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Last active December 30, 2022 23:57
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  • Save tbjgolden/7704aa4399b70f14cc4f2fda739a3377 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save tbjgolden/7704aa4399b70f14cc4f2fda739a3377 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Import bitwarden export json, interactive deduplicate and export bitwarden import json
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const inquirer = require('inquirer');
const uuidv4 = require('uuid/v4');
const owasp = require('owasp-password-strength-test');
const words = new Set([...require('wordlist-english')['english/10'], ...require('wordlist-english')['english/20']]);
const thingsIDontDoAnyMore = require("./thingsIDontDoAnyMore.json");
const { items } = require('./bitwarden_export_file.json');
const oldThingRegex = new RegExp( => s.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&')).join("|"),
// dead folder
// look at urls, parse chunks and be able to select multiple fragments of each url
// then use this info to merge them
// maybe get rid of dead emails?
const choiceMap = {};
const tlds = ["com","org","edu","gov","co","io","app","site","uk","net","ca","de","jp","fr","au","us","ru","ch","it","nl","se","no","es","mil"];
const subTlds = ["co", "ac", "com"];
const genericSubDomains = ["www", "www1", "secure7", "secure2", "m", "login", "logon", "secure", "signin", "signup", "support", "sso", "my", "mobile", "en", "dashboard", "beta", "auth", "app", "account", "accounts", "android", "androi", "mail", "cloud", "ssl", "uk"];
const regexMap = {};
(async () => {
const dead = [];
const unsafe = [];
const old = [];
const invalid = ["--", "null"];
for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {
const savedData = items[i];
if (invalid.includes(`${savedData.login.username}`)) continue;
if (invalid.includes(`${savedData.login.password}`)) continue;
const url = savedData.login.uris[0].uri;
const isAndroid = !url.indexOf("android://");
const isAndroidApp = !url.indexOf("androidapp://");
const isIOS = /^(ios)?app:\/\//.test(url);
const isIP = /localhost|\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}/.test(url);
const isWeb = /^https?:\/\//.test(url);
const isRegexed = /^\\b.*\\b$/.test(url);
if (!isRegexed && (isAndroid || isAndroidApp || isWeb)) {
let frags;
const withoutProtocol = url.replace(/^https?:\/\//, "");
if (isAndroid) {
frags = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("@") + 1, url.length - 1).split(".").reverse();
} else if (isAndroidApp || isIOS) {
frags = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1).split(".").reverse();
} else if (isIP) {
frags = [withoutProtocol.substring(0, withoutProtocol.indexOf("/"))];
} else if (isWeb) {
frags = withoutProtocol.substring(0, withoutProtocol.indexOf("/")).split(".");
if (genericSubDomains.includes(frags[0])) frags.shift();
let answer;
if (choiceMap[frags.join(".")]) {
answer = choiceMap[frags.join(".")];
} else {
const isNational = subTlds.includes(frags[frags.length - 2]);
const startIndexOfTld = frags.length - (1 + ~~isNational);
const tld = frags.slice(startIndexOfTld).join(".");
const domain = frags[startIndexOfTld - 1];
const subdomain = frags.slice(0, startIndexOfTld - 1).join(".");
let parts = [domain];
const unsure = words.has(domain) || /\d/g.test(domain) || !domain || domain.length < 4;
if (isIP) {
parts = frags;
} else if (unsure) {
const { answer } = await inquirer.prompt([
type: "checkbox",
name: "answer",
message: frags.join("."),
default: [domain],
choices: [
if (!answer.length || answer.includes("!")) {
console.log(`skipping ${frags.join(".")}`)
parts = answer.reverse().join(".").split(".");
choiceMap[frags.join(".")] = parts;
answer = parts.sort();
const regex = (answer.length > 1)
? [answer.join("\\."), answer.reverse().join("\\.")].sort().map(x => `\\b${x}\\b`).join("|")
: `\\b${answer.join("\\.")}\\b`;
let { password } = savedData.login;
if (regexMap[regex] && regexMap[regex][savedData.login.username] && regexMap[regex][savedData.login.username] !== savedData.login.password) {
password = (await inquirer.prompt([
type: "list",
name: "password",
message: `${savedData.login.username} @ ${regex.replace(/\\b/g, "")}`,
choices: [
regexMap[regex] = {
...(regexMap[regex] || {}),
[savedData.login.username]: password
// Object.entries(regexMap)
// .map([regex, pairs] => Object.entries(pairs).map(pair => [...pair, regex]))
const unsafeUid = `1e555afe${uuidv4().substring(8)}`;
const deadUid = `decea5ed${uuidv4().substring(8)}`;
const pwdTestMap = {};
const bitwardenImportable = {
folders: [
id: unsafeUid,
name: "Unsafe"
id: deadUid,
name: "Dead"
items: Object.entries(regexMap)
.map(([regex, pairs]) => {
const name = regex.substring(regex.lastIndexOf("|") + 1).replace(/\\\./g, ".");
return Object.entries(pairs).map(([u, p]) => {
const _u = u.replace(/gmail\.com/g, "g")
.replace(/hotmail\.com/g, "hm")
.replace(/live\.com/g, "l")
.replace(/yahoo\.com/g, "y");
return [u, p, regex, `${_u}@${name.substring(2, name.length - 2)}`];
.reduce((arr, nxt) => arr.concat(nxt), [])
.map(([username, password, regex, name]) => {
pwdTestMap[password] = pwdTestMap[password]
|| owasp.test(password);
const isDead = oldThingRegex.test(username) || oldThingRegex.test(name);
const isUnsafe = !pwdTestMap[password].strong;
return {
id: uuidv4(),
organizationId: null,
folderId: isDead ? deadUid : (isUnsafe ? unsafeUid : null),
type: 1,
notes: null,
favorite: false,
login: {
uris: [
match: 4,
uri: regex
totp: null
collectionIds: null
path.join(__dirname, "bitwarden_importable.json"),
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thingsIDontDoAnyMore.json is an array of strings which are searched for in usernames and domains which match things that you used to do, but don't do any more - like an old school/job, allows it to autosort it into an old category

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