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Last active December 5, 2017 17:21
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PostgreSQL v5 CDM drug_era builder that uses stockpile method for gap_days
---Adapted to PostgreSQL drug_era from Pure SQL drug_era written by Chris_Knoll:
---Upgraded to v5
---Uses STOCKPILE method to populate gap_days field
---INTERVAL set to 30 days
---Chris Knoll's comments are after two dashes
---Taylor Delehanty's comments are after three dashes
---proper schema for "<schema>" needs to be replaced in the code
---proper schema for "<vocabulary_and_concept_schema>" needs to be replaced in the code
TRUNCATE <schema>.drug_era;
WITH cteDrugPreTarget(drug_exposure_id, person_id, ingredient_concept_id, drug_exposure_start_date, days_supply, drug_exposure_end_date) AS
-- Normalize DRUG_EXPOSURE_END_DATE to either the existing drug exposure end date, or add days supply, or add 1 day to the start date
, d.person_id
, c.concept_id AS ingredient_concept_id
, d.drug_exposure_start_date AS drug_exposure_start_date
, d.days_supply AS days_supply
---NULLIF returns NULL if both values are the same, otherwise it returns the first parameter
NULLIF(drug_exposure_end_date, NULL),
---If drug_exposure_end_date != NULL, return drug_exposure_end_date, otherwise go to next case
NULLIF(drug_exposure_start_date + (INTERVAL '1 day' * days_supply), drug_exposure_start_date),
---If days_supply != NULL or 0, return drug_exposure_start_date + days_supply, otherwise go to next case
drug_exposure_start_date + INTERVAL '1 day'
---Add 1 day to the drug_exposure_start_date since there is no end_date or INTERVAL for the days_supply
) AS drug_exposure_end_date
FROM <schema>.drug_exposure d
JOIN <vocabulary_and_concept_schema>.concept_ancestor ca ON ca.descendant_concept_id = d.drug_concept_id
JOIN <vocabulary_and_concept_schema>.concept c ON ca.ancestor_concept_id = c.concept_id
WHERE c.vocabulary_id = 8 ---8 selects RxNorm from the vocabulary_id
AND c.concept_class = 'Ingredient'
AND d.drug_concept_id != 0 ---Our unmapped drug_concept_id's are set to 0, so we don't want different drugs wrapped up in the same era
AND d.days_supply >= 0 ---We have cases where days_supply is negative, and this can set the end_date before the start_date, which we don't want. So we're just looking over those rows. This is a data-quality issue.
, cteDrugTarget(drug_exposure_id, person_id, ingredient_concept_id, drug_exposure_start_date, days_supply, drug_exposure_end_date, days_of_exposure) AS
, person_id
, ingredient_concept_id
, drug_exposure_start_date
, days_supply
, drug_exposure_end_date
, drug_exposure_end_date - drug_exposure_start_date AS days_of_exposure ---Calculates the days of exposure to the drug so at the end we can subtract the SUM of these days from the total days in the era.
FROM cteDrugPreTarget
, cteEndDates (person_id, ingredient_concept_id, end_date) AS -- the magic
SELECT person_id, ingredient_concept_id, event_date - INTERVAL '30 days' AS end_date -- unpad the end date
SELECT person_id, ingredient_concept_id, event_date, event_type,
MAX(start_ordinal) OVER (PARTITION BY person_id, ingredient_concept_id
ORDER BY event_date, event_type ROWS unbounded preceding) AS start_ordinal,
-- this pulls the current START down from the prior rows so that the NULLs
-- from the END DATES will contain a value we can compare with
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY person_id, ingredient_concept_id
ORDER BY event_date, event_type) AS overall_ord
-- this re-numbers the inner UNION so all rows are numbered ordered by the event date
-- select the start dates, assigning a row number to each
SELECT person_id, ingredient_concept_id, drug_exposure_start_date AS event_date,
-1 AS event_type,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY person_id, ingredient_concept_id
ORDER BY drug_exposure_start_date) AS start_ordinal
FROM cteDrugTarget
-- pad the end dates by 30 to allow a grace period for overlapping ranges.
SELECT person_id, ingredient_concept_id, drug_exposure_end_date + INTERVAL '30 days', 1 AS event_type, NULL
FROM cteDrugTarget
) e
WHERE (2 * e.start_ordinal) - e.overall_ord = 0
, cteDrugExposureEnds (person_id, drug_concept_id, drug_exposure_start_date, drug_era_end_date, days_of_exposure) AS
, dt.ingredient_concept_id
, dt.drug_exposure_start_date
, MIN(e.end_date) AS era_end_date
, dt.days_of_exposure AS days_of_exposure
FROM cteDrugTarget dt
JOIN cteEndDates e ON dt.person_id = e.person_id AND dt.ingredient_concept_id = e.ingredient_concept_id AND e.end_date >= dt.drug_exposure_start_date
, dt.person_id
, dt.ingredient_concept_id
, dt.drug_exposure_start_date
, dt.days_of_exposure
INSERT INTO <schema>.drug_era(person_id, drug_concept_id, drug_era_start_date, drug_era_end_date, drug_exposure_count, gap_days)
, drug_concept_id
, MIN(drug_exposure_start_date) AS drug_era_start_date
, drug_era_end_date
, COUNT(*) AS drug_exposure_count
, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (drug_era_end_date - MIN(drug_exposure_start_date)) - SUM(days_of_exposure)) / 86400 AS gap_days
---dividing by 86400 puts the integer in the "units" of days.
---There are no units on this, it is just an integer, but we want it to represent days and dividing by 86400 does that.
FROM cteDrugExposureEnds
GROUP BY person_id, drug_concept_id, drug_era_end_date
ORDER BY person_id, drug_concept_id
---This is a common test to make sure you have the same number of exposures going in as contribute to the count at the end.
---Make sure the JOIN and AND statements are the same as above so that your counts actually represent what you should be getting.
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <schema>.drug_exposure d JOIN <vocabulary_and_concept_schema>.concept_ancestor ca ON ca.descendant_concept_id = d.drug_concept_id
JOIN <vocabulary_and_concept_schema>.concept c ON ca.ancestor_concept_id = c.concept_id
WHERE c.vocabulary_id = 8 ---8 selects RxNorm from the vocabulary_id
AND c.concept_class = 'Ingredient'
AND d.drug_concept_id != 0 ---Our unmapped drug_concept_id's are set to 0, so we don't want different drugs wrapped up in the same era
AND d.days_supply >= 0) AS count
, (SELECT SUM(drug_exposure_count) FROM <schema>.drug_era) AS sum
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