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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Constructors
import Language.Haskell.TH
$( mkGetConstructors ''Foo )
main = do putStrLn $(stringE . show =<< getConstructorNames ''Foo)
( constructors
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Constructors where
import Language.Haskell.TH
-- Doesn't need to be in here, but I was getting errors when it was in conmain, and didn't want it to be in a third module.
data Foo = A | B | C deriving (Show)
-- Look up a typename and get a list of the names of it's constructors
-- This will panic if you don't pass it exactly what it needs, I didn't do any error checking.
getConstructorNames :: Name -> Q [Name]
getConstructorNames typeName = do
(TyConI (DataD [] _typeName [] constructors [])) <- reify typeName
-- Error if it's not the type we want
return $ map getConName constructors
-- Explode if it's not a NormalC
where getConName (NormalC name []) = name
-- This turns a list of names (of constructors) into an expression that is the names cons'd together.
makeConstructorList :: [Name] -> ExpQ
makeConstructorList [] = [| [] |]
makeConstructorList (c:cs) = [| $(return $ ConE c) : $(makeConstructorList cs) |]
-- This returns a top level function declaration (Dec) that defines a constant called
-- "constructors", which is a list of all the constructors.
-- I don't know how to add the type name to the name of the constant at the moment.
-- If it's called more than once, you'll get some numbers appended, I think.
mkGetConstructors :: Name -> Q [Dec]
mkGetConstructors typeName = do
fnName <- newName "constructors" -- TODO append typename
constructors <- getConstructorNames typeName
fmap (:[]) (funD fnName [clause [] (normalB (makeConstructorList constructors)) []])
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