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Last active March 14, 2016 20:34
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Reading block device sizes in python - More in the blog post:
$ gcc ./linux-request-code.c
$ ./a.out
Block count request code: 0x80081272
#include <linux/fs.h>
int main()
printf("Block count request code: 0x%lx\n", BLKGETSIZE64);
#include <sys/disk.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
/* Originally posted in */
int main()
// Open disk
uint32_t dev = open("/dev/disk1",O_RDONLY);
if (!dev || dev == -1)
return 1;
uint64_t sectors = 0;
// Query the number of sectors on the disk
ioctl(dev, DKIOCGETBLOCKCOUNT, &sectors);
uint32_t sectorSize = 0;
// Query the size of each sector
ioctl(dev, DKIOCGETBLOCKSIZE, &sectorSize);
uint64_t diskSize = sectors * sectorSize;
printf("Disk dize: %llu", diskSize);
return 0;
$ gcc ./osx-request-code.c
$ ./a.out
Block size request code: 0x40046418
Block count request code: 0x40086419
#include <sys/disk.h>
int main()
printf("Block size request code: 0x%lx\n", DKIOCGETBLOCKSIZE);
printf("Block count request code: 0x%lx\n", DKIOCGETBLOCKCOUNT);
import fcntl
import struct
device_path = '/dev/sda'
req = 0x80081272 # BLKGETSIZE64, result is bytes as unsigned 64-bit integer (uint64)
buf = ' ' * 8
fmt = 'L'
with open(device_path) as dev:
buf = fcntl.ioctl(dev.fileno(), req, buf)
bytes = struct.unpack(fmt, buf)[0]
print device_path, 'is about', bytes / (1024 ** 2), 'megabytes'
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