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Created March 20, 2023 00:12
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#!/bin/env raku
use PDF::Lite;
use PDF::Font::Loader;
use lib "./lib";
use Subs;
my enum Paper <Letter A4>;
my $debug = 0;
my $left = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $right = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $top = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $bottom = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $margin = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my Paper $paper = Letter;
# title of output pdf
my $ofile = "calendar.pdf";
if not @*ARGS.elems {
print qq:to/HERE/;
Usage: {$*PROGRAM.basename} go [...options...]
Produces a test PDF
o[file]=X - Output file name [default: calendar.pdf]
d[ebug] - Debug
# defaults for US Letter paper
# in landscape orientation
my $height = 8.5 * 72;
my $width = 11.0 * 72;
for @*ARGS {
when /^ :i o[file]? '=' (\S+) / {
$ofile = ~$0;
when /^ :i l[eft]? '=' (\S+) / {
$left = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i r[ight]? '=' (\S+) / {
$right = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i t[op]? '=' (\S+) / {
$right = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i b[ottom]? '=' (\S+) / {
$bottom = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i m[argin]? '=' (\S+) / {
$margin = +$0 * 72;#!/bin/env raku
use PDF::Lite;
use PDF::Font::Loader;
use lib "./lib";
use Subs;
my enum Paper <Letter A4>;
my $debug = 0;
my $left = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $right = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $top = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $bottom = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $margin = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my Paper $paper = Letter;
# title of output pdf
my $ofile = "calendar.pdf";
if not @*ARGS.elems {
print qq:to/HERE/;
Usage: {$*PROGRAM.basename} go [...options...]
Produces a test PDF
o[file]=X - Output file name [default: calendar.pdf]
d[ebug] - Debug
# defaults for US Letter paper
# in landscape orientation
my $height = 8.5 * 72;
my $width = 11.0 * 72;
for @*ARGS {
when /^ :i o[file]? '=' (\S+) / {
$ofile = ~$0;
when /^ :i l[eft]? '=' (\S+) / {
$left = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i r[ight]? '=' (\S+) / {
$right = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i t[op]? '=' (\S+) / {
$right = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i b[ottom]? '=' (\S+) / {
$bottom = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i m[argin]? '=' (\S+) / {
$margin = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i d / { ++$debug }
when /^ :i g / {
; # go
default {
note "WARNING: Unknown arg '$_'";
note " Exiting..."; exit;
# do we need to specify 'media-box'?
my $pdf =;
$ = 'Letter';
my $font = $pdf.core-font(:family<Times-RomanBold>);
my $font2 = $pdf.core-font(:family<Times-Roman>);
=begin omment
$page.rotate = 90; # result?
my $pages = 1;
=end omment
my $pages = 0;
# write the desired pages
# ...
# start the document with the first page
my PDF::Lite::Page $page = $pdf.add-page;
make-page :$page;
make-page :$page; #, :rotate(True);
make-page :$page;
# save the whole thing with name as desired
$ $ofile;
say "See outout pdf: $ofile";
say "Total pages: $pages";
sub make-page(
PDF::Lite::Page :$page!,
:$long-dimen = 11 * 72,
:$short-dimen = 8.5 * 72,
:$rotate = 0,
) is export {
# media-box - width and height of the printed page
# crop-box - region of the PDF that is displayed or printed
# trim-box - width and height of the printed page
#$page.TrimBox = Letter; #media-box = Letter; #[0, 0, $w, $h];
if $rotate {
$page.text: -> $txt {
my $cx = $short-dimen * 0.5; # for the given media-box#!/bin/env raku
use PDF::Lite;
use PDF::Font::Loader;
use lib "./lib";
use Subs;
my enum Paper <Letter A4>;
my $debug = 0;
my $left = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $right = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $top = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $bottom = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $margin = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my Paper $paper = Letter;
# title of output pdf
my $ofile = "calendar.pdf";
if not @*ARGS.elems {
print qq:to/HERE/;
Usage: {$*PROGRAM.basename} go [...options...]
Produces a test PDF
o[file]=X - Output file name [default: calendar.pdf]
d[ebug] - Debug
# defaults for US Letter paper
# in landscape orientation
my $height = 8.5 * 72;
my $width = 11.0 * 72;
for @*ARGS {
when /^ :i o[file]? '=' (\S+) / {
$ofile = ~$0;
when /^ :i l[eft]? '=' (\S+) / {
$left = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i r[ight]? '=' (\S+) / {
$right = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i t[op]? '=' (\S+) / {
$right = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i b[ottom]? '=' (\S+) / {
$bottom = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i m[argin]? '=' (\S+) / {
$margin = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i d / { ++$debug }
when /^ :i g / {
; # go
default {
note "WARNING: Unknown arg '$_'";
note " Exiting..."; exit;
# do we need to specify 'media-box'?
my $pdf =;
$ = 'Letter';
my $font = $pdf.core-font(:family<Times-RomanBold>);
my $font2 = $pdf.core-font(:family<Times-Roman>);
=begin omment
$page.rotate = 90; # result?
my $pages = 1;
=end omment
my $pages = 0;
# write the desired pages
# ...
# start the document with the first page#!/bin/env raku
use PDF::Lite;
use PDF::Font::Loader;
use lib "./lib";
use Subs;
my enum Paper <Letter A4>;
my $debug = 0;
my $left = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $right = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $top = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $bottom = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $margin = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my Paper $paper = Letter;
# title of output pdf
my $ofile = "calendar.pdf";
if not @*ARGS.elems {
print qq:to/HERE/;
Usage: {$*PROGRAM.basename} go [...options...]
Produces a test PDF
o[file]=X - Output file name [default: calendar.pdf]
d[ebug] - Debug
# defaults for US Letter paper#!/bin/env raku
use PDF::Lite;
use PDF::Font::Loader;
use lib "./lib";
use Subs;
my enum Paper <Letter A4>;
my $debug = 0;
my $left = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $right = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $top = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $bottom = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $margin = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my Paper $paper = Letter;
# title of output pdf
my $ofile = "calendar.pdf";
if not @*ARGS.elems {
print qq:to/HERE/;
Usage: {$*PROGRAM.basename} go [...options...]
Produces a test PDF
o[file]=X - Output file name [default: calendar.pdf]
d[ebug] - Debug
# defaults for US Letter paper
# in landscape orientation
my $height = 8.5 * 72;
my $width = 11.0 * 72;
for @*ARGS {
when /^ :i o[file]? '=' (\S+) / {
$ofile = ~$0;
when /^ :i l[eft]? '=' (\S+) / {
$left = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i r[ight]? '=' (\S+) / {
$right = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i t[op]? '=' (\S+) / {
$right = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i b[ottom]? '=' (\S+) / {
$bottom = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i m[argin]? '=' (\S+) / {
$margin = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i d / { ++$debug }
when /^ :i g / {
; # go
default {
note "WARNING: Unknown arg '$_'";
note " Exiting..."; exit;
# do we need to specify 'media-box'?
my $pdf =;
$ = 'Letter';
my $font = $pdf.core-font(:family<Times-RomanBold>);
my $font2 = $pdf.core-font(:family<Times-Roman>);
=begin omment
$page.rotate = 90; # result?
my $pages = 1;
=end omment
my $pages = 0;
# write the desired pages
# ...
# start the document with the first page
my PDF::Lite::Page $page = $pdf.add-page;
make-page :$page;
make-page :$page; #, :rotate(True);
make-page :$page;
# save the whole thing with name as desired
$ $ofile;
say "See outout pdf: $ofile";
say "Total pages: $pages";
sub make-page(
PDF::Lite::Page :$page!,
:$long-dimen = 11 * 72,
:$short-dimen = 8.5 * 72,
:$rotate = 0,
) is export {
# media-box - width and height of the printed page
# crop-box - region of the PDF that is displayed or printed
# trim-box - width and height of the printed page
#$page.TrimBox = Letter; #media-box = Letter; #[0, 0, $w, $h];
if $rotate {
$page.text: -> $txt {
my $cx = $short-dimen * 0.5; # for the given media-box
my $cy = $long-dimen * 0.5; # for the given media-box
# y=0 is at bottom of the media box
# x=0 is at the left of the media box
# in this block, we place text at various
# positions on the page, possibly varying
# the font and font size as well as
# its alignment
$txt.font = $font, 40;
my $text = "Some text";
$txt.text-position = 40, $long-dimen-40;
# output aligned text
$txt.say: $text, :align<left>, :valign<top>;
sub make-landscape(
PDF::Lite::Page :$page!,
) is export {
# in landscape orientation
my $height = 8.5 * 72;
my $width = 11.0 * 72;
for @*ARGS {
when /^ :i o[file]? '=' (\S+) / {
$ofile = ~$0;
when /^ :i l[eft]? '=' (\S+) / {
$left = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i r[ight]? '=' (\S+) / {
$right = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i t[op]? '=' (\S+) / {
$right = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i b[ottom]? '=' (\S+) / {
$bottom = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i m[argin]? '=' (\S+) / {
$margin = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i d / { ++$debug }
when /^ :i g / {
; # go
default {
note "WARNING: Unknown arg '$_'";
note " Exiting..."; exit;
# do we need to specify 'media-box'?
my $pdf =;
$ = 'Letter';
my $font = $pdf.core-font(:family<Times-RomanBold>);
my $font2 = $pdf.core-font(:family<Times-Roman>);
=begin omment
$page.rotate = 90; # result?
my $pages = 1;
=end omment
my $pages = 0;
# write the desired pages
# ...
# start the document with the first page
my PDF::Lite::Page $page = $pdf.add-page;
make-page :$page;
make-page :$page; #, :rotate(True);
make-page :$page;
# save the whole thing with name as desired
$ $ofile;
say "See outout pdf: $ofile";
say "Total pages: $pages";
sub make-page(
PDF::Lite::Page :$page!,
:$long-dimen = 11 * 72,
:$short-dimen = 8.5 * 72,
:$rotate = 0,
) is export {
# media-box - width and height of the printed page
# crop-box - region of the PDF that is displayed or printed
# trim-box - width and height of the printed page
#$page.TrimBox = Letter; #media-box = Letter; #[0, 0, $w, $h];
if $rotate {
$page.text: -> $txt {
my $cx = $short-dimen * 0.5; # for the given media-box
my $cy = $long-dimen * 0.5; # for the given media-box
# y=0 is at bottom of the media box
# x=0 is at the left of the media box
# in this block, we place text at various
# positions on the page, possibly varying
# the font and font size as well as
# its alignment
$txt.font = $font, 40;
my $text = "Some text";
$txt.text-position = 40, $long-dimen-40;
# output aligned text
$txt.say: $text, :align<left>, :valign<top>;
sub make-landscape(
PDF::Lite::Page :$page!,
) is export {
my PDF::Lite::Page $page = $pdf.add-page;
make-page :$page;
make-page :$page; #, :rotate(True);
make-page :$page;
# save the whole thing with name as desired
$ $ofile;
say "See outout pdf: $ofile";
say "Total pages: $pages";
sub make-page(
PDF::Lite::Page :$page!,
:$long-dimen = 11 * 72,
:$short-dimen = 8.5 * 72,
:$rotate = 0,
) is export {
# media-box - width and height of the printed page
# crop-box - region of the PDF that is displayed or printed
# trim-box - width and height of the printed page
#$page.TrimBox = Letter; #media-box = Letter; #[0, 0, $w, $h];
if $rotate {
$page.text: -> $txt {
my $cx = $short-dimen * 0.5; # for the given media-box
my $cy = $long-dimen * 0.5; # for the given media-box
# y=0 is at bottom of the media box
# x=0 is at the left of the media box
# in this block, we place text at various
# positions on the page, possibly varying
# the font and font size as well as
# its alignment
$txt.font = $font, 40;
my $text = "Some text";
$txt.text-position = 40, $long-dimen-40;
# output aligned text
$txt.say: $text, :align<left>, :valign<top>;
sub make-landscape(
PDF::Lite::Page :$page!,
) is export {
my $cy = $long-dimen * 0.5; # for the given media-box
# y=0 is at bottom of the media box
# x=0 is at the left of the media box
# in this block, we place text at various
# positions on the page, possibly varying
# the font and font size as well as
# its alignment
$txt.font = $font, 40;
my $text = "Some text";
$txt.text-position = 40, $long-dimen-40;
# output aligned text
$txt.say: $text, :align<left>, :valign<top>;
sub make-landscape(
PDF::Lite::Page :$page!,
) is export {
when /^ :i d / { ++$debug }
when /^ :i g / {
; # go
default {
note "WARNING: Unknown arg '$_'";
note " Exiting..."; exit;
# do we need to specify 'media-box'?
my $pdf =;
$ = 'Letter';
my $font = $pdf.core-font(:family<Times-RomanBold>);
my $font2 = $pdf.core-font(:family<Times-Roman>);
=begin omment
$page.rotate = 90; # result?
my $pages = 1;
=end omment
my $pages = 0;
# write the desired pages
# ...
# start the document with the first page
my PDF::Lite::Page $page = $pdf.add-page;
make-page :$page;
make-page :$page; #, :rotate(True);
++$pages;#!/bin/env raku
use PDF::Lite;
use PDF::Font::Loader;
use lib "./lib";
use Subs;
my enum Paper <Letter A4>;
my $debug = 0;
my $left = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $right = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $top = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $bottom = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my $margin = 1 * 72; # inches => PS points
my Paper $paper = Letter;
# title of output pdf
my $ofile = "calendar.pdf";
if not @*ARGS.elems {
print qq:to/HERE/;
Usage: {$*PROGRAM.basename} go [...options...]
Produces a test PDF
o[file]=X - Output file name [default: calendar.pdf]
d[ebug] - Debug
# defaults for US Letter paper
# in landscape orientation
my $height = 8.5 * 72;
my $width = 11.0 * 72;
for @*ARGS {
when /^ :i o[file]? '=' (\S+) / {
$ofile = ~$0;
when /^ :i l[eft]? '=' (\S+) / {
$left = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i r[ight]? '=' (\S+) / {
$right = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i t[op]? '=' (\S+) / {
$right = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i b[ottom]? '=' (\S+) / {
$bottom = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i m[argin]? '=' (\S+) / {
$margin = +$0 * 72;
when /^ :i d / { ++$debug }
when /^ :i g / {
; # go
default {
note "WARNING: Unknown arg '$_'";
note " Exiting..."; exit;
# do we need to specify 'media-box'?
my $pdf =;
$ = 'Letter';
my $font = $pdf.core-font(:family<Times-RomanBold>);
my $font2 = $pdf.core-font(:family<Times-Roman>);
=begin omment
$page.rotate = 90; # result?
my $pages = 1;
=end omment
my $pages = 0;
# write the desired pages
# ...
# start the document with the first page
my PDF::Lite::Page $page = $pdf.add-page;
make-page :$page;
make-page :$page; #, :rotate(True);
make-page :$page;
# save the whole thing with name as desired
$ $ofile;
say "See outout pdf: $ofile";
say "Total pages: $pages";
sub make-page(
PDF::Lite::Page :$page!,
:$long-dimen = 11 * 72,
:$short-dimen = 8.5 * 72,
:$rotate = 0,
) is export {
# media-box - width and height of the printed page
# crop-box - region of the PDF that is displayed or printed
# trim-box - width and height of the printed page
#$page.TrimBox = Letter; #media-box = Letter; #[0, 0, $w, $h];
if $rotate {
$page.text: -> $txt {
my $cx = $short-dimen * 0.5; # for the given media-box
my $cy = $long-dimen * 0.5; # for the given media-box
# y=0 is at bottom of the media box
# x=0 is at the left of the media box
# in this block, we place text at various
# positions on the page, possibly varying
# the font and font size as well as
# its alignment
$txt.font = $font, 40;
my $text = "Some text";
$txt.text-position = 40, $long-dimen-40;
# output aligned text
$txt.say: $text, :align<left>, :valign<top>;
sub make-landscape(
PDF::Lite::Page :$page!,
) is export {
make-page :$page;
# save the whole thing with name as desired
$ $ofile;
say "See outout pdf: $ofile";
say "Total pages: $pages";
sub make-page(
PDF::Lite::Page :$page!,
:$long-dimen = 11 * 72,
:$short-dimen = 8.5 * 72,
:$rotate = 0,
) is export {
# media-box - width and height of the printed page
# crop-box - region of the PDF that is displayed or printed
# trim-box - width and height of the printed page
#$page.TrimBox = Letter; #media-box = Letter; #[0, 0, $w, $h];
if $rotate {
$page.text: -> $txt {
my $cx = $short-dimen * 0.5; # for the given media-box
my $cy = $long-dimen * 0.5; # for the given media-box
# y=0 is at bottom of the media box
# x=0 is at the left of the media box
# in this block, we place text at various
# positions on the page, possibly varying
# the font and font size as well as
# its alignment
$txt.font = $font, 40;
my $text = "Some text";
$txt.text-position = 40, $long-dimen-40;
# output aligned text
$txt.say: $text, :align<left>, :valign<top>;
sub make-landscape(
PDF::Lite::Page :$page!,
) is export {
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