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Last active November 22, 2017 00:59
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std::map? idk her
struct UnsafeBalancedTree<Element>:Sequence
struct NodeCore
enum Color
case red, black
var parent:Node?,
var element:Element
// arrange later to take advantage of padding space if Element produces any
var color:Color
struct Node:Equatable
var core:UnsafeMutablePointer<NodeCore>
var element:Element
return self.core.pointee.element
self.core.pointee.element = v
var color:NodeCore.Color
return self.core.pointee.color
nonmutating set(v)
self.core.pointee.color = v
internal fileprivate(set)
var parent:Node?
return self.core.pointee.parent
nonmutating set(v)
self.core.pointee.parent = v
internal fileprivate(set)
var lchild:Node?
return self.core.pointee.lchild
nonmutating set(v)
self.core.pointee.lchild = v
internal fileprivate(set)
var rchild:Node?
return self.core.pointee.rchild
nonmutating set(v)
self.core.pointee.rchild = v
func deallocate()
self.core.deinitialize(count: 1)
self.core.deallocate(capacity: 1)
fileprivate static
func create(_ value:Element, color:NodeCore.Color = .red) -> Node
let core = UnsafeMutablePointer<NodeCore>.allocate(capacity: 1)
core.initialize(to: NodeCore(parent: nil,
lchild: nil,
rchild: nil,
element: value,
color: color))
return Node(core: core)
func == (a:Node, b:Node) -> Bool
return a.core == b.core
// returns the inorder successor of the node in amortized O(1) time
func successor() -> Node?
if let rchild:Node = self.rchild
return rchild.leftmost()
var current:Node = self
while let parent:Node = current.parent,
current == parent.rchild
current = parent
return current.parent
// returns the inorder predecessor of the node in amortized O(1) time
func predecessor() -> Node?
if let lchild:Node = self.lchild
return lchild.rightmost()
var current:Node = self
while let parent:Node = current.parent,
current == parent.lchild
current = parent
return current.parent
func leftmost() -> Node
var leftmost:Node = self
while let lchild:Node = leftmost.lchild
leftmost = lchild
return leftmost
func rightmost() -> Node
var rightmost:Node = self
while let rchild:Node = rightmost.rchild
rightmost = rchild
return rightmost
struct Iterator:IteratorProtocol
var node:Node?
self.node = node
func next() -> Element?
guard let node:Node = self.node
return nil
let value:Element = node.element
self.node = node.successor()
return value
internal private(set)
var root:Node? = nil
func makeIterator() -> Iterator
return Iterator(node: self.first())
// frees the tree from memory
func deallocate()
// verifies that all paths in the red-black tree have the same black height,
// that all nodes satisfy the red property, and that the root is black
func verify() -> Bool
return self.root?.color ?? .black == .black &&
UnsafeBalancedTree.verify(self.root) != nil
// returns the inserted node
func append(_ element:Element) -> Node
if let last:Node = self.last()
return self.insert(element, after: last)
let root:Node = Node.create(element, color: .black)
self.root = root
return root
// returns the inserted node
func insert(_ element:Element, after predecessor:Node) -> Node
let new:Node = Node.create(element)
UnsafeBalancedTree.insert(new, after: predecessor, root: &self.root)
return new
func remove(_ node:Node)
UnsafeBalancedTree.remove(node, root: &self.root)
// returns the leftmost node in the tree, or nil if the tree is empty
// complexity: O(log n)
func first() -> Node?
return self.root?.leftmost()
// returns the rightmost node in the tree, or nil if the tree is empty
// complexity: O(log n)
func last() -> Node?
return self.root?.rightmost()
private static
func rotate(_ pivot:Node, root:inout Node?, rotation:(Node) -> Node)
guard let parent:Node = pivot.parent
// updates the external root variable since the root will change
root = rotation(pivot)
if pivot == parent.lchild
parent.lchild = rotation(pivot)
parent.rchild = rotation(pivot)
private static
func rotateLeft(_ pivot:Node, root:inout Node?)
rotate(pivot, root: &root, rotation: rotateLeft(_:))
// performs a left rotation and returns the new vertex
private static
func rotateLeft(_ pivot:Node) -> Node
let newVertex:Node = pivot.rchild!
newVertex.lchild?.parent = pivot
newVertex.parent = pivot.parent
pivot.parent = newVertex
pivot.rchild = newVertex.lchild
newVertex.lchild = pivot
return newVertex
private static
func rotateRight(_ pivot:Node, root:inout Node?)
rotate(pivot, root: &root, rotation: rotateRight(_:))
// performs a right rotation and returns the new vertex
private static
func rotateRight(_ pivot:Node) -> Node
let newVertex:Node = pivot.lchild!
newVertex.rchild?.parent = pivot
newVertex.parent = pivot.parent
pivot.parent = newVertex
pivot.lchild = newVertex.rchild
newVertex.rchild = pivot
return newVertex
private static
func insert(_ node:Node, after predecessor:Node, root:inout Node?)
guard let rchild:Node = predecessor.rchild
predecessor.rchild = node
node.parent = predecessor
let parent:Node = rchild.leftmost()
parent.lchild = node
node.parent = parent
balanceInsertion(at: node, root: &root)
private static
func balanceInsertion(at node:Node, root:inout Node?)
assert(node.color == .red)
// case 1: the node is the root. repaint the node black
guard let parent:Node = node.parent
node.color = .black
// case 2: the node’s parent is black. the tree is already valid
if parent.color == .black
// from here on out, the node *must* have a grandparent because its
// parent is red which means it cannot be the root
let grandparent:Node = parent.parent!
// case 3: both the parent and the uncle are red. repaint both of them
// black and make the grandparent red. fix the grandparent.
if let uncle:Node = parent == grandparent.lchild ? grandparent.rchild :
uncle.color == .red
parent.color = .black
uncle.color = .black
// recursive call
grandparent.color = .red
balanceInsertion(at: grandparent, root: &root)
// swift can tail call optimize this right?
// case 4: the node’s parent is red, its uncle is black, and the node is
// an inner child. perform a rotation on the node’s parent.
// then fallthrough to case 5.
let n:Node
if node == parent.rchild,
parent == grandparent.lchild
n = parent
grandparent.lchild = rotateLeft(parent)
else if node == parent.lchild,
parent == grandparent.rchild
n = parent
grandparent.rchild = rotateRight(parent)
n = node
// case 5: the node’s (n)’s parent is red, its uncle is black, and the node
// is an outer child. rotate on the grandparent, which is known
// to be black, and switch its color with the former parent’s.
assert(n.parent != nil)
n.parent?.color = .black
grandparent.color = .red
if n == n.parent?.lchild
rotateRight(grandparent, root: &root)
rotateLeft(grandparent, root: &root)
private static
func remove(_ node:Node, root:inout Node?)
func _replaceLink(to node:Node, with other:Node?, onParent parent:Node)
if node == parent.lchild
parent.lchild = other
parent.rchild = other
if let _:Node = node.lchild,
let rchild:Node = node.rchild
let replacement:Node = rchild.leftmost()
// the replacement always lives below the node, so this shouldn’t
// disturb any links we are modifying later
if let parent:Node = node.parent
_replaceLink(to: node, with: replacement, onParent: parent)
root = replacement
// if we don’t do this check, we will accidentally double flip a link
if node == replacement.parent
// turn the links around so they get flipped correctly in the next step
replacement.parent = replacement
if replacement == node.lchild
node.lchild = node
node.rchild = node
// the replacement can never be the root, so it always has a parent
_replaceLink(to: replacement, with: node, onParent: replacement.parent!)
// swap all container information, taking care of outgoing links
swap(&replacement.parent, &node.parent)
swap(&replacement.lchild, &node.lchild)
swap(&replacement.rchild, &node.rchild)
swap(&replacement.color , &node.color)
// fix uplink consistency
node.lchild?.parent = node
node.rchild?.parent = node
replacement.lchild?.parent = replacement
replacement.rchild?.parent = replacement
if node.color == .red
assert(node.lchild == nil && node.rchild == nil)
// a red node cannot be the root, so it must have a parent
_replaceLink(to: node, with: nil, onParent: node.parent!)
else if let child:Node = node.lchild ?? node.rchild,
child.color == .red
if let parent:Node = node.parent
_replaceLink(to: node, with: child, onParent: parent)
root = child
child.parent = node.parent
child.color = .black
assert(node.lchild == nil && node.rchild == nil)
balanceDeletion(phantom: node, root: &root)
// the root case is checked but not handled inside the
// balanceDeletion(phantom:root:) function
if let parent:Node = node.parent
_replaceLink(to: node, with: nil, onParent: parent)
root = nil
private static
func balanceDeletion(phantom node:Node, root:inout Node?)
// case 1: node is the root. do nothing. don’t nil out the root because
// we may be here on a recursive call
guard let parent:Node = node.parent
// the node must have a sibling, since if it did not, the sibling subtree
// would only contribute +1 black height compared to the node’s subtree’s
// +2 black height.
var sibling:Node = node == parent.lchild ? parent.rchild! : parent.lchild!
// case 2: the node’s sibling is red. (the parent must be black.)
// make the parent red and the sibling black. rotate on the parent.
// fallthrough to cases 4–6.
if sibling.color == .red
parent.color = .red
sibling.color = .black
if node == parent.lchild
rotateLeft(parent, root: &root)
rotateRight(parent, root: &root)
// update the sibling. the sibling must have children because it is
// red and has a black sibling (the node we are deleting).
sibling = node == parent.lchild ? parent.rchild! : parent.lchild!
// case 3: the parent and sibling are both black. on the first iteration,
// the sibling has no children or else the black property would ,
// not have been held. however later, the sibling may have children
// which must both be black. repaint the sibling red, then fix the
// parent.
else if parent.color == .black,
sibling.lchild?.color ?? .black == .black,
sibling.rchild?.color ?? .black == .black
sibling.color = .red
// recursive call
balanceDeletion(phantom: parent, root: &root)
// from this point on, the sibling is assumed black because of case 2
assert(sibling.color == .black)
// case 4: the sibling is black, but the parent is red. repaint the sibling
// red and the parent black.
if parent.color == .red,
sibling.lchild?.color ?? .black == .black,
sibling.rchild?.color ?? .black == .black
sibling.color = .red
parent.color = .black
// from this point on, the sibling is assumed to have at least one red child
// because of cases 2–4
// case 5: the sibling has one red inner child. (the parent’s color does
// not matter.) rotate on the sibling and switch its color and that
// of its child so that the new sibling has a red outer child.
// fallthrough to case 6.
else if node == parent.lchild,
sibling.rchild?.color ?? .black == .black
sibling.color = .red
sibling.lchild!.color = .black
// update the sibling
sibling = rotateRight(sibling)
parent.rchild = sibling
else if node == parent.rchild,
sibling.lchild?.color ?? .black == .black
sibling.color = .red
sibling.rchild!.color = .black
// update the sibling
sibling = rotateLeft(sibling)
parent.lchild = sibling
// case 6: the sibling has at least one red child on the outside. switch
// the colors of the parent and the sibling, make the outer child black,
// and rotate on the parent.
sibling.color = parent.color
parent.color = .black
if node == parent.lchild
sibling.rchild!.color = .black
rotateLeft(parent, root: &root)
sibling.lchild!.color = .black
rotateRight(parent, root: &root)
// deinitializes and deallocates the node and all of its children
private static
func deallocateTree(_ node:Node?)
guard let node:Node = node
// verifies that all paths in `node`’s subtree have the same black height,
// and that `node` and all of its children satisfy the red property.
private static
func verify(_ node:Node?) -> Int?
guard let node:Node = node
return 1
if node.color == .red
guard node.lchild?.color ?? .black == .black,
node.rchild?.color ?? .black == .black
return nil
guard let l_height:Int = verify(node.lchild),
let r_height:Int = verify(node.rchild),
l_height == r_height
return nil
return l_height + (node.color == .black ? 1 : 0)
extension UnsafeBalancedTree where Element:Comparable
// returns the inserted node
func insort(_ element:Element) -> Node
guard var current:Node = self.root
let root:Node = Node.create(element, color: .black)
self.root = root
return root
let new:Node = Node.create(element)
while true
if element < current.element
if let next:Node = current.lchild
current = next
current.lchild = new
if let next:Node = current.rchild
current = next
current.rchild = new
new.parent = current
UnsafeBalancedTree.balanceInsertion(at: new, root: &self.root)
return new
func binarySearch(_ element:Element) -> Node?
var node:Node? = self.root
while let current:Node = node
if element < current.element
node = current.lchild
else if element > current.element
node = current.rchild
return current
return nil
// tests
var rbtree = UnsafeBalancedTree<Int>()
func _printTree()
print("[", terminator: "")
for v:Int in rbtree
print(v, terminator: ", ")
for v:Int in [1, 7, 5, 4, 9, 13, 8, 2, 6, 0]
rbtree.insert(89, after: rbtree.binarySearch(8)!)
// random insertion stress test
import func Glibc.clock
// not mine, i stole this from stackoverflow
extension Array
func insertionIndexOf(_ elem:Element, _ isOrderedBefore:(Element, Element) -> Bool) -> Int
var lo = 0
var hi = self.count - 1
while lo <= hi {
let mid = (lo + hi)/2
if isOrderedBefore(self[mid], elem) {
lo = mid + 1
} else if isOrderedBefore(elem, self[mid]) {
hi = mid - 1
} else {
return mid // found at position mid
return lo // not found, would be inserted at position lo
for n in (1 ... 100).map({ 1000 * $0 })
let time1:Int = clock()
var state:UInt64 = 13,
rbtree = UnsafeBalancedTree<UInt64>(),
handle:UnsafeBalancedTree<UInt64>.Node? = nil
for _ in 0 ..< n
state = state &* 2862933555777941757 + 3037000493
handle = rbtree.insort(state >> 32)
print(clock() - time1, terminator: " ")
state = 13
for _ in 0 ..< n
state = state &* 2862933555777941757 + 3037000493
handle = rbtree.binarySearch(state >> 32)!
let time2:Int = clock()
state = 13
var array:[UInt64] = []
for _ in 0 ..< n
state = state &* 2862933555777941757 + 3037000493
array.insert(state >> 32, at: array.insertionIndexOf(state >> 32, <))
print(clock() - time2, terminator: " ")
print("[n = \(n)]")
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