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Last active January 13, 2016 17:13
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New functions for Modelica.Utilities.Streams
function readMatrixSize "Read dimensions of a 2D Real array from file"
extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
input String fileName "File where external data is stored" annotation(Dialog(loadSelector(filter="MATLAB MAT-files (*.mat)", caption="Open MATLAB MAT-file")));
input String matrixName "Name / identifier of the 2D Real array on the file";
output Integer dim[2] "Number of rows and columns of the 2D Real array";
external "C" ModelicaIO_readMatrixSizes(fileName, matrixName, dim) annotation(Library={"ModelicaIO", "ModelicaMatIO", "zlib"});
annotation(Documentation(info="<html><p>Read the 2D dimensions from a binary MATLAB MAT-file.</p></html>"));
end readMatrixSize;
function readRealMatrix "Read 2D Real values from file"
extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
input String fileName "File where external data is stored" annotation(Dialog(loadSelector(filter="MATLAB MAT-files (*.mat)", caption="Open MATLAB MAT-file")));
input String matrixName "Name / identifier of the 2D Real array on the file";
input Integer dim[2] = readMatrixSize(fileName, matrixName) "Number of rows and columns of the 2D Real array";
output Real matrix[dim[1], dim[2]] "2D Real array";
external "C" ModelicaIO_readRealMatrix(fileName, matrixName, matrix, size(matrix, 1), size(matrix, 2)) annotation(Library={"ModelicaIO", "ModelicaMatIO", "zlib"});
annotation(Documentation(info="<html><p>Read a 2D Real array from a binary MATLAB MAT-file.</p></html>"));
end readRealMatrix;
function writeRealMatrix "Write 2D Real values to file"
extends Modelica.Icons.Function;
input String fileName "File where external data is to be stored" annotation(Dialog(saveSelector(filter="MATLAB MAT-files (*.mat)", caption="Save MATLAB MAT-file")));
input String matrixName "Name / identifier of the 2D Real array on the file";
input Real matrix[:,:] "2D Real array";
input Boolean append = false "Append values to file";
input String vs = "4" "MATLAB MAT-file version: \"4\" -> v4, \"6\" -> v6, \"7\" -> v7, \"7.3\" -> v7.3";
output Boolean status "true if successful";
external "C" status=ModelicaIO_writeRealMatrix(fileName, matrixName, matrix, size(matrix, 1), size(matrix, 2), append, vs) annotation(Library={"ModelicaIO", "ModelicaMatIO", "zlib"});
annotation(Documentation(info="<html><p>Save a 2D Real array in a MATLAB MAT-file.</p></html>"));
end writeRealMatrix;
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