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Created October 15, 2019 20:01
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Flask redis / memcaching in python
from flask import Flask, jsonify
from requests import get as request
from flask_caching import Cache
BASE = """{id}"""
# creating application
app = Flask(__name__)
conf = {'CACHE_TYPE': 'redis'} # or memcache
cache = Cache(app=app, config=conf)
# function to query db
def read_document(id: int) -> dict:
global BASE
resp = request(BASE.format(id=id))
if resp.json():
return (True, resp.json())
return (False, resp.json())
@app.route("/user/<int:id>") # implementing router
@cache.cached(timeout=30) # caching for 30
def user(id):
status, body = read_document(id)
if not status:
return jsonify(success=False, message="Invalid ID"), 404
return jsonify(body)
app.debug = True
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