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Created February 8, 2015 01:32
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public class MathMatrixTester {
* main method that runs simple test on the MathMatrix class
* @param args not used
public static void main(String[] args) {
int small[][] = {{25}};
int elevens[][] = {
{-11, -11, -11, -11},
{-11, -11, -11, -11}};
int bigAndSmall[][] = {
{500, 200, 100, 200},
{200, 100, 200, 500},
{1, 2, 3, 4},
{500, 200, 100, 200}};
//test 1, tests size and values constructor
MathMatrix oneByOne = new MathMatrix(1, 1, 25);
printTestResult( get2DArray(oneByOne), small, 1, "constructor with size and initial val specified");
//test 2-3, tests size and values constructor
MathMatrix allNegative = new MathMatrix(2, 4, -11);
printTestResult( get2DArray(allNegative), elevens, 2, "constructor with size and initial val specified");
if(sumVals(allNegative) == -88)
System.out.println("Passed test 3, sum of values in matrix created by test 2.");
System.out.println("*****FAILED***** test 3, sum of values in matrix created by test 2.");
//tests 4 and 5, int[][] constructor, deep copy
//create data1 with same values as 'elevens'
int data1[][] = {
{-11, -11, -11, -11},
{-11, -11, -11, -11}};
allNegative = new MathMatrix(data1);
// alter data1. allNegative should be unchanged if deep copy made
data1[0][0] = 2;
// data1 altered. allNegative should be unchanged if deep copy made
printTestResult( get2DArray(allNegative), elevens, 4, "constructor with one parameter of type int[][]. Testing deep copy made.");
//create data1 with same values as 'small'
data1 = new int[][]{{25}};
MathMatrix testMatrix1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
// alter data1. testMatrix1 should be unchanged if deep copy made
data1[0][0] = 2;
// data1 altered. testMatrix1 should be unchanged if deep copy made
printTestResult( get2DArray(testMatrix1), small, 5, "constructor with one parameter of type int[][]. Testing deep copy made.");
//tests 6-11, addition
testMatrix1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
MathMatrix testMatrix2 = oneByOne.add(testMatrix1);
int storageArray[][] = {{27}};
printTestResult( get2DArray(testMatrix1), data1, 6, "add method. Testing testMatrix1 unchanged.");
printTestResult( get2DArray(oneByOne), small, 7, "add method. Testing oneByOne unchanged.");
printTestResult( get2DArray(testMatrix2), storageArray, 8, "add method. Testing testMatrix2 correct result.");
data1 = new int[][]{
{11, 11, 11, 11},
{11, 11, 11, 11}};
testMatrix1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
testMatrix2 = allNegative.add(testMatrix1);
storageArray = new int[][]{
{0, 0, 0, 0},
{0, 0, 0, 0}};
printTestResult( get2DArray(testMatrix1), data1, 9, "add method. Testing testMatrix1 unchanged.");
printTestResult( get2DArray(allNegative), elevens, 10, "add method. Testing allNegative unchanged.");
printTestResult( get2DArray(testMatrix2), storageArray, 11, "add method. Testing testMatrix2 correct result.");
//tests 12-17, multiplication
data1 = new int[][]{
{11, 11},
{10, 0}};
testMatrix1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
testMatrix2 = testMatrix1.multiply(allNegative);
storageArray = new int[][]{
{-242, -242, -242, -242},
{-110, -110, -110, -110}};
printTestResult( get2DArray(testMatrix1), data1, 12, "multiply method. Testing testMatrix1 unchanged.");
printTestResult( get2DArray(allNegative), elevens, 13, "multiply method. Testing allNegative unchanged.");
printTestResult( get2DArray(testMatrix2), storageArray, 14, "multiply method. Testing testMatrix2 correct result.");
data1 = new int[][]{{-10}};
testMatrix1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
testMatrix2 = testMatrix1.multiply(oneByOne);
storageArray = new int[][]{{-250}};
printTestResult( get2DArray(testMatrix1), data1, 15, "multiply method. Testing testMatrix1 unchanged.");
printTestResult( get2DArray(oneByOne), small, 16, "multiply method. Testing oneByOne unchanged.");
printTestResult( get2DArray(testMatrix2), storageArray, 17, "multiply method. Testing testMatrix2 correct result.");
//test 18-19, toString()
String expected = "| 25|\n";
if (oneByOne.toString().equals(expected))
System.out.println("passed test 18, toString method.");
System.out.println("*****FAILED****** test 18, toString method.");
MathMatrix variedVals = new MathMatrix(bigAndSmall);
expected = "| 500 200 100 200|\n| 200 100 200 500|\n| 1 2 3 4|\n| 500 200 100 200|\n";
if (variedVals.toString().equals(expected))
System.out.println("passed test 19, toString method.");
System.out.println("*****FAILED****** test 19, toString method.");
//test 20-22, upperTriangular
System.out.println("Passed test 20, upperTriangular method.");
System.out.println("*****FAILED***** test 20, upperTriangular method.");
System.out.println("Passed test 21, upperTriangular method.");
System.out.println("*****FAILED***** test 21, upperTriangular method.");
//manually make bigAndSmall upperTriangular
bigAndSmall = new int[][]{
{500, 200, 100, 200},
{0, 100, 200, 500},
{0, 0, 3, 4},
{0, 0, 0, 200}};
variedVals = new MathMatrix(bigAndSmall);
System.out.println("Passed test 22, upperTriangular method.");
System.out.println("*****FAILED***** test 22, upperTriangular method.");
//restore bigAndSmall and variedVals to previous values
bigAndSmall = new int[][]{
{500, 200, 100, 200},
{200, 100, 200, 500},
{1, 2, 3, 4},
{500, 200, 100, 200}};
//tests 23-24, changeElement
variedVals.changeElement(1, 0, 200);
variedVals.changeElement(2, 0, 1);
variedVals.changeElement(2, 1, 2);
variedVals.changeElement(3, 0, 500);
variedVals.changeElement(3, 1, 200);
variedVals.changeElement(3, 2, 100);
printTestResult( get2DArray(variedVals), bigAndSmall, 23, "changeElement method. Testing variedVals correct result.");
small[0][0] = 42;
oneByOne.changeElement(0, 0, 42);
printTestResult( get2DArray(oneByOne), small, 24, "changeElement method. Testing oneByOne correct result.");
//tests 25-27, getTranspose
testMatrix1 = oneByOne.getTranspose();
printTestResult( get2DArray(testMatrix1), small, 25, "getTranspose method. Testing testMatrix1 correct result.");
testMatrix1 = allNegative.getTranspose();
printTestResult( get2DArray(allNegative), elevens, 26, "getTranspose method. Testing allNegative unchanged.");
elevens = new int[][]{
{-11, -11},
{-11, -11},
{-11, -11},
{-11, -11}};
printTestResult( get2DArray(testMatrix1), elevens, 27, "getTranspose method. Testing testMatrix1 correct result.");
//tests 28-29, getVal
storageArray = new int[][]{{oneByOne.getVal(0, 0)}};
printTestResult(storageArray, small, 28, "getVal method. Testing storageArray contains correct result.");
storageArray = new int[4][4];
for (int r = 0; r < storageArray.length; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < storageArray[r].length; c++) {
storageArray[r][c] = variedVals.getVal(r, c);
printTestResult(storageArray, bigAndSmall, 29, "getVal method. Testing storageArray contains correct result.");
//tests 30-31, numCols
if(oneByOne.numCols() == 1)
System.out.println("Passed test 30, numCols method.");
System.out.println("*****FAILED***** test 30, numCols method.");
if(allNegative.numCols() == 4)
System.out.println("Passed test 31, numCols method.");
System.out.println("*****FAILED***** test 31, numCols method.");
//tests 32-33, numRows
if(oneByOne.numRows() == 1)
System.out.println("Passed test 32, numRows method.");
System.out.println("*****FAILED***** test 32, numRows method.");
if(allNegative.numRows() == 2)
System.out.println("Passed test 33, numRows method.");
System.out.println("*****FAILED***** test 33, numRows method.");
//tests 34-35
small[0][0] = 25;
testMatrix1 = new MathMatrix(small);
small[0][0] = 50;
printTestResult(get2DArray(testMatrix1), small, 34, "scale method. Testing testMatrix1 contains correct result.");
bigAndSmall = new int[][]{
{-5000, -2000, -1000, -2000},
{-2000, -1000, -2000, -5000},
{-10, -20, -30, -40},
{-5000, -2000, -1000, -2000}};
printTestResult(get2DArray(variedVals), bigAndSmall, 35, "scale method. Testing variedVals contains correct result.");
//tests 36-41, subtraction
data1 = new int[][]{{27}};
testMatrix1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
small[0][0] = 25;
oneByOne = new MathMatrix(small);
testMatrix2 = oneByOne.subtract(testMatrix1);
storageArray = new int[][]{{-2}};
printTestResult( get2DArray(testMatrix1), data1, 36, "subtract method. Testing testMatrix1 unchanged.");
printTestResult( get2DArray(oneByOne), small, 37, "subtract method. Testing oneByOne unchanged.");
printTestResult( get2DArray(testMatrix2), storageArray, 38, "subtract method. Testing testMatrix2 correct result.");
data1 = new int[][]{
{11, 11, 11, 11},
{11, 11, 11, 11}};
testMatrix1 = new MathMatrix(data1);
elevens = new int[][]{
{-11, -11, -11, -11},
{-11, -11, -11, -11}};
allNegative = new MathMatrix(elevens);
testMatrix2 = allNegative.subtract(testMatrix1);
storageArray = new int[][]{
{-22, -22, -22, -22},
{-22, -22, -22, -22}};
printTestResult( get2DArray(testMatrix1), data1, 39, "subtract method. Testing testMatrix1 unchanged.");
printTestResult( get2DArray(allNegative), elevens, 40, "subtract method. Testing allNegative unchanged.");
printTestResult( get2DArray(testMatrix2), storageArray, 41, "subtract method. Testing testMatrix2 correct result.");
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