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Last active August 31, 2018 12:35
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FSM typeclass demonstration
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
-- | This module implements a door that can be opened and closed, and
-- locked/unlocked with a specified code when in closed state.
-- The state diagram looks roughly like this (p. simple):
-- <--Open--- <--Unlock--
-- [Opened] [Closed] [Locked]
-- --Close--> ----Lock-->
-- Where the arrows denote events, and the bracketed words denote
-- states.
-- The following "door features" exist:
-- * Upon entering a new state, an IRC channel is informed about the
-- door state
-- * A door can be "locked" by providing an arbitrary code; and
-- unlocked by providing the same code
-- * The door calls the police if the code has been entered
-- incorrectly 10 times.
-- This demonstrates an FSM implementation in Haskell that is vaguely
-- inspired by BEAM's gen_statem. The implementation is backed by
-- Postgres for persisting events and tracking machine and action
-- states.
-- Roughly speaking, the module would be used like so:
-- import Door
-- door <- initFSM Opened
-- advance door Close
-- advance door $ Lock 1337
-- getFSM door >>= print
module Door where
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..))
import Data.Data (Data)
import FSM
import GHC.Generics
import Katip
import Katip.Monadic
-- | Code used to lock/unlock a door.
type Code = Int
-- | Number of unlock attempts.
type Attempts = Int
-- | The states that our door can be in.
data DoorState
= Opened
| Closed
| Locked Code Attempts
deriving (Eq, Data, Generic, Show)
instance ToJSON DoorState
instance FromJSON DoorState
-- | The events that the door can receive.
data DoorEvent
= OpenDoor
| CloseDoor
| LockDoor Code
| UnlockDoor Code
deriving (Data, Generic, Show)
instance ToJSON DoorEvent
instance FromJSON DoorEvent
-- | The actions that event handlers can trigger.
data DoorAction
= InformIRCAbout String
| CallThePolice
deriving (Eq, Data, Generic, Show)
instance ToJSON DoorAction
instance FromJSON DoorAction
-- This is the main implementation of FSM logic.
instance FSM DoorState where
-- The name of the FSM is used in some places where a nice,
-- human-readable name is useful (e.g. in logs).
fsmName _ = "door"
-- These two lines define which event & action type is used for the
-- DoorState FSM.
type FSMEvent DoorState = DoorEvent
type FSMAction DoorState = DoorAction
-- * Event handlers using simple pattern-matching:
-- Most trivial: opening and closing
handle :: DoorState -> DoorEvent -> (DoorState, [DoorAction])
handle Opened CloseDoor = (Closed, [])
handle Closed OpenDoor = (Opened, [])
-- Closed door can be locked:
handle Closed (LockDoor code) = (Locked code 0, [])
-- Locked door can be unlocked with the correct code, or can
-- automatically call the police if the wrong code is entered ten
-- times.
-- (Maybe this side-effect is a bit drastic?)
handle (Locked currentCode attempts) (UnlockDoor code) =
if | currentCode == code -> (Closed, [])
| attempts == 9 -> (Locked currentCode 10, [ CallThePolice ])
| otherwise -> (Locked currentCode $ attempts + 1, [])
-- other event/state combinations are invalid and should be logged,
-- but I'm gonna be lazy here and just ignore them.
handle state _ = (state, [])
-- * State enter calls
-- When the door transitions to a new state, these calls are made
-- and can cause actions.
-- Inform the fictionalIRC channel about the new door state.
enter state =
let message = case state of
Opened -> "Door has been opened!"
Closed -> "Door has been closed!"
(Locked _ _) -> "Door has been locked!"
in [ InformIRCAbout message ]
-- * Action implementation
-- These are allowed to do IO, but lets keep it simple.
act CallThePolice = do
logLocM NoticeS "Calling the police!"
return $ Right []
-- Imagine a beautiful IRC client implementation below.
act (InformIRCAbout _msg) = undefined
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