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Created January 20, 2012 15:01
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Save tbassetto/1647754 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fill localStorage until the last byte possible
// Only count bytes inserted as values, not counting keys...
(function() {
var nbBytes = 5000, // about 0.5Mb
oneByte = 'x',
i = 0,
totalBytesInserted = 0;
function repeat(string, length) {
var result = '';
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
result += string;
return result;
// Go as far as inserting bytes per bytes
while (nbBytes > 1) {
var myString = repeat(oneByte, nbBytes);
try {
window.localStorage.setItem(i, myString);
totalBytesInserted = totalBytesInserted + nbBytes;
// console.log(totalBytesInserted);
// console.log(nbBytes + ' bytes inserted');
} catch (e) {
console.error('Error :', e);
console.error('nbBytes :', nbBytes);
// Reduce number of bytes to insert
nbBytes = parseInt(nbBytes / 2, 10);
console.warn('Inserted ' + (totalBytesInserted/1024/1024) + ' Mbytes in ' + i + ' iteration');
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Thanks. This is super helpful 👍

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that's great! thank you :D

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Awesome! Thanks!

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