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Created September 18, 2020 20:32
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"id": 1,
"name": "'Slight' Gui Modifications",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows 'slight' gui modifications",
"downloads": "59,157",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 2,
"name": "(Too) Realistic Inventory",
"url": "",
"short_description": "You have two hands...",
"downloads": "299",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 3,
"name": "[FABRIC] Disable Custom Worlds Advice",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Minecraft asking you if you want to load a custom world is annoying. Let's fix it!",
"downloads": "1,877",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 4,
"name": "[Fabric] Expanded Storage",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Iron chests but for fabric (now forge too) but also tall and long chests.",
"downloads": "172,669",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 5,
"name": "[Fabric] Fat Experience Orbs",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Merges experience orbs into 1 entity.",
"downloads": "53,645",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 6,
"name": "[Fabric] Glass Doors",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds glass variants of existing doors!",
"downloads": "232",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 7,
"name": "[Fabric] Iron Chests",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Iron Chests Port for Fabric 1.16.2",
"downloads": "546",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 8,
"name": "[Fabric] NonCorrelatedExtras",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Side project that adds random things.",
"downloads": "7,333",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 9,
"name": "[Fabric] Survival island",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Try to survive in a world made up of islands!",
"downloads": "48,852",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 10,
"name": "[FORGE & FABRIC] Time Travel Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Enable time traveling in Minecraft!",
"downloads": "27,832",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 11,
"name": "AC Hay bales",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Negates fall damage on hay",
"downloads": "57",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 12,
"name": "Accurate Block Placement",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Build at super speed with your bare hands!",
"downloads": "2,091",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 13,
"name": "Accurate Nether Portals",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Nether portals now always bring you back to the place you came from!",
"downloads": "829",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.2"
"id": 14,
"name": "Adabranium",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod adds powerful fictional materials: Vibranium & Adamantium",
"downloads": "66,653",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 15,
"name": "AdaPaxels",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A multitool which combines pickaxe, axe and shovel. Can make Paths, Strip logs and crack Stone Bricks.",
"downloads": "168",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 16,
"name": "Adorn",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Decorate your home!",
"downloads": "189,015",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 17,
"name": "Adv Paxels (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A paxel mod for fabric!",
"downloads": "70",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 18,
"name": "Advanced Bow System",
"url": "",
"short_description": "this mod adds quivers for easier arrow management, new arrows & bows",
"downloads": "3,497",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 19,
"name": "Advanced NBT Tooltips",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds custom tooltips to items based to their NBT data.",
"downloads": "85",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 20,
"name": "AdvancedChat",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A plugin that adds some handy features to Minecraft chat.",
"downloads": "1,211",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 21,
"name": "AdvancementInfo",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Get better info about advancements",
"downloads": "260",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 22,
"name": "Advancements Enlarger",
"url": "",
"short_description": "To enlarge the advancements window.",
"downloads": "53,661",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 23,
"name": "AdventureZ",
"url": "",
"short_description": "a new endboss and other creatures",
"downloads": "19,178",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 24,
"name": "Aerial Affinity Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Remove mining speed slowdown while airborne",
"downloads": "305",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 25,
"name": "Aestheticism",
"url": "",
"short_description": "2D Models? How about 3D instead.",
"downloads": "13,248",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 26,
"name": "AFarmK",
"url": "",
"short_description": "If you are tired of holding down buttons, I'm here for you. (Fabric/Forge)",
"downloads": "1,410",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 27,
"name": "AFKPeace",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod to give you some peace of mind while AFK!",
"downloads": "1,215",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 28,
"name": "AFKTape (Clientside)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Get stuff done while AFK!",
"downloads": "832",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 29,
"name": "Age of Exile",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Diablo in Minecraft!",
"downloads": "6,927",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 30,
"name": "Agnostos",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Miscellaneous Additions to Minecraft",
"downloads": "519",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 31,
"name": "All Stackable",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Fabric Mod that allows you to freely stack items and change the stack size of them.",
"downloads": "489",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 32,
"name": "All The Creepers",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Here comes the BOOM!",
"downloads": "87,014",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.2"
"id": 33,
"name": "All The Mods Fabric Helper",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Mod made for All The Mods Fabric to inject our custom resources",
"downloads": "692",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 34,
"name": "Allure",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that ports Quark and Charm features to fabric.",
"downloads": "7,497",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 35,
"name": "Altcraft Tools",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds tool handles to modify base tool properties. Inspired by TinkersConstruct and Tool Builder.",
"downloads": "1,841",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 36,
"name": "Always Drop Loot (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Make mobs always drop exp and loot, regardless of cause of death.",
"downloads": "39,307",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 37,
"name": "Amecs (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Improves your keys & controls setup by providing modifier keys and making multi-functional keys a thing.",
"downloads": "13,512",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 38,
"name": "Amethyst Mod (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds another level of tools and armor.",
"downloads": "32,752",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 39,
"name": "Amethyst Mod for Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds another level of tools and armor.",
"downloads": "567",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 40,
"name": "Angerable Patch",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fixes MC-192362 in 1.16.",
"downloads": "49",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 41,
"name": "AnimalNet",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Catch mobs and animals with nets",
"downloads": "391,124",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 42,
"name": "Another Enchant Mod [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "It's another enchantment mod for Minecraft Fabric!",
"downloads": "122",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 43,
"name": "AntiGhost",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Remove Ghost blocks / request the server to resend blocks around the player",
"downloads": "125,565",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 44,
"name": "Antique Atlas",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Antique map featuring infinite scrolling, zoom and custom labeled markers.",
"downloads": "7,243,502",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 45,
"name": "Anvil Crushing Recipes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Define what happens when an anvil lands. ",
"downloads": "143",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 46,
"name": "Anvil Fix",
"url": "",
"short_description": "AnvilFix: Vanilla Anvils - but better! It removes the level limit for combining Items",
"downloads": "58,157",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 47,
"name": "Anvil Recipe",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that adds the ability to support crafting through the use of an anvil!",
"downloads": "68",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 48,
"name": "Anvil Repair",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Repair anvils instead of crafting new ones",
"downloads": "224",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 49,
"name": "AOF:Skyblock Custom",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Custom mod for AOF:Skyblock",
"downloads": "80",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 50,
"name": "Apple Grind",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows enchanted golden apples to be grinded in the grindstone.",
"downloads": "100",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 51,
"name": "AppleSkin",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds some useful information about food/hunger to the HUD",
"downloads": "50,570,612",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 52,
"name": "AppleZ",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds some new apples to Minecraft",
"downloads": "12,052",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 53,
"name": "Appraisal",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Lore for everything!",
"downloads": "13",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 54,
"name": "Aquarius",
"url": "",
"short_description": "More water features!",
"downloads": "27,190",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 55,
"name": "Arcadia Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod add block for Minecraft !",
"downloads": "22",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 56,
"name": "ArcaneMagic",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A magic mod focused on immersion",
"downloads": "14,670",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 57,
"name": "ArchCreatia",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A magic based industry mod.",
"downloads": "3,229",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 58,
"name": "Armor Disguise",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes use of the Trinkets API to let you disguise your armor.",
"downloads": "870",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 59,
"name": "Armor Stand Utils",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Tweaks armor stands to make them a bit more usable.",
"downloads": "2,677",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 60,
"name": "Armor Visibility",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Let that skin show!",
"downloads": "679",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 61,
"name": "Arms Of Fire [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A lightweight fabric gun mod",
"downloads": "2,088",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 62,
"name": "Art of Alchemy",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An \"industrial magic\" mod that allows you to unleash the power of transmutation!",
"downloads": "28,978",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 63,
"name": "Artis",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Extended Crafting mod for Fabric",
"downloads": "5,645",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 64,
"name": "ASH - Another Simple HUD",
"url": "",
"short_description": "ASH - Another Simple HUD with FPS count, coordinates and compass",
"downloads": "4,989",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 65,
"name": "Ash Clay",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Self-setting clay from wood ash!",
"downloads": "5,613",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 66,
"name": "Ash to Ash",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A FABRIC MOD -- Fire burns things to ash",
"downloads": "71",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 67,
"name": "Asset Validator",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This allows fully working snapshot/pre-release modpacks to be played through Twitch.",
"downloads": "15,771",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 68,
"name": "Astromine: Complete",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A space-themed technological modification with exploration, weapons and progression in mind.",
"downloads": "64,965",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 69,
"name": "Astromine: Core",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The API module of a space-themed technological modification with exploration, weapons and progression in mind, adding our APIs and libraries.",
"downloads": "177",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 70,
"name": "Astromine: Discoveries",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The exploration content module of a space-themed technological modification with exploration, weapons and progression in mind, adding ores, tools, planets and space.",
"downloads": "131",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 71,
"name": "Astromine: Foundations",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The basic content module of a space-themed technological modification with exploration, weapons and progression in mind, adding ores, tools and materials.",
"downloads": "165",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 72,
"name": "Astromine: Technologies",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The technologic content module of a space-themed technological modification with exploration, weapons and progression in mind, adding machines, power tools and fun toys.",
"downloads": "154",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 73,
"name": "Astromine: Transportations",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The transport content module of a space-themed technological modification with exploration, weapons and progression in mind, adding conveyor belts, pipes and cables.",
"downloads": "145",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 74,
"name": "Atmosfera",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds atmospheric sounds to Minecraft!",
"downloads": "6,589",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 75,
"name": "Attack On Titan for Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod for Fabric inspired from the anime and manga Attack On Titan",
"downloads": "49",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 76,
"name": "Audio Output",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Change the audio device used by minecraft",
"downloads": "1,125",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 77,
"name": "AuroraKeystrokes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Fabric mod which displays the movement keys and mouse clicks on screen.",
"downloads": "9,249",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 78,
"name": "Auth Me",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Authenticate yourself and re-validate your session",
"downloads": "166,694",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 79,
"name": "Auther",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric mod that allows you to re-authenticate your session without restarting the game",
"downloads": "108",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 80,
"name": "Auto Attack Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "enables autoswing whenever attack button is held",
"downloads": "205",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 81,
"name": "Auto Backup",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows you to specify a command to run at an interval to provide a backup mechanism",
"downloads": "214",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 82,
"name": "Auto Config API (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Annotation based API for mod configs, with Cloth Config GUI integration.",
"downloads": "5,550",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 83,
"name": "Auto Config Updated API",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Auto Config but updated.",
"downloads": "14,723",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 84,
"name": "Auto-Run",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Hands-free walking and sprinting",
"downloads": "4,371",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 85,
"name": "AutoAFKFish",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Lets you afk-fish easily.",
"downloads": "1,818",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 86,
"name": "AutoFarmer",
"url": "",
"short_description": "automate harvesting and planting",
"downloads": "2,768",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.2"
"id": 87,
"name": "Autofish",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Automatically reels in and recasts your fishing rod when you catch a fish.",
"downloads": "118,428",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 88,
"name": "AutoHarvest",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Automatically harvest and re-plant crops",
"downloads": "6,048",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 89,
"name": "AutoJson",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Small library that will load external textures and auto generate item, block and sound json files",
"downloads": "319",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 90,
"name": "Automated Crafting",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a single block that crafts automatically. Has configs to make it more/less complex. ",
"downloads": "4,189",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 91,
"name": "AutoReconnect",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Minecraft fabric mod which automatically reconnects the client to the last known server after disconnection",
"downloads": "85",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 92,
"name": "AutoSwap",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Automatically swap stacks in the hotbar when they run out.",
"downloads": "2,296",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 93,
"name": "AutoSwitch [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Automatic switching of tools when you perform an action.",
"downloads": "21,641",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 94,
"name": "Azuma",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Azuma is a magical mod designed by Team Super People.",
"downloads": "3,710",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 95,
"name": "AzureDoom's Doom Mod [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds content from Doom to Minecraft using Fabric API",
"downloads": "377",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 96,
"name": "AzureDooms Angel Ring [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds an Angel Ring based on the Extra Utilities 2 Angel Ring and DenisMasterHerobrine's Angel Ring for Fabric.",
"downloads": "135",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 97,
"name": "AzureDooms Jar Jar [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds in Jar Jar Binks to Minecraft with Fabric API!",
"downloads": "106",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 98,
"name": "B0N's Space Race Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Mod for your space racing needs",
"downloads": "567",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 99,
"name": "BackpackMod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Backpacks for Minecraft 1.16.2 (Fabric)",
"downloads": "315",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 100,
"name": "BackSlot",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Keep your weapon always ready",
"downloads": "765",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 101,
"name": "Backstep",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A fabric mod that adds pigstep to minecraft 1.15.2",
"downloads": "54",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 102,
"name": "Bacterium",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Bacteria to eat and reform your world.",
"downloads": "1,464",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 103,
"name": "Bad Anvil",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that add a stone anvil that is bad",
"downloads": "1,690",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 104,
"name": "Balance of Exile",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Anti Mob farm and anti mob cheese.",
"downloads": "216",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 105,
"name": "Bamboo Block [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a bamboo building/compaction/fuel block, nothing else.",
"downloads": "392",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 106,
"name": "Bamboo Everything (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds items/blocks made of bamboo",
"downloads": "4,182",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 107,
"name": "Bamboo Expanded",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a new bamboo wood variant!",
"downloads": "253",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 108,
"name": "Bamboo Fences [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds bamboo fences, and gates.",
"downloads": "110",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 109,
"name": "Bamboo Ladders (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds ladders made from bamboo",
"downloads": "2,977",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 110,
"name": "Bamboo Spikes [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds Bamboo Spikes to the game, nothing else.",
"downloads": "553",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 111,
"name": "Bamboo Tweaks: Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "More bamboo blocks, because bamboo is cool!",
"downloads": "52,979",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 112,
"name": "Banner Capes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Wear a banner as a cape",
"downloads": "4,074",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 113,
"name": "BannerElytra",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Display banners on your elytra!",
"downloads": "6,064",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 114,
"name": "Basic Nether Ores [Forge/Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Spawns Vanilla and Modded Ores in the Nether",
"downloads": "433,830",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 115,
"name": "BattleMod: Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A server-side loot-focused battle-royal-esque combat mod!",
"downloads": "104",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 116,
"name": "Beach Slimes (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Bouncy prey for sticky piston lovers.",
"downloads": "19,812",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 117,
"name": "Beacon apples",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Lets you make an apple that will give you the effect of the beacons",
"downloads": "278",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 118,
"name": "BeaconFlight",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Beacons can now allow survival flight!",
"downloads": "4,253",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 119,
"name": "Beacons For All (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows beacons to affect more than just players, such as animals or mobs.",
"downloads": "66",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 120,
"name": "BedrockBreakHelper",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Let's break more bedrocks!",
"downloads": "20",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 121,
"name": "BedrockIfy",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that implements useful Minecraft Bedrock Edition features into Minecraft Java Edition",
"downloads": "248",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 122,
"name": "BedrockWaters",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Ports over various biome water colors from Bedrock Edition!",
"downloads": "2,062",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 123,
"name": "Bedspreads (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows players to add banner patterns to their beds!",
"downloads": "17,292",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 124,
"name": "Bee Angry-est",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Tweaks to (angry) bees.",
"downloads": "9,549",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 125,
"name": "Bee Better",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds new features and tweaks related to bees.",
"downloads": "9,557",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 126,
"name": "Bee Fixed",
"url": "",
"short_description": "a mod to fix buggy Bee AI and movement",
"downloads": "58",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 127,
"name": "Bee Productive",
"url": "",
"short_description": "More bee fucntionality for Fabric and Minecraft 1.15",
"downloads": "10,925",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 128,
"name": "Bee Resourceful",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An addon for Bee Productive with mod support",
"downloads": "6,814",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 129,
"name": "Bee-in-a-Jar",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A bee. A jar. A bee in a jar.",
"downloads": "8,250",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 130,
"name": "Beem \ud83d\udc1d",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that displays light beams to help finding bee nests.",
"downloads": "1,744",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 131,
"name": "Beenfo",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Bee info - how many bees and how much honey is in a nest/hive?",
"downloads": "39,001",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 132,
"name": "benfah's Timber Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Chop down trees with just one hit!",
"downloads": "4,161",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 133,
"name": "Bennite",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds the divine Bennite resource to the game",
"downloads": "12",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 134,
"name": "Berry's Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds berry-related items to Minecraft. Does not add physics gun made of berries.",
"downloads": "2,142",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 135,
"name": "Better Bedrock Generator [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes the bedrock layer of your world flat",
"downloads": "360",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 136,
"name": "Better Beehives [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds an iron apiary, all vanilla wood beehive variants, a hive analyzer, and nothing else.",
"downloads": "10",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 137,
"name": "Better Compass (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Let's you set where your compass points!",
"downloads": "1,125",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 138,
"name": "Better Diamond (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "the mod will improve the diamonds",
"downloads": "6",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 139,
"name": "Better Dropped Items",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Improves the visual design of items dropped on the ground.",
"downloads": "36,108",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 140,
"name": "Better Eating Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fixes an annoying eating problem with Minecraft",
"downloads": "250",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 141,
"name": "Better Enchanted Books (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Changes the looks of enchanted books and something else.",
"downloads": "33,162",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 142,
"name": "Better Graves",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Graves that save the layout of your inventory",
"downloads": "27,243",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 143,
"name": "Better minecart rotation (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "follows minecart's direction, like boats",
"downloads": "1,847",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 144,
"name": "Better Mod Button",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fixes ModMenu's Mod Button's Spot",
"downloads": "4,474",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 145,
"name": "Better Respawn Anchor",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds stuff.",
"downloads": "157",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 146,
"name": "Better Signs & Frames",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Sign Editor & Passthrough for your fabric server",
"downloads": "12,524",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 147,
"name": "Better Slabs",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Fabric mod for improving slabs.",
"downloads": "65",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 148,
"name": "Better Stones",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Do you hate andesite, diorite, and granite? Well, this fixes everything.",
"downloads": "5,972",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 149,
"name": "Better Than Mending",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A small quality of life tweak to the Mending enchantment",
"downloads": "1,184,041",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 150,
"name": "Better Together",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Don't listen to the fish",
"downloads": "1,539",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 151,
"name": "Better Utilities",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Mod that adds a bunch of stuff that may help you in your game",
"downloads": "5,764",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 152,
"name": "Better Wandering Traders",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that replaces trades currently offered by the Wandering Trader with more useful and interesting trades.",
"downloads": "10,283",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 153,
"name": "Better Weather[Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod adding new weather events!",
"downloads": "586",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 154,
"name": "Better Wither Skeletons",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod adds withered bones, withered bone meal, withered bone blocks, and some useful crafting recipes to use with them!",
"downloads": "12,212",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 155,
"name": "Better World List",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod adding a grid layout for the world list",
"downloads": "1,243",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 156,
"name": "BetterBamboo",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Some bamboo additions",
"downloads": "2,160",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.2"
"id": 157,
"name": "BetterEnchants",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Make your enchantment experience better - Designed for Fabric 1.16",
"downloads": "323",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 158,
"name": "BetterF3",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that provides a highly customizable, more human-readable Debug HUD. ",
"downloads": "2,388",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 159,
"name": "BetterNether",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Improvements for the Nether (plants, biomes, structures, worldgen)",
"downloads": "845,008",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 160,
"name": "BetterSleeping",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds sleep voting, sleep recovery buffs, and no-sleep debuffs.",
"downloads": "8,457",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 161,
"name": "Beyond Vanilla",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds Vanilla-like features to the game without adding unnecessary recipes and items.",
"downloads": "140",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 162,
"name": "Big Buckets: Fabric Edition",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Want a bigger bucket? Get upgradable buckets that store more fluid.",
"downloads": "11,341",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 163,
"name": "Biome Picker",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Minecraft Fabric mod that lets you choose the biome you spawn in before creating a new world.",
"downloads": "315",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 164,
"name": "Biomechanics",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Meat machines. Chimera abominations in a box!",
"downloads": "611",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16"
"id": 165,
"name": "BiomeInfo (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Shows the current biome, without F3 overlay enabled",
"downloads": "2,187",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 166,
"name": "BiomOre",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that changes ore generation by THICKENING ore veins but also distributing ore based on the biome",
"downloads": "343",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 167,
"name": "Black Ether Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "a mod that adds tools and new ore",
"downloads": "1,204",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 168,
"name": "Blackstone Tools",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds tools that are crafted with blackstone",
"downloads": "3,078",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 169,
"name": "Blast Processing",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Gunpowder can be used as furnace fuel",
"downloads": "1,429",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 170,
"name": "BLAST \ud83d\udca3",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod about bombs.",
"downloads": "12,747",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 171,
"name": "Blip Block",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a bunch of blocks",
"downloads": "79",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 172,
"name": "Blizzard",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A pure blizzard that covers the world in eternal snow.",
"downloads": "134",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 173,
"name": "Block Booster",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a block which speeds up other blocks",
"downloads": "1,268",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 174,
"name": "Block Meter",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple mod to measure and count your blocks!",
"downloads": "12,709",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 175,
"name": "Block Ping",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Portal 2 like ping on blocks and entities",
"downloads": "57",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 176,
"name": "BlockMeterFabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod to measure block distances",
"downloads": "8,317",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 177,
"name": "Blockshifter [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds rails that can shift blocks back and forth which can be used to build castle gates",
"downloads": "1,922",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 178,
"name": "Blocktastic",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds Random Blocks",
"downloads": "200",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.2"
"id": 179,
"name": "Blockus",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that mainly adds blocks!",
"downloads": "113,125",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 180,
"name": "Blood in the Water",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that adds new and possibly deadly aquatic mobs to Minecraft!",
"downloads": "306",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 181,
"name": "Blorcart Economy",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Mod necesario para la economia de blorcart",
"downloads": "9",
"latest_supported_version": "1.12.2"
"id": 182,
"name": "Blue Shiny Fire",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Turn fire into soul fire by throwing in a diamond",
"downloads": "82",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 183,
"name": "BlueMap",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mapping tool that creates 3D models of your Minecraft worlds and displays them in a web viewer",
"downloads": "46",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 184,
"name": "Blur (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a blur effect to all GUI backgrounds - now for Fabric!",
"downloads": "6,802",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 185,
"name": "BoatFix",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fixes small mobs drowning in boats in 1.16.1",
"downloads": "587",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 186,
"name": "Boosted Brightness",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows you to set your brightness beyond default levels.",
"downloads": "1,469",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16"
"id": 187,
"name": "BootZ",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Speed Boots",
"downloads": "6,257",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 188,
"name": "Borderless Mining",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Changes Fullscreen to use a borderless window.",
"downloads": "13,051",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 189,
"name": "Boring Backgrounds",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Fabric mod that makes the dirt background customizable!",
"downloads": "51,574",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 190,
"name": "Boss Loot Tables",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fixes the Wither loot table & may add more boss loot functionality down the line.",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16"
"id": 191,
"name": "BottleFix (Fabric/Forge)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Removes the source block when you fill a water bottle.",
"downloads": "140",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 192,
"name": "Bouncy Life (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod gives the player the ability to immerse it as slime. Highly inspired by Tinker's Construct's Slime Sling.",
"downloads": "4,254",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 193,
"name": "Bow Infinity Fix",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Removes need to have an arrow in your inventory to use the Infinity I enchant on your bow.",
"downloads": "577,658",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 194,
"name": "BreakableDragonEgg",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod prevents dragon egg from teleporting away while breaking.",
"downloads": "11",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 195,
"name": "BreakMe",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Crashes minecraft/your PC when you die/take damage",
"downloads": "80",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 196,
"name": "Brighter",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Increases the maximum brightness configurable in the video settings from 100% to 1000% allowing pitch black areas to appear as if under daylight.",
"downloads": "975",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.2"
"id": 197,
"name": "brown sand",
"url": "",
"short_description": "a mod that transforms soul sand into brown sand",
"downloads": "34",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 198,
"name": "Brute Imitation",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows parrots to imitate piglin brutes.",
"downloads": "9",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 199,
"name": "Bucket Hat",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Put a bucket on your head.",
"downloads": "4,213",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 200,
"name": "Buffer",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A spiritual continuation of /dev/null, for Fabric! Store, carry, and use thousands of items from the palm of your hands!",
"downloads": "4,264",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 201,
"name": "BugBoy's Emerald Tools",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds Emerald tools to minecraft.",
"downloads": "673",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 202,
"name": "Building Wands",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Building Wands",
"downloads": "25,538",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 203,
"name": "Bulky Shulkies",
"url": "",
"short_description": "More Bulky Shulker boxes.",
"downloads": "7,233",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 204,
"name": "Bunch o' Trinkets",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a bunch of trinkets to t he game",
"downloads": "56,834",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 205,
"name": "Buzzing Tooltips",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Displays the amount of bees inside a bee nest and beehive on the tooltip",
"downloads": "26",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 206,
"name": "Cactus Leather",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple mod that adds in a more sustainable alternative to standard leather",
"downloads": "185",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 207,
"name": "Caelus API (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An API to provide developers access to elytra flight mechanics through an entity attribute.",
"downloads": "1,687",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 208,
"name": "Cake Chomps (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds sound and crumb particles when you eat cake.",
"downloads": "207",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 209,
"name": "Camp Fires Cook Mobs",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Mobs on camp fires drop cooked meat",
"downloads": "218",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 210,
"name": "Campanion",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A camping mod adding all kind of utilities related to the outdoors.",
"downloads": "94,154",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 211,
"name": "Campfire Incense",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Throw your potion ingredient in the fire",
"downloads": "2,618",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 212,
"name": "cAn i MiNe thIS bLOCk?",
"url": "",
"short_description": "this mod is for very smart people who need a mod to know if they can mine a block.",
"downloads": "3,138",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 213,
"name": "Canvas Renderer",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Advanced Rendering Engine for Fabric ",
"downloads": "14,489",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 214,
"name": "Cardinal Components",
"url": "",
"short_description": "API for data-driven content",
"downloads": "59,168",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 215,
"name": "Cardinal Energy",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An energy api for 1.14 fabric",
"downloads": "4,582",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 216,
"name": "Careful Break",
"url": "",
"short_description": "mined blocks drops go to inventory, instead of being droped in the world making it easier to mine blocks over the void or lava.",
"downloads": "21",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 217,
"name": "Carpet",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Take full control over your vanilla game.",
"downloads": "51,213",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 218,
"name": "Carpet Extra",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Additional features for the carpet mod",
"downloads": "11,021",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 219,
"name": "Carpet TIS Addition",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A carpet mod extension with more features",
"downloads": "660",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 220,
"name": "carrots",
"url": "",
"short_description": "\ud83e\udd55 multicolor carrot bundles to feed your friends & roasted carrots with special effects!",
"downloads": "1,565",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 221,
"name": "Cart Boosts",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Brings back minecart boosting from earlier beta versions of Minecraft.",
"downloads": "112",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 222,
"name": "CartLoaders",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows minecarts to load chunks they move into",
"downloads": "389",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 223,
"name": "Carved Melons",
"url": "",
"short_description": "if carved pumpkins are so good how come there's no carved melons?",
"downloads": "2,372",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 224,
"name": "Catch Me If You Can! (CMIYC) [FABRIC 1.15]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "catch your friends and throw your enemies!",
"downloads": "2,374",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 225,
"name": "Cauldron Brewing",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Toss the brewing stand out the window! Also put lava, milk, and potions in a cauldron!",
"downloads": "2,135",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 226,
"name": "Cauldron Overhaul",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows for cauldrons to store any fluid, and in any arbitrary ammount",
"downloads": "1,104",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 227,
"name": "Cave Biomes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes cave exploration more fun by adding over 25 new cave biomes!",
"downloads": "80,084",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 228,
"name": "Cave Update (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Aims to overhaul caves in the overworld. ",
"downloads": "320",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 229,
"name": "CC: Restitched",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A port of CC: Tweaked to Fabric.",
"downloads": "17",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 230,
"name": "CC:T for Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A fork of CC: Tweaked ported for the latest Fabric",
"downloads": "2,168",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 231,
"name": "Cereal",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A delicious NBT serialization library!",
"downloads": "454",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 232,
"name": "Chain Suspension",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows suspending gravity-affected blocks from chains.",
"downloads": "61",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 233,
"name": "Chains-Link",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Mod that adds unique piston behavior to chain blocks, and fixes some other things.",
"downloads": "1,739",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 234,
"name": "Chaos Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that adds two new materials to Minecraft.",
"downloads": "186",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 235,
"name": "Chat Bomb",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod is the bomb! DID SOMEBODY SAY BOMB?",
"downloads": "1,384",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 236,
"name": "Chat Bubbles",
"url": "",
"short_description": "mmorpg style chat bubbles, shows what players say above their heads",
"downloads": "375,433",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 237,
"name": "Chat Heads",
"url": "",
"short_description": "See who are you chatting with!",
"downloads": "95",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 238,
"name": "Chat Timestamps",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Shows timestamps in chat",
"downloads": "737",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14"
"id": 239,
"name": "Chat Up!",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Raises in game chat by 10 pixels to improve visibility of armour hunches",
"downloads": "1,889",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16"
"id": 240,
"name": "ChatCalc (Fabric and Forge)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Clientside mod that turns your chat into a calculator",
"downloads": "1,065",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 241,
"name": "ChatEmotes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Spice up your chat with client-side chat emotes",
"downloads": "1,237",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 242,
"name": "Cheems Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds Cheems to Minecraft",
"downloads": "438",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 243,
"name": "Cherished Worlds (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Favorite/pin/bookmark certain worlds, which will always be at the top of the list and cannot be deleted.",
"downloads": "12,033",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 244,
"name": "Chest Latch Fixer",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fixes the latch on chests to prevent intersection",
"downloads": "6,487",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 245,
"name": "Chest Tracker",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Remember where you've put items.",
"downloads": "814",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 246,
"name": "ChestShop (for Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A port of the Bukkit plugin ChestShop for Fabric.",
"downloads": "77",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 247,
"name": "Chicken Feathers",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Chickens will occasionally shed feathers.",
"downloads": "4,318",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 248,
"name": "Chicken Nerf",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Prevents random chicken egg laying. Instead, breeding chickens produces eggs. ",
"downloads": "132",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 249,
"name": "Chunk Activator (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Keep chunks loaded even when you're away",
"downloads": "13,188",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 250,
"name": "Chunk In A Globe",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Have a Chunk that you can enter in your own globe.",
"downloads": "6,409",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 251,
"name": "ChunkBorders",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Visualize chunk borders, locate chunk centers, and more.",
"downloads": "28,350",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 252,
"name": "Cinderscapes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A biome mod expanding the life of The Nether",
"downloads": "61,948",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 253,
"name": "ClaimChunk",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Chunk claim system for Fabric",
"downloads": "857",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.1"
"id": 254,
"name": "ClassiCombat",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Classic Combat for fabric 1.14+ Should work in all versions past 1.9",
"downloads": "632",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 255,
"name": "Classy Creepers (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that makes every creeper much more classy.",
"downloads": "570",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 256,
"name": "Clay Bucket",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a clay bucket for early game.",
"downloads": "2,248,811",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 257,
"name": "CleanCut",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Successor of SwingThroughGrass - Attack enemies through obstructions! FORGE & FABRIC!",
"downloads": "47,772",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 258,
"name": "CleanView (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "CleanView is a minecraft client mod that removes potion particles from your viewpoint",
"downloads": "3,142",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 259,
"name": "Clear Despawn (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Port of ClearDespawn forge to fabric",
"downloads": "9,921",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 260,
"name": "Clear Skies",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Horizon and fog match the sky color",
"downloads": "15,795",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 261,
"name": "ClearView",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Removes fog",
"downloads": "1,325",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 262,
"name": "ClickThrough",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Click chests/containers through signs and item frames",
"downloads": "141",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 263,
"name": "Climatic World Type",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric mod which places biomes based on climatic features, compatible with Terrestria!",
"downloads": "12,841",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 264,
"name": "Clipboards",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Immersive note taking and to-do lists!",
"downloads": "9,022",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 265,
"name": "Clippy's Tippies \u00ae",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Tips in loading screens, \u00a9 Clippy 1998.",
"downloads": "9,523",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 266,
"name": "Clojure Lib",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Shades Clojure for use by mods.",
"downloads": "29",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 267,
"name": "Cloth API (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Generalized API for Fabric 1.14",
"downloads": "83,417",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 268,
"name": "Cloth Config API (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Config Screen API for Fabric 1.14",
"downloads": "101,802",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 269,
"name": "Clothesline (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A seamless laundry experience that is definitely not an item transport mod for Fabric",
"downloads": "6,756",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 270,
"name": "Coal Nugget",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a single-operation fuel crafted with coal or charcoal.",
"downloads": "1,576",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 271,
"name": "Color Unchained",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Color Unchained is a simple mod which allows you to use Minecraft color formatting in different text areas around the game.",
"downloads": "544",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 272,
"name": "Coloration Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds 107 different solid colored blocks to the game!",
"downloads": "812",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 273,
"name": "Colored Flames",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A fabric mod that adds colorful and decorative flames",
"downloads": "6,921",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 274,
"name": "Colorful Campfire Smoke",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Colorful Campfire Smoke",
"downloads": "12,385",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 275,
"name": "Colorful Cut",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds slab, stair, and wall variants of concrete and terracotta.",
"downloads": "34",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 276,
"name": "Colormatic",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Now you can customize Minecraft's hardcoded colors with a resource pack.",
"downloads": "6,223",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 277,
"name": "Columns",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds columns to Minecraft.",
"downloads": "2,953",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 278,
"name": "Colytra (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows attachment of elytras to chestplates.",
"downloads": "964",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 279,
"name": "CombatEdit",
"url": "",
"short_description": "1.8-combat style mod for modern versions",
"downloads": "779",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 280,
"name": "Command Logger",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Logs commands you've semt in chat to a file",
"downloads": "87",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 281,
"name": "Command Macros",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Create keybinds for commands!",
"downloads": "24,933",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 282,
"name": "CommandSpy",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Serverside mod that logs commands from players or cmd blocks to console.",
"downloads": "245",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 283,
"name": "Common Expansion: Foodstuffs",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An expansion onto the existing foodstuffs in Minecraft with intricate, well-made additions.",
"downloads": "2,301",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 284,
"name": "Compact Portals",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Compact Portals For Dimensions",
"downloads": "116",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 285,
"name": "Compact Status Effects",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Reduced space consumption of status effects",
"downloads": "21,945",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 286,
"name": "CompactStorage",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adding 24x12 slot upgradable chests and backpacks",
"downloads": "5,810,147",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 287,
"name": "CompleteConfig",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A flexible, all-in-one configuration API",
"downloads": "362",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 288,
"name": "Composable Automation (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Expand vanilla's capacity for automation without god blocks.",
"downloads": "9,583",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 289,
"name": "Composing",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An all-new way to improve your tools!",
"downloads": "4,369",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 290,
"name": "Compost Recipes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds recipe support for the composter.",
"downloads": "5,927",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 291,
"name": "Compressed Blocks for Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds compressed blocks to minecraft",
"downloads": "14,063",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 292,
"name": "Compressed coal (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "(:",
"downloads": "390",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15"
"id": 293,
"name": "Compressium - Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Compressed Blocks.",
"downloads": "414",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 294,
"name": "concern",
"url": "",
"short_description": "very concerning mod",
"downloads": "34",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 295,
"name": "concernedtater",
"url": "",
"short_description": "a mod that adds concernedtater to LTR",
"downloads": "4",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 296,
"name": "Confabricate",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Configurate + Minecraft TypeSerializers for Fabric",
"downloads": "61",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 297,
"name": "Connected Block Textures",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Support for MCPatcher/Optifine-format connected textures with Fabric.",
"downloads": "7,004",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 298,
"name": "Console HUD Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric port of Console HUD",
"downloads": "3,463",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 299,
"name": "Controlling for Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a search bar to the Key-Bindings menu",
"downloads": "44,705",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 300,
"name": "Convenient mobGriefing",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Splits the `mobGriefing` gamerule into 4 gamerules for more convenience",
"downloads": "719",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 301,
"name": "Convenient Things",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A little fabric mod that adds funny or simply convenient things.",
"downloads": "5,660",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 302,
"name": "Conveyance",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that adds three tiers of conveyors and various sorting machines.",
"downloads": "16,477",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 303,
"name": "CookiesPlus (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Cookies for Fabric ",
"downloads": "875",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 304,
"name": "Corail Woodcutter Companion for Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Corail Woodcutter Companion for Fabric",
"downloads": "2,738",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 305,
"name": "Cornflower",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Team Cornflower's submission to ModFest 1.15",
"downloads": "1,849",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 306,
"name": "Cosmetic Armor Slots",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds cosmetic armor slots. Get fashionable!",
"downloads": "7,780",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 307,
"name": "Cotton",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Common materials for making Fabric mods",
"downloads": "60,237",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 308,
"name": "Cotton Client Commands",
"url": "",
"short_description": "API for client-side commands",
"downloads": "1,585",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 309,
"name": "Cotton Resources",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Cotton Resources adds default, configurable ores to the world for mods to use.",
"downloads": "12,090",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 310,
"name": "Cotton Scripting API",
"url": "",
"short_description": "JSR-223 compliant scripting in Minecraft 1.14",
"downloads": "202",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.1"
"id": 311,
"name": "Cotton Scripting: Python 2.7",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Python 2.7 language support for Cotton Scripting",
"downloads": "81",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.1"
"id": 312,
"name": "Couplings",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Coupled usage of doors, fence gates, and trapdoors",
"downloads": "34,618",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 313,
"name": "Craft Hacks",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds recipes to the game to make crafting less tedious.",
"downloads": "543",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 314,
"name": "Craftable Command Blocks Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a crafting recipe for command blocks and makes them usable in survival",
"downloads": "5",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 315,
"name": "Craftable Horse Items (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Craft saddles and horse armors.",
"downloads": "3,069",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 316,
"name": "Craftable Utilities",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Create various useful consumable items.",
"downloads": "15,276",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 317,
"name": "Crafting Station but it's Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "It's a crafting station for fabric",
"downloads": "959",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 318,
"name": "CraftingPad (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Add an item which opens crafting menu",
"downloads": "15,243",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 319,
"name": "CraftNugget",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Fabric Server modding API",
"downloads": "92",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.2"
"id": 320,
"name": "CraftPresence",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Completely Customize the way others see you play in Discord!",
"downloads": "5,244,693",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 321,
"name": "Crafty",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Make your own blocks and items with JSON",
"downloads": "1,137",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.1"
"id": 322,
"name": "Crafty Crashes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Where knowledge meets carelessness",
"downloads": "324",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 323,
"name": "Crashma",
"url": "",
"short_description": "What's Crashma, you ask? Crashma game LOL",
"downloads": "212",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 324,
"name": "Crawl (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows you to crawl",
"downloads": "9,158",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 325,
"name": "Create a Creature!",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Create a Creature!",
"downloads": "424",
"latest_supported_version": "1.12.2"
"id": 326,
"name": "Creeper Confetti (Fabric port)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Replaces the Creeper explosion with a much nicer one.",
"downloads": "14",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 327,
"name": "Creeper Habitats",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes creepers blend in with the plant-life of the biome they spawned in.",
"downloads": "2,878",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 328,
"name": "Creeper Spores (For Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Griefless creepers with a few tricks",
"downloads": "12,500",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 329,
"name": "Crimson",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a dangerous new biome with a system of magic device crafting from infused gems linked to it",
"downloads": "2,461",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 330,
"name": "Crimson Moon",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Every so often... a Crimson Moon appears, accompanied by the howls of mobs across the lands.",
"downloads": "16,707",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 331,
"name": "Critical Flight Details",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Minecraft Mod that enhances the Game's HUD with details for Elytra Flying:",
"downloads": "331",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 332,
"name": "Critical Orientation",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Minecraft Fabric mod which helps to place ice boats by snapping orientation to cardinal directions",
"downloads": "99",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 333,
"name": "Crochet",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Entity Data & Networking tools for Fabric mods",
"downloads": "4,265",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 334,
"name": "Crooked Crooks",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds crooks for all the vanilla materials. They multiply drops from leaves and grasses and they pull mobs! ",
"downloads": "42,326",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 335,
"name": "Crowmap",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Make maps update anywhere in your inventory.",
"downloads": "10,338",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 336,
"name": "Crusade",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Crusade is a Minecraft mod that adds many new medieval themed weapons and gear. It adds a \ud835\udc1f\ud835\udc2e\ud835\udc25\ud835\udc25\ud835\udc32 \ud835\udc1f\ud835\udc2e\ud835\udc27\ud835\udc1c\ud835\udc2d\ud835\udc22\ud835\udc28\ud835\udc27\ud835\udc1a\ud835\udc25 \ud835\udc2d\ud835\udc2b\ud835\udc1e\ud835\udc1b\ud835\udc2e\ud835\udc1c\ud835\udc21\ud835\udc1e\ud835\udc2d that can throw any Minecraft block, even modded blocks, and new lance weapons that work on all ridable entities.",
"downloads": "50,224",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 337,
"name": "Crystal Modifiers (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Harness the power of new naturally spawning crystals to apply potion effects to you and your enemies in a more strategy-oriented, quick, and reliable method.",
"downloads": "130",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 338,
"name": "Crystalline Novelties",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod based around crystal magic and ancient healing!",
"downloads": "515",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 339,
"name": "Cull Particles Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "don't render unseen particles, fabric edition",
"downloads": "3,070",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 340,
"name": "Curio of Undying (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds curio support for the Totem of Undying so you don't have to be holding it.",
"downloads": "1,025",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 341,
"name": "Curios API (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A flexible and expandable accessory/equipment API for users and developers.",
"downloads": "5,545",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 342,
"name": "Curious Armor Stands (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows armor stands to wear curios",
"downloads": "48",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 343,
"name": "Curious Elytra (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds curio support to the elytra so you can fly and wear chest armor at the same time.",
"downloads": "356",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 344,
"name": "Curious Shulker Boxes (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds curio support for Shulker Boxes for easier access and management.",
"downloads": "419",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 345,
"name": "Curse of The Gambler",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Gamble your drops!",
"downloads": "26",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 346,
"name": "Cursed Earth Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "grass that rapidly spawns mobs and dies in sunlight",
"downloads": "6,897",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 347,
"name": "Cursed Enchanting",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Get better enchants... at a price",
"downloads": "73",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 348,
"name": "Cursed Table",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes EVERY enchantment available on an enchanting table",
"downloads": "68",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 349,
"name": "Curses!",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that adds some new, annoying curses to Minecraft. ",
"downloads": "727",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 350,
"name": "Custom Crosshair Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A dynamic and customisable crosshair.",
"downloads": "238,401",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 351,
"name": "Custom Fog",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod giving you more control over fog!",
"downloads": "412",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 352,
"name": "Custom FoV (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows disabling or customizing field of view changes from sprinting, potions, archery, or underwater.",
"downloads": "206",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 353,
"name": "Custom Nausea (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows disabling, replacing, or modifying the strength of the Nausea effect.",
"downloads": "94",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 354,
"name": "Custom Piglin Bartering",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows datapacks to map barter items to loot tables",
"downloads": "227",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 355,
"name": "Custom Player Model (CPM)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Customize your player model in Minecraft using JSON.",
"downloads": "13,821",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 356,
"name": "Custom Records",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Lets you add custom records to Minecraft",
"downloads": "19,998",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 357,
"name": "Custom Selection Box",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Customize the selection box you normally have on Minecraft.",
"downloads": "28,381",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 358,
"name": "Custom Skins",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Add some flair to your player",
"downloads": "79",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 359,
"name": "CustomGamerules API",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An API for custom gamerules in mc 1.14",
"downloads": "227",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 360,
"name": "CustomHud",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A highly customizable variable-based text hud",
"downloads": "3",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 361,
"name": "CustomJoinMessagesFabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple plugin that allows you to customize broadcasted server messages.",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 362,
"name": "Customposter",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Let's players define what can be composted.",
"downloads": "172",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 363,
"name": "CustomSkinLoader",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Custom Skin Loader for Minecraft",
"downloads": "161,335",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 364,
"name": "CustomTitleScreen",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Create a custom title screen for your minecraft instance",
"downloads": "8,053",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 365,
"name": "CutScene API",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Tools to help developers add CutScenes to their mods",
"downloads": "934",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 366,
"name": "Dank Storage Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "utility block",
"downloads": "26,789",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 367,
"name": "Dark Elevators",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a simple elevator block to the game.",
"downloads": "4,127",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14"
"id": 368,
"name": "Dark Loading Screen",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes the loading screen darker",
"downloads": "35,117",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 369,
"name": "Dark Utilities (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds random blocks that are sometimes useful.",
"downloads": "3,773",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 370,
"name": "Data Loader (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Load global data packs that apply to all worlds.",
"downloads": "20,418",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 371,
"name": "Datapack Easy",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Copy datapacks from a global folder to worlds",
"downloads": "178",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 372,
"name": "DatChat",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Discord chat integration for Fabric servers",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 373,
"name": "Dawn API",
"url": "",
"short_description": "API that facilitates the creation of features.",
"downloads": "223",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 374,
"name": "Daylight Mobs",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Mobs don't burn in daylight!",
"downloads": "454",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 375,
"name": "Death Bags for Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An alternate way of getting back your stuff, for Fabric Loader.",
"downloads": "102",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 376,
"name": "DeathMaps",
"url": "",
"short_description": "when you die, gives you a map with your death location on it",
"downloads": "42,848",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.2"
"id": 377,
"name": "Deborder",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes the Minecraft window borderless.",
"downloads": "223",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 378,
"name": "Debrand",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Removes the modded notice on the window title and title screen.",
"downloads": "1,117",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 379,
"name": "Decorative",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds many cool new decorations to minecraft",
"downloads": "7,424",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 380,
"name": "Deep Mob Learning: Refabricated",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Alternative mob loot acquisition",
"downloads": "22,620",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 381,
"name": "Dehand",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Removes the hand from the first-person perspective.",
"downloads": "201",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 382,
"name": "Delicious Dishes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds in many cool new dishes with special features. Created for ModFest 1.16.",
"downloads": "54,253",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 383,
"name": "Demesne for Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A location based magic mod.",
"downloads": "1,524",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 384,
"name": "Demeter",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Enhancing the default Minecraft farming experience",
"downloads": "7,543",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 385,
"name": "Desire Paths For Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Automatic paths where you walk often, just like in real life.",
"downloads": "8,128",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 386,
"name": "Dev World (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Create a Development world",
"downloads": "248",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 387,
"name": "Diagonal Panes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Diagonal glass panes!",
"downloads": "62,902",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 388,
"name": "Diamond Shards (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple mod that allows diamonds to be broken down into 9 shards. Best used for diamond-based economies.",
"downloads": "92",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 389,
"name": "Diggus Maximus",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Lightweight vein mining for Fabric 1.14.4/1.15",
"downloads": "106,476",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 390,
"name": "Dihydrogen Monoxide Reloaded",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Improves the way water works in Minecraft!",
"downloads": "587",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 391,
"name": "Dimension Mutability",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allow sleeping and weather in custom dimensions",
"downloads": "18",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 392,
"name": "Dirt Slab [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Mostly functional half blocks of dirt",
"downloads": "392",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 393,
"name": "Dirt to Path",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Flatten Dirt into Path",
"downloads": "4,503",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 394,
"name": "Discord Fabric Whitelister",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Whitelist users from discord",
"downloads": "108",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 395,
"name": "DiscordConnect",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod for a better connection between Discord and a Minecraft server.",
"downloads": "49",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 396,
"name": "Disenchanting",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod adds a disenchanting table where you can extract enchantments to books using experience.",
"downloads": "5,904",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.1"
"id": 397,
"name": "DisFabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple but complete Fabric <> Discord chat bridge.",
"downloads": "34",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 398,
"name": "Displacer [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Something in-between a vacuum hopper and a hopper duct",
"downloads": "178",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 399,
"name": "Don't Clear Chat History",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Don't Clear the Chat History on Disconnect!",
"downloads": "32",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 400,
"name": "Don't Drop It!",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Prevents accidental dropping of items via various means.",
"downloads": "827",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 401,
"name": "Don't stub your toe!",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes you auto-jump while sprinting",
"downloads": "224",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.1"
"id": 402,
"name": "DontGrow",
"url": "",
"short_description": "stop babies from growing",
"downloads": "35",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 403,
"name": "DontPushMe",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Disable selective pushing from players, animals, or mobs",
"downloads": "92",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 404,
"name": "DoomedFabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Library Mod used and maintained by Messiah_Of_Doom",
"downloads": "97",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 405,
"name": "Door To Babel [Ancient Technology Mod][FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An ancient technology mod focusing on motion and other things",
"downloads": "159",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 406,
"name": "Door(s) Coupling [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Couplings for Fabric 1.16",
"downloads": "15,311",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 407,
"name": "Doors of Infinity",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod adds small personal dimensions that can be accessed through a magic door!",
"downloads": "45,371",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 408,
"name": "Double Jump Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds an enchantment for boots that allows you to jump mid-air.",
"downloads": "204",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 409,
"name": "Dowsing",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Minecraft mod written in Kotlin about dowsing for water, lava, ores, and other stuff.",
"downloads": "10",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 410,
"name": "Dracomelette",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Cookable dragon eggs lol",
"downloads": "12,986",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 411,
"name": "Draylar's Battle Towers",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Modern Battle Towers",
"downloads": "100,499",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 412,
"name": "Drop Loot Always (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Make mobs always drop exp and loot, regardless of cause of death.",
"downloads": "205",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 413,
"name": "DropperDucts (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "makes droppers activate in chains, to work as itemducts",
"downloads": "167",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 414,
"name": "Drunk Fletchin' Table",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that adds actual functionality to fletching tables.",
"downloads": "28",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 415,
"name": "Ducts",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod add ducts.",
"downloads": "268",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 416,
"name": "Dulce De Leche",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A minecraft mod that adds content that tries to follow vanilla balance.",
"downloads": "3,018",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 417,
"name": "Dumpster",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Efficiently void unwanted items and fluid into black hole. Essentially a trash can.",
"downloads": "2,516",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.1"
"id": 418,
"name": "DuplicatEgg",
"url": "",
"short_description": "When 1 Dragon Egg wasn't enough, this mod DuplicatEgg'd them! This mod makes all Ender Dragons spawn Dragon Eggs on death.",
"downloads": "233",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 419,
"name": "Durability Banks",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Powerbanks, but for Minecraft items.",
"downloads": "283",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 420,
"name": "Dwarf Coal (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod add's single use coal forms from coal,charcoal,charcoal blocks, and dwarf torches(small torches with low light)",
"downloads": "1,281",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 421,
"name": "Dwarfen Legacy",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod about pickaxes",
"downloads": "21",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 422,
"name": "DynaGear",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Gear for everyone and everything!",
"downloads": "3,744",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 423,
"name": "Dynamic FPS",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Improve performance when Minecraft is in the background",
"downloads": "83,836",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 424,
"name": "Dynamic Sound Filters",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds sound filters based on current surroundings",
"downloads": "20,635",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 425,
"name": "Dynamic Tooling",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that extends 'nilla tools, adds ability to create new custom ones, as well as a few helpful machines.",
"downloads": "162",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 426,
"name": "Dynmap for Fabric [Unofficial]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This is an unofficial Fabric port of the popular dynmap mod",
"downloads": "504",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 427,
"name": "Dynocaps",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Travel with the comfort of your own home",
"downloads": "33,713",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 428,
"name": "DynRes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Host a resourcepack directly on your server",
"downloads": "5",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 429,
"name": "Dysmixia",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Forces the Minceraft title screen to show.",
"downloads": "31",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 430,
"name": "E404NNF's Emerald Tools [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Yeah another one",
"downloads": "10,334",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 431,
"name": "Earl Gray",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Entity property/trait API for the Fabric mod loader.",
"downloads": "437",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 432,
"name": "Earth2Java [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod add mobs and items from Minecraft Earth to Minecraft Java Edition.",
"downloads": "965",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 433,
"name": "Easier Enchanting",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Reroll enchantments",
"downloads": "1,383",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 434,
"name": "Easier Gunpowder [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Lets you farm gunpowder through charcoal",
"downloads": "56",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 435,
"name": "EasierChests",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Mod to easier move stuff between inventory and chests",
"downloads": "15,902",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 436,
"name": "EasierCrafting",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Crafting stuff is only one mouse click away! This mod knows recipes and tells you what you can craft.",
"downloads": "32,267",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 437,
"name": "EasierVillagerTrading",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This is a client side Minecraft mod that allows one-click-trades with villagers. Great if you sell double chests of food to farmers, or sugar cane to librarians. ",
"downloads": "66,282",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 438,
"name": "Easy Emerald Tools & More [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Balanced tools of emerald, ruby, obsidian, and steel",
"downloads": "4,848",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 439,
"name": "Easy feeding",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Easy feeding and breeding for fabric",
"downloads": "812",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 440,
"name": "EasyCoords",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Simple information bar.",
"downloads": "1,445",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 441,
"name": "EasyExcavate",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A lightweight VeinMiner / OreExcavator alternative for Fabric",
"downloads": "32,078",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 442,
"name": "EasyMOTD",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric mod for creating randomized server message of the day ",
"downloads": "136",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 443,
"name": "Eat and Drink (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod inspired by Alice in Wonderland!",
"downloads": "136",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 444,
"name": "Eat-Book",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Books are now edible.",
"downloads": "545",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 445,
"name": "Economical Villager Trading",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Villagers restock buy trades when you use up a sell trade, and vice versa. ",
"downloads": "690",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 446,
"name": "Economy for Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The Economy API for Fabric",
"downloads": "530",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 447,
"name": "Ecotones",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A biome overhaul mod with over 135 biomes to explore and discover!",
"downloads": "54,776",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 448,
"name": "Edible Squid",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple Fabric mod to allow you to farm squid for food.",
"downloads": "96",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 449,
"name": "Edit Sign",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allow you to edit signs",
"downloads": "222,382",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 450,
"name": "Egg Tab - Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Moves all spawn eggs and enchanted books to separate creative tabs",
"downloads": "13,286",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 451,
"name": "Eggs Plus",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a few recipes for eggs.",
"downloads": "1,440",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 452,
"name": "Einholzscher Tech Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The Einholzscher-Tech-Mod is just another Minecraft Tech Mod for Fabric.",
"downloads": "186",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 453,
"name": "Eldritch Mobs",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that makes everyday mobs more dangerous, exciting, and rewarding to fight!",
"downloads": "5,240",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 454,
"name": "Elmod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Swag",
"downloads": "3",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 455,
"name": "Elytra Auto Flight",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Controls your elytra flight to gain altitude without using fireworks",
"downloads": "339",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 456,
"name": "Elytra Hopping",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A new way to use the Elytra.",
"downloads": "512",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 457,
"name": "Elytra Recipe",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a recipe for the Elytra.",
"downloads": "621",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 458,
"name": "Elytra Swap",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Swaps chestplate with elytra when falling down and allows for easy takeoff!",
"downloads": "9,247",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 459,
"name": "Emotecraft",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Emotes in minecraft",
"downloads": "961",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 460,
"name": "Empty Tag Fix",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fixes an issue with loading multiple empty tags in Minecraft 1.16 pre-release 3.",
"downloads": "2",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 461,
"name": "Enchant Popoff (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Displays enchantment tooltips underneath the item name popup",
"downloads": "754",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 462,
"name": "Enchantable Horse Armor",
"url": "",
"short_description": "makes horse armor enchantable",
"downloads": "139",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 463,
"name": "Enchanted Book Redesign Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "better distinguish enchanted books",
"downloads": "61",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 464,
"name": "Enchanted ToolTips",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Enchantment info in tooltips!",
"downloads": "19,227",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 465,
"name": "End: Rebellion",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric version of the End: Reborn mod",
"downloads": "45,367",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 466,
"name": "Ender Box (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Move blocks and manage lag-heavy machines with ease!",
"downloads": "2,603",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 467,
"name": "Enderite Mod (for Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds successors to Netherite items",
"downloads": "9,336",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 468,
"name": "Enderlift",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Elevator block",
"downloads": "5,317",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 469,
"name": "Endfestation",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Endermite infestation of purpur = shulker",
"downloads": "5,691",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 470,
"name": "EnergonRelics",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Simple Technology Mod",
"downloads": "363",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 471,
"name": "Engination-Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Creative Cubes and Conventional Curiosities",
"downloads": "2,118",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 472,
"name": "Entity Outliner",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows you to select entity types to outline, making them visible through obstructions at any distance.",
"downloads": "136",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 473,
"name": "Epic E's",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Ever wanted a cursed mod that brings the letter E? Well here you go!",
"downloads": "22",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 474,
"name": "Epicurean",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Food-related features for Fabric and 1.14+",
"downloads": "17,835",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 475,
"name": "EquipZ",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Armor and Weapons",
"downloads": "20,576",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 476,
"name": "Equivalence [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Inspired by Equivalence Exchange 3 and retroExchange",
"downloads": "75",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 477,
"name": "Esther",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A spellcasting mod for Minecraft",
"downloads": "657",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 478,
"name": "Eternal Eats",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Keep Eating food even if you're full",
"downloads": "126",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 479,
"name": "Euclid",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A WorldEdit selection and LogBlock result visualizer for Minecraft Fabric 1.16.1",
"downloads": "2,363",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 480,
"name": "Everything is a Hat",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Every block and item in the game can be worn as a hat.",
"downloads": "10,222",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 481,
"name": "Ex Nihilo Fabrico",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabricate from nothingness",
"downloads": "2,563",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 482,
"name": "Exotic Blocks",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fancy and novel building blocks for Minecraft",
"downloads": "16,120",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 483,
"name": "Exotic Matter Library",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Model Library for Fabric",
"downloads": "15,698",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 484,
"name": "Expanded Concrete",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds slab and stair variants of concretes!",
"downloads": "970",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 485,
"name": "Expanded Nether Ores",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Overworld ore variants for the Nether!",
"downloads": "70",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 486,
"name": "ExperimentAway",
"url": "",
"short_description": "remove experimental features warnings",
"downloads": "42,151",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 487,
"name": "Exploding Blocks (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Need more challenge in building blocks? Why not make them randomly explode!",
"downloads": "20",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 488,
"name": "Explosive Shulker Bullets",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes shulker bullets explode on collision.",
"downloads": "26",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 489,
"name": "Extended Dispensers",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Extends the vanilla Dispenser with the ability to place blocks",
"downloads": "912",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.2"
"id": 490,
"name": "Extra Alchemy",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A handful of Vanilla-friendly new potions",
"downloads": "4,985,628",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 491,
"name": "Extra Anvils Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "better anvils with higher level cap and more durability",
"downloads": "136",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 492,
"name": "Extra Bows",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds new variants of bows, bow upgrades and other archery stuff to the game",
"downloads": "413,195",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 493,
"name": "Extra Origins",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds more origins to the Origins mod",
"downloads": "2,924",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 494,
"name": "Extra Pieces",
"url": "",
"short_description": "All the Slabs, Stairs, Walls and more you could want! (Plus Vertical Slabs and stuff!)",
"downloads": "26,465",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 495,
"name": "Extra Pieces Addon",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adding more piece types to Extra Pieces",
"downloads": "2,013",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 496,
"name": "Extra Player Models",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds the ability to create custom player models.",
"downloads": "403",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 497,
"name": "Extra Shields Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds new shields to minecraft",
"downloads": "2,359",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 498,
"name": "Extra Tags Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "allow additional groups of objects to be control via datapacks such as biomes or enchantments",
"downloads": "143",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16"
"id": 499,
"name": "ExtraDiscs",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds more music discs",
"downloads": "23,501",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 500,
"name": "ExtraDoors",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a bunch of new doors and trapdoors, including glass doors!",
"downloads": "56,437",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 501,
"name": "ExtraGamerules",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a bunch of new gamerules",
"downloads": "807",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 502,
"name": "ExtraPlayerRenderer",
"url": "",
"short_description": "render yourself on screen - a mod for live or recording video",
"downloads": "990",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 503,
"name": "EZ Pipes and Stuff (EZPaS)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds ez pipes and stuff",
"downloads": "29,601",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 504,
"name": "ezWastelands",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A small mod to generate a mostly (but not completely) flat wasteland terrain.",
"downloads": "82,407",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 505,
"name": "F3ServerInfo",
"url": "",
"short_description": " Simple mod reimplementing Vanilla 1.13 server informations in F3 ",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.8.9"
"id": 506,
"name": "FabriBlocks",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod adding building and decoration blocks",
"downloads": "15,646",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 507,
"name": "Fabric API",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Core API library for the Fabric toolchain",
"downloads": "4,008,185",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 508,
"name": "Fabric Armor",
"url": "",
"short_description": "For showing off fabric.",
"downloads": "831",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 509,
"name": "Fabric Chunk Pregenerator",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Pregenerate chunks with Fabric!",
"downloads": "58,772",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 510,
"name": "Fabric Console",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A set of tweaks to the dedicated server console. Right now, enables log coloring. Fabric only.",
"downloads": "1",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 511,
"name": "Fabric Core Mods",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Let's Break Things",
"downloads": "109",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 512,
"name": "Fabric Craftable Enchanted Golden Apple",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod adds the 1.8 crafting recipe for the Enchanted Golden Apple back into the game!",
"downloads": "3,936",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 513,
"name": "Fabric Drawer",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric library mod to make saving data easier for Kotlin devs",
"downloads": "6,723",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 514,
"name": "Fabric Flux",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Simple energy API for Fabric mods",
"downloads": "1,422",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 515,
"name": "Fabric for Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A content mod focused around the new Fabric item. For 1.16 on the Fabric loader.",
"downloads": "4,349",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 516,
"name": "Fabric Forwarding",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Proxy network support for Fabric modded servers.",
"downloads": "125",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 517,
"name": "Fabric Freecam",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Lightweight freecam mod for Fabric (1.15.2)",
"downloads": "1,948",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 518,
"name": "Fabric Furnaces",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric Furnaces is a mod that adds more furnace versions to the game.",
"downloads": "93,886",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 519,
"name": "Fabric Language Groovy",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Mod That is Groovy",
"downloads": "148",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 520,
"name": "Fabric Language Kotlin",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric language module for Kotlin",
"downloads": "177,510",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 521,
"name": "Fabric MyCraft ",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A vanilla overhaul mod which makes some changes to early-to-late game.",
"downloads": "1,313",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 522,
"name": "Fabric Old Obsidian",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds the removed glitch that lets you turn Redstone Wire into Obsidian.",
"downloads": "57",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 523,
"name": "Fabric Pokeballs",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Simply adds Pokeballs via Fabric API",
"downloads": "2,369",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 524,
"name": "Fabric Server Essentials",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds some essential commands and features for any casual minecraft server",
"downloads": "1,143",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 525,
"name": "Fabric Shield Lib",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes shields enchantable while also being a tool for modders to easily add in new shields and shield enchantments!",
"downloads": "916",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 526,
"name": "Fabric Tree Chopper",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Fabric mod to make cutting down trees easier and more realistic.",
"downloads": "22,437",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 527,
"name": "Fabric Vertical Slabs",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds vertical slabs into the game.",
"downloads": "4,678",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 528,
"name": "Fabric Zero",
"url": "",
"short_description": "FabricZero: Compatibility and performance enhancement mod",
"downloads": "1,064",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 529,
"name": "Fabric-Discord Link",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Fabric-Discord Chat Link",
"downloads": "4,129",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 530,
"name": "Fabricbridge",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Matterbridge support for the Minecraft client via Fabric.",
"downloads": "39",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 531,
"name": "FabricComs",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple utility to help fabric mods communicate between each other",
"downloads": "2",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 532,
"name": "Fabriclothing",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that adds colorful wearables to minecraft",
"downloads": "96",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 533,
"name": "FabricMagnet",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A magnet built using the Fabric toolkit for MC 1.14",
"downloads": "2,322",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 534,
"name": "FabricProxy",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric mod for support forward player data from proxy, support bungeecord and velocity",
"downloads": "3,885",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 535,
"name": "FabricTailor",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A server-side / singleplayer skin changing mod for fabric.",
"downloads": "465",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 536,
"name": "Fabrishot",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Take 15360x8640 screenshots because why not",
"downloads": "23",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 537,
"name": "Facility",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Intermodal containerized transport and storage, with extras",
"downloads": "11,838",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 538,
"name": "FactionMapOverlayMod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Shows all factions and their names visually",
"downloads": "6",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 539,
"name": "FairEnchanting",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes the experience cost on the Enchanting Table / Anvil standard even if your level is higher than the required level.",
"downloads": "11,036",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 540,
"name": "FakeFPS (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Do as much as you want FPS!",
"downloads": "837",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 541,
"name": "FallFlyingLib",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Helping with Elytra mod compatibility.",
"downloads": "45",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 542,
"name": "FallingTree",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Break down your trees by only cutting one piece of it",
"downloads": "561,960",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 543,
"name": "Fancy Fountain Passage",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a teleporter / portal ",
"downloads": "11,919",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 544,
"name": "Fantasy World Mod (+Sark !)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This Mod adds some ores to the game that are related to the Fantasy World",
"downloads": "86",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 545,
"name": "FarLands",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Far Lands in 1.14+",
"downloads": "15,176",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 546,
"name": "Farmcraft",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Enhancing the default Minecraft farming experience",
"downloads": "1,817",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 547,
"name": "Fast Furnace for Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Optimizations and tweaks for the vanilla furnaces",
"downloads": "6,871",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 548,
"name": "FastBench for Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Crafting table optimizations",
"downloads": "5,922",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 549,
"name": "Fastest f in the west",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Ever wanted to have that sweet sweet fastest F in the west? Well now you can!",
"downloads": "160",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 550,
"name": "FastFlyBlockBreaking",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows to break blocks with normal speed when other mod enables flying in survival mode.",
"downloads": "117,095",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 551,
"name": "FastGrowth",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Shift to make crops/trees grow",
"downloads": "66",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 552,
"name": "Features-mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Mods that add client featurs for better experience like local time editor, quick move in inventory...",
"downloads": "113",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 553,
"name": "Fence Hopper",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that allows you to jump over fences and walls.",
"downloads": "2,434",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 554,
"name": "Fence Jumper",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fence Jumping!",
"downloads": "8,426,556",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 555,
"name": "Fence Player Upper",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows players to jump on fences and walls. Configurable through tags!",
"downloads": "31",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 556,
"name": "Feral Hogs",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Spawns 30-50 feral hogs every 3-5 minutes",
"downloads": "331",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 557,
"name": "Fermion",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Common Library for Grondag's Minecraft Mods (Fabric toolchain)",
"downloads": "7,296",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 558,
"name": "Ferroustry Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Resource trees and decoration",
"downloads": "52",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 559,
"name": "Fiber2Cloth",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple API to magically make fiber config nodes into cloth",
"downloads": "613",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 560,
"name": "Filtered Receptacles",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Provides basic blocks for an improved near-vanilla item sorting experience.",
"downloads": "293",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 561,
"name": "Finite Fluids Control (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allow to control water and other fluid finite/infinite state.",
"downloads": "160",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 562,
"name": "Finite Water",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Finite your water",
"downloads": "323",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 563,
"name": "Fired Chainmail",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a balanced crafting recipe for chainmail armor.",
"downloads": "11",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 564,
"name": "First-person Model",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Enables the third-person Model in first-person",
"downloads": "71,466",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 565,
"name": "Fish Help [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Displays particles when a fishing bobber can catch treasured loot.",
"downloads": "406",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 566,
"name": "Flame Retardant",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Don't you hate it when all your items go up in smoke?",
"downloads": "934",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.2"
"id": 567,
"name": "Flamin' Hot",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Add flammability modifiers to blocks.",
"downloads": "33",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 568,
"name": "Flan",
"url": "",
"short_description": "F(abric) Lan(d) Claiming Mod",
"downloads": "222",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 569,
"name": "Flashy Clothing",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A skin blinker mod for Fabric",
"downloads": "358",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 570,
"name": "Flax Mod (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Flax is string! Grow flax to get string.",
"downloads": "10,248",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 571,
"name": "Flesh 2 Leather [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple mod used for turning flesh into leather",
"downloads": "43,314",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 572,
"name": "FleshZ",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Not another rottenflesh to leather mod anymore",
"downloads": "1,110",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 573,
"name": "Flight Rings [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Two flight rings which grant creative flight",
"downloads": "276",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 574,
"name": "FlightHelper",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod helps you keep your pitch when Elytra-flying",
"downloads": "8,603",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 575,
"name": "FlightHUD",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A client side Fabric and Forge Minecraft Mod that adds a flight style HUD like one you would see in a flight simulator.",
"downloads": "3,273",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 576,
"name": "Flonters",
"url": "",
"short_description": "miscellaneous flora MOD.",
"downloads": "49,500",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 577,
"name": "Flora Doubling (Forge & Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows doubling a flower by using bone meal on it",
"downloads": "58,538",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 578,
"name": "Floriculture",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes flowers farmable!",
"downloads": "179",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 579,
"name": "Flower Forest Helper",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Generate flower forest maps with a superflat preset.",
"downloads": "5",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 580,
"name": "Fluid Physics [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Blends together vanilla fluid mechanics with something a little more realistic plus some small additions",
"downloads": "734",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 581,
"name": "Fluid Potions",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple utility that converts all potions in the registry into fluid forms.",
"downloads": "360",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 582,
"name": "FluidSieve",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A block extracting resources from fluids (or any other block).",
"downloads": "89",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 583,
"name": "fly mod 3d",
"url": "",
"short_description": "You fly in the direction you are looking and modify the speed of flying and sprinting",
"downloads": "7,661",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 584,
"name": "Foam\u200bFix",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Simple, targetted optimizations for a popular block game",
"downloads": "36,882,776",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 585,
"name": "FontFixer",
"url": "",
"short_description": "You know how Mojang \"fixed\" text rendering and strikethrough no longer looks as good? Yeah, this fixes that.",
"downloads": "1",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 586,
"name": "Food Nerf",
"url": "",
"short_description": "nerfs all foods",
"downloads": "35",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 587,
"name": "Food Tweaks",
"url": "",
"short_description": "fully customize, add, and remove foods from items",
"downloads": "51",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 588,
"name": "FoodArmors",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Give your food another use.",
"downloads": "7",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 589,
"name": "Forgiving Enchanting Table",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes the air requirement of the bookshelves less strict",
"downloads": "587",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 590,
"name": "FrameThrough",
"url": "",
"short_description": "a frame for through",
"downloads": "49",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 591,
"name": "FREX",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Rendering Extension API for Fabric Mods",
"downloads": "7,493",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 592,
"name": "FriendZ",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Some adorable friends for your inventory",
"downloads": "7,117",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 593,
"name": "FroggyChair",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Froggy Chair from Animal Crossing",
"downloads": "1,245",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 594,
"name": "Full Belly Sheep (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes sheep eat grass only when they have no wool",
"downloads": "221",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 595,
"name": "fullscreeNO",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Stops Minecraft from starting in Fullscreen",
"downloads": "289",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 596,
"name": "Function API",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Use function files to add functionality to items/blocks.",
"downloads": "303",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 597,
"name": "Functional Swords for Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Functional Swords for Fabric",
"downloads": "769",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 598,
"name": "Funky Forcefields",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds forcefields to protect your base from enemies!",
"downloads": "533",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 599,
"name": "Furnace XP Drop (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Drops stored xp in a furnace when broken",
"downloads": "4,335",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 600,
"name": "Furret mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that adds Furret in the game",
"downloads": "160",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 601,
"name": "Game of Life 3D [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod implements John Conway's Game of Life and a 3D variation by Carter Bays",
"downloads": "69",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 602,
"name": "Game Start",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Provides a config for giving players items when they first load into a world.",
"downloads": "946",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 603,
"name": "GameInfo",
"url": "",
"short_description": "It shows information on the game screen, player position, nether/overworld coordinate conversion, address you are viewing, disable auto jump, game time and sends you a chat message with the coordinates of the last death point.",
"downloads": "56,186",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 604,
"name": "Gamemode Numbers (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Gamemode Numbers allows the player to use /gamemode with numbers again",
"downloads": "5,037",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 605,
"name": "Gate of Babylon",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Mod that adds in a bunch of new weapons & gear.",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 606,
"name": "Generators",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds some energy generators, machines, and other functional blocks",
"downloads": "5,634",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 607,
"name": "Gestus",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A server-side mod that adds data-driven emotes to Minecraft that can be viewed by vanilla clients.",
"downloads": "27",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 608,
"name": "Get Off My Lawn",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Keep people off your lawn with claims!",
"downloads": "6,438",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 609,
"name": "Ghost Buster",
"url": "",
"short_description": "stops phantoms from spawning \\",
"downloads": " Who you gonna call?",
"latest_supported_version": "1,497"
"id": 610,
"name": "Gift It! (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The replacement for all your ugly duct tape. Wrap your blocks and gift them to your friends!",
"downloads": "9,909",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 611,
"name": "Giselbaer's Durability Viewer",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Item durability HUD",
"downloads": "942,808",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 612,
"name": "Give Me Hats! [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A hat mod that adds hat's with some buffs for Fabric",
"downloads": "52,677",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 613,
"name": "Glass mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "a mod that makes glass break when it hits the floor",
"downloads": "45",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 614,
"name": "Glassential (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Various types of glass to aid in your building but for Fabric.",
"downloads": "57,843",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 615,
"name": "Glimmering Potions",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Glimmering Potions adds in a few new unique drinks based on Terraria's potions.",
"downloads": "377",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 616,
"name": "Glint Color [outdated]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows you to change the glint color of enchanted items.",
"downloads": "1,984",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 617,
"name": "Glowcase",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Some blocks for showcasing things",
"downloads": "2,858",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 618,
"name": "Glowing Beds",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes hostile mobs glow when you try to sleep.",
"downloads": "6,561",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 619,
"name": "Go Down !",
"url": "",
"short_description": "On-demand crawling. [FABRIC]",
"downloads": "7,761",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 620,
"name": "Golem Healer",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Lets you heal Iron Golems with ingots!",
"downloads": "1,311",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 621,
"name": "Golems Galore",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Minecraft Fabric 1.16+ mod adding several new types of special golems!",
"downloads": "49,766",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 622,
"name": "GolemZ",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mini golem could be your friend",
"downloads": "3,476",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 623,
"name": "Good Ol' Regen",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Configurable health regen ",
"downloads": "48",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 624,
"name": "Gotosavium Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The Gotosavium mod adds a new material to the world of minecraft!",
"downloads": "104",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 625,
"name": "Gotta Climb Fast!",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Climb and descend any kind of climbable block with ease! Now with configurable speeds! FORGE & FABRIC!",
"downloads": "15,353",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 626,
"name": "Grass Kiss (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Ignore grass while you're holding a weapon",
"downloads": "7,338",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 627,
"name": "Gravel Ores (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds gravel ores",
"downloads": "1,339",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 628,
"name": "Gravestones",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A gravestones mod for fabric with tons of config options, an API, and more!",
"downloads": "16,689",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 629,
"name": "Great End Machines (GEMs)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Great end-game machines from the End",
"downloads": "482",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 630,
"name": "Greater Eye of Ender [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Taking the Eye of Ender to the next level",
"downloads": "2,677",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 631,
"name": "Greenstone Circuits",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A computer mod with a programming language based on reverse polish notation.",
"downloads": "987",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 632,
"name": "Grid",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Show a grid overlay that helps counting when you're building, and optionally spawn locations depending on light level",
"downloads": "23,642",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 633,
"name": "Grind Enchantments",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Disenchant and transfer enchantments using a grindstone.",
"downloads": "9,669",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 634,
"name": "Grindstone Books",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Like A Disenchantment table, but fully Vanilla compatible!",
"downloads": "2,925",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 635,
"name": "Gubbins",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Gubbins is a Fabric mod that adds a variety of miscellaneous vanilla style content to your game.",
"downloads": "3,695",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 636,
"name": "gudASM",
"url": "",
"short_description": "ASM hacks for all!",
"downloads": "2",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 637,
"name": "gudFPS",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that aims to improve Minecraft performance, but probably doesn't do much! ",
"downloads": "357",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 638,
"name": "Gulliver Reloaded",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The Gulliver mod remade for modern Minecraft!",
"downloads": "579",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 639,
"name": "Gunpowder",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric Server API",
"downloads": "10,801",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 640,
"name": "Gunpowder Currency",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Currency extension for Gunpowder",
"downloads": "21",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 641,
"name": "Gunpowder Market",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Market extension for Gunpowder",
"downloads": "32",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 642,
"name": "Gunpowder SleepVote",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A SleepVote extension for Gunpowder",
"downloads": "24,915",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 643,
"name": "Gunpowder Teleport",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Teleport extension for Gunpowder",
"downloads": "30",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 644,
"name": "Gunpowder Utilities",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Utilities extension for Gunpowder",
"downloads": "101",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 645,
"name": "Haema",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Play as a vampire, and unlock many new abilities",
"downloads": "4,838",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 646,
"name": "hands down",
"url": "",
"short_description": "a mod that adds an option that toggles visibility of the main hand when it does not hold anything",
"downloads": "35",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 647,
"name": "Handy Structures",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod adding a command to save and load structures",
"downloads": "843",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 648,
"name": "Hard Hat Steve",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Effective gear for the effective builder",
"downloads": "44,557",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 649,
"name": "Hardcore Questing Mode: Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Hardcore Questing Mode",
"downloads": "5,805",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 650,
"name": "Harmful Stonecutters",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes stonecutters damage entities that stand on them.",
"downloads": "341",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 651,
"name": "Hauling Hogs",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Pigs can carry single/double/ender chests",
"downloads": "37",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 652,
"name": "Head-down Display",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Automatically hides the Head-up Display when not in use.",
"downloads": "82",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 653,
"name": "heads down display",
"url": "",
"short_description": "a mod that allows hiding arm and hotbar when not in use",
"downloads": "30",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 654,
"name": "Health Overlay (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Display hearts in different colors",
"downloads": "29,175",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 655,
"name": "Heart of the Cauldron",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Create an infinte water source with Heart of the Sea's",
"downloads": "1,781",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 656,
"name": "Heart of the Machine",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A whole new dimension of abandoned machinery to explore",
"downloads": "6,126",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 657,
"name": "Held Item Info",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Shows information (like enchantments!) about the held item under its name",
"downloads": "5,794",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 658,
"name": "Helpful Held Tooltips",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Helpful Held Tooltips is a Fabric mod which adds in the item tooltips from bedrock.",
"downloads": "140",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16"
"id": 659,
"name": "HerboCraft",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Defend yourself with genetically modified plants",
"downloads": "23,047",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 660,
"name": "Herobrine [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds Herobrine",
"downloads": "301",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 661,
"name": "Hide Player Name",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Hide player and other entity names with single key press",
"downloads": "4",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 662,
"name": "Highlight Unrestrictor",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows the 'Highlight Players' functionality to be used in all gamemodes.",
"downloads": "663",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 663,
"name": "Hitmarker",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds the hitmarker from the CoD games, complete with sound",
"downloads": "115",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 664,
"name": "Hollow Logs",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Fabric mod that allows logs to be hollowed.",
"downloads": "6,439",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 665,
"name": "Holographic Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Holograms for Fabric! Port of HolographicDisplays",
"downloads": "261",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 666,
"name": "Home Camp",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds the ability to make a Campfire your spawn point.",
"downloads": "85",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 667,
"name": "Homeward Bone",
"url": "",
"short_description": "It's a bone that takes you home.",
"downloads": "3,427",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 668,
"name": "HoneyMod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Minecraft mod that adds honey-related additions",
"downloads": "3,291",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 669,
"name": "Hookshot",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that just adds some simple hookshots to the game.",
"downloads": "3,027",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 670,
"name": "Horizontal Glass Panes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Horizontal Panes for Fabric",
"downloads": "165,849",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 671,
"name": "Horse Stats Vanilla (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod adds the statistics of horses, mules and donkeys to the HorseScreen in a vanilla way.",
"downloads": "24,613",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 672,
"name": "Hot Furnace (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Speed \u200b\u200bup your furnace just by using better fuels",
"downloads": "770",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 673,
"name": "Hot Pockets",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Inventory Furnaces",
"downloads": "2",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 674,
"name": "Hotbar Switcher",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Easily transfer items between your inventory and your selected hotbar slot by pressing a hotkey",
"downloads": "36",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 675,
"name": "Hourai Elixir",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An (unobtainable) overpowered item that grants immortality",
"downloads": "1,719",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 676,
"name": "Howling Wolves",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds Howling Wolves to the game",
"downloads": "508",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 677,
"name": "Huddons - Status Effects +",
"url": "",
"short_description": "my take on status effects hud add-on plus potion glint on/off switch (:",
"downloads": "67",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 678,
"name": "Hwyla",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Hwyla (Here's What You're Looking At) is a UI improvement mod aimed at providing block information directly in-game. It is also a fork of Waila.",
"downloads": "30,734,068",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 679,
"name": "Hwyla Addon Horse Info",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Provide horse speed and jump information in tooltip",
"downloads": "28,804",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 680,
"name": "I Am Very Smart (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Disable tutorial hints and unlock all recipes.",
"downloads": "42,439",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 681,
"name": "I Need Keybinds",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Are you tired of having conflicting keybinds?",
"downloads": "10,182",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 682,
"name": "Ice Boat Nerf",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Prevents boats from moving extra fast over ice. ",
"downloads": "37",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 683,
"name": "Icy",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Simply adding more ice.",
"downloads": "28",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 684,
"name": "Identity",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Morph for Fabric",
"downloads": "43,065",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 685,
"name": "Idlefix",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Automatically press buttons, even when tabbed out",
"downloads": "253",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 686,
"name": "Iguana in a Blanket",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Item weight and Encumbrance mod",
"downloads": "155",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 687,
"name": "Illuminations \ud83d\udd25",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fireflies and other illuminations to make your world more enjoyable in darkness.",
"downloads": "228,764",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 688,
"name": "Image World Generator",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod to create a World from an Image ! ",
"downloads": "144",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 689,
"name": "Image2Map",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Turn images into maps!",
"downloads": "27",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 690,
"name": "Images",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds blocks to display images from the intenet",
"downloads": "232",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 691,
"name": "IMBlockerFabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Hide IM(InputMethod) when you donot need to input text! A mod like InputFix!",
"downloads": "418",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 692,
"name": "Imbued Torches",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows applying redstone dust to a torch to make it a redstone torch.",
"downloads": "41",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 693,
"name": "Immersive Portals",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Immersive Portals",
"downloads": "246,007",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 694,
"name": "Immersive Underground",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Currently it adds Ore and Stone chunks...",
"downloads": "1,030",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.1"
"id": 695,
"name": "Impersonate",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Impersonate: to assume or act the character of ",
"downloads": "465",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 696,
"name": "Improved Stations (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds different kinds of stations into Minecraft, e.g. Crafting Station",
"downloads": "65,945",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 697,
"name": "Inca",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod about magic, building and mystery",
"downloads": "7,759",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 698,
"name": "Indev World Gen",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Brings back old terrain generation to newer minecraft versions",
"downloads": "19",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 699,
"name": "Industrial Expansion [TE Addon]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "IC2 Diamond Recipe for Thermal Expansion",
"downloads": "125,883",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 700,
"name": "Industrial Revolution",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An industrial mod made for Fabric.",
"downloads": "42,039",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 701,
"name": "Infested",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds more infested blocks with world gen integration",
"downloads": "143",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.2"
"id": 702,
"name": "InfGen",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Port of Infdev 20100415 world generator with new features",
"downloads": "277",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 703,
"name": "InfiniteVillagerTrading",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Remove the max trade counter from villagers",
"downloads": "5,376",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 704,
"name": "Infinity Fix (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fixes Infinity Enchant (Allows Infinity on Crossbow, no more need for Arrows, and Mending + Infinity)",
"downloads": "17,167",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 705,
"name": "Informed Load",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Do you ever wonder what minecraft is up to during the long minutes while it's loading?",
"downloads": "6,992",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 706,
"name": "InfraRedstone (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Step Beyond Redstone - Now for 1.14+",
"downloads": "552",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 707,
"name": "InGameScreenTime",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that displays world days passed and current day time, alongside the player's biome.",
"downloads": "1,074",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 708,
"name": "Inmis",
"url": "",
"short_description": "I need more inventory space! A 1.15.2 Fabric backpack mod.",
"downloads": "61,507",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 709,
"name": "InstantLava",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Create infinite lava sources just like water. Supports Forge and Fabric, 1.7.2-1.16.2.",
"downloads": "39,211",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 710,
"name": "Interweave",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Link your Fabric server's and Discord server's chat!",
"downloads": "37",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 711,
"name": "Into The \u03a9",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A small end-expansion mod with a focus on limit-broken enchantments.",
"downloads": "27,487",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 712,
"name": "Inv View",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows you to open and manipulate the inventories and ender chests of online and offline players. Server Side",
"downloads": "46",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 713,
"name": "Inventory Pause",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Pause your single player game when Inventory is open",
"downloads": "2,476",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 714,
"name": "Inventory Profiles",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Inventory and container sorting, equipment profiles switching, bunch of combat/building tweaks, etc.",
"downloads": "241,644",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 715,
"name": "Inventory Sorting",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Quick, simple, and lightweight inventory sorting",
"downloads": "126,225",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 716,
"name": "Inventory Tabs",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds tabs to access nearby blocks",
"downloads": "534",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 717,
"name": "InventoryHUD",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds your full inventory to your HUD.",
"downloads": "1,006",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.2"
"id": 718,
"name": "Invisible Blocks",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Exactly what it says on the tin.",
"downloads": "29",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 719,
"name": "Invisible Frames",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes Item frames with items invisable",
"downloads": "24",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 720,
"name": "InvTrashSlot",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a trash slot to the inventory screen. Fabric clone of TrashSlot",
"downloads": "104",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 721,
"name": "Irish Wolves",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Wolves can now eat potatoes! Let them eat spuds!",
"downloads": "9,162",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 722,
"name": "Iron",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Branding iron for Fabric to change the client brand.",
"downloads": "15",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 723,
"name": "Iron Barrels",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Iron Chests, but for Barrels!",
"downloads": "16,370",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 724,
"name": "Iron Jetpacks Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This is iron jetpacks but for fabric",
"downloads": "53,297",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 725,
"name": "Item Compatibility",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A collection of changes that override hardcoded item values",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 726,
"name": "Item Frame Skip",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds an ability to click through an item frame or a sign",
"downloads": "1,408",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 727,
"name": "Item Got",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Shows a log of items gotten.",
"downloads": "10,472",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 728,
"name": "Item Magnets",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds three tiers of item magnets as trinkets",
"downloads": "4,270",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 729,
"name": "Item Model Fix (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fixes gaps in default item models",
"downloads": "1,532",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 730,
"name": "Item Pickup Customization",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Provides options to customize Item Entities and their behaviors related to picking up.",
"downloads": "118",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 731,
"name": "Item Scroller",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Move items by mouse wheel scrolling, Shift + dragging, etc.",
"downloads": "3,302,191",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 732,
"name": "ItemNBTModels",
"url": "",
"short_description": "apply custom models to items using javascript",
"downloads": "42",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 733,
"name": "Items Galore",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Kitchen sink mod for items!",
"downloads": "34",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 734,
"name": "Items Unified",
"url": "",
"short_description": "API - Unification system for everything you can put in a Registry; Items, Blocks, etc...",
"downloads": "424",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.1"
"id": 735,
"name": "ItemSorterMod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows players to sort their inventory quick and put items in containers",
"downloads": "287",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 736,
"name": "ItemTooltips",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Food / furnace fuel item tooltips mod for Fabric.",
"downloads": "1,013",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.1"
"id": 737,
"name": "Jackson Lambert's Money Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod for Minecraft Fabric adding money.",
"downloads": "12",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 738,
"name": "Jankson",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Jankson bindings for Fabric",
"downloads": "503",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 739,
"name": "Japanese localization patch",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric 1.14 MOD Japanese localization",
"downloads": "133",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14"
"id": 740,
"name": "JARM: Fabric edition",
"url": "",
"short_description": "JARM entirly recoded and remade for fabric",
"downloads": "190",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 741,
"name": "JavaDungeons",
"url": "",
"short_description": "JavaDungeons is a mod that adds blocks from MC: Dungeons into Minecraft.",
"downloads": "12,532",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 742,
"name": "Jeff Azure's Hardstone Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a dyable cuttable block with -1 hardness and a number of features that build off it and then off each other.",
"downloads": "144",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 743,
"name": "JLine for Dedicated Server",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Enables command history, auto completion and syntax highlighting on the server console.",
"downloads": "36",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 744,
"name": "JMX",
"url": "",
"short_description": "JSON Model Extensions for Fabric",
"downloads": "2,446",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 745,
"name": "Join Messages",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Sends a configurable message/command when a player joins the server",
"downloads": "30",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 746,
"name": "Jumpless Step",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Step over 1 block height without jumping ! [FABRIC] ",
"downloads": "588",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 747,
"name": "Jumploader",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Use Fabric mods in Twitch modpacks!",
"downloads": "72,429",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 748,
"name": "JumpOverFences",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod allows the player to jump over fences and walls.",
"downloads": "46,305",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 749,
"name": "Just Another Redstone Gate Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds some Redstone gates",
"downloads": "6,678",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 750,
"name": "Just enough money",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that adds money",
"downloads": "5",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 751,
"name": "Just Map",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A minimap mod with additional information for Minecraft with Fabric launcher.",
"downloads": "38,891",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 752,
"name": "Just Map Unlimited",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The Just Map mod version with all feauteres unlocked.",
"downloads": "2,717",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 753,
"name": "Just Pipes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Simple fluid transport and storage",
"downloads": "798",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 754,
"name": "Just Sleep",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Just sleep allows you to sleep in other beds without setting your spawn location.",
"downloads": "534,866",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 755,
"name": "Karam",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a bunch of useless and useful things",
"downloads": "63",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 756,
"name": "kayak",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A minecraft mod that adds some boat related stuff.",
"downloads": "11,429",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 757,
"name": "keepinventory-command",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a /keepinventory command which allows per-player keepinventory",
"downloads": "420",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 758,
"name": "KEssential-Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An essential mod for Fabric API, providing Bukkit's Essential-like commands with vanilla taste.",
"downloads": "23",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 759,
"name": "Kevlar",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An early-to-mid-game tech mod for Fabric",
"downloads": "129",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 760,
"name": "Kibe",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A miscellaneous mod for Minecraft that adds a bunch of random, and mostly unoriginal things.",
"downloads": "57,335",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 761,
"name": "Kitty Camp",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A lightweight mod for smores!",
"downloads": "30",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 762,
"name": "Knit",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A basic library mod for Lomeli's Fabric mods.",
"downloads": "245",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 763,
"name": "Koi [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Koi",
"downloads": "1,813",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 764,
"name": "Kotlin Extensions [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Kotlin Extensions for various Minecraft classes",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 765,
"name": "KronHUD",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A HUD mod for Minecraft. Modules include: Keystrokes, CPS, FPS, ping, armor, arrows, and potions.",
"downloads": "455",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 766,
"name": "KubeJS Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The Fabric port for KubeJS",
"downloads": "32,468",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 767,
"name": "Lacrimis",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The tears that fall from Crying Obsidian are magical",
"downloads": "4,548",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 768,
"name": "Ladder API",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Ladder API for fabric",
"downloads": "2,173",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 769,
"name": "LadderWarp",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Instantly warp up and down climbable blocks with just a right-click.",
"downloads": "580",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 770,
"name": "Lakeside",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A revamp for Minecraft's lakes.",
"downloads": "12,004",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 771,
"name": "LaLega Sushi",
"url": "",
"short_description": "All you can eat Sushi in Minecraft",
"downloads": "732",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 772,
"name": "LambdaBetterGrass",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds actual better grass to the game.",
"downloads": "49",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 773,
"name": "LambdaControls",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds better controls: controller support.",
"downloads": "14,266",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 774,
"name": "LambDynamicLights",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A dynamic lights mod for Fabric.",
"downloads": "24,459",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 775,
"name": "LAN / Publish Overhaul",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Play with your friends in your SinglePlayer worlds with this mod!",
"downloads": "144",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 776,
"name": "LAN Deauth",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Should fix (almost) all of your offline LAN issues",
"downloads": "662",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 777,
"name": "Landmark",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Give Meaning to Exploration",
"downloads": "3,996",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 778,
"name": "LanOps",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Pick and choose who can cheat on your lan game",
"downloads": "145",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 779,
"name": "Lapis Reserve",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Lapis stays in Enchanting table",
"downloads": "2,317",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 780,
"name": "Large Enchants",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows you to enchant items up to level 2147483647",
"downloads": "489",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 781,
"name": "Large Fluid Tank",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Max 1048576000mB per a tank",
"downloads": "1,595,060",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 782,
"name": "Launchers",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Introduces a fast exploding-piston player launcher",
"downloads": "696",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 783,
"name": "Lava Fishing",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that lets you fish in lava!",
"downloads": "260",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 784,
"name": "LayingBox",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Chicken Breeding and Resource Management",
"downloads": "4,102",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 785,
"name": "LayingBox Vanilla Chicken Expansion",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Expansion pack for LayingBox to add Vanilla resource chickens",
"downloads": "2,486",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 786,
"name": "Lead Villagers (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "*Lead* your villagers to work.",
"downloads": "19,878",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 787,
"name": "Leadable Pandas",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Transport your pandas minecraft efficiently.",
"downloads": "57",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 788,
"name": "Leaf Decay",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Simple mod for quick leaf decay!",
"downloads": "33,787",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 789,
"name": "Leaf Me Alone",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes leaves decay when not attached to their own log",
"downloads": "4,971",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 790,
"name": "Leather Blocks",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a dyeable leather block to the game.",
"downloads": "66",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 791,
"name": "Leather Cows (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Cows that poop leather",
"downloads": "1,538",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.1"
"id": 792,
"name": "Legacy Brigadier",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds Brigadier to b1.7.3",
"downloads": "2",
"latest_supported_version": "1.0.0"
"id": 793,
"name": "Legacy Combat",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Swing your weapons with pride no more cooldowns for you just like the times of ancient MC",
"downloads": "963",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 794,
"name": "Legacy Fabric-Api",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The legacy fabric version of the fabric api",
"downloads": "92",
"latest_supported_version": "1.8.9"
"id": 795,
"name": "Lengthy Ladders",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows building ladders really high with no support",
"downloads": "73",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 796,
"name": "Less Greedy Piglins",
"url": "",
"short_description": "remove cheesy piglin barter farms",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 797,
"name": "Let Them Eat",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Lets dispensers feed animals.",
"downloads": "28",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 798,
"name": "Lettuce Not Crash",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Why crash when ticking when you can not?",
"downloads": "1,056",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 799,
"name": "Level Up HP (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Gain hearts of health by killing mobs or consuming heart containers.",
"downloads": "276,933",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 800,
"name": "Lib Block Attributes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Pure library mod: used by other mods to allow for exchanging items and fluids between blocks.",
"downloads": "27,944",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 801,
"name": "Lib Data Potential (LibDP)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Unleashing the potential of data packs",
"downloads": "8",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 802,
"name": "Lib Multipart",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Multipart API for fabric, used by SimplePipes and (soon) buildcraft.",
"downloads": "8,282",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 803,
"name": "Lib Network Stack",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Pure library mod: used by other mods (namely LibMultiPart and thus SimplePipes)",
"downloads": "7,625",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 804,
"name": "LibCapableData (LibCD)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Improved data processing for Fabric and 1.14",
"downloads": "29,650",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 805,
"name": "LibGamerule",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A library mod to add gamerules",
"downloads": "12,247",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 806,
"name": "LibGui",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Easier GUIs for Fabric and Minecraft 1.14",
"downloads": "8,930",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 807,
"name": "Library of Exile",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Library mod that allows all my Exile related mods to connect.",
"downloads": "23,891",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 808,
"name": "Lid Space",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fixes chests opening in situations where they shouldn't.",
"downloads": "98",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 809,
"name": "Light Block - Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Implements the Light Block from Bedrock into Fabric",
"downloads": "236",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 810,
"name": "Light Overlay (Rift/Forge/Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple mod to provide users with NEI-like light level overlay.",
"downloads": "2,350,705",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 811,
"name": "LightLevel",
"url": "",
"short_description": "LightLevel adds a toggleable overlay that displays information about the the light level reaching blocks with a solid top in a 16-block radius. ",
"downloads": "4,814",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 812,
"name": "Lil Tater Reloaded",
"url": "",
"short_description": "LTR aims to automate a number of tasks that previously would be difficult, boring, or...",
"downloads": "9,695",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 813,
"name": "lil' Tater",
"url": "",
"short_description": "lil' Tater",
"downloads": "6,163",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 814,
"name": "limitless",
"url": "",
"short_description": "a mod that increases the enchantment limit to 2147483647",
"downloads": "1,155",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 815,
"name": "Linkart: Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Reliable, fancy cart linking!",
"downloads": "50,068",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 816,
"name": "Linked Storage",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Linkable storages!",
"downloads": "67,804",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 817,
"name": "Lint",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An accumulation of cool survival features improving the experience",
"downloads": "412",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 818,
"name": "Lite Conversion",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Single-use Items that allow for Equivalent Exchange",
"downloads": "2,345",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 819,
"name": "Litematica",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A modern schematic mod written for LiteLoader / Rift / Fabric, with some extra helper functionality for Creative mode",
"downloads": "353,463",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 820,
"name": "Literally Chunk Loader",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An actual Chunk Loader",
"downloads": "107",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 821,
"name": "Lithium (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An optimization mod for Minecraft which improves server performance significantly",
"downloads": "200,388",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 822,
"name": "Little Rocket Man",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Send the garden gnome into space.",
"downloads": "216",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 823,
"name": "Llama Steeds",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Mount your llama and ride into the sunset. ",
"downloads": "8,380",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 824,
"name": "Loading Spice",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Spice up those bland loading screens!",
"downloads": "618",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 825,
"name": "Locky",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Lock things up, hassle-free",
"downloads": "1,992",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 826,
"name": "Logical Recipes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Changes several recipes to give more logical outputs",
"downloads": "205",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 827,
"name": "Logical Zoom",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Super simple zoom key for Minecraft 1.16",
"downloads": "19,627",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 828,
"name": "Lonsdaleite Tools (& Omnitool)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a Lonsdaleite tier to Minecraft (Fabric) (1.16)",
"downloads": "85",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 829,
"name": "LookTheStuff",
"url": "",
"short_description": "LookTheStuff is a Minecraft 1.15.2 mod which adds 3 new ores, more than 15 tools and weapons and much more !",
"downloads": "187",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 830,
"name": "Loose Trigger",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a quicker way to call /trigger commands",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 831,
"name": "Lootstrap",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows a player to recieve loot when they join the server.",
"downloads": "6,769",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 832,
"name": "Low Fire",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Make the frst-person fire overlay less obtrusive by lowering its height on screen.",
"downloads": "28",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 833,
"name": "lOwOcalizati\u03c9n",
"url": "",
"short_description": "OwO?",
"downloads": "562",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 834,
"name": "Luminiferous Uplands",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A modern take on the Skylands!",
"downloads": "1,173",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 835,
"name": "Magic Mirror [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A magic mirror which lets you TP home",
"downloads": "434",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 836,
"name": "Magma Opus",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows you to create anything gathered from the Nether without ever having to go there.",
"downloads": "548",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 837,
"name": "Magnet for Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple magnet for fabric 1.16/1.15! Continuation of the FabricMagnet mod by TheRealp455w0rd",
"downloads": "200",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 838,
"name": "Make Minecraft Hard Again",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Make Minecraft Hard Again is a mod that tries to fix some unbalanced features of vanilla and adds new features such as rock knapping.",
"downloads": "85",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 839,
"name": "Makkit",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An intuitive world editor for creative mode!",
"downloads": "1,013",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 840,
"name": "MaLiLib",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A library mod required for masa's client-side mods",
"downloads": "441,168",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 841,
"name": "MAmbience",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adding ambient sounds to Minecraft",
"downloads": "77,532",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 842,
"name": "ManyMods",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This is mod which combines many other mods into a single JAR file.",
"downloads": "158",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 843,
"name": "Map Tooltip",
"url": "",
"short_description": "View maps from your inventory",
"downloads": "695",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 844,
"name": "Mapmaker's Bridge",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod for connecting your editor to minecraft for automatic datapack reload.",
"downloads": "13",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 845,
"name": "Marine Stuffs",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod inspiring life in the water",
"downloads": "38",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 846,
"name": "MaskOfLoki's Fabric Tweaks",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A collection of tweaks and additions to vanilla minecraft that don't require the client to be modded when used on a server",
"downloads": "113",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.1"
"id": 847,
"name": "Material Tooltip",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple mod that adds tooltip if item can be used in recipes",
"downloads": "401",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 848,
"name": "Materialisation",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Customise your tools like Tinker's Construct for Fabric 1.14.x.",
"downloads": "34,116",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 849,
"name": "MatterLink",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Simple bridge between Minecraft, Mattermost, IRC, XMPP, Gitter, Slack, Discord, Telegram, Rocket.Chat, Hipchat(via xmpp), Matrix and Steam.",
"downloads": "5,906",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 850,
"name": "Mattocks: BYG Bridge",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The first addon for Mattocks!",
"downloads": "231",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 851,
"name": "Mattocks: Paxels but Fabric!",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Paxels for Fabric, branded with a new name!",
"downloads": "3,728",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 852,
"name": "MaxVar reap ",
"url": "",
"short_description": "reap for fabric - right-click on a fully grown plant to harvest and reseed",
"downloads": "1,721",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 853,
"name": "MC API",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Exposes a REST API to interact with the Minecraft Client (1.14-1.16)",
"downloads": "2",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 854,
"name": "MC Client Tweaks",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds usefull client side only features to Minecraft",
"downloads": "40",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 855,
"name": "MC Dungeons Weapons",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Bringing the weapons and tools of Minecraft Dungeons to Minecraft",
"downloads": "80",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 856,
"name": "MC Plug-n-Play",
"url": "",
"short_description": "MCPNP adds auto port forwarding for LAN worlds",
"downloads": "2,064",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 857,
"name": "MC-144761 Fix",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fixes MC-144761",
"downloads": "9",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 858,
"name": "MCG",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Stores all of your coordinates in a simple-to-read format!",
"downloads": "122",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 859,
"name": "Meal API",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An API to add more filling foods to the game.",
"downloads": "1",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 860,
"name": "Mechanized Steam Power",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Use pressurized steam to power machines, tools and armor.",
"downloads": "7,437",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 861,
"name": "Melon Slabs",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a long-awaited feature.",
"downloads": "261",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 862,
"name": "Mend Trend - Make Mending available",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows the Mending Enchantment at enchantment tables.",
"downloads": "1,213",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.2"
"id": 863,
"name": "MetaTips",
"url": "",
"short_description": "See what's up with your items",
"downloads": "4,462",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 864,
"name": "Mighty Mangoes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds mangoes that can be obtained from jungle trees!",
"downloads": "370",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 865,
"name": "Minalchemy",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod inspired by Little Alchemy mobile games",
"downloads": "306",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 866,
"name": "Mineable Infested Blocks",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple mod that makes infested blocks mineable with a silk touch pick.",
"downloads": "52",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 867,
"name": "MineAmp",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Minecraft mp3/ogg/wav/m4a/flac player",
"downloads": "33,212",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.1"
"id": 868,
"name": "Minecord",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Minecraft Integration of Discord's Activity System",
"downloads": "9,310",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 869,
"name": "MinecraftCapes Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Minecon Capes anyone with the mod can see",
"downloads": "107,886",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 870,
"name": "Miner's Horizon",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Miner's Horizon adds a new customizable mining dimension to the game.",
"downloads": "9,049",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.2"
"id": 871,
"name": "Mineral Collector",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A passive resource generation mod.",
"downloads": "820",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 872,
"name": "Minesave",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Save your Minecraft worlds to the Cloud!",
"downloads": "176",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 873,
"name": "MiniHUD",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A \"mini F3\" HUD mod, with light level, spawn & slime chunk overlays etc.",
"downloads": "129,979",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 874,
"name": "Minimal Menu",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Minimal Menu is a small client side mod that allows the user independently toggle main buttons on the title screen and options screens.",
"downloads": "31",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 875,
"name": "MiniMOTD-Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "MiniMOTD-Fabric is a server-side mod utilizing MiniMessage to allow for Hex colors, Gradients, and more in the server list MotD",
"downloads": "26",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 876,
"name": "MiniShield",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes the shield size adjustable.",
"downloads": "214",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 877,
"name": "MissingBits",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Shows if something is missing or if a mod was updated or removed",
"downloads": "10,246",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 878,
"name": "Mixed Slab",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Double Slabs Port",
"downloads": "1,558",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 879,
"name": "ML3API",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Simple API for mod development",
"downloads": "261",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 880,
"name": "Mo Glass",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds glass stairs and glass slabs to Minecraft.",
"downloads": "66,127",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 881,
"name": "Mo' Structures",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Mo' Structures is a structures mod with loot & spawners in some structures, to increase the RPG aspect of Minecraft.",
"downloads": "66,513",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 882,
"name": "Mob Controls [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Nametags effect mob properties",
"downloads": "177",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 883,
"name": "Mob farm nerfer",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod nerfs mob farms by eliminating Xp from them",
"downloads": "151",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 884,
"name": "Mob Grinder Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mob grinder, without the mobs",
"downloads": "6,651",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 885,
"name": "Mob Rebirth",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This is a mod that allows things to be reborn. Very configurable.",
"downloads": "91,257",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 886,
"name": "Mob Ropes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Capture mobs with special ropes for easy transportation!",
"downloads": "7,635",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 887,
"name": "mob.jar",
"url": "",
"short_description": "a jar for mob",
"downloads": "2,497",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 888,
"name": "MobCapped",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Mob cap control in Fabric",
"downloads": "64",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 889,
"name": "MobCountMod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Counts entities in a region around you",
"downloads": "775",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 890,
"name": "Mobs Attempt Parkour",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Gives certain vanilla mobs the ability to jump over things",
"downloads": "1,365",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 891,
"name": "MobZ",
"url": "",
"short_description": "More vanilla style mobs",
"downloads": "32,556",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 892,
"name": "Mod Menu",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a mod menu to view the list of mods you have installed.",
"downloads": "842,318",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 893,
"name": "Modded Items",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Modded Items is a mod for fabric that adds a creative tab that contains all the modded items in the game",
"downloads": "2,089",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 894,
"name": "Modded Tool Tips",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Simple mod to display the mod an item came from in it's tool tip",
"downloads": "3,282",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 895,
"name": "Models Unlocked",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds resource pack model support for more blocks.",
"downloads": "408",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 896,
"name": "Modern Glass Doors",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds prettier glass doors",
"downloads": "102,452",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 897,
"name": "Modern Industrialization",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A modern tech mod.",
"downloads": "261",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 898,
"name": "Modpack Menu",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Fabric 1.15 Menu Tweaker Mod",
"downloads": "1,999",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 899,
"name": "Mods of the World (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod to end all title screen rebrandings and resulting conflicts. Can also give quick views into what mods are in a modpack.",
"downloads": "1,433",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 900,
"name": "ModsMod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that dynamiclly generates a number of empty mods",
"downloads": "6",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 901,
"name": "Modular Item Frame [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "All the utility in one frame.",
"downloads": "20",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 902,
"name": "ModUpdater",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple Minecraft mod updater.",
"downloads": "2,854",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 903,
"name": "Monetary Solutions",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Simple currency API for Fabric",
"downloads": "5",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 904,
"name": "monkeys mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "a mod made by a monkey",
"downloads": "177",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 905,
"name": "monopoly",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Unify dropped items. Make one type of copper the only type you can get.",
"downloads": "91",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 906,
"name": "Mooblooms",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod adding colorful and flowery cows. Moo!",
"downloads": "20,760",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 907,
"name": "More Berries",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds berry bushes to fabric",
"downloads": "76,571",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 908,
"name": "More Chains",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds more chain variants + sideways chains for the 1.16.1 version!",
"downloads": "207",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 909,
"name": "More Curios Totems of Undying",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod makes it so More Totems of Undying are Curios Compatible!",
"downloads": "126",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 910,
"name": "More Enchantments",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a few enchantment for tools",
"downloads": "64,652",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 911,
"name": "More Fences Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "adds more fences and walls",
"downloads": "23",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 912,
"name": "More Gems [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds (10) balanced armor, tools, & weapons",
"downloads": "16,579",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 913,
"name": "More Layers",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a few decorative layers for landscaping",
"downloads": "13,730",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 914,
"name": "More Minerals Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod adds more minerals such as rubies and copper into the game.",
"downloads": "46",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 915,
"name": "More Paths",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds nylium, podzol, and mycelium paths!",
"downloads": "45,280",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 916,
"name": "More Toolbars",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric mod which adds 18 more toolbars!",
"downloads": "20",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 917,
"name": "More Totems Of Undying",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that adds new mob-inspired totems to Minecraft 1.15.2 (Fabric)",
"downloads": "15,374",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 918,
"name": "More Vanilla Potions",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes (almost) all the vanilla potion effects brewable.",
"downloads": "3,617",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 919,
"name": "MoreFlowerPots (FABRIC)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds 34 new types of Flower Pots",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 920,
"name": "MoreSlime",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Add more slime to the game",
"downloads": "124",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 921,
"name": "motioNO",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Stops Minecraft from changing the FoV when running, using potions and bows, etc.",
"downloads": "2,248",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 922,
"name": "MounderTweaks",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A bunch of vanilla-style tweaks and changes to Minecraft 1.16.2, with the help of the Fabric Loader.",
"downloads": "47",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 923,
"name": "Mouse Wheelie (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A small clientside mod featureing item scrolling, inventory sorting, slot refilling and more!",
"downloads": "160,096",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 924,
"name": "Mpcs's Backpacks",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Portable storage for all your minecraft needs!",
"downloads": "17,365",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 925,
"name": "Mubble",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Expand your world with features from the Nintendo universe, and way more. (Mario, Undertale...)",
"downloads": "878",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 926,
"name": "Muffle",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a Sound Muffler, which muffles nearby sounds. Duh.",
"downloads": "507",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 927,
"name": "Multarum Ore",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The ore of many!",
"downloads": "13",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 928,
"name": "MultiBlock API",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple API for compatibility with MultiBlocks similar to Doors and Beds",
"downloads": "525",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 929,
"name": "multiconnect",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A clientside mod which allows you to connect to different Minecraft server versions",
"downloads": "3,183",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 930,
"name": "Mumble Link (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Provides position data to the Mumble Link plugin",
"downloads": "4,136",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 931,
"name": "Music Duration Reducer",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Plays music more often; reducing the duration between songs.",
"downloads": "170",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 932,
"name": "Music Expansion",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Expands Minecraft's musical functionality.",
"downloads": "184",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 933,
"name": "MusicDiscsPlus",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds 144+ Music Discs to minecarft!",
"downloads": "301",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 934,
"name": "Mutuality",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows configuring various mutually exclusive enchantments.",
"downloads": "486",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 935,
"name": "MyCommands",
"url": "",
"short_description": "server and client Commands",
"downloads": "407,293",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 936,
"name": "NAFIS",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Yet another tool/weapon modification mod",
"downloads": "104",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 937,
"name": "Name Pain",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Vanilla-friendly nameplate coloring for combat or cosmetics. RGBA configs can tweak & hide names. clientside client-side qol quality life simple lightweight players pets nametag name tag health change colors vanity disable fabric",
"downloads": "247,777",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 938,
"name": "NanoEvents",
"url": "",
"short_description": "an API for zero overhead event based programming for fabric",
"downloads": "16",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 939,
"name": "NarratorBind",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Moves the narrator to a keybind.",
"downloads": "902",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 940,
"name": "Nbt Crafting (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Gives you the ability to add recipes depending on items' nbt data.",
"downloads": "12,555",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 941,
"name": "NBT Tooltip",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Show the item's NBT in its tooltip",
"downloads": "17,569",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 942,
"name": "NBT Viewer (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "View the NBT data of your items!",
"downloads": "280",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 943,
"name": "Net Weight",
"url": "",
"short_description": "There's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.",
"downloads": "2,338",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 944,
"name": "Nether Extra Update [FABRIC/FORGE]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Minecraft 1.16 Forge and Fabric vanilla like mod that expands the Nether Update",
"downloads": "286",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 945,
"name": "Nether Roof Nerf [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Changes the biome of the nether roof to be void",
"downloads": "76",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 946,
"name": "Nether Things",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that adds things related to the Nether",
"downloads": "33,621",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 947,
"name": "netherHigher",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Raises The Nether and End's height limits",
"downloads": "2,889",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 948,
"name": "Netherite Horse Armor",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds Netherite Horse Armor!",
"downloads": "28,456",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 949,
"name": "Netherite Plus",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds more netherite features to your game.",
"downloads": "3,868",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 950,
"name": "Netherite Shulkers",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Upgrade your existing shulkers for extra protection and storage space!",
"downloads": "301",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 951,
"name": "Netherited (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds an enchantment that prevents items from burning in lava and fire.",
"downloads": "502",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 952,
"name": "NetheritePlus+",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Not Just Backport. Forge 1.7.10, 1.8, Fabric 1.14-1.15",
"downloads": "1,197",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 953,
"name": "Nethermode",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Move the worldspawn into the Nether",
"downloads": "129",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 954,
"name": "Nice To Have (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A bunch of features that are nice to have",
"downloads": "6,380",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 955,
"name": "Nicephore (better screenshots) [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Nicephore is a Minecraft mod which convert any screenshot taken to JPEG, and add some useful tools to share these screenshots ",
"downloads": "83",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 956,
"name": "Nifty (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Nifty is a mod by Panno.",
"downloads": "703",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 957,
"name": "Night Vision flash be gone",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Gets rid of that annoying Night Vision flashing when it's about to run out",
"downloads": "130",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 958,
"name": "NightSkip",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Skips the night when a percentage of players are sleeping",
"downloads": "5",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15"
"id": 959,
"name": "No Ambient Mobs",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Removes all ambient mobs (aka only bats)",
"downloads": "377",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 960,
"name": "No Fire Overlay Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that removes fire overlay in certain situtations",
"downloads": "284",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 961,
"name": "No Friction Mod (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric port of Fundy's No Friction mod",
"downloads": "17",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 962,
"name": "No Lakes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Removes those pesky lakes from world gen.",
"downloads": "16",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 963,
"name": "No Player Labels",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Removes playernames",
"downloads": "117",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 964,
"name": "No Sneaking Over Magma!",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes it so that you take damage even while sneaking on magma blocks. ",
"downloads": "68",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 965,
"name": "No Strip",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric client side mod that adds a toggle for whether you can strip logs",
"downloads": "33",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 966,
"name": "No Trample",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Boots enchanted with feather falling and entities with the slow falling status effect will never trample crops!",
"downloads": "2,610",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 967,
"name": "NoCurse",
"url": "",
"short_description": "There will be no curse enchantment",
"downloads": "16",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16"
"id": 968,
"name": "NoDamI (No Damage Immunity)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Every Hit Matters! How is a rightful hit [under certain condition] doing no damage acceptable?",
"downloads": "97,788",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 969,
"name": "NoExpensive",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The anvil has no expensive restrictions",
"downloads": "8,603",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 970,
"name": "NoFog",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple client-side mod supporting both forge and fabric that removes all fog",
"downloads": "1,306,261",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 971,
"name": "nogizmo",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Disables the F3 3D direction gizmo crosshair and replaces it with the default one",
"downloads": "99",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 972,
"name": "NoItemBurn",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A fabric 1.14.2 mod that stops items from burning when dropped in lava or fire.",
"downloads": "120",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.2"
"id": 973,
"name": "NoJumpscare",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Removes the Elder Guardian jumpscare effect.",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 974,
"name": "Nomad Books \ud83d\udcd7",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Store camps inside books! A solution for players that are always adventuring.",
"downloads": "12,857",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 975,
"name": "NoMoreGlowingPots",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Removes item glint from potions (the enchanted visual effect)",
"downloads": "114,688",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 976,
"name": "NonEvaporation",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Put water in the Nether. Supports Forge and Fabric, 1.7.10-1.16.2.",
"downloads": "6,181",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 977,
"name": "NonZero Farming",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Patches 0-tick farms",
"downloads": "41",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 978,
"name": "NookBuild",
"url": "",
"short_description": "More building blocks!",
"downloads": "316",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 979,
"name": "NoRecipeConflicts",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Recipe conflicts are no more!",
"downloads": "1,127",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 980,
"name": "Not Enough Crashes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "When crashing, you can go back to the title screen and keep playing, without needing to restart, alongside other things to make crashes more pleasant.",
"downloads": "24,027",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 981,
"name": "Not Enough Wands",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds various very configurable utility wands to Minecraft",
"downloads": "18,442,810",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.1"
"id": 982,
"name": "Not Red Dust",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows for Redstone Wires to be any color!",
"downloads": "53",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 983,
"name": "Notchify",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Enchant golden apples in a vanilla-friendly way!",
"downloads": "2,786",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 984,
"name": "Noteblock Expansion",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds more sounds to the noteblock",
"downloads": "142",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 985,
"name": "Notes Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows you to take notes in-game per server/world or optionally globally",
"downloads": "37,315",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 986,
"name": "Nourish",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A data-driven nutrition mod",
"downloads": "51",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 987,
"name": "Now Playing",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Shows a 'now playing' popup whenever a song starts to play.",
"downloads": "731",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 988,
"name": "NoWaterCaves",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod disables underwater caves",
"downloads": "1,399",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 989,
"name": "NPC Variety",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Gives villagers and illagers 7 new skin tones, 4 new eye colors, and clothing variations.",
"downloads": "6,167",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 990,
"name": "Numeric Ping",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Displays ping numerically",
"downloads": "1,286",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 991,
"name": "Obey Horses",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows horses to be instantly tamed in creative mode",
"downloads": "47",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 992,
"name": "Obligatory Loot Bag Mod (OLBM)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Obligatory Loot Bag Mod for Fabric and Minecraft 1.15+",
"downloads": "1,098",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 993,
"name": "Obsidian Pressure Plate [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a pressure plate that is only triggered by players, nothing else.",
"downloads": "690",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 994,
"name": "Obsidiplates - Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A recreation of the original mod",
"downloads": "37",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 995,
"name": "OfflineSkins (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "made it possible to cache your skins for offline use",
"downloads": "985",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 996,
"name": "Oh The Biomes You'll Go [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An Adventure & Exploration mod like no other with unique, magical, realistic, and detailed biomes!",
"downloads": "16,632",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 997,
"name": "Oh, How the Crafting Has Tabled!",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds the other Crafting Table variants to the game!",
"downloads": "1,795",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 998,
"name": "Ok Zoomer",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a highly-configurable zoom key for Fabric. The zoom is yours!",
"downloads": "85,086",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 999,
"name": "Okyanus",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Serverside Fabric API",
"downloads": "154",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 1000,
"name": "Okyanus Optimizations",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Optimizing and Fixing the Fabric server.",
"downloads": "197",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 1001,
"name": "Old Efficiency (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes efficiency affect all blocks.",
"downloads": "1",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1002,
"name": "Old Fish Farm",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod allows the use of old fishing farms before 1.16, without the need to use datapacks.",
"downloads": "335",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1003,
"name": "Old MC Overlay",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Bera-Like Overlay for newer versions",
"downloads": "34",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1004,
"name": "Old Notch Apples",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Brings back the old, overpowered notch apples.",
"downloads": "181",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1005,
"name": "OmniTranslation",
"url": "",
"short_description": "OmniTranslation",
"downloads": "173",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1006,
"name": "On Soul Fire",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes soul fire actually have unique properties ",
"downloads": "4,506",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1007,
"name": "One For All",
"url": "",
"short_description": "When one person dies, everyone in the world dies.",
"downloads": "55",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1008,
"name": "Open To Lan",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allow online_mode: false with LAN games (and port setting)",
"downloads": "318",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1009,
"name": "OpenSavesFolder",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a open saves folder button to the single player menu.",
"downloads": "81",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1010,
"name": "OptiFabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that allows running optifine on fabric.",
"downloads": "819,662",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1011,
"name": "OptiLegacy",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Optifine for 1.8.9",
"downloads": "26",
"latest_supported_version": "1.8.9"
"id": 1012,
"name": "Orderly (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Minimalistic Functional Unit Plates for the modern Minecrafter. Not a mod by Vazkii.",
"downloads": "113,057",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1013,
"name": "Origins",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Players choose an Origin at the beginning of the game to gain benefits and drawbacks",
"downloads": "16,345",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1014,
"name": "Origins: Classes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Add-on for Origins which adds classes",
"downloads": "2,001",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1015,
"name": "Over Head HP",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Display Health remaining over mob heads",
"downloads": "3,652",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14"
"id": 1016,
"name": "Over Populated (NOW CONFIGURABLE!!!)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Increases Village spawn rate to make them spawn as giant biome filling metropolises instead of small villages.",
"downloads": "5,297",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 1017,
"name": "Overgrown Cities (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A new dimension with decaying cities hidden in the wilderness!",
"downloads": "1,455",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1018,
"name": "Overloaded Armor Bar Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "display armor over 20 points",
"downloads": "2,299",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1019,
"name": "Overpowered Pickles [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Provides more hearts than anyone should need",
"downloads": "710",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1020,
"name": "Overworld Two",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An optimization mod that generates the overworld much faster than Vaniila!",
"downloads": "1,218",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1021,
"name": "OwOLib",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Randomly generated OwO",
"downloads": "41",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1022,
"name": "Oysters",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric Aquatic Themed Resource Generation",
"downloads": "14,291",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1023,
"name": "Oysters Cooking",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Delicious Add-on for Oysters mod",
"downloads": "1,709",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1024,
"name": "Packages",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Opinionated item storage. Successor to Worse Barrels.",
"downloads": "28,139",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1025,
"name": "Packed Storage",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Mod extending vanilla storage mechanics with upgraded chests and wood variants",
"downloads": "371",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1026,
"name": "Painting Cycle",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows the player to cycle through placed paintings.",
"downloads": "3,325",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1027,
"name": "Painting Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that allow to paint some block",
"downloads": "14,090",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 1028,
"name": "Palette (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A library that allows adding paintings.",
"downloads": "354",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 1029,
"name": "Paper Doll",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Y'know that vanity feature from Old Console Edition and Bedrock?",
"downloads": "2,191",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1030,
"name": "Paradox Config (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Kotlin-based config API for Minecraft",
"downloads": "78",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1031,
"name": "Parry",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Sword parrying has returned to Minecraft 1.16!",
"downloads": "335",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1032,
"name": "Passable Leaves [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Leaves have no collision box now",
"downloads": "1,879",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1033,
"name": "Patchouli (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric port of Patchouli",
"downloads": "51,380",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1034,
"name": "pathsuggestion",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that makes using namespaced identifiers in command suggestions easier.",
"downloads": "4,506",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1035,
"name": "PathWatcher",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Server mod/config watcher",
"downloads": "39",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1036,
"name": "Paused Panorama",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Pauses the rotating panorama on the title screen.",
"downloads": "19",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1037,
"name": "PeacefulSurface (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "peaceful than normal",
"downloads": "2,132",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1038,
"name": "Peachy",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds peaches.",
"downloads": "3,115",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 1039,
"name": "Pehkui",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric mod that allows resizing of most entities",
"downloads": "1,944",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1040,
"name": "Permafrost",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Prevents light from affecting Ice and Snow Layers",
"downloads": "12,481",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 1041,
"name": "Persistent Cake",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows uneaten cakes to be moved by pistons and drop as items when broken",
"downloads": "10,444",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1042,
"name": "persistent entities",
"url": "",
"short_description": "a mod that makes item and mob entity despawn times configurable",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1043,
"name": "Perspective Mod Redux",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Port of Perspective Mod/Cheatbreaker F5 Mod to modern Minecraft versions",
"downloads": "32,674",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1044,
"name": "Pet 'Em",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Pet your Cats and Dogs",
"downloads": "3,024",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.1"
"id": 1045,
"name": "Pet Owner",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows you to see who owns an animal",
"downloads": "732",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1046,
"name": "PetRock - Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric Version of petrock",
"downloads": "122",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1047,
"name": "Phantom Menace",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Disable Phantoms on your fabric server",
"downloads": "17",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1048,
"name": "Phantom Pillows",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A block that prevents elytra collision damage.",
"downloads": "475",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 1049,
"name": "Phosphor (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Performance improvements for Minecraft's lighting engine",
"downloads": "135,205",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1050,
"name": "Photoallergic Creepers",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Creepers burn in sunlight, just like zombies. [FABRIC]",
"downloads": "655",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1051,
"name": "Pick-BlockState",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Pick-blocking now copies the blockstate if the block isn't a block entity. ",
"downloads": "108",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1052,
"name": "Pictocraft",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Minecraft multiplayer chat for adults and children who struggle to understand text",
"downloads": "127",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.2"
"id": 1053,
"name": "Piece of Rag",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Pieces of rag from mobs.",
"downloads": "222",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1054,
"name": "Pig Poop (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Pigs can poop!",
"downloads": "1,762",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1055,
"name": "Pigless Portals",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Removes Zombified Piglin portal spawning",
"downloads": "2",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1056,
"name": "Piglin Tweaks Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A tweak to piglins and how they behave",
"downloads": "145",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1057,
"name": "PiglinFix",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fix bug with baby piglin",
"downloads": "63",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1058,
"name": "PiglinTag",
"url": "",
"short_description": "add items to the aggressive piglin brain easy",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1059,
"name": "Piston Control",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Change how different blocks behave when pushed by pistons. Also, push Block Entities!",
"downloads": "510",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1060,
"name": "Plant In A Jar",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Plant In A Jar is a mod that lets you grow any Minecraft plant (Trees, Crops, etc) inside a 1x1x1 jar.",
"downloads": "8,506",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1061,
"name": "Plantable Flower Pots",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Grow flowers in flower pots",
"downloads": "12",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1062,
"name": "Plato's Transporters [FORGE/FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A \"Spiritual Successor\" to Archimedes Ships/ Da Vinci's Vessels for fabric 1.16+",
"downloads": "7,887",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1063,
"name": "Player Graves",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A gravestone mod for Fabric",
"downloads": "2,616",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 1064,
"name": "Player Mini-Me",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A PaperDoll type port for Fabric; Player Mini-Me",
"downloads": "521",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1065,
"name": "Player Plates (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds Extra Pressure plates",
"downloads": "1,525",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1066,
"name": "Player Roles (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric role & permission management for servers",
"downloads": "103",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1067,
"name": "Player Succ",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows hoppers to take items from player inventories.",
"downloads": "18",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16"
"id": 1068,
"name": "PlayerAbilityLib",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Your good pal, fixing ability incompatibilities",
"downloads": "1,268",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1069,
"name": "Pling",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Plays a sound when Minecraft is finished loading.",
"downloads": "9,939",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1070,
"name": "PluginLoader",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A plugin loading system for Fabric",
"downloads": "3,014",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 1071,
"name": "PlutosCoffeeMod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Requires Fabric Modloader, Minecraft 1.16.3, and Fabric API",
"downloads": "6",
"latest_supported_version": "Unknown"
"id": 1072,
"name": "Pocket Plants",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Take your farmland with you in an inventory terrarium.",
"downloads": "43",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1073,
"name": "PolyDungeons",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A combat-focused dungeon adventure",
"downloads": "4,627",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1074,
"name": "Polyester",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A library mod.",
"downloads": "840",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 1075,
"name": "Polymorph (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "No more recipe conflicts! Adds an option to choose the crafting result if more than one is available.",
"downloads": "2,380",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1076,
"name": "Portal Crafter (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Create end portal frames in survival (Balanced)",
"downloads": "3,526",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1077,
"name": "Portal Tags",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that enables naming portals with a name tag.",
"downloads": "863",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1078,
"name": "PotatoCore",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Library for my mods Currently no documentation :(",
"downloads": "2,002",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1079,
"name": "Potion of Bees: Fabric Edition",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds potions that are also bees.",
"downloads": "3,460",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1080,
"name": "Potion Tipped",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows for tipped-arrow like effects on normal tools and weapons",
"downloads": "329",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1081,
"name": "Powershot",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows various projectiles (e.g. arrows, tridents, etc.) to break user-specified blocks.",
"downloads": "2,546",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1082,
"name": "Presence Footsteps",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An overly complicated sound mod",
"downloads": "61,963",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1083,
"name": "pride (fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "server-side mod for creating & tracking waypoints (fabric 1.14) ",
"downloads": "156",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14"
"id": 1084,
"name": "Primal Winter",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The entire world has been converted into a frozen wasteland with heavy never ending snowstorms.",
"downloads": "3,345",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1085,
"name": "ProgrammerArtInjector",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows you to inject resource files into the Programmer Art resource pack",
"downloads": "238",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1086,
"name": "Project Inception",
"url": "",
"short_description": " minecraft?",
"downloads": "34",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1087,
"name": "Project: Save the Pets",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Protect your pets from yourself and others!",
"downloads": "55",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1088,
"name": "Projectile Funnel",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Hopper Turns The Other Cheek",
"downloads": "13",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1089,
"name": "Proletarian (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Automate crafting by putting villagers to work.",
"downloads": "5,374",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1090,
"name": "prone",
"url": "",
"short_description": "become prone by holding or pressing a key",
"downloads": "290",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1091,
"name": "Protection Renewal",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes protection stack with other protection enchants again.",
"downloads": "1,743",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 1092,
"name": "ProtoSky",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Removes (almost) all blocks from the world after they generated",
"downloads": "831",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1093,
"name": "Pudding Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A forge/fabric mod that adds pudding to minecraft",
"downloads": "281",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1094,
"name": "Pufferfish Cronch",
"url": "",
"short_description": "haha feed pufferfish carrot funny meme",
"downloads": "240",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 1095,
"name": "Pulaskis and Shaxes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds the Pulaski, and Shaxe to minecraft. plus some other improvements.",
"downloads": "605",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1096,
"name": "Pumice",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A vanilla-like lava sponge, known as Pumice.",
"downloads": "2,433",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1097,
"name": "Push To Craft",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A minecraft mod to enable expanding items/tags in recipes ",
"downloads": "26",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1098,
"name": "Pushable Block Entites",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes (most) block entities piston-pushable.",
"downloads": "1,371",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1099,
"name": "Quantum Gems",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Collect Gems from around the world to upgrade your tools, armor, and self.",
"downloads": "740",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1100,
"name": "Quazi-Modded",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Minecraft mod that aims to add smaller, standalone features to survival mode",
"downloads": "4,939",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1101,
"name": "QuestWeaver (Quests for Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A very lightweight implementation of a questbook for fabric",
"downloads": "186",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1102,
"name": "Quick Crops",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Quick crops mod that makes crops grow in 1 stage to mature.",
"downloads": "1,187",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 1103,
"name": "Quick Shulker",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Quickly open shulker boxes(and more) without placing them down",
"downloads": "50,160",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1104,
"name": "QuickM\u00e4th",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Replaces math methods with incorrect alternatives, causing interesting corruption",
"downloads": "54",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1105,
"name": "QuickSwap",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Quickly swap back and forth between hotbar slots and camera perspectives.",
"downloads": "52",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1106,
"name": "Quiver",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes switching between different arrow types (and your shield) fast and easy!",
"downloads": "887",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1107,
"name": "Rail Reboosted [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Lets you use fireworks to boost vehicles (port of railboost)",
"downloads": "196",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1108,
"name": "railboost (fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "use firework rockets to boost minecarts & other vehicles",
"downloads": "1,042",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.1"
"id": 1109,
"name": "Rain Bucket [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Buckets filling with rain water!",
"downloads": "3",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1110,
"name": "Raised Clouds",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows changing the height at which clouds appear.",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1111,
"name": "Random Teleport Command",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A command that allows players to randomly teleport",
"downloads": "385",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1112,
"name": "Random Textures",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A really stupid mod",
"downloads": "495",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 1113,
"name": "RandomBlockPlacement",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Auto-Switch your hotbar randomly",
"downloads": "1,709",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1114,
"name": "RandomConfigs (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A utility mod for setting default configurations, gamerules, difficulties and world borders.",
"downloads": "3,446",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1115,
"name": "Randomly Adding Anything (Core)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds randomly generated things",
"downloads": "30,012",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1116,
"name": "Randomly Adding Anything - Materials",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Addon of Randomly Adding Anything (Core) adding random materials",
"downloads": "1,232",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1117,
"name": "RandomPatches (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Configurable read and login timeouts for Fabric. No other features of RandomPatches are implemented at the moment.",
"downloads": "939",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1118,
"name": "Rare Ice (Forge/Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds rare ice into the world. Can you find them?",
"downloads": "63,432",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1119,
"name": "RaUt",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Random fun/useful things",
"downloads": "658",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1120,
"name": "Raw Tooltip",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds the raw ID to item tooltips.",
"downloads": "18",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1121,
"name": "Real Infinity",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Creates a new infinity enchant called Real Infinity and Real Infinity Crossbow",
"downloads": "559",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 1122,
"name": "Realistic Bakery Products (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Mod will complicate the crafting of bakery products",
"downloads": "24",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1123,
"name": "Realistic Cobwebs",
"url": "",
"short_description": "make them cobwebs burn!!!",
"downloads": "22,961",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14"
"id": 1124,
"name": "Realistic Fire Spread",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Entities on fire will set fire to flammable blocks around them",
"downloads": "4,274",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1125,
"name": "RealisticClouds",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Making clouds great again",
"downloads": "1,226",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1126,
"name": "ReAuth (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fixes the Problem of having to restart your Client when your Session invalidates",
"downloads": "22",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1127,
"name": "RebindAllTheKeys",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds keybinds to keys that aren't rebindable",
"downloads": "150",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1128,
"name": "Reborn Core",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Powering Team Reborn",
"downloads": "40,793,768",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1129,
"name": "Recently Used",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a creative tab with the recently used blocks/items.",
"downloads": "109",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1130,
"name": "Recipe Improver",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mods allows you to remove recipes and have smelting recipes output an item count.",
"downloads": "108",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1131,
"name": "Recipe Remainders",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Library to allow ItemStack remainders for recipes ",
"downloads": "14",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1132,
"name": "Red Bits",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Vanilla style redstone additions and improvements",
"downloads": "25",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1133,
"name": "RedDragon Marvelous Machines",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric-based mod for Minecraft that adds a lot of farming related machines and mechanics, further extending the machines available by Tech Reborn.",
"downloads": "85",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1134,
"name": "Redstone Bits",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a few new Redstone utilities to Minecraft",
"downloads": "14,434",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1135,
"name": "Redstone Lantern",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A redstone activated lantern that can be powered to emit light!",
"downloads": "236",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1136,
"name": "Redstone+",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds redstone things to Minecraft",
"downloads": "3",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1137,
"name": "RedstonePower",
"url": "",
"short_description": "RedstonePower takes inspiration from RedPower2 and is developed for Fabric",
"downloads": "3,059",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1138,
"name": "RedstoneUtils",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Add some utilites to vanilla redstone",
"downloads": "5",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 1139,
"name": "Refined Machinery",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A 1.14 tech mod",
"downloads": "15,550",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1140,
"name": "Refinements",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds small features and tweaks that fit along nicely with vanilla.",
"downloads": "1,940",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 1141,
"name": "RegexIgnore",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple way to ignore players using regex.",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1142,
"name": "REI Addons",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Random stuff to add to REI, I guess.",
"downloads": "7,973",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.2"
"id": 1143,
"name": "REI Cheat Keybind",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a keybind to toggle cheat mode on or off on REI's item menu.",
"downloads": "1",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1144,
"name": "Reinforced Diamond Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Reinforced your diamond tools & armor.",
"downloads": "235",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1145,
"name": "Reinforced Storage",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Storage mod inspired for Fabric inspired by BetterStorage chests",
"downloads": "1,692",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.2"
"id": 1146,
"name": "RelicCraft",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Find magical relics throughout the world!",
"downloads": "2,753",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1147,
"name": "Reload Audio Driver (RAD) [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Reload the audio driver by simply pressing F3 + R",
"downloads": "306",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1148,
"name": "ReloadAnnouncer (Fabric) ",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Reload Messages in chat",
"downloads": "815",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 1149,
"name": "Repairable Anvils",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows you to repair an anvil by right clicking it with an iron block.",
"downloads": "2,682",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1150,
"name": "Repairable Tridents [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows tridents to be repairable in Fabric",
"downloads": "637",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1151,
"name": "Repurposed Structures (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds more variations of vanilla structures and features!",
"downloads": "57,376",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1152,
"name": "Requiem",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Completely changes the vanilla death system by adding new mechanics such as player souls and undead possession.",
"downloads": "88,429",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 1153,
"name": "Reroll",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Reroll is a simple QOL mod for the Fabric Loader that allows you to reroll the Enchantment Table at a configurable cost.",
"downloads": "236",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1154,
"name": "Resolution Control",
"url": "",
"short_description": "More Control Over the Resolution at Which Minecraft's 3D Portion is Rendered!",
"downloads": "1,710",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1155,
"name": "Resource Crops [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Inspired by Mystical Agriculture, Resource Crops!",
"downloads": "322",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1156,
"name": "Resource Loader [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Loads resources; a useful modpack utility",
"downloads": "9,383",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1157,
"name": "Resource Melons",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds Melons that give you resources",
"downloads": "3,512",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1158,
"name": "Resource Tools [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Obtain useful resources with greater ease",
"downloads": "4,069",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1159,
"name": "Respawnable Pets",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple mod that allows your pets to respawn after death when you next sleep using a new item, the Etheric Gem.",
"downloads": "121,785",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1160,
"name": "retiNO",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Just say \"no!\" to Retina.",
"downloads": "182",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1161,
"name": "RetroExchange",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Retro Exchange adds a transmutation stone",
"downloads": "574,876",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 1162,
"name": "Rgb Blocks",
"url": "",
"short_description": "More colours than you'll ever need!",
"downloads": "5,072",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1163,
"name": "Rich Chat",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds support for markdown in Minecraft chats (server side)",
"downloads": "1",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1164,
"name": "Right Click Clear",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Use Right Click to Clear a text field.",
"downloads": "13,222",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1165,
"name": "Ring of Attraction [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple item magnet",
"downloads": "5,429",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1166,
"name": "Ring of Growth [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Accelerates the growth of plants and saplings",
"downloads": "4,451",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1167,
"name": "Ring of the Enderchest [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Access your Enderchest on the go",
"downloads": "4,492",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1168,
"name": "Ring of the Miner [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Clears away (breaks or void) non-ore blocks around player for easy mining",
"downloads": "14,256",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1169,
"name": "Rings of Ascension (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "New rings for your minecraft adventure",
"downloads": "52,480",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1170,
"name": "Rings of Flight",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that introduces two rings that allow you to fly in a balanced way",
"downloads": "43",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1171,
"name": "Riptide Fix",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fixes Riptide with Depth Strider",
"downloads": "807",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1172,
"name": "River Redux",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Make's Minecraft's rivers much more exciting to explore!",
"downloads": "50,160",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1173,
"name": "Robins Amethyst Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The amethyst mod adds Amethysts, Blocks & Tools to minecraft.",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1174,
"name": "Robins Emerald Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds emerald tools, weapons and armor",
"downloads": "398",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1175,
"name": "Robins Ruby Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The Ruby Mod adds Rubies, Blocks & Tools to minecraft",
"downloads": "503",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1176,
"name": "Rotmg Food",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds Food from Realm of the Mad God",
"downloads": "3,973",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1177,
"name": "Roughly Enough Items (REI)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This is a mod to view items and recipes in Minecraft 1.13 - 1.16",
"downloads": "705,377",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1178,
"name": "Roughly Enough Resources",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Worldgen support for Roughly Enough Items",
"downloads": "58,540",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1179,
"name": "Roughly Searchable",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Highlights all items that match the current search in Roughly Enough Items",
"downloads": "1,065",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1180,
"name": "RPG-Hud [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod will change your HUD (Heads Up Display) and add a few new features to it!",
"downloads": "2,984",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1181,
"name": "RPGStats",
"url": "",
"short_description": "RPGStats adds simple, easy to understand stats to your minecraft game",
"downloads": "6,989",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1182,
"name": "RpgZ",
"url": "",
"short_description": "rpg style looting",
"downloads": "85",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1183,
"name": "RSWires",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds multiple kinds of wires that carry a redstone signal!",
"downloads": "53,402",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1184,
"name": "Rubik's Hotbar (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Scroll through slots on your hotbar like a Rubik's Cube",
"downloads": "3,509",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 1185,
"name": "Ruby Mod [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds another tier of armor to Minecraft; Ruby Armor",
"downloads": "178",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1186,
"name": "Runorama",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Taking panorama and using it as your main menu background!",
"downloads": "4,143",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1187,
"name": "Sand Dust",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a new drop to husks and glass that can be used to make renewable sand.",
"downloads": "444",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1188,
"name": "Sandbox Bootstrap",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows Sandbox to load",
"downloads": "11",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1189,
"name": "Sandwichable",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Minecraft mod that allows for customizable sandwiches.",
"downloads": "72,507",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1190,
"name": "Satin API",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Fabric library to help modders with shader usage",
"downloads": "301",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1191,
"name": "scale",
"url": "",
"short_description": "a mod that, when the \"GUI Scale: Auto\" button of a brand new instance is clicked, changes the GUI scale to 2 instead of 1",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1192,
"name": "Scale Vacuum",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a customizable void dimension for survival.",
"downloads": "251",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1193,
"name": "Scary Player",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Minecraft mod that makes it so that villagers will be scared of you while you are wearing undead mob heads.",
"downloads": "315",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1194,
"name": "Scary Player v2",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Wearing mob heads, the player scares villagers and aggros Iron Golems and Snow Golems.",
"downloads": "3",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1195,
"name": "Screenshot to Clipboard (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Screenshots taken are copied to the clipboard. (Forge version also available)",
"downloads": "11,585",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1196,
"name": "Secret Rooms Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "a project to port the Secret Rooms mod to the fabric framework",
"downloads": "43,280",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1197,
"name": "Secrets No More",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Re-adds Super Secret Settings, but less secret!",
"downloads": "2,782",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1198,
"name": "SekC Physics (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Physics mod with ragdoll physics and more coming soon",
"downloads": "22,410",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14"
"id": 1199,
"name": "Self-Governing Catalyst",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An Autonomous Activator mod for Fabric",
"downloads": "82",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1200,
"name": "Server Ping",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Spoof the player list and count of your server",
"downloads": "18",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1201,
"name": "Server Tick",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes the F3 TPS graph work on dedicated servers",
"downloads": "57",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1202,
"name": "Server Translations",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Provide server localization.",
"downloads": "101",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1203,
"name": "ServerAdditionsUtil",
"url": "",
"short_description": "(WIP) A utility/library to allow easy server-side-only block and item additions for fabric",
"downloads": "2,225",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1204,
"name": "SetPlayerData",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A custom mod to allow more flexibility with datapacks",
"downloads": "409",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1205,
"name": "Sewing Machine Utilities",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Vanilla+ Server Admin Mod. Economy, Chunk Claim, + more",
"downloads": "1,189",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1206,
"name": "SewingKit",
"url": "",
"short_description": "It's CraftTweaker for fabric!",
"downloads": "551",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.2"
"id": 1207,
"name": "Sheep Consistency",
"url": "",
"short_description": "When sheared, sheep now show the color they're dyed with on their skin",
"downloads": "1,373",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1208,
"name": "SheetLib",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A library for some commonly used stuff",
"downloads": "6,030",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1209,
"name": "Shelf",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds shelves to showcase your items",
"downloads": "210",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1210,
"name": "Shest: Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds tiered Chests with increased stack size (256 items per slot).",
"downloads": "13,465",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1211,
"name": "ShieldDisruptor",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Hide your shield or any other item while not using it!",
"downloads": "2,543",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1212,
"name": "Shifty Items",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Shifty Items is a client-only snapshot mod for Fabric that allows you to interact with blocks while holding certain items while shifting.",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16"
"id": 1213,
"name": "Shuffle (Forge and Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Place Random Blocks From Your Hotbar With Ease!",
"downloads": "20,010",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1214,
"name": "Shulker Charm",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Local flight for Fabric and Minecraft 1.15",
"downloads": "9,034",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1215,
"name": "Shulker Stacker",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Make shulkers stack to 64!",
"downloads": "33",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1216,
"name": "ShulkerBoxTooltip",
"url": "",
"short_description": "What's in my shulker box?",
"downloads": "136,951",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1217,
"name": "ShulkerSneakPeak",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a preview for shulker boxes that is displayed when hovering over them.",
"downloads": "770",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.2"
"id": 1218,
"name": "Shulkularity",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Nesting Shulker Boxes without packet overflow since 2020.",
"downloads": "360",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1219,
"name": "Shut Up Console",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Filters out console logging",
"downloads": "34",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1220,
"name": "Shut Up!",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Block annoying mod messages when you load into a world.",
"downloads": "24",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1221,
"name": "Sifter & Friends",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a sifter, fertilizer, and other goodies",
"downloads": "449",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 1222,
"name": "Silk API",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds general utils for making mods that don't quite belong in Fabric API",
"downloads": "2,322",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 1223,
"name": "Silky Spawners",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows Silk Touch to pick up spawners.",
"downloads": "14,153",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1224,
"name": "Simple Accessories - Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Simple magic accessories",
"downloads": "452",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1225,
"name": "Simple Backpack [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Provides backpack, void pack, and ender pack",
"downloads": "10,803",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1226,
"name": "Simple BC Pipes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple item and fluid transport mod to show the various features of LibBlockAttributes and provide a useful testing base for other mods using attributes.",
"downloads": "20,005",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1227,
"name": "Simple Compat: Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Simple Compat is a free and open source mod for Minecraft whith random good things.",
"downloads": "170",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1228,
"name": "Simple Crafting Frame",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Item Frames With Crafting Powers",
"downloads": "704",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 1229,
"name": "Simple Drawers",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod adds drawers to the game that can contain a high amount of an item.",
"downloads": "27,740",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1230,
"name": "Simple Emerald Armor [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds armor made of emerald blocks, nothing else.",
"downloads": "752",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1231,
"name": "Simple Emerald Tools [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds the basic tool set made of emerald blocks, nothing else.",
"downloads": "728",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1232,
"name": "Simple Fireworks (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Simple Fireworks Fabric",
"downloads": "850",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 1233,
"name": "Simple HUD Utilities",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Minecraft Mod that enhances the Game's HUD with some simple utilities",
"downloads": "1,962",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1234,
"name": "Simple Quartz Armor [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds armor made with smooth quartz, nothing else.",
"downloads": "392",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1235,
"name": "Simple Quartz Tools [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds the basic tool set made with smooth quartz, nothing else.",
"downloads": "610",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1236,
"name": "Simple Quern",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A quern-stone that provides simple ore doubling",
"downloads": "6,587",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1237,
"name": "Simple Teleporters (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Simple Teleporters adds a craftable teleporter block to quickly travel your world!",
"downloads": "48,906",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1238,
"name": "SimpleAuth",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Authentication mod for Fabric or Forge servers",
"downloads": "1,088",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1239,
"name": "simplechat.",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes your server's chat simpler [Fabric]",
"downloads": "42",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 1240,
"name": "SimpleHarvest",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Right click crop harvesting",
"downloads": "12,105,726",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1241,
"name": "SimpleServerSorter",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Dead-simple server-side container sorting for Fabric",
"downloads": "33",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16"
"id": 1242,
"name": "Simplex Terrain Generation",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A terrain generation overhaul mod with expansive mountains and highly optimized terrain generation",
"downloads": "77,700",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1243,
"name": "SimpleZoom (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "SimpleZoom",
"downloads": "6,102",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 1244,
"name": "Simply Emeralds [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Finally, som uses for our beloved green ores!",
"downloads": "106",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1245,
"name": "Simply Enchanted",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Tired of the RNG based enchanting... then this may be for you.",
"downloads": "2,089",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 1246,
"name": "Simply Platinum",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Vanilla+ balanced upgrade for Gold equipment.",
"downloads": "35,913",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1247,
"name": "Simply Strawberries",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds Strawberries to the game! Can be found in village chests.",
"downloads": "1,211",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1248,
"name": "Sip'n'splash potions",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Potions you can drink AND throw",
"downloads": "107",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1249,
"name": "Sit (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows you to sit on slabs and stairs.",
"downloads": "15,881",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1250,
"name": "Size Entity Attributes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A library mod that lets you change the size of entities",
"downloads": "1,800",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1251,
"name": "SkillCheck",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Tabletop-style skills for Minecraft 1.14",
"downloads": "5,008",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 1252,
"name": "Skin Shine",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes armor invisable",
"downloads": "249",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1253,
"name": "Skin Swapper",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple mod that allows you to change your in game skin using a gui.",
"downloads": "9,987",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1254,
"name": "Skyboard",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a scorboard in the sky",
"downloads": "10",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1255,
"name": "SkyWorld",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod adds new generation type - a world of floating islands",
"downloads": "1,779",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1256,
"name": "Slab Helper [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Help you dealing with slab block!",
"downloads": "31,580",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1257,
"name": "Slightly Altered Terrain Generation",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Slightly alters the terrain generation to create some variety",
"downloads": "3,212",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 1258,
"name": "SlightlyVanilla",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Collection of Tweaks for Vanilla Minecraft",
"downloads": "942",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1259,
"name": "Slime Block in the Redstone Tab",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Puts the slime block into the Redstone tab, where it belongs.",
"downloads": "81",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1260,
"name": "Slip",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a very slippery block, for Forge and Fabric.",
"downloads": "174",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1261,
"name": "slotlink",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A bad clone of Storage Network for Fabric.",
"downloads": "50,506",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1262,
"name": "SmallerFPSIncrements",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes the max FPS slider go up in increments of 1 instead of 10.",
"downloads": "1,282",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14"
"id": 1263,
"name": "Smart pipes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Item pipes with advanced configuration",
"downloads": "30",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1264,
"name": "Smarter Mending",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes mending apply to whatever needs it the most, instead of something random",
"downloads": "4,148",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1265,
"name": "Smith And Fletch",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds some functionality to Smithing and Fletching Table.",
"downloads": "5,380",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1266,
"name": "Smoke Extender",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Changes campfire smoke particles so they go higher!",
"downloads": "5,907",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1267,
"name": "Smooth Bedrock (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric mod that makes bedrock generation completely flat",
"downloads": "6,917",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1268,
"name": "Smooth Scrolling Everywhere (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds smooth scrolling to every list.",
"downloads": "18,820",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1269,
"name": "SmoothCoasters",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Significantly enhances roller coasters",
"downloads": "278",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1270,
"name": "Smoother Bedrock",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes all bedrock layers flat.",
"downloads": "1",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1271,
"name": "Snapshot Ideas",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod adds ideas for the new snapshot versions!",
"downloads": "838",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1272,
"name": "Sneak Through Berries (Forge & Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Lets you sneak through Sweet Berry Bushes without taking damage",
"downloads": "17,767",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1273,
"name": "Sneaky Screens",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Persists the sneak state in menus.",
"downloads": "6,961",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1274,
"name": "Sneed's Piss & Hiss",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Formerly Chuck's",
"downloads": "2",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1275,
"name": "Snowdrift",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Piles of snow build up during snowstorms and then slowly melt afterwards.",
"downloads": "2,150",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1276,
"name": "Snowy Leaves",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Leaves turn white during snow storms like they do in Minecraft Bedrock",
"downloads": "1,282",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1277,
"name": "So It Burns",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A fabric mod focusing on lighting things up and fire in general",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1278,
"name": "Soaring Clouds",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows you to configure cloud heights in Minecraft.",
"downloads": "1,671",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1279,
"name": "Sodden",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds configurable, tiered watering cans to accelerate plant growth.",
"downloads": "1,615",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 1280,
"name": "Sodium",
"url": "",
"short_description": " A Minecraft mod designed to improve frame rates and reduce micro-stutter",
"downloads": "242,044",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1281,
"name": "Soil Stairs",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds stairs and slabs based on the Minecraft soil blocks",
"downloads": "514",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1282,
"name": "Solid Worlds",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Generate solid worlds, without caves, ravines, lakes and/or mineshaft.",
"downloads": "382",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1283,
"name": "Some Cool Extra Items",
"url": "",
"short_description": "New foods, mobs, items.. Why not?",
"downloads": "429",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1284,
"name": "Song Sounds",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Turns note blocks in to full-on song makers!",
"downloads": "42",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1285,
"name": "Sonic Devices",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Sonic Screwdrivers of all types and styles",
"downloads": "1,912",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1286,
"name": "SorceryCraft",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Cast Spells in Minecraft!",
"downloads": "10,316",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1287,
"name": "Soul Sandstone",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a soul sand variant of sandstone!",
"downloads": "367",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1288,
"name": "Soul Shards Respawn",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Powerful spawners for any mob!",
"downloads": "2,671,108",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1289,
"name": "Soul Soil Farmland",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows you to grow crops in the Nether by tilling soul soil!",
"downloads": "1,792",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1290,
"name": "Soulbound (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An enchantment that retains items upon death",
"downloads": "35,639",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1291,
"name": "Souls Egg",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that add an item usable for spawn eggs crafting",
"downloads": "1,408",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 1292,
"name": "spark",
"url": "",
"short_description": "spark is a performance profiling plugin based on sk89q's WarmRoast profiler.",
"downloads": "59,509",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1293,
"name": "Spatial Crafting ",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that adds 3 dimensional crafting tables at varying sizes",
"downloads": "3,589",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1294,
"name": "Spectator Survival Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "SS",
"downloads": "20",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1295,
"name": "Speechcraft (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Speechcraft forces you to control Minecraft with your voice",
"downloads": "637",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1296,
"name": "Speed Trading",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a button to the villager trading GUI to repeat the current trade until it's no longer available.",
"downloads": "749",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1297,
"name": "Spelunker's Treasures",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Spice up the underground with treasures and traps!",
"downloads": "3,946",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1298,
"name": "Spice of Fabric (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An iteration of Spice of Life built for Fabric",
"downloads": "3,776",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1299,
"name": "Spike Traps Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "spike traps for stationary death",
"downloads": "317",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1300,
"name": "Spinnery: Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Spinnery is a modern, feature-complete GUI library for Minecraft 1.15 and 1.16.",
"downloads": "17,348",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1301,
"name": "Splash Concrete",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows hardening concrete powder using splash water bottles.",
"downloads": "44",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1302,
"name": "Sponges Plus",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds Sponges",
"downloads": "22",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1303,
"name": "Spyglass",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Fabric mod for getting and dumping all sorts of useful information ",
"downloads": "271",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 1304,
"name": "SquidCraft",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This mod adds more food.",
"downloads": "244",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1305,
"name": "Squids Drop Calamari And Other Minor Additions",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds squid food, glow glass and diamonds from coal.",
"downloads": "439",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1306,
"name": "Stacc",
"url": "",
"short_description": "infinite:tm: stack limit for fabric",
"downloads": "1,553",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1307,
"name": "Stackable Damage Enchants",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Does what the name says.",
"downloads": "1,884",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 1308,
"name": "StackablePotions",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows vanilla potions to stack.",
"downloads": "1,795",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1309,
"name": "StackDisenchantedBooks (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "fix grindstone book stacking",
"downloads": "220",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14"
"id": 1310,
"name": "Staff of Building",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Staff of Building adds in new staffs which can be used to speed up building",
"downloads": "32,132",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1311,
"name": "StaffDerpsMod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Staff Utility Mod",
"downloads": "129",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1312,
"name": "StairDoors",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A coremod that allows doors to be placed on stairs.",
"downloads": "5,343",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1313,
"name": "Start the Music!",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Fabric mod that sets the cooldown until the next music track to 0",
"downloads": "1,280",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1314,
"name": "Starting Notes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "add written book(s) to the players inventory on spawn",
"downloads": "51",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1315,
"name": "Statement Library",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric library mod for blockstate property manipulation",
"downloads": "3,082",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1316,
"name": "Static FOV",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Disables dynamic FOV",
"downloads": "40",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1317,
"name": "Stats Keeper (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Saves stats on death & modifies default health",
"downloads": "3,176",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1318,
"name": "StatusHud",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Hud Utilities and Configuration",
"downloads": "146",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1319,
"name": "Steed Stopper",
"url": "",
"short_description": "No more horses spawning",
"downloads": "18",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1320,
"name": "Steelseries Gamesense [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Light up all ur Steelseries gear.",
"downloads": "118",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1321,
"name": "StepUpNext",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Take higher steps so you can climb full blocks without jumping",
"downloads": "3,866",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1322,
"name": "Sticky Weeds",
"url": "",
"short_description": "walking through tall grass is hard",
"downloads": "442",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.2"
"id": 1323,
"name": "Stockpile",
"url": "",
"short_description": "(Fabric) A storage mod for modern Minecraft versions",
"downloads": "52,272",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1324,
"name": "Stone Chests",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adding a chest for each stone variant to Minecraft.",
"downloads": "3,454",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 1325,
"name": "Stonecutter Tweaks",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fixes a stonecutter bug.",
"downloads": "38,765",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16"
"id": 1326,
"name": "Stop Hiding",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Fabric version of FindMe.",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16"
"id": 1327,
"name": "Storage Cabinet",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple storage cabinet",
"downloads": "857,768",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1328,
"name": "Straighten Up",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Removes the italics from renamed items",
"downloads": "3,644",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1329,
"name": "Straw Dummy",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that adds a single thing: a dummy player made out of straw with infinite health for you to test your weapons!",
"downloads": "3,937",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1330,
"name": "Strong and Fair Anvils",
"url": "",
"short_description": "More convenient anvils. [FABRIC]",
"downloads": "9,121",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1331,
"name": "StructureZ",
"url": "",
"short_description": "More to explore!",
"downloads": "1,089",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1332,
"name": "StuffZ",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Uncraft armor + other stuff",
"downloads": "13,884",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1333,
"name": "Subnautic Redstone (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Subnautic Redstone allows the player to build with Redstone underwater!",
"downloads": "3,047",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 1334,
"name": "Suck Eggs",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds the ability to suck eggs",
"downloads": "1,225",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1335,
"name": "Suitably Stackable Stew",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes all stews stack up to 16",
"downloads": "409",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1336,
"name": "Super Cobblestone Funnels",
"url": "",
"short_description": "For a less grindy skyblock early game",
"downloads": "148",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1337,
"name": "Super Ores",
"url": "",
"short_description": "More Ores!",
"downloads": "330,889",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.1"
"id": 1338,
"name": "SuperAxes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds super axes that help chopping down trees",
"downloads": "36,808",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1339,
"name": "supercharge (fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "remove cooldown bar from any minecraft tool",
"downloads": "897",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.1"
"id": 1340,
"name": "Suppress Unknown Item (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Suppress that log-spammy \"Unknown item\" error when loading recipes for items that don't exist.",
"downloads": "1,611",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1341,
"name": "Surreal Biomes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A worldgen mod adding unique and rare biomes.",
"downloads": "484",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1342,
"name": "Survival Debug Stick",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Lets Survival Players Use The Debug Stick",
"downloads": "1,600",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1343,
"name": "Sweed",
"url": "",
"short_description": "rapidly growing sugar plant",
"downloads": "1,775",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 1344,
"name": "Sweet Tooth",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds lots more uses for Sugar!",
"downloads": "7,749",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 1345,
"name": "Swim Air",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Let you swim in air",
"downloads": "57",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1346,
"name": "Switcheroo",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Automatically replace your hotbar items when they run out",
"downloads": "693",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1347,
"name": "Sword Effects",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows the player to apply a potion to any vanilla swords",
"downloads": "7,574",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1348,
"name": "SwordEnlarger",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes swords a bit bigger",
"downloads": "42",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1349,
"name": "Syrup",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Sickly sweet additions",
"downloads": "1,703",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.1"
"id": 1350,
"name": "Tab Inventory - Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric mod that allows the inventory key to be Tab just like in 1.13",
"downloads": "571",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1351,
"name": "TacoCraft",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds Tacos to Minecraft Fabric 1.15.2+! ",
"downloads": "39,100",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1352,
"name": "Tall Worlds",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes worlds taller!",
"downloads": "1,024",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1353,
"name": "TallTallCane",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes sugar cane, cactus, and bamboo grow to build limit",
"downloads": "371",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1354,
"name": "Target Dummy",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds in a Target Dummy which shows how much damage you do on hit.",
"downloads": "4,629",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1355,
"name": "Tater Networking",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Optimizes Minecraft's networking code",
"downloads": "180",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1356,
"name": "TBO Classic",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Biomes from TheBiomeOverhaul (1.x) in the vanilla world generator",
"downloads": "836",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1357,
"name": "TCrafting",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds Terraria-style crafting to Minecraft.",
"downloads": "125",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1358,
"name": "Teal Bricks",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds Teal Nether Bricks and Lantern Blocks. That's it, that's the mod.",
"downloads": "81",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1359,
"name": "TeamPerms",
"url": "",
"short_description": " A simple permissions mod using scoreboard teams as groups.",
"downloads": "14",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1360,
"name": "Tech Reborn",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Tech Reborn is a completely standalone tech mod including tools and machines to gather resources, process materials, and progress through the mod.",
"downloads": "13,334,302",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1361,
"name": "Telekinesis Enchantment",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Fabric mod that adds an enchantment to automatically put any dropped items into your inventory.",
"downloads": "243",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1362,
"name": "TelePistons",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Telescopic Piston Animations",
"downloads": "29",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1363,
"name": "Templates",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Template blocks for Fabric and Minecraft 1.14",
"downloads": "1,411",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 1364,
"name": "Tenor: Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Immersive solutions for modern problems.",
"downloads": "2,434",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1365,
"name": "Terrestria",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod for Fabric enhancing the detail of Minecraft with unique and vibrant biomes. Inspired by ExtrabiomesXL. ",
"downloads": "117,547",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1366,
"name": "Text Coloriser Plugin",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows you to customise your server with text formatting codes and more",
"downloads": "383",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1367,
"name": "Textile Backup",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Small backup mod for fabric",
"downloads": "8,746",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1368,
"name": "ThaiFixes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes Thai language vowels rendering in Minecraft readable.",
"downloads": "168,685",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.1"
"id": 1369,
"name": "Thallium - Fps Boost",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Thallium Optimization Mod - Boost your FPS! Replace Optifine!",
"downloads": "6,830",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1370,
"name": "The Backrooms",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The backrooms, endless mono yellow rooms to traverse.",
"downloads": "2,028",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1371,
"name": "The Biome Overhaul",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A 1.14 fabric biomes mod",
"downloads": "25,422",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 1372,
"name": "The Bumblezone (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An unBEElievable dimension full of bees that becomes REALLY angry if you take their honey!",
"downloads": "5,007",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1373,
"name": "the gamemode before",
"url": "",
"short_description": "this mod adds the old version of the /gamemode",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1374,
"name": "The Hallow",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A collaborative mod with a new dimension...",
"downloads": "16,640",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1375,
"name": "The Loved Ones",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Freidly Fire for Fabirc",
"downloads": "6,837",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1376,
"name": "The Parakeet Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The Parakeet Mod brings your favorite little buddies to Minecraft! [Forge/Fabric] [1.16.x] [1.15.2]",
"downloads": "1,160",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1377,
"name": "The Silk Road",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Trading mod for fabric, allowing for safe player trades and some other features",
"downloads": "104",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1378,
"name": "The Veggie Way [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Vanilla friendly high nutrition foods without killing",
"downloads": "5,855",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1379,
"name": "Thermal Conversion",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Universal Energy Translation between any furnace supporting mods.",
"downloads": "38,285",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1380,
"name": "This & That",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Random additions, mostly building blocks.",
"downloads": "1,620",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14"
"id": 1381,
"name": "This Is Fine",
"url": "",
"short_description": "This Is Fine",
"downloads": "310",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14"
"id": 1382,
"name": "Thresher",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Saving modpack authors from those who don't know what a RAM is",
"downloads": "212",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1383,
"name": "Through The Looking Glass",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Ever wanted to peer into other worlds?",
"downloads": "451",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1384,
"name": "Ticking Storage",
"url": "",
"short_description": "adds barrels that tick your items for you",
"downloads": "20",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1385,
"name": "Tiered",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds tiers/modifiers to tools.",
"downloads": "700",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1386,
"name": "Tiger Kus'",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Very simple mod which doesn't allow to hurt Tigers",
"downloads": "4,419",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1387,
"name": "Till it Breaks",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Displays the durability of items on the item itself",
"downloads": "74",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1388,
"name": "Time To Live",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Displays a TNT countdown.",
"downloads": "3,202",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1389,
"name": "Tiny Fuel",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds smaller variants of coal and charcoal",
"downloads": "12,748",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1390,
"name": "TinyCoals",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A small mod which adds 1/8ths of coal and charcoal items.",
"downloads": "55",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15"
"id": 1391,
"name": "TinyConfig",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Easy configuration for the modder an end user.",
"downloads": "17",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 1392,
"name": "TinyTweaks",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A small collection of configurable tweaks for Minecraft",
"downloads": "1,937",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1393,
"name": "TIS-3D",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Low-tech computing for Minecraft",
"downloads": "212,677",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1394,
"name": "Title Scrolls",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Customizable title scrolls for fabric",
"downloads": "130",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1395,
"name": "TitleScreenNotice",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod to add one-notices to the main menu",
"downloads": "1",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1396,
"name": "Toggle Entity Render",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows toggling the rendering of specific entities.",
"downloads": "129",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1397,
"name": "Toggle Toggle",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Keybinds that switch sneak and sprint between hold and toggle.",
"downloads": "489",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1398,
"name": "ToggleBlockUpdates",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a command that disables block updates",
"downloads": "51",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1399,
"name": "ToggleWalk",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes it so that pressing the walk and sneak buttons toggles them instead!",
"downloads": "1,983",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1400,
"name": "ToggleWalk Mk. II",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes it so that various keybinds can be toggled instead of being held! (With some changes from the original mod)",
"downloads": "311",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1401,
"name": "Tom's Fabric Lib",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Library mod for my fabric mods",
"downloads": "112",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1402,
"name": "Tom's Simple Storage Mod (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Simple vanilla style storage mod for Fabric",
"downloads": "1,156",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1403,
"name": "Tool Builder",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Like Tinkers Construct, but through normal crafting",
"downloads": "19,274",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1404,
"name": "ToolTip AutoWrap",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Don't you hate it when ToolTips fly off the screen!",
"downloads": "11,782",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15"
"id": 1405,
"name": "Tooltip Tool Tips",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Provides more information about tools (and armor) in their tooltips",
"downloads": "29",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1406,
"name": "TooManyCrashes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Crash catching (keep playing after a crash), uploading, involved mod identification, and stack trace deobfuscation for Fabric 1.14",
"downloads": "1,604",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 1407,
"name": "TooMuchOcean",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric mod that allows the chance of ocean conversion to land to be controlled via a config",
"downloads": "429",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1408,
"name": "Torchkey",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a hotkey to place a torch from your hotbar.",
"downloads": "668",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1409,
"name": "ToroHealth Damage Indicators",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Shows health and damage received for mobs, NPCs, and players",
"downloads": "3,699,012",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1410,
"name": "Torrid Vision",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a potion that allows you to see better when submerged in lava!",
"downloads": "4,710",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1411,
"name": "Totally Balanced Creative Flying",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Because Creative Flying is not fair.",
"downloads": "16",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1412,
"name": "Totally Balanced Fall Flying",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Because Elytras are not fair.",
"downloads": "13",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1413,
"name": "Totem Plus",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Revive you from the death of Void",
"downloads": "21",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1414,
"name": "Totem Skin",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Generates Totem icon textures on the fly!",
"downloads": "245",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1415,
"name": "Tough Glass",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds Glass so Tough, it can't be moved by Pistons",
"downloads": "329",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1416,
"name": "Towelette",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric mod that allows waterlogging with any fluid",
"downloads": "17,753",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1417,
"name": "Trade (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows trading between players on server",
"downloads": "202,106",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1418,
"name": "TrajectoryFabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Renders an estimated Trajectory of projectiles",
"downloads": "613",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1419,
"name": "Trample Stopper (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Trample Stopper for Fabric",
"downloads": "2,439",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1420,
"name": "Trampoline",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fabric Mod to enable Bungeecord's IP Forwarding.",
"downloads": "82",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1421,
"name": "Translater",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Corrupt minecraft text by translating it",
"downloads": "109",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1422,
"name": "Transparency",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Make everything transparent!",
"downloads": "137",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1423,
"name": "Transparent",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows resource packs to make paintings and item frames support transparency!",
"downloads": "592",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1424,
"name": "Trap Expansion (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Trap Expansion adds some polished, vanilla style utilities for trapping and killing!",
"downloads": "56,823",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1425,
"name": "Trapped Shulker Boxes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod adding shulker boxes that are trapped",
"downloads": "623",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1426,
"name": "Trash It",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Simple Trash Can mod for Fabric.",
"downloads": "845",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1427,
"name": "Traverse",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A biome expansion mod that embraces the simplistic nature of Minecraft biomes",
"downloads": "103,119",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1428,
"name": "Tree Bark",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds bark, obtained by stripping logs",
"downloads": "1,575",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1429,
"name": "Trees Do Not Float",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Trees and leaves break down when last supporting log is broken.",
"downloads": "79,278",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1430,
"name": "TreeZ",
"url": "",
"short_description": "fruit trees ",
"downloads": "273",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1431,
"name": "TriangleCore",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod library required for some of Sid's mods.",
"downloads": "108",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1432,
"name": "Trident Fixer",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Tridents can be repaired with prismarine shards",
"downloads": "1,938",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 1433,
"name": "Trident Tweaks",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Tweaks Tridents to be more useful as a weapon.",
"downloads": "34",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1434,
"name": "Trigger Message",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Program in your automatic response to trigger words!",
"downloads": "4",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 1435,
"name": "Trinket Heart Canisters",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds heart canisters as trinkets",
"downloads": "178",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1436,
"name": "Trinkets (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A modular accessory mod and API",
"downloads": "63,823",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1437,
"name": "Trophy Slots",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Earn your inventory slots!",
"downloads": "217,708",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1438,
"name": "trpg1's Recipe Mod (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds useful recipes like logs in a circle shape into 4 chests",
"downloads": "368",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1439,
"name": "True Darkness",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Moonless nights and enclosed spaces are truly dark",
"downloads": "18,446",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1440,
"name": "Trumpet Skeleton (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The sound of trumpets echoes through the night...",
"downloads": "12,940",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1441,
"name": "TTKB",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A bunch of miscellaneous addtions to the game.",
"downloads": "2,094",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1442,
"name": "Tumble Dryer",
"url": "",
"short_description": "When a clothes line is too slow",
"downloads": "2,270",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1443,
"name": "Tweakeroo",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Various client-side tweaks, such as hand restock, hotbar swap/cycle, flexible/fast block placement etc.",
"downloads": "67,483",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1444,
"name": "Tweed (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Yet another fabric config attempt.",
"downloads": "2,042",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 1445,
"name": "Twine",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple survival mod for Minecraft encouraging a nomadic lifestyle.",
"downloads": "335",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1446,
"name": "Twitch Chat Bridge (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Connect Minecraft chat and Twitch chat!",
"downloads": "1,988",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1447,
"name": "Two Zero Bee",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fixes the server startup crash bug on 20w20a.",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1448,
"name": "Ugly Scoreboard Fix",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Hides the ugly scoreboard scores only used for sorting the lines",
"downloads": "69",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1449,
"name": "Unbad Redstone",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes redstone hitboxes a big square instead of the tiny hitboxes they have now",
"downloads": "94",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1450,
"name": "Uncraft Me",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Break down Quartz Blocks and Netherwart Blocks",
"downloads": "1,965",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1451,
"name": "Uncraftables Recipes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Crafting recipes for uncraftable items.",
"downloads": "4,598",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1452,
"name": "Underpowered",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Tech mod centered around creating and using a powerful resource called Unobtainium",
"downloads": "162",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1453,
"name": "Unearthed [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that makes exploring underground interesting. Adds 15 new rocks!",
"downloads": "72",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1454,
"name": "Unfortunately",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Peer into the future.",
"downloads": "374",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1455,
"name": "Unknown Recipe Type Silencer",
"url": "",
"short_description": "silence unknown recipe type alert in console",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1456,
"name": "Unlimited Dragon Eggs (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Get a dragon egg from every ender dragon.",
"downloads": "135",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1457,
"name": "Unlimiter",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Removes limits on the game's entity attributes",
"downloads": "3,524",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1458,
"name": "Unlit Torches (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Light the way, but now you have to the light the thing to light the way.",
"downloads": "278",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1459,
"name": "Unsuspicious Stew",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Displays all Effects of a Suspicious Stew in the Tooltip and Hotbar",
"downloads": "328",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1460,
"name": "UrLostPajamas",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Missing Nether Blocks",
"downloads": "261",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1461,
"name": "Useful Food",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Food will give you different status effect after eat it.",
"downloads": "1,337",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1462,
"name": "Useful Utilities",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A fabric mod that adds a number of useful utilities to the Options menu",
"downloads": "686",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1463,
"name": "UselessTutorial",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Disables the useless tutorial popups!",
"downloads": "254",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1464,
"name": "Uwufier",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Uwufies text",
"downloads": "1,469",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 1465,
"name": "ValarLib",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Modding library for mods created by Team Valar",
"downloads": "511",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.3"
"id": 1466,
"name": "VampireLib",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Library mod for all Vampire Studios Fabric mods.",
"downloads": "2,882",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1467,
"name": "Vanilla Automated",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds machines for automating grindy tasks!",
"downloads": "5,163",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1468,
"name": "Vanilla Enhanced",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Enhancements and vanilla-esque additions such as new Tool, Weapon & Armor Materiels, Biomes, Trees, and more.",
"downloads": "2,118",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1469,
"name": "Vanilla Excavators",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Shovel alternative to Vanilla Hammers.",
"downloads": "40,963",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1470,
"name": "Vanilla Hammers",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a bunch of new hammers to the game!",
"downloads": "189,244",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1471,
"name": "Vanilla Ingredients Cooking Expanded",
"url": "",
"short_description": "More craftable foods using ingredients that are already in the vanilla game",
"downloads": "561",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1472,
"name": "Vanilla Music Extension",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Brings new music to the world!",
"downloads": "255",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1473,
"name": "Vanilla Parts",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Turn your ordinary blocks into multiparts!",
"downloads": "11,084",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1474,
"name": "Vanilla Plus Plus",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Vanilla themed Minecraft mod",
"downloads": "60",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1475,
"name": "Vanilla Toolsets",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds new armor & tools to the game.",
"downloads": "36,960",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1476,
"name": "Vanilla+ Biomes",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds 58 new biomes that improve and add variety to vanilla!",
"downloads": "48,061",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1477,
"name": "VanillaDeathChest (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Places chests (or shulker boxes) where players die that contain all of their items.",
"downloads": "14,903",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1478,
"name": "VanillaEndervators",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Elevators (Endervators) for Minecraft that work with unmodded clients!",
"downloads": "2,574",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1479,
"name": "Vanillaful",
"url": "",
"short_description": "An extension to vanilla gameplay and features",
"downloads": "437",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1480,
"name": "VariablePaxels",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The classic multitool, now on Fabric.",
"downloads": "18,237",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 1481,
"name": "VarLight",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allows turning most Blocks into Light sources",
"downloads": "986",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1482,
"name": "VersionChanger",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Change the displayed minecraft version",
"downloads": "48",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1483,
"name": "Vertical Hotbar",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A reimagining of the hotbar.",
"downloads": "7",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1484,
"name": "Vertical Redstone",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds blocks for moving redstone vertically",
"downloads": "13,021",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1485,
"name": "Vertigo [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Save your life from fall damage!",
"downloads": "198",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 1486,
"name": "ViaFabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Allow connecting to servers with different versions",
"downloads": "1,142",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1487,
"name": "Vibranium Ore",
"url": "",
"short_description": "New ore!",
"downloads": "1,044",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1488,
"name": "Vignot",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Removes the Vignette",
"downloads": "152",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1489,
"name": "Villager Hats",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Villager Hats adds the villager hats as craftable and wearable items",
"downloads": "56,321",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1490,
"name": "Villager Memory Tweaks (VMT) [FORGE/FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "makes sure villagers find a job and where their meeting point is",
"downloads": "33,078",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1491,
"name": "VillagerFix",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Aims to nerf the villagers mechanics introduced in the 1.14 Village and Pillage update!",
"downloads": "208",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1492,
"name": "Villagers follow Emeralds [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Villagers will follow you if you're holding emerald blocks or emerald ore.",
"downloads": "1,017",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1493,
"name": "Visible Enchantments (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A client-side mod for Fabric displaying icons on items depending on their enchantments",
"downloads": "30",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1494,
"name": "Vivatech",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Classic technologies, rethought!",
"downloads": "2,369",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1495,
"name": "VM Computers",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Build a computer that actually works as a Virtual Machine!",
"downloads": "10,182",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1496,
"name": "VMulti",
"url": "",
"short_description": "API for additional beacon bases, conduit activators, and enchantment boosters",
"downloads": "742",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 1497,
"name": "Void Fog [Fabric]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds the void fog that was originally removed in Minecraft 1.8",
"downloads": "1,771",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1498,
"name": "VoxelMap",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Minimap and Worldmap. Have an overview of your surroundings, or view the entire world. Create waypoints.",
"downloads": "8,894,341",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1499,
"name": "Vulcan's Revenge Plus+",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds in mythical weapons and a fun challenge to get them",
"downloads": "5,528",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1500,
"name": "Walaryne's Fly Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a simple command for flight.",
"downloads": "5,352",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1501,
"name": "Wall-Jump! [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Jump from wall to wall! Wall jump, double jump, speed jump, fence jump, etc. ",
"downloads": "7,332",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1502,
"name": "Wandering Trader on a Stick",
"url": "",
"short_description": "When you want to control your llamas, use the Wandering Trader on a Stick",
"downloads": "83",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1503,
"name": "Wandering Tradesmen",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds customizable wandering traders using LibCD",
"downloads": "363",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1504,
"name": "Ward Blocks [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Provides various area-effect blocks as loot",
"downloads": "3,579",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1505,
"name": "Warp Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds /warp /setwarp",
"downloads": "558",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1506,
"name": "Washing Machine",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Not a Tumble Dryer clone",
"downloads": "1",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1507,
"name": "Water Erosion",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Water erodes the land creating streams/waterfalls producing gravel, sand, and clay (Forge & Fabric)",
"downloads": "22,855",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1508,
"name": "Watered Down",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds waterlogging to many blocks.",
"downloads": "1,020",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 1509,
"name": "Watson",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Updated Watson that displays LogBlock and CoreProtect query results in 3D.",
"downloads": "993",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1510,
"name": "WaveAway (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Wave at players, point at blocks without attacking.",
"downloads": "34",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1511,
"name": "WAYLA",
"url": "",
"short_description": "What Are You Looking At. A 1.14 replacement for WAILA.",
"downloads": "2,467",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 1512,
"name": "WayMoreOres",
"url": "",
"short_description": "More ores added to minecraft!",
"downloads": "886",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1513,
"name": "Wendigoism",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A remake of the original Cannibalism mod",
"downloads": "20,376",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1514,
"name": "WhatsInTheBoxAPI",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Basic API for sharing loot table information from server to client",
"downloads": "10",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 1515,
"name": "Where Is It",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Find items in nearby inventories.",
"downloads": "26,066",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1516,
"name": "While We Wait",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Just a little something while you wait",
"downloads": "2,192",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.1"
"id": 1517,
"name": "Whiplash: Magic Dungeons [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A dungeon mod for fabric, with elemental damage",
"downloads": "760",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1518,
"name": "White Glowstone",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple mod that adds white glowstone to minecraft.",
"downloads": "109",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1519,
"name": "White Rabbit",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Food and drink that changes the size of the user",
"downloads": "364",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1520,
"name": "WI Zoom",
"url": "",
"short_description": "The zoom from the Wurst Client as a standalone mod.",
"downloads": "27,383",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1521,
"name": "Wild Explorer",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fancy and simplistic biomes and structures!",
"downloads": "192",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16"
"id": 1522,
"name": "Wild World",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds decorative generation improving the look of nature and caves.",
"downloads": "64,410",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1523,
"name": "Window Title Changer",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Changes Window Title",
"downloads": "19,604",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1524,
"name": "Window Title Changer (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple Fabric mod that allows you to customize the text that appears in the title window of Minecraft.",
"downloads": "5,701",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1525,
"name": "Window Wonders",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Persistent game window size and position",
"downloads": "8,580",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1526,
"name": "Winged",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Quit using Elytras!",
"downloads": "58,340",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1527,
"name": "Wishing for Sunshine (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a Wishing Well that allows you to change the weather or the time of day by throwing in items defined by tags!",
"downloads": "109",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1528,
"name": "Wishing Well",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Offer up a Gold Nugget to a Wishing Well and receive a blessing!",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1529,
"name": "WIT (What Is That)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Displays information about things you are looking at.",
"downloads": "358,984",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 1530,
"name": "Wither Cage Fix",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fixes vanilla bug where withers forget their targets. Also adds a gamerule: 'allowBlueWitherSkulls'. ",
"downloads": "8",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1531,
"name": "Wither Skeleton Totem",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Makes grinding for mob drops more interesting",
"downloads": "11,498",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1532,
"name": "Wolves With Armor",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Wolves With Armor adds special armor items for wolves (and a few extra utilities) that keep them nice and safe.",
"downloads": "41,854",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1533,
"name": "Wood Floor [FABRIC]",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Wood flooring (like carpet .. but its wood), and nothing else.",
"downloads": "57",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1534,
"name": "Woodcutter",
"url": "",
"short_description": "stonecutter, meet woodcutter",
"downloads": "758",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1535,
"name": "Wooden Hoppers",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds an early-game hopper alternative to Minecraft.",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1536,
"name": "Woods and Mires",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds some new biomes based on Nordic nature.",
"downloads": "29,950",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1537,
"name": "Woods Plus",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds new variants of existing woods!",
"downloads": "450",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1538,
"name": "Wool",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Useful features which enhance the default Minecraft experience.",
"downloads": "1,282",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14-Snapshot"
"id": 1539,
"name": "Wool Plates",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds wool pressure plates.",
"downloads": "155",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1540,
"name": "Wool Temples",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Changes the terracotta in desert temples back to wool.",
"downloads": "61",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1541,
"name": "Work Units: Cotton Energy API",
"url": "",
"short_description": "capable, extensive energy for Fabric and Minecraft 1.14",
"downloads": "1,061",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1542,
"name": "Working Scheduler",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Scheduler Library",
"downloads": "8,177",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15"
"id": 1543,
"name": "World Gen Tweaker",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Customize your world's generation!",
"downloads": "136",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1544,
"name": "World Stripper Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "[NSFW] Strips away blocks to reveal the underground world gen. A must have tool for all map-makers, pack-makers or developers.",
"downloads": "1,009",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1545,
"name": "World Tooltips Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "adds item tooltips to inworld items",
"downloads": "202",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1546,
"name": "WorldEdit",
"url": "",
"short_description": "In-game Minecraft map editor - build bigger things more quickly!",
"downloads": "10,710,867",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1547,
"name": "WorldPupa",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Dimension (world) conversion from Spigot to Vanilla (Fabric)",
"downloads": "6",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.1"
"id": 1548,
"name": "WorldTime",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Show the current world time in the top left corner of the screen",
"downloads": "5,364",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1549,
"name": "WorldTime (and Location)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Show the current world time and player location in the top left corner of the screen",
"downloads": "0",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1550,
"name": "Wrench Anything: Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A small wrench mod that works with Wrenchable.",
"downloads": "9,053",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1551,
"name": "Wrenchable: Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A lightweight, JiJ-able wrench library which aims to make wrenches compatible between mods.",
"downloads": "9,003",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1552,
"name": "WynnTextReplacer",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Translate text of Wynncraft into your language!",
"downloads": "1,180",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1553,
"name": "X-radiation",
"url": "",
"short_description": "a mod that allows players to see through blocks (X-ray)",
"downloads": "2,194",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1554,
"name": "Xaero's Minimap",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Displays the nearby world terrain, players, mobs, entities in the corner of your screen. Lets you create waypoints which help you find the locations marked by you.",
"downloads": "9,869,727",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1555,
"name": "Xaero's Minimap (Fair-play Edition)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Fair-play edition of the Xaero's Minimap mod, designed for fair PVP against players without a minimap.",
"downloads": "344,404",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1556,
"name": "Xaero's World Map",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds a fullscreen worldmap which shows you what you have explored in the world. Can work together with Xaero's Minimap.",
"downloads": "3,805,981",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1557,
"name": "XEnchant",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod for 1.15.X that improves the /enchant command.",
"downloads": "1,875",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1558,
"name": "XL Packets Fabric",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Larger Packet Size Limit",
"downloads": "391",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1559,
"name": "XP Storage",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A mod that lets you store your experience into an item!",
"downloads": "876",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1560,
"name": "YABM",
"url": "",
"short_description": "What's wrong with one more Backpack mod?",
"downloads": "9,025",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1561,
"name": "Yet Another Gravestone Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds simple player gravestones that hold your items.",
"downloads": "19,493",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16-Snapshot"
"id": 1562,
"name": "Yet Another Liquid Milk",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Adds milk as a placeable fluid. (Fabric mod)",
"downloads": "68",
"latest_supported_version": "1.14.4"
"id": 1563,
"name": "YJSNPI MOD (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Add yjsnpi related.Fabric API's required.\u91ce\u7363\u5148\u8f29\u95a2\u9023\u3092\u8ffd\u52a0\u3059\u308b\u30be\u3002FabricAPI\u304c\u5fc5\u8981\u3067\u3059\u3002",
"downloads": "75",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15-Snapshot"
"id": 1564,
"name": "YNet",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A Fabric mod based on XNet",
"downloads": "7,475",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1565,
"name": "Your Options Shall Be Respected (YOSBR)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Your options shall be respected.",
"downloads": "5,316",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1566,
"name": "YUNG's Better Mineshafts (Fabric)",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A long-awaited and much-needed abandoned mineshaft overhaul!",
"downloads": "4,430",
"latest_supported_version": "1.15.2"
"id": 1567,
"name": "YWlib",
"url": "",
"short_description": "fabric library",
"downloads": "8",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
"id": 1568,
"name": "Zero's Selection Mod",
"url": "",
"short_description": "Client Side User Interface",
"downloads": "7,610",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.1"
"id": 1569,
"name": "ZiiM Hud",
"url": "",
"short_description": "A simple HUD that shows useful info.",
"downloads": "115",
"latest_supported_version": "1.16.2"
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