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Last active September 3, 2021 06:02
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  • Save tbaums/2897bcdcbd914823d107df092d212c9e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tbaums/2897bcdcbd914823d107df092d212c9e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

The following assumes you are using Minikube and Trow for container registry, installed using the quick install method documented here

Pull the following containers locally (docker pull):

For Kudo:

  1. kudobuilder/controller:v0.9.0

From params.yaml:

  1. mesosphere/cassandra-prometheus-exporter:2.2.1-0.1.1
  2. mesosphere/cassandra:3.11.5-0.1.1

Fetch the KUDO init yaml with the following command: kubectl-kudo init --dry-run -o yaml > kk-init.yaml

Edit kk-init.yaml to point to the controller image in your Trow registry.

Download Cassandra tarball by visiting:

Untar tgz file above, and edit the images from params.yaml to point to your container registry, if necessary. (In this example, trow.kube-public:31000/cassandra:3.11.5-0.1.1, etc.)

Turn off your internet to simulate airgapped environment.

Tag and push your images:

  • docker tag kudobuilder/controller:v0.9.0 trow.kube-public:31000/kudobuilder/controller:v0.9.0
  • docker push trow.kube-public:31000/kudobuilder/controller:v0.9.0
  • docker tag mesosphere/cassandra-prometheus-exporter:2.2.1-0.1.1 trow.kube-public:31000/cassandra-prometheus-exporter:2.2.1-0.1.1
  • docker push trow.kube-public:31000/cassandra-prometheus-exporter:2.2.1-0.1.1
  • docker tag mesosphere/cassandra:3.11.5-0.1.1 trow.kube-public:31000/cassandra:3.11.5-0.1.1
  • docker push trow.kube-public:31000/cassandra:3.11.5-0.1.1


  • kubectl apply -f kk-init.yaml
  • kubectl kudo install ./cassandra
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