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Created July 2, 2012 23:49
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Qi4j forum sample rest client test
public class ForumClient
private ContextResourceClient crc;
private final Module module;
private String username = "rickard";
private String password = "secret";
public ForumClient() throws AssemblyException
Energy4Java is = new Energy4Java( );
Application app = is.newApplication( new ApplicationAssembler()
public ApplicationAssembly assemble(ApplicationAssemblyFactory applicationFactory) throws AssemblyException
ApplicationAssembly assembly = applicationFactory.newApplicationAssembly();
return assembly;
Client client = new Client( Protocol.HTTP );
module = app.findModule("Client", "REST");
ContextResourceClientFactory contextResourceClientFactory = module.newObject(ContextResourceClientFactory.class, client);
contextResourceClientFactory.setAcceptedMediaTypes( MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON );
contextResourceClientFactory.setErrorHandler( new ErrorHandler().onError( ErrorHandler.AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED, new ResponseHandler()
boolean tried = false;
public HandlerCommand handleResponse( Response response, ContextResourceClient client )
if (tried)
throw new ResourceException( response.getStatus() );
tried = true;
client.getContextResourceClientFactory().getInfo().setUser( new User(username, password) );
System.out.println("authenticating as: " + username);
// Try again
return refresh();
} ).onError( ErrorHandler.RECOVERABLE_ERROR, new ResponseHandler()
public HandlerCommand handleResponse( Response response, ContextResourceClient client )
// Try to restart
return refresh();
} ) );
Reference ref = new Reference( "http://localhost:8888/" );
crc = contextResourceClientFactory.newClient( ref );
private void assemble(ApplicationAssembly assembly) throws AssemblyException
LayerAssembly client = assembly.layer("Client");
ModuleAssembly module = client.module("REST");
// General setup of client
new ClientAssembler().assemble( module );
new ValueAssembler().assemble( module );
// Forum
module.values( Registration.class);
List<Link> rootResources() {
final List<Link> resources = new ArrayList<Link>();
crc.onResource( new ResultHandler<Resource>()
public HandlerCommand handleResult(Resource result, ContextResourceClient client)
return null;
return resources;
void signupNewUser() throws Exception
crc.newClient( "signup/").onResource(new ResultHandler<Resource>()
public HandlerCommand handleResult(Resource result, ContextResourceClient client)
ValueBuilder<Registration> vb = module.newValueBuilder(Registration.class);
vb.prototype().realName().set(" ");
return command("signup", vb.newInstance()).onSuccess(new ResultHandler<Object>()
public HandlerCommand handleResult(Object result, ContextResourceClient client)
System.out.println( "signup: " + username );
return null;
void adminListUsers() throws Exception
crc.newClient("administration/users/").onResource( new ResultHandler<Resource>()
public HandlerCommand handleResult(Resource result, ContextResourceClient client)
return query("index");
}).onQuery("index", new ResultHandler<Object>()
public HandlerCommand handleResult(Object result, ContextResourceClient client)
return null;
public static void main( String[] args )
throws Exception
ForumClient client = new ForumClient();
// root resource links
List<Link> links = client.rootResources();
for (Link link : links) {
System.out.println("root resource: " + link.rel());
// register new user
// TODO: failure, UsersResource.index() handler missing ( Query type)
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