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Created January 16, 2011 07:00
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Facebook Hacker Cup Online Round 1a - After the Dance Battle
import sys
# Facebook Hacker Cup Online Round 1a - After the Dance Battle
def dijkstra(graph, start, end):
dist = {}
previous = {}
for v in graph.keys():
dist[v] = float("inf")
previous[v] = ""
dist[start] = 0
Q = graph.keys()
while len(Q) > 0:
u = Q[0]
shortest = dist[Q[0]]
for x in Q:
if dist[x] < shortest:
u = x
shortest = dist[x]
if dist[u] == float("inf"):
for v, child_value in graph[u].items():
alt = dist[u] + child_value
if alt < dist[v]:
dist[v] = alt
previous[v] = u
path = []
node = end
while not (node == start):
path.insert(0, node)
node = previous[node]
path.insert(0, start)
return len(path)-1
def main():
with open(sys.argv[1]) as fp:
input =
index = 0
n = int(input[index])
index += 1
for x in range(1,n+1):
r = int(input[index])
c = int(input[index+1])
index += 2
table = [[0]*c for z in range(r)]
for i in range(r):
for j in range(c):
y = input[index]
table[i][j] = y[j]
index += 1
graph = {}
colors = {}
for i in range(r):
for j in range(c):
edges = {}
# check colors
color = table[i][j]
if color >= '1' and color <= '9':
if not colors.has_key(color):
colors[color] = []
# check left
if j > 0:
if table[i][j-1] != 'W':
edges[(i,j-1)] = 1
# check right
if j < c-1:
if table[i][j+1] != 'W':
edges[(i,j+1)] = 1
# check down
if i < r-1:
if table[i+1][j] != 'W':
edges[(i+1,j)] = 1
# check up
if i > 0:
if table[i-1][j] != 'W':
edges[(i-1,j)] = 1
graph[(i,j)] = edges
for a, b in graph.keys():
color = table[a][b]
if color >= '1' and color <= '9':
edges = graph[(a,b)]
for y, z in colors[color]:
edges[(y,z)] = 1
for j in range(c):
if table[0][j] == 'S':
start = (0,j)
for j in range(c):
if table[r-1][j] == 'E':
end = (r-1, j)
distance = dijkstra(graph, start, end)
print distance
if __name__ == "__main__":
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