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Last active November 20, 2023 10:27
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Tensorboard on SLURM


Tensorflow: v0.11.0rc2 OS: CENTOS 6.8 (No root access)


  1. The can be run with the following command to start a tensorboard server on a SLURM cluster:
sbatch --array=0-0 
  1. Check the tb-%J.out file for the $SERVER_IP and $SERVER_PORT your tensorboard server.

  2. ssh to your cluster, passing the above variables and a $LOCAL_PORT to pass the server page to:

  1. In your browers go to http://localhost:$LOCAL_PORT


Thanks to Will McFadden for doing this first with iPython!

#SBATCH --ntasks=1
#SBATCH -t 04:00:00 # max runtime is 4 hours
#SBATCH -J tensorboard_server # name
#SBATCH -o /work/thpaul/tf_tools/tensorflow/im2txt/tb-%J.out #TODO: Where to save your output
# To run as an array job, use the following command:
# sbatch --partition=beards --array=0-0
# squeue --user thpaul
source /home/thpaul/.bash_profile #TODO: Your profile
MODEL_DIR=/work/thpaul/tf_tools/tensorflow/im2txt/im2txt/model #TODO: Your TF model directory
let ipnport=($UID-6025)%65274
echo ipnport=$ipnport
ipnip=$(hostname -i)
echo ipnip=$ipnip
module load cuda/8.0 #TODO: Your Cuda Module if required
tensorboard --logdir="${MODEL_DIR}" --port=$ipnport
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