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Last active June 21, 2018 00:32
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Queries for Harvest Report
1 Shrink the amount of data with a scope in class Visit < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :harvest_visits, -> { where('visited_on >= ?', 3.months.ago )}
All Records (Rails Console):
Visit Load (408.3ms) SELECT "visits".* FROM "visits" ORDER BY visited_on DESC
EXPLAIN (5.0ms) EXPLAIN SELECT "visits".* FROM "visits" ORDER BY visited_on DESC
EXPLAIN for: SELECT "visits".* FROM "visits" ORDER BY visited_on DESC
Index Scan Backward using index_visits_on_visited_on on visits (cost=0.00..987.24 rows=24297 width=108)
(1 row)
=> 24294
Scoped Records (Rails Console):
(5.7ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "visits" WHERE (visited_on >= '2018-03-20 23:54:10.640658')
=> 1001
Get the Month
=> "June 2018"
Query By Month does not Work? Probably format of Month
(2.5ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "visits" WHERE (visited_on >= '2018-03-20 23:56:23.335690') AND (select(to_char(visited_on, 'FMMonth')) = 'June 2018')
=> 0
Moving on =>
Pull out the unique Households for the scope using includes for eager loading:
Visit.harvest_visits.includes(:housholds, :neighbors).pluck(:household_id).uniq
(2.1ms) SELECT household_id FROM "visits" WHERE (visited_on >= '2018-03-20 23:58:17.948679') ORDER BY visited_on DESC
=> [1478,
66, . . . .
Let's Count them:
Visit.harvest_visits.includes(:housholds, :neighbors).pluck(:household_id).uniq.count
(1.8ms) SELECT household_id FROM "visits" WHERE (visited_on >= '2018-03-20 23:59:45.918543') ORDER BY visited_on DESC
=> 562
Assign them to a variable:
@hi = Visit.harvest_visits.includes(:housholds, :neighbors).pluck(:household_id).uniq
Count the Neighbors in the Households:{|id| Household.find(id).neighbor_count}.inject(:+)
Household Load (0.5ms) SELECT "households".* FROM "households" WHERE "households"."id" = $1 ORDER BY household_name ASC LIMIT 1 [["id", 2366]]
(0.6ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "neighbors" WHERE "neighbors"."household_id" = 2366
Household Load (0.4ms) SELECT "households".* FROM "households" WHERE "households"."id" = $1 ORDER BY household_name ASC LIMIT 1 [["id", 1206]]
(0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "neighbors" WHERE "neighbors"."household_id" = 1206
Household Load (0.4ms) SELECT "households".* FROM "households" WHERE "households"."id" = $1 ORDER BY household_name ASC LIMIT 1 [["id", 3113]]
(0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "neighbors" WHERE "neighbors"."household_id" = 3113
Household Load (0.4ms) SELECT "households".* FROM "households" WHERE "households"."id" = $1 ORDER BY household_name ASC LIMIT 1 [["id", 1458]]
(0.4ms) SELECT COUNT(*) FROM "neighbors" WHERE "neighbors"."household_id" = 1458
=> 1553
562 * .04 = 22.48 Better than 10 minutes but not Great
To put this in Active Record I tried:
def self.visits_month
@month = "#{'%B %Y')}"
Which is wrong -- But it is a class method?
But I am thinking each Query above is a class method?
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