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Last active August 17, 2023 17:49
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Endpoint: /api/client


The /api/client endpoint offers an interface for provisioning new clients within the system.

Request Type:

  • POST

Request Body:

The endpoint expects a JSON body in the following format:

    "id": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID"


  • id: (String) A unique identifier for the client.


If the client is successfully provisioned, the endpoint will send back a JSON object echoing the client's ID:

    "id": "YOUR_CLIENT_ID"

Code Example:

To provision a new client with the ID "abc123", a POST request can be executed as follows:

curl -X POST http://[your-server-address]/api/client -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"id": "abc123"}'

For a successful client provisioning, the expected response would be:

    "id": "abc123"

Behind the Scenes:

  • The provision_client function is an asynchronous operation that fetches the database instance from the application's state, and then attempts to insert a new client using the provided id.
  • This function integrates with the Database struct to handle interactions with the SQLite database. The database connection is encapsulated in an Arc<Mutex<SqliteConnection>> to allow safe concurrent access.
  • The insert_client method in the Database struct attempts to insert the client into the clients table, ignoring any potential conflicts.

Additional Notes:

  • This endpoint does not require client authentication, as indicated by the comment // no client auth needed.
  • The application uses SQLx, a popular asynchronous database library in the Rust ecosystem, for handling database operations. The migrate!() macro from SQLx is used to run database migrations.

Endpoint: /api/tokens


The /api/tokens endpoint facilitates the issuance of a unique token for a specified client within the system.

Request Type:

  • POST

Request Body:

The endpoint expects a JSON body structured as:

    "client_id": "SPECIFIED_CLIENT_ID"


  • client_id: (String) This represents the unique identifier of the client for which the token should be generated.


Once a token is successfully generated, the endpoint returns a JSON object containing the token and the associated client ID:

    "id": "GENERATED_TOKEN",
    "client_id": "SPECIFIED_CLIENT_ID"

Behind the Scenes:

  • The issue_token function is asynchronous and extracts the client_id from the incoming JSON payload.
  • It generates a unique token using the UUID v4 method.
  • It then tries to insert the newly generated token, along with the client_id, into the database using the insert_token method of the Database struct.
  • This function interfaces with the Database struct to handle interactions with the SQLite database. The database connection is encapsulated in an Arc<Mutex<SqliteConnection>> to ensure safe concurrent access.
  • The insert_token method of the Database struct attempts to insert the token and associated client_id into the tokens table, sidestepping any potential conflicts.

Code Example:

To request a token for a client with the ID "client123", you can execute the following POST request:

curl -X POST http://[your-server-address]/api/tokens -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"client_id": "client123"}'

In the case of a successful token generation, the expected response could be:

    "id": "1a2b3c4d-5e6f-7g8h-9i0j-1k2l3m4n5o6p",
    "client_id": "client123"

Additional Notes:

  • As with the earlier endpoint, this one does not necessitate client authentication (// no client auth needed).

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