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Last active December 30, 2015 02:59
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Save tbrosman/7766095 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Classify a set of points against a hyperplane formed using the mean and the largest principle component.
# Classify a set of points by:
# 1. Calculating largest principle component. This is the largest eigenvector of the covariance matrix for the distribution.
# 2. Defining the classification plane as the affine hyperplane passing through the mean with the previously calculated eigenvector as its normal.
# 3. Projecting onto the normal and adding each point to a "positive" or "negative" list depending on where the projection lies with respect to the normal.
require 'matrix'
class PointClassifier
def self.mean(points)
return (1.0 / points.length) * points.inject { |total, x| total + x }
def self.cov_matrix(points)
# Find the mean of all the input points and calculate the deviations
mean = mean points
vectors = { |x| x - mean }
# Create a matrix to accumulate covariance values
dim = points[0].size
unscaledCovMatrix = {, 0.0) }
# Calculate the outer product x*x^T where x is p - mean
for x in vectors
for i in 0...dim
for j in 0...dim
unscaledCovMatrix[i][j] += x[i] * x[j]
# Return the scaled covariance matrix
k = Matrix.scalar(dim, 1.0 / (points.length - 1))
return k * (Matrix.columns unscaledCovMatrix)
def self.principle_axis(covMatrix)
v, d, v_inv = covMatrix.eigensystem
# Columns of v are eigenvectors of a while d contains the corresponding eigenvalues
dim = covMatrix.column_size
largest = (0...dim).max_by { |x| d[x, x].abs }
axis = v.column(largest)
return axis
def self.classify_with_hyperplane(origin, normal, points)
positive = []
negative = []
# Project all points onto the normal of the hyperplane
originDotN = normal.inner_product origin
for p in points
# Classify each point against the origin
pDotN = normal.inner_product p
if pDotN >= originDotN
positive << p
negative << p
return positive, negative
# Test data
points = [[1, 2], [2, 1], [3, 1], [3, 4]].map { |x| Vector.elements x }
cov_matrix = PointClassifier.cov_matrix points
axis = PointClassifier.principle_axis cov_matrix
mean = PointClassifier.mean points
puts "mean = #{mean}"
puts "axis = #{axis}"
positive, negative = PointClassifier.classify_with_hyperplane(mean, axis, points)
puts "positive = #{positive}"
puts "negative = #{negative}"
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