(:ref field)]
(:ref field)))]
(boolean (get (into #{} ref-models) (:model/type test-value)))
(str test-value " was not a valid ref model " (pr-str (:ref field)))))))
(defn validate-enum-field [field test-value]
(let [n (get-in field [:enum :ns])
enums (into #{} (map (fn [e] (if (namespace e)
(keyword (name n) (name e))))
(get-in field [:enum :values])))]
(if (get enums test-value)
(str test-value " was not a valid enum " (pr-str enums)))))
(defn validate-field [field test-value]
(if test-value
(case (:type field)
:ref (validate-ref-field field test-value)
:enum (validate-enum-field field test-value)
(if-let [validation-fn (:validation field)]
(if (validation-fn test-value)
(str test-value (or (:invalid-msg field) " is invalid")))
(if (:optional? field)
"Required Field")))
(defn validate-cardinality-many [field values]
(let [results (map #(validate-field field %) values)]
(if (every? true? results)
(string/join " " (remove true? results)))))
(defn validate-fields [fields test-value]
(into {} (zipmap (remove (into #{} (keys fields)) (into #{} (keys test-value)))
(repeat "Is not a valid key")))
(fn [errs field-name field-value]
(let [tv (get test-value field-name)
v (if (vector? tv)
(validate-cardinality-many field-value tv)
(validate-field field-value tv))]
(if (true? v)
(assoc errs field-name v))))
(defn gather-handlers [models handler-key]
(fn [acc model]
(if-let [handlers (get model handler-key)]
(reduce-kv (fn [new-handler k v] (update new-handler k (fnil conj []) v)) acc handlers)
(defn delta-key [{:keys [old new]}]
(and (nil? old) new) [(:model/type new) :added]
(and old new) [(:model/type new) :updated]
(and old (nil? new)) [(:model/type old) :removed]))
(defn deltas-reducing [{:keys [tx-map deltas handlers]}]
(fn [txes delta]
(let [[model-type status :as delta-key'] (delta-key delta)
handler-fns (->> [(get handlers delta-key')
(get handlers [model-type :*])
(get handlers [:* status])
(get handlers [:* :*])]
(filter seq)
(mapcat identity))]
(reduce (fn [txes handler-fn]
(vconcat txes (handler-fn tx-map delta)))
txes handler-fns )))
(defn append-post-tx-data [{:keys [post-tx-handlers tx-data deltas tx-report] :as tx-map}]
tx-map :tx-data
(deltas-reducing {:deltas deltas
:tx-map tx-map
:handlers post-tx-handlers}))))
(defn permission-validation [{:keys [permissions tx-data deltas] :as tx-map}]
(let [errs (deltas-reducing {:deltas deltas
:tx-map tx-map
:handlers permissions})]
(when (seq errs)
(throw (ex-info (pr-str "There was a permission error" errs)
{:message "There was a permission error"
:details errs})))
(defn schemafy-datomic [model]
(let [name' (name (:name model))]
(fn [s field-name {:keys [type enum cardinality unique doc opts] :as field-map}]
(cond-> [(cond-> {:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db
:db/id (d/tempid :db.part/db)
:db/ident (keyword name' (name field-name))
:db/cardinality (if (= cardinality :many)
:db/valueType (keyword "db.type" (if (= type :enum)
(name type)))}
unique (assoc :db/unique (keyword "db.unique" (name unique)))
doc (assoc :db/doc doc)
opts (merge-opts opts))]
(= type :enum) (merge-enums enum )))))
(into {} (remove (fn [[k v]] (namespace k)) (:fields model))))
[{:db/id (d/tempid :db.part/user)
:db/ident (keyword name' "model")}]))))
(def type-schema
{:db.install/_attribute :db.part/db
:db/id (d/tempid :db.part/db)
:db/ident :model/type
:db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one
:db/valueType :db.type/ref
:db/doc "The model type definition"}))
(defn schemafy-as-map [model]
(let [name' (name (:name model))]
(fn [s field-name {:keys [type cardinality unique] :as field-map}]
(keyword name' (name field-name))
(cond-> {:db/cardinality (if (= cardinality :many)
:db/valueType (keyword "db.type" (name type))}
unique (assoc :db/unique (keyword "db.unique" (name unique))))
(into {} (remove (fn [[k v]] (namespace k)) (:fields model)))
(defn entity->delta
[{:keys [db-after db-before tx-data]} {:keys [eid status]}]
(let [model-type (:model/type
(if (= status :removed)
(d/entity db-before eid)
(d/entity db-after eid)))]
(fn [entity [_ a v tx added?]]
(let [attr-ent (d/entity db-after a)
attr-name (:db/ident attr-ent )
path [(if added? :new :old) attr-name]
val (if (= (:db/valueType attr-ent) :db.type/ref)
(if-let [val-enum (:db/ident (d/entity (if added?
db-before) v))]
cardinality (:db/cardinality db-after)]
(if (= cardinality :db.cardinality/many)
(update-in entity path conj val)
(assoc-in entity path val))))
(cond-> {:old nil
:new nil}
(= status :added) (assoc-in [:new :db/id] eid)
(= status :updated) (merge {:new {:db/id eid}
:old {:db/id eid}})
(= status :removed) (assoc-in [:old :db/id] eid))
(filter (fn [[e]] (= eid e)) tx-data)))))
(defn add-deltas
[{{:keys [db-after db-before] :as tx-report} :tx-report :as tx-map}]
(assoc tx-map :deltas
(map (fn [[e status]]
(let [{:keys [old new] :as deltas}
tx-report {:status status
:eid e})
entity (d/entity (if (= status :removed)
;; Have to potentially deal with a model update change
;; where the model must be checked as if it was added
(and (= status :updated)
(not= (:model/type old))
(not= (:model/type new)))
,{:old nil
:new (d/touch entity)}
;; Make sure the model types are included
(= status :updated)
,{:old (assoc old :model/type (:model/type entity))
:new (assoc new :model/type (:model/type entity))}
:else deltas)))
(:entities tx-map)))))
(defn classify-entities [{:keys [db-before db-after tx-data]}]
(d/q '[:find ?e ?entity-type
:in $dbb $dba % [?e ...]
($dbb entity-exists? ?e ?in-before?)
($dba entity-exists? ?e ?in-after?)
($dba classify-type ?in-before? ?in-after? ?entity-type)]
'[[(entity-exists? ?e ?exists?)
[(ground true) ?exists?]]
[(entity-exists? ?e ?exists?)
(not [?e])
[(ground false) ?exists?]]
[(classify-type ?in-before? ?in-after? ?type)
[(= ?in-before? false)]
[(= ?in-after? true)]
[(ground :added) ?type]]
[(classify-type ?in-before? ?in-after? ?type)
[(= ?in-before? true)]
[(= ?in-after? true)]
[(ground :updated) ?type]]
[(classify-type ?in-before? ?in-after? ?type)
[(= ?in-before? true)]
[(= ?in-after? false)]
[(ground :removed) ?type]]]
(defn add-entities
[{{:keys [tempids tx-data db-before db-after] :as tx-report} :tx-report :as transact-map}]
(->> (assoc tx-report :tx-data (into #{} (map (fn [[e]] e) tx-data)))
(assoc transact-map :entities))))
(defn model-with-ref-types [{:keys [model-value db model]}]
(fn [mv k v]
(assoc mv k
(if (= (get-in model [:fields k :type]) :ref)
{:model/type (:model/type (d/entity db v))}
(defn schema-validation-added [{:keys [models model-value db]} ]
(if-let [model-type (:model/type model-value)]
(if-let [model (get-model models model-type)]
(let [test-value (model-with-ref-types
{:model model
:db db
:model-value model-value})
errors (validate-fields
(:fields model)
(dissoc test-value :model/type :db/id))]
(when (seq errors)
(assoc errors :db/id (:db/id model-value))))
{:db/id (:db/id model-value)
:model/type (format "The %s is not a valid model" model-type)})
{:db/id (:db/id model-value)
:model/type "You must specify a model type"})))
(defn schema-validation-updated
[{:keys [models new-model-value old-model-value db]} ]
(if-let [model-type (:model/type new-model-value)]
(if-let [model (get-model models model-type)]
(let [model-fields (:fields model)
new-value (model-with-ref-types
{:model model
:db db
:model-value new-model-value})
changed-keys (remove
#{:model/type :db/id}
#{} (concat
(keys new-value) (keys old-model-value))))
errors (reduce
(fn [errs k]
(let [val (validate-field
(get model-fields k)
(get new-value k))]
(if (true? val)
(assoc errs k val ))))
{} changed-keys)]
(when (seq errors)
(assoc errors :db/id (:db/id new-model-value))))
{:db/id (:db/id new-model-value)
:model/type (format "The %s is not a valid model" model-type)})
{:db/id (:db/id new-model-value)
:model/type "You must specify a model type"})))
(defn schema-validation
[{{:keys [db-after] :as tx-report} :tx-report
models :models
deltas :deltas
:as tx-map}]
(let [errs (vec
(fn [{:keys [old new]}]
(and (nil? old) new) (schema-validation-added
{:model-value new
:models models
:db db-after})
(and old new) (schema-validation-updated
{:old-model-value old
:new-model-value new
:models models
:db db-after})))
(if (seq errs)
(throw (ex-info (pr-str "There was a validation error" errs)
{:message "There was a schema validation error"
:details errs}))
(defn classify-tx-report [{:keys [tempids tx-data db-before db-after]}]
(d/q '[:find ?e ?a ?v ?attr ?val ?entity-type ?cardinality ?attr-val-type-name ?added?
:in $dbb $dba % [[?e ?a ?v ?t ?added?]]
($dbb entity-exists? ?e ?in-before?)
($dba entity-exists? ?e ?in-after?)
($dba classify-type ?in-before? ?in-after? ?entity-type)
[$dba ?a :db/ident ?attr]
[$dba ?a :db/valueType ?attr-val-type]
[$dba ?attr-val-type :db/ident ?attr-val-type-name]
[$dba ?a :db/cardinality ?c]
[$dba ?c :db/ident ?cardinality]
($dba classify-val ?attr-val-type-name ?v ?val)]
'[[(entity-exists? ?e ?exists?)
[(ground true) ?exists?]]
[(entity-exists? ?e ?exists?)
(not [?e])
[(ground false) ?exists?]]
[(classify-type ?in-before? ?in-after? ?type)
[(= ?in-before? false)]
[(= ?in-after? true)]
[(ground :added) ?type]]
[(classify-type ?in-before? ?in-after? ?type)
[(= ?in-before? true)]
[(= ?in-after? true)]
[(ground :updated) ?type]]
[(classify-type ?in-before? ?in-after? ?type)
[(= ?in-before? true)]
[(= ?in-after? false)]
[(ground :removed) ?type]]
[(classify-val ?attr-type ?v ?val)
[(= ?attr-type :db.type/ref)]
[?v :db/ident ?val]]
[(classify-val ?attr-type ?v ?val)
[(= ?attr-type :db.type/ref)]
(not [?v :db/ident])
[(identity ?v) ?val]]
[(classify-val ?attr-type ?v ?val)
[(not= :db.type/ref ?attr-type)]
[(identity ?v) ?val]]]
(defn schemafy [model]
#?(:clj (schemafy-datomic model))
#?(:cljs (schemafy-as-map model)))
(defn raise-validation-errors [errs]
(when (seq errs)
(throw (ex-info (str "Validation Error" (pr-str errs))
{:message "There was a validation error"
:details errs}))))
(defn resolve-model [model models]
(let [model-name (:name model)]
(assoc model :fields
(reduce-kv (fn [m field-name field-value ]
(assoc m (if-not (namespace field-name)
(keyword (name model-name) (name field-name))
(if (namespace field-name)
(get-in models [field-value :fields (keyword (name field-name))])
(:fields model)))))
(defn model-map [models]
(let [model-map' (reduce
(fn [mm m]
(assoc mm (:name m) m))
(fn [resolved-models model-name model-def]
(assoc resolved-models model-name (resolve-model model-def model-map')))
(defn get-model-and-type [ent models]
(let [model-type (if-let [t (:model/type ent)]
"Type Error"
{:message "The model type was removed"})))
model (if-let [m (get models (keyword (namespace model-type)))]
(throw (ex-info
"Model Error"
"There does not exist %s model"
{:model model
:model-type model-type})))
(defn typeof-attr [attr-value val]
(and (= attr-value :db.type/ref)
(not (keyword? val)))
(and (= attr-value :db.type/ref)
(keyword? val))
:else :val)))
(defn verify-domain-update-added [{:keys [db models tx]}]
(let [[e a v attr val entity-type cardinality attr-type added?] tx
a-type (typeof-attr attr-type val)
ent (d/entity db e)
{:keys [model-type model]} (get-model-and-type ent models)
new-val (if (= a-type :ref)
(d/pull db [:model/type] v)
(if (not= attr :model/type)
(validate-field (get-in model [:fields attr]) new-val)
(validate-fields (pull-entity-model ent model)))))))
(defn verify-domain-update-removed [{:keys [db models tx]}]
(let [[e a v attr val entity-type cardinality attr-type added?] tx
{:keys [model-type model]} (get-model-and-type (d/entity db e) models)]
(when (or (nil? (get-in model [:fields attr :optional?]))
(= attr :model/type))
(throw (ex-info
"Required Key"
{:message (format "You can't remove the required key %s" attr)
:details {model-type {attr 'required-key}}}))))))
(defn verify-domain-update [{:keys [db models tx] :as args}]
(let [[e a v attr val entity-type cardinality attr-type added?] tx]
;; Ignore the removal portion of a two step update
added? (verify-domain-update-added args)
(not (get (d/entity db e) attr)) (verify-domain-update-removed args)))))
(defn update-new-entity [{:keys [db models tx new]} ]
(let [[e a v attr val entity-type cardinality attr-type added?] tx]
(update-in new [e attr] (fn [old-val]
(let [a-type (typeof-attr attr-type val)
new-val (if (= a-type :ref)
(d/pull db [:model/type] v)
(if (= cardinality :db.cardinality/many)
(conj old-val new-val)
(defn verify-new-entity [{:keys [e ev db models]}]
(let [{:keys [model-type model]} (get-model-and-type (d/entity db e) models)]
(raise-validation-errors (validate-fields (:fields model) (dissoc ev :model/type))))))
(defn verify-domain-txes [tx-report-classification db models]
(doseq [[e ev]
(fn [acc [e a v attr val entity-type cardinality attr-type added? :as tx]]
(= entity-type :added)
,(update-new-entity {:new acc :db db :tx tx :models models})
(= entity-type :updated)
(verify-domain-update {:db db :tx tx :models models})
;; If the entity was removed, not a domain validation
;; question
:else acc))
(verify-new-entity {:e e :ev ev :db db :models models}))))
(defn add-audit-to-tx-data [{:keys [tx-data access-token] :as tx-map}]
tx-map :tx-data
(conj tx-data (cond-> {:db/id (d/tempid :db.part/tx)
:model/type :tx-audit/model
:tx-audit/token (:db/id access-token)
:tx-audit/source :tx-audit.source/system}) ))))
(defn add-tx-report [{:keys [tx-data access-token conn] :as transact-map}]
(assoc transact-map :tx-report (d/with (d/db conn) tx-data))))
(defn resolve-tmp-ids
[{{:keys [tempids db-after] :as tx-report} :tx-report tmpids :tmpids :as tx-map}]
(fn [acc id]
(let [db-id (d/resolve-tempid db-after tempids id)]
(assoc acc id (:resource/eid (d/entity db-after db-id)))))
(defn resolve-id-namespace [tmpid]
(-> tmpid first second)))
(defn find-tmp-ids [tx-data & [include-tx?]]
(let [tmpids (atom [])
_ (walk/postwalk
(fn [d]
(when (= (type d) datomic.db.DbId)
(let [ns (resolve-id-namespace d)
use-id? (if (= ns :db.part/tx)
_ (when use-id?
(swap! tmpids conj d))]))
(into #{} @tmpids))))
(defn collect-tmp-ids [{:keys [tx-data] :as tx-map}]
(assoc tx-map :tmpids (find-tmp-ids tx-data))))
(defn db-id->tmp-id
[{:keys [tx-data] {:keys [tempids db-after]} :tx-report :as tx-map}]
(let [tmpids (find-tmp-ids tx-data true)]
(assoc tx-map
(fn [acc tmpid]
(assoc acc (d/resolve-tempid db-after tempids tmpid) tmpid ))
(defn transact! [{:keys [tx-data conn] :as tx-map}]
(assoc tx-map :tx-report @(d/transact conn tx-data))))
(defn transact-fn [models]
(let [base-params {:models (model-map models)
:post-tx-handlers (gather-handlers models :post-tx-handlers)
:permission-handlers (gather-handlers models :permission-handlers)}]
(fn [{:keys [tx-data conn skip-permissions? access-token]}]
(cond-> (assoc base-params
:conn conn
:tx-data tx-data
:access-token access-token)
true add-audit-to-tx-data
true add-tx-report
true add-entities
true add-deltas
true schema-validation
(not skip-permissions?) permission-validation
true db-id->tmp-id
true append-post-tx-data
true transact!
true collect-tmp-ids
true resolve-tmp-ids
;; om create access token
;; Send anonymous data
;; Create access token
;; Create anonymous user
;; Create company using the access token
;; The company and identities should be set
;; Should allow a claim of an access token to get it set on the company
;; Invite a user
;; Should actually create the user and the access token for them
;; The permission grant should connect the user to the employees
;; validate/fn
;; db/fn that should validate based on queries
;; Should be able to pass query and params
;; params should be a list. Going to apply query using the db.
;; Should be an expected value
;; If the validation function does not equal the expected value, then it
;; will raise the exception (which will be passed into the function)
;; tx-data
;; transact-fn
;; Takes a models map, creates the permissions, schema validation and
;; post-tx-handlers
;; Returns a function which should take:
;; tx-data, conn, access token and a tmpids (map from om id to {:db/id db-id :resource/eid eid})
;; Add the access token and the tx audit before giving to permission-validation
;; skip-permissions?
;; Will then run the with transaction, place reslt in tx-report of the map
;; filter-fn
;; Should take an access token first
;; The first function should examine the entity for a model type
;; Reject if no type on it
;; Should never be able to get a password hash, so always exclude
;; that attribute
;; If has type, should dispatch to the permission read function of
;; the model type
[{:post-tx-handlers {[:* :*] (fn [_ _] [{:db/id :aardvark}])
[:* :added] (fn [_ _] [{:db/id :aardvark5}])
[:x :*] (fn [_ _] [{:db/id :aardvark6}])}}
{:post-tx-handlers {[:* :*] (fn [_ _] [{:db/id :aardvark83}])
[:y :*] (fn [_ _] [{:db/id :aardvark77}])}}] )
:deltas [{:old nil
:new {:db/id 55
:model/type :x}}
{:old nil
:new {:db/id 55
:model/type :y}}]})
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