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Created November 20, 2018 10:58
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combined RHEL6/7 playbook
# use '--skip-tags=grub,bootloader,rescue,sudoers' to skip DANGEROUS items
- hosts: all
become: yes
update_all_packages: no
do_cat1: yes
do_cat2: yes
do_cat3: no
login_banner: |
!! NOTICE - This is a PRIVATE computing system !!
All activity is monitored and any unauthorized access will be reported
to the authorities. Disconnect now if you do not agree to these terms.
- group_by: key={{ansible_facts['os_family']}}{{ansible_facts['distribution_major_version']}}
- hosts: RedHat6
- import_role:
name: RedHat-6-STIG
rhel6stig_cat1: "{{ do_cat1 }}"
rhel6stig_cat2: "{{ do_cat2 }}"
rhel6stig_cat3: "{{ do_cat3 }}"
rhel6stig_login_banner: "{{ login_banner }}"
rhel6stig_update_all_packages: "{{ update_all_packages }}"
rhel6stig_bootloader_password: "{{ bootloader_password }}"
# preempt assert to preserve RC=0 during Packer run
# when:
# - ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'RedHat'
# - ansible_facts['distribution_major_version']|int == 6
- hosts: RedHat7
- import_role:
name: RedHat-7-STIG
# - include_role: RedHat-7-STIG
rhel7stig_cat1: "{{ do_cat1 }}"
rhel7stig_cat2: "{{ do_cat2 }}"
rhel7stig_cat3: "{{ do_cat3 }}"
rhel7stig_logon_banner: "{{ login_banner }}"
rhel7stig_update_all_packages: "{{ update_all_packages }}"
rhel7stig_bootloader_password: "{{ bootloader_password }}"
rhel_07_021021: false # !disable 'exec' on NFS
# preempt assert to preserve RC=0 during Packer run
# when:
# - ansible_facts.os_family == 'RedHat'
# - ansible_facts.distribution_major_version == '7' #alt: | version_compare('7', '==')
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