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Last active December 27, 2015 11:59
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Save tbje/7322501 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Allows you to look at sources of dependencies in ensime. Feel free to transform this into a sbt plugin.
// After having run eclipse with-sources=true from sbt (with sbteclipse) .classpath should contain sourcepaths:
val eclippseCp = scala.xml.XML.load(".classpath")
val entries = eclippseCp.child filter { _.label == "classpathentry" }
val sources = entries flatMap { _.attributes filter { _.key=="sourcepath" }} map { _.value.text }
val destDir = "~/ensime-sources" // feel free to modify this
def fileName(file: String) = new"-sources.jar", "")
def extractJar(file: File, destDir: String): Unit = {
val jar = new java.util.jar.JarFile(file)
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val entries = jar.entries().asScala.toList.sortBy(_.getName.length)
def withResource[A <: {def close(): Unit},B](res: A)(func: A=>B) = try func(res) finally res.close()
for {
entry <- entries
destinationFile = new + + entry.getName())
} {
if (entry.isDirectory()) {
println(s"dir: ${destinationFile}")
} else {
println(s"file: ${destinationFile}")
val parent = destinationFile.getParentFile
if (!parent.exists) parent.mkdirs()
withResource(jar.getInputStream(entry)) { is =>
withResource(new { fos =>
while (is.available() > 0) {
// this will unpack the sources in the destDir
sources foreach { file =>
extractJar(new File(file), destDir + fileName(file))
// this goes in .ensime file
println(sources map { file =>
} mkString(":reference-source-roots (\n", "\n", "\n)"))
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