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bohwaz / php-8.1-strftime.php
Last active May 14, 2024 13:55
strftime() replacement function for PHP 8.1
namespace PHP81_BC;
* Locale-formatted strftime using \IntlDateFormatter (PHP 8.1 compatible)
* This provides a cross-platform alternative to strftime() for when it will be removed from PHP.
* Note that output can be slightly different between libc sprintf and this function as it is using ICU.
* Usage:
* use function \PHP81_BC\strftime;
wbroek / fetch-axios-ntlm.js
Last active April 15, 2021 00:11
NTLM authentication with Axios and with none Node JS modules
* Copyright (c) 2019 Wouter van den Broek
* All rights reserved.
const axios = require('axios');
const ntlm = require('./ntlm');
const https = require('https');
const httpsAgent = new https.Agent({ keepAlive: true });
cecilemuller /
Last active July 2, 2024 20:44
How to create an HTTPS certificate for localhost domains

How to create an HTTPS certificate for localhost domains

This focuses on generating the certificates for loading local virtual hosts hosted on your computer, for development only.

Do not use self-signed certificates in production ! For online certificates, use Let's Encrypt instead (tutorial).

aromig / dsquery_all_attr.cmd
Last active December 3, 2019 11:36
dsquery - list all attributes for a user
dsquery * "OU=User Accounts,DC=your,DC=domain,DC=com" -filter "(samaccountname=USER)" -attr *
Pysis868 / grub.cfg
Last active May 29, 2024 20:27
My own configuration file for GRUB2 to boot various live distributions of Linux-based operating systems, along with some system tools. I tried to include a lot of sample configuration entries, even if I don't currently use them, so it may help others. Exceedingly long blog post:…
# Config for GNU GRand Unified Bootloader (GRUB) (2)
# /boot/grub2/grub.cfg
# or
# /boot/grub/grub.cfg
# Mostly only 'legacy' CSM/BIOS boot methods currently.
# Unable to boot loop entries with Secure Boot
# Notes:
# Description:
# This grub.cfg file was created by Lance
JavaScript-Packer / base64-encode-decode.js
Created July 1, 2015 00:45
Perfect ATOB/BTOA alternatives (Base64 encoder/decoder) for JavaScript/ Demo on
function b2a(a) {
var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, o, b = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", k = 0, l = 0, m = "", n = [];
if (!a) return a;
do c = a.charCodeAt(k++), d = a.charCodeAt(k++), e = a.charCodeAt(k++), j = c << 16 | d << 8 | e,
f = 63 & j >> 18, g = 63 & j >> 12, h = 63 & j >> 6, i = 63 & j, n[l++] = b.charAt(f) + b.charAt(g) + b.charAt(h) + b.charAt(i); while (k < a.length);
return m = n.join(""), o = a.length % 3, (o ? m.slice(0, o - 3) :m) + "===".slice(o || 3);
function a2b(a) {
var b, c, d, e = {}, f = 0, g = 0, h = "", i = String.fromCharCode, j = a.length;
function RenameComputer($ComputerName)
$computer = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem
Remove-ItemProperty -path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters" -name "Hostname"
Remove-ItemProperty -path "HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters" -name "NV Hostname"
New-PSDrive -name HKU -PSProvider "Registry" -Root "HKEY_USERS"
inxilpro / http_response_code.php
Created August 23, 2013 15:08
Polyfill for PHP 5.4's http_response_code() function.
if (!function_exists('http_response_code')) {
function http_response_code($code = null)
static $defaultCode = 200;
if (null != $code) {
switch ($code) {
case 100: $text = 'Continue'; break; // RFC2616
scribu / test.php
Created February 8, 2013 03:12
Simulate threads in PHP using only proc_open() and co.
include __DIR__ . '/threads.php';
$commands = array();
for ( $i=0; $i<10; $i++ ) {
$commands[] = "bash -c 'sleep `shuf -i 1-5 -n 1`; echo $i'";
wpivotto / gist:3993502
Created November 1, 2012 13:02
Maximize VMWare images performance
Insert the following code into the *.VMX file:
sched.mem.pshare.enable = "FALSE"
mainMem.useNamedFile = "FALSE"
prefvmx.minVmMemPct = "100"
prefvmx.useRecommendedLockedMemSize = "TRUE"
mainMem.partialLazySave = "FALSE"
mainMem.partialLazyRestore = "FALSE"
priority.grabbed = "high"
priority.ungrabbed = "normal"