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Last active May 29, 2019 05:53
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Create dynamic Ansible inventory from Digital Ocean terraform state
# Assuming your terraform files are in ./ and Ansible in deploy/
# this one-liner extracts ipv4_address and groups them under hostname.
# Sample output:
# [my_droplet]
terraform state pull | jq -r 'def kv: to_entries[] | "\(.value)"; .resources | .[] | select(.type == "digitalocean_droplet") | { "\(.name)": [.instances[].attributes.ipv4_address] } | [to_entries[] | "[\(.key)]", (.value|kv)] | join("\n")' > deploy/hosts
# Want to add these hosts to ~/.ssh/known_hosts?
xargs -0 -n 1 ssh-keyscan < <(tail +2 deploy/hosts | tr \\n \\0) > ~/.ssh/known_hosts
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