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Created March 23, 2012 18:38
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validates :enrollment_method,
presence: true,
inclusion: {
in: ['email', 'phone_number']
validates :email,
presence: true,
format: {
with: /\A[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\.[A-Za-z]+\z/,
message: "is not of the correct format"},
if: lambda { |device|
device.enrollment_method == 'email'
validates :phone_number,
presence: true,
format: {
with: /^[\D]*1?([\D]*[\d][\D]*){10}[\D]*$/, # 10 digits in string, optionally starts with "1" to make 11.
message: "is not a valid US phone number"},
if: lambda {
|device| device.enrollment_method == 'phone_number' }
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