Login (requires password and duo authentication)
ssh -l <your-xsede-username> login.xsede.org
gsissh rmacc-summit
# OR to get a specific login node
gsissh login12.colorado.xsede.org
Check disk usage
Check size of a specific folder
du -h /scratch/summit/treiter\@xsede.org/
Interactive job
sinteractive --qos=interactive --time=00:10:00
Jobs running
squeue --user=your_rc-username
Analyze currently running jobs
sstat --jobs=your_job-id
Assessing fair usage
module load slurmtools
suuser $USER # number of SUs used over specified number of days
levelfs #USER # look at priority
seff <jobid> # efficiency of a job
Transfer files to osf (osfclient
currently installed in core_acc
osf -u <username> -p rhwdc upload local/file_path.txt remote/file_path.txt