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Last active January 18, 2023 23:24

Pitch: borrow and inout reference bindings


We propose adding new borrow and inout keywords that can be used by themselves and in pattern-matching operations. Like let, these constructs define a new symbol and must be initialized exactly once. Unlike let and var value bindings which create a copy of their initial value, these reference bindings instead create a reference to an existing value that allows the value to be used or updated "in-place."

These new keywords can be used to selectively improve performance of critical code, enable convenient idioms for "in-place" access and modification of values stored in containers, and can be used with values and types that do not support copying.

Pitch discussion thread: Pitch: borrow and inout declaration keywords


The Swift language has two core keywords used to define new names that can be used to refer to values:

  • let introduces a name that must be initialized exactly once

  • var introduces a name that must be initialized before it is used and can be updated any number of times

These keywords are used standalone, as integral components of pattern-matching constructs, and are implied by yet other constructs:

// Define mutable symbol `x`, initialize with new `Foo`
var x = Foo()

// Copy the payload of the optional into a new symbol `x`
if let x = optional_value {
  // `x` is a copy of the optional payload

// Copy payload values out of an enum
switch enum_value {
case .a(let x):
  // `x` is a non-modifiable copy of the payload
case .b(var y):
  // `y` is a modifiable copy of the payload

Note that in most of the examples above, the let or var causes an implicit copy of its initial value. This copying causes a number of problems in practice:

  • Although the optimizer is frequently able to remove unnecessary copy operations introduced in these cases, this can change in non-obvious ways as the code changes over time and as the compiler optimizer itself evolves.

  • When the optimizer cannot remove the copy, it can lead to a variety of performance issues. For example, it can lead to redundant references to copy-on-write collections which can in turn cause small mutations to become quite expensive.

  • When the intent is to modify data in-place, it is easy to forget to write the updated value back into the original container.

  • Ongoing work on C++ interoperability and Swift noncopyable types will soon allow Swift programs to work with values that do not support copying at all. Such values cannot easily be used with the existing let and var constructs.

Proposed solution

We propose adding new keywords that define an alternate name for accessing an existing property or variable. These names define references to an existing value in memory. We'll refer to the original value as the target of the reference. The reference declaration keywords are

  • borrow introduces a read-only reference; reading the reference produces the same result as reading the target

  • inout introduces a read/write reference; read or write operations on the reference affect the target

// Non-copying version of `if let y = optional`
// `inout` here requires marking the input with
// `&` to signify that it may be mutated
if inout y = &optional {
  // `y` is a read/write reference to the payload
  // of `optional`
  // So we can mutate the payload in place
  y += 1

// Non-copying version of `let z = ...`
borrow z =
// `z` is a reference to the uncopyable object
// that provides a simple shorthand

Detailed design

These new keywords can be used in a number of contexts as described in the following sections.

Standalone reference declarations

These keywords can be used to declare new names initialized as a reference to some existing value:

borrow x = a.b
inout y = &c.d

These names are valid until the end of the enclosing lexical scope (the trailing } of the innermost function, do statement, or closure).

Note the use of the & sigil for the inout initializer to reflect that the target might be mutated by the following code. This parallels the use of & to mark values being passed to inout function parameters.

Each of these constructs must be initialized at the point of declaration to reference a specific target. The target for borrow or inout must be a local variable, function argument, closure capture, stored property, computed property, subscript. For a borrow, the target must be readable; for an inout, it must be both readable and writable. Once initialized, the target cannot be changed.

Note that the target for a borrow or inout reference cannot be a global variable, the temporary result of an operator or function call, or initializer result. Among other constructs, this rules out the following:

inout z = use_a ? &a : &b  // Illegal
borrow y = a ?? b  // Illegal

Exclusivity and scope

A borrow or inout binding is an access (read or read/write, respectively) of the target that lasts for the lifetime of the reference. As such, Swift's usual exclusivity rules (as laid out in SE-0176) affect how these references can be used and what happens if you try to access the underlying value through other means.

For borrow references, the read access ensures that the original value cannot be mutated within the lifetime of the reference, though it can be read through any valid borrow reference or directly:

var t: T
borrow b = t
borrow c = t.x
t = T() // Illegal: Exclusivity violation
b = T() // Illegal: `borrow` cannot be modified // Legal: borrow does not prevent direct access // Legal: access via the borrow // Legal: access via another borrow

In contrast, inout references introduce a read/write access that does prohibit any other read or write to the target:

var t: T
do {
  inout i = &t
  i = T() // Legal: inout reference allows modification // Legal: inout reference allows reading target // Illegal: Exclusivity violation
  t = T() // Illegal: Exclusivity violation
// `t` now reflects changes made via `i` above // Legal: `i` is no longer in scope
t = T() // Legal: `i` is no longer in scope

It is possible to borrow the same value multiple times or borrow separate properties of an aggregate, even in the presence of an inout. But multiple inout bindings are not legal. These interact as specified in SE-0176. To summarize:

  • Binding any property of an aggregate is the same as binding the entire aggregate for purposes of exclusivity checking
  • A new inout binding cannot be formed in the scope of an existing inout or borrow binding.
  • A borrow binding can follow another borrow or inout binding

For example:

var a = A()
do {
  inout x = a.b // Illegal exclusivity violation
  inout y = a.c // Illegal exclusivity violation
  borrow z = a // Legal
  print(x.z) // Legal
  x.z = 1 // Illegal exclusivity violation
  print(z) // Legal

Visibility of mutations

When a borrow or inout reference is initialized to a simple stored property or local variable, the compiler is expected to implement it with a pointer to the underlying storage if no more efficient form is possible.

For a computed property implemented with get/set accessors, the property will be read at the point the name is declared and the changed value will be written back (for inout references) when the name goes out of scope. The following outlines the expected behavior:

struct A {
  var b: B { get { ... } set { ... } }
var a = A()
do {
  inout x = &a.b
  // * `get` method is called
  // * value is stored in a temporary 
  // * `x` is a reference to that temporary
  x += 1
  // * `set` method is called with the mutated value
  // * `x` goes out of scope

Not implicitly copyable

These new binding keywords express a programmer's intent to reduce the copying of certain values. As such, the symbols expressed by the keywords prohibit implicit copying.

For example, if a is a copyable value of type A, then:

borrow x = a    // Borrow `a`
let b = a       // Legal; `a` is still copyable
let y = x       // Illegal; `x` is not implicitly copyable
func use(_ a: A) { ... }
use(x)          // Legal; argument can be borrowed
func consuming_use(_ a: consuming A) { ... }
consuming_use(x) // Illegal; requires copying x 
func borrowing_use(_ a: borrow A) { ... }
borrowing_use(x) // Legal; `borrow` argument marker avoids copy
func copy(_ a: borrow A) -> A { ... }
let z = copy(x)  // Legal way to explicitly copy x

Optional unwrapping

These new keywords can be used in place of let in if let constructs in order to test and unwrap an optional value. As with if let, the initializer must be an optional value:

if borrow x = optional_expression {
  // If the value produced by optional_expression
  // is non-nil, `x` will be a reference to the payload of
  // that value.

if inout y = &optional_expression {
  // If the value produced by optional_expression
  // is non-nil, `y` will be a read/write reference
  // to the payload of that value.
  // Assignments to `y` will update the
  // payload of the optional:
  y = new_value // Set optional to .some(new_value)

switch and if case bindings

The borrow and inout keywords can be used to access the payload of an enum used in a switch statement:

switch enum_value {
case .a(borrow x):
   // `x` is a reference to the payload of the
   // enum that allows you to access it without
   // the copy implied by a `let` or `var`

switch &enum_value {
case .a(inout x):
   // `x` is a read/write reference to the enum payload
   // that allows you to mutate it in-place
   x += 1 // Directly modify `enum_value`

Note that the & sigil is required on the argument to the switch statement if there are any inout references within that switch statement. As with inout function parameters, the & sigil indicates at the point of use that the value is subject to possible mutation.

Source compatibility

These new keywords add new syntax that does not conflict with existing syntax. In particular, the parser can distinguish the borrow keyword in borrow x from a call to a function borrow(x), so this new functionality should not break existing source.

Effect on ABI stability and API resilience

These are purely additive language features with no effect on existing ABI. They do not change how code is invoked across module boundaries, and so have no effect on API resilience.

Alternatives considered

Special-casing noncopyable values: An alternative way to support noncopyable types would be for the compiler to change the behavior of the existing switch, if case, if let, and statements whenever noncopyable values were involved. But we feel this could cause considerable confusion at the point of use, for example, if you have an enum where case a has a non-copyable payload and case b has a copyable payload:

switch foo {
case .a(var uncopyable): // Alternative to `inout uncopyable`
   // `uncopyable` here is a reference?
   // So this modifies `foo`
   uncopyable += 1
case .b(var copyable):
   // `copyable` here is a copy of the payload?
   // So this does not modify `foo`
   copyable += 1

Also note that with such an approach, the behavior of code such as the above would change if the types in question were changed to be copyable or noncopyable, leading to action-at-a-distance effects. By making a clear distinction between copying and referencing behavior, the different keywords described in this proposal avoid such confusion.

Avoiding & sigils: The & sigil is technically redundant in many of the above constructs. For example, we could have omitted it for standalone inout bindings:

inout y = a  // Possible alternate syntax

But for switch statements in particular, there can be a considerable distance between the point where the underlying value is named and the point where the binding is selected:

switch &enum_value {
  // ...  many, many lines of code ...
  case .a(inout x):
    x += 1
  // ... many, many lines of code ...

In these cases, the & sigil serves the important purpose of making it obvious in the switch statement introduction that the value may be mutated by one or more of the cases.

Retaining the sigil for the other inout syntaxes described in this proposal is less critical for legibility, but we felt it was important for consistency.

Alternate Spellings: Several alternate spellings have been suggested in various discussions.

The term "borrow" for the read-only reference has generally been well-received by commentators, although there has been some concern about proliferation of declaration keywords and whether "borrow" is sufficient by itself to convey the read-only nature.

In place of our borrow, various commentators have suggested borrowing, borrowed, borrow let, borrow(let), let(borrow), let &, &let, ref, ref let, rlet, hold, and alias. The possibility of annotating the reference name has also been put forward: let &x = a, for &x in collection,

The use of inout here has been more controversial with extensive debate about whether the functionality was similar enough to the argument-passing use to merit the same keyword and concerns about the readability of this specific word in these contexts.

Alternatives suggested have included borrow var, borrow(var), var(borrow), var &, ref, ref var, rvar, mutate, mutating, and mutating alias.

There has also been some concern about the length of the proposed borrow and inout keywords compared to the more succinct var and let, especially for systems programmers who expect to make heavy use of these new constructs.

Several people also observed the need to ensure these are aligned with similar concepts being proposed for loops and possibly elsewhere.

We invite readers to substitute these terms into the various examples presented earlier in this proposal and give us feedback about how well each option works in each context.

Future directions

Binding keywords with loops: The borrow and inout binding keywords have obvious advantages for loops:

for borrow x in array {
  // This does not involve copying each element

for inout y in &array {
  // The following updates the array elements "in place"
  y += 1

This is more subtle than it might appear, so we are deferring this to a separate proposal.

Mixing copying and non-copying switch case bindings: There are some subtleties involved when both copying and non-copying semantics are used for the same value in different cases of a switch statement:

switch foo {
case .int(inout i):
  i += 1
case .int(var i):
  i += 1
default: ...

In the example above, the two i are fundamentally different; the first is a reference for the payload of the enum, the second is a copy of that payload. As such, the first i += 1 updates the payload, the second does not.

To reduce confusion in such cases, and to simplify the initial implementation, we proposed above that no single switch statement can contain both copying (let, var) and referencing (borrow, inout) keywords. This restriction makes all of the following invalid:

let tuple : (Int, Float)
switch &tuple {
case (let i, inout f): ...  // Unsupported: Cannot mix `let` and `inout` bindings

switch &foo {
case .int(inout i):
case .int(let i): // Unsupported:  Cannot mix `let` and `inout` bindings
  i += 1

We understand this is likely to be restrictive in practice and look forward to revisiting this behavior in a future proposal once we have more experience with this feature.

Definite initialization: Each borrow or inout declaration creates a reference to a single value and cannot be changed once it is initialized. As with other Swift constructs, they must be initialized before being used.

The syntax for if inout, if borrow, if consume, switch case bindings, and loops requires that the symbol be initialized immediately.

For implementation simplicity, we also require in this proposal that standalone bindings be initialized immediately:

borrow x = a.b

But it would be entirely consistent to allow bindings to be handled similarly to let, requiring only that they are initialized exactly once before any use:

borrow x
if condition {
  x = a
} else {
  x = b

Again, we look forward to relaxing this requirement in a future proposal.

Use with modify and read accessors: We've described how these references should behave for computed properties defined with get and set accessors. We expect them to work similarly for properties defined with modify and read accessors, once such accessors are formally proposed and accepted into the language.

First-class references: The borrow and inout keywords would also be useful for struct properties that hold references:

struct Foo {
   borrow x: Int // Read-only reference to an Int

This requires additional tools to ensure that such references never outlive their targets.

consume keyword: The borrow and inout constructs define names that cannot be used to implicitly copy the associated value, in contrast to let and var which do allow copying of their value. This distinction alone seems useful and suggests that we also include a consume definition that provides complementary support by taking direct ownership of a value rather than creating a reference:

// Ends lifetime of `a`
// Moves value to `x`
// `x` is not implicitly copyable
consume x = a

// Constructs reference `y` to value stored in `b`
// `y` is not implicitly copyable
borrow y = b

// Constructs reference `z` to storage `c`
// `z` is not implicitly copyable
inout z = &c

This would provide an alternative to the @noImplicitCopy attribute being discussed elsewhere.


Thanks to Joe Groff, Michael Gottesman, Kavon Farvardin, Guillaume Lessard, and Andrew Trick for extensive discussions about this feature.

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tbkka commented Jan 3, 2023

Kavon Farvardin suggested the terms "value binding" for the existing let and var declarations versus "reference binding" for the new borrow and inout declarations.

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tbkka commented Jan 3, 2023

An earlier draft used "alias" instead of "reference" -- I believe I've now purged most of the older language.

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tbkka commented Jan 5, 2023

Finally purged the last "alias". Clarified that I'm prohibiting expressions (including ternaries) to initialize references. Clarified the role of the & sigil. Included a list of alternate spellings suggested by community discussion. Added consume as a future direction.

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tbkka commented Jan 5, 2023

Ugh. I mixed up some things discussing multiple bindings. I need to fix those, and fix the calling-convention problems that Andrew Trick pointed out to me. I also need to include some other alternate spellings that I noticed scrolling through the forum discussion.

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tbkka commented Jan 5, 2023

Andrew, Joe, and Michael gave me several corrections to the calling convention examples and the exclusivity examples. I think the discussion of multiple bindings is actually right now. I also filled in a number of other alternate spellings being suggested in the forum discussion.

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When a borrow or inout reference is initialized to a simple stored property or local variable, the compiler is expected to implement it with a pointer to the underlying storage if no more efficient form is possible.

So by that you mean borrow & inout will create pointer directly to variable? Like in C? So performance winning consist of avoiding ARC, memory copying and etc?

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tbkka commented Jan 18, 2023

@pyretttt You can think of it that way. However, the compiler will often be able to implement this more efficiently without using a pointer. Even when there is a pointer, it won't be quite the same as C since you cannot manipulate the pointer directly and there are other restrictions that guarantee the pointer cannot become invalid. But in all cases, it should avoid ARC, memory copying, and other overheads associated with direct copies.

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