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Forked from eddiemoya/boilerplate-widget.php
Last active March 4, 2020 16:31
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WordPress Boilerplate Widget
<?php /*
Plugin Name: Boilerplate Widget
Description: Starting point for building widgets quickly and easier
Version: 1.0.1
Author: Eddie Moya code correction by Thomas Buegel
* IMPORTANT: Change the class name for each widget
class Boilerplate_Widget extends WP_Widget {
* Name for this widget type, should be human-readable - the actual title it will go by.
* @var string [REQUIRED]
var $widget_name = 'Boilerplate Widget';
* Root id for all widgets of this type. Will be automatically generate if not set.
* @var string [OPTIONAL]. FALSE by default.
var $id_base = 'boilerplate_widget';
* Shows up under the widget in the admin interface
* @var string [OPTIONAL]
private $description = 'Boilerplate Widget Example';
* CSS class used in the wrapping container for each instance of the widget on the front end.
* @var string [OPTIONAL]
private $classname = 'boilerplate-widget';
* Be careful to consider PHP versions. If running PHP4 class name as the contructor instead.
* @author Eddie Moya code correction by Thomas Buegel
* @return void
public function __construct(){
$widget_ops = array(
'description' => $this->description,
'classname' => $this->classname
parent::__construct($this->id_base, $this->widget_name, $widget_ops);
* Self-registering widget method.
* @author Eddie Moya code correction by Thomas Buegel
* @return void
public function register_widget() {
add_action ( 'widgets_init', array( $this, 'widget_init') );
function widget_init() {
return register_widget(__CLASS__);
* The front end of the widget.
* Do not call directly, this is called internally to render the widget.
* @author [Widget Author Name]
* @param array $args [Required] Automatically passed by WordPress - Settings defined when registering the sidebar of a theme
* @param array $instance [Required] Automatically passed by WordPress - Current saved data for the widget options.
* @return void
public function widget( $args, $instance ){
echo $before_title . $bp_title . $after_title;
<h3><?php echo $bp_string; ?></h3>
<?php if($bp_checkbox) { ?>
<p>Check box '<?php echo $bp_checkbox; ?>' was checked</p>
<?php } ?>
<?php if($bp_checkbox_2) { ?>
<p>Check box '<?php echo $bp_checkbox_2; ?>' was checked</p>
<?php } ?>
<p>The chosen select option is:<?php echo $bp_select; ?></p>
<p><?php echo $bp_textarea; ?></p>
* Data validation.
* Do not call directly, this is called internally to render the widget
* @author [Widget Author Name]
* @uses esc_attr()
* @param array $new_instance [Required] Automatically passed by WordPress
* @param array $old_instance [Required] Automatically passed by WordPress
* @return array|bool Final result of newly input data. False if update is rejected.
public function update($new_instance, $old_instance){
/* Lets inherit the existing settings */
$instance = $old_instance;
* Sanitize each option - be careful, if not all simple text fields,
* then make use of other WordPress sanitization functions, but also
* make use of PHP functions, and use logic to return false to reject
* the entire update.
* @see
foreach($new_instance as $key => $value){
$instance[$key] = esc_attr($value);
* This handles checkboxes.
foreach($instance as $key => $value){
if($value == 'on' && !isset($new_instance[$key])){
return $instance;
* Generates the form for this widget, in the WordPress admin area.
* The use of the helper functions form_field() and form_fields() is not
* neccessary, and may sometimes be inhibitive or restrictive.
* @author Eddie Moya
* @uses wp_parse_args()
* @uses self::form_field()
* @uses self::form_fields()
* @param array $instance [Required] Automatically passed by WordPress
* @return void
public function form($instance){
/* Setup default values for form fields - associtive array, keys are the field_id's */
$defaults = array('bp_title' => 'Default Value of Text Field', 'bp_select' => 'option1');
/* Merge saved input values with default values */
$instance = wp_parse_args((array) $instance, $defaults);
/* Example of multiple inputs at once. */
$fields = array(
'field_id' => 'bp_title',
'type' => 'text',
'label' => 'Enter Title'
'field_id' => 'bp_select',
'type' => 'select',
'label' => 'Select an Option',
'options' => array(
/* These option associative keys can be whatever you want,
* no spaces or funny characters though.
'option1' => 'Option 1',
'option2' => 'Option 2'
/* Builds a series of inputs based on the $fields array created above. */
$this->form_fields($fields, $instance);
/* Examples of input fields one at a time. */
$this->form_field('bp_string', 'text', 'Enter String', $instance);
$this->form_field('bp_checkbox', 'checkbox', 'Choice 1', $instance);
$this->form_field('bp_checkbox_2', 'checkbox', 'Choice 2', $instance);
$this->form_field('bp_textarea', 'textarea', 'Enter Lots of Text', $instance);
$this->form_field('bp_checkbox_3', 'checkbox', 'Choice 3', $instance);
* Helper function - does not need to be part of widgets, this is custom, but
* is helpful in generating multiple input fields for the admin form at once.
* This is a wrapper for the singular form_field() function.
* @author Eddie Moya
* @uses self::form_fields()
* @param array $fields [Required] Nested array of field settings
* @param array $instance [Required] Current instance of widget option values.
* @return void
private function form_fields($fields, $instance, $group = false){
if($group) {
echo "<p>";
foreach($fields as $field){
$label = (!isset($label)) ? null : $label;
$options = (!isset($options)) ? null : $options;
$this->form_field($field_id, $type, $label, $instance, $options, $group);
echo "</p>";
* Helper function - does not need to be part of widgets, this is custom, but
* is helpful in generating single input fields for the admin form at once.
* @author Eddie Moya
* @uses get_field_id() (No Codex Documentation)
* @uses get_field_name()
* @param string $field_id [Required] This will be the CSS id for the input, but also will be used internally by wordpress to identify it. Use these in the form() function to set detaults.
* @param string $type [Required] The type of input to generate (text, textarea, select, checkbox]
* @param string $label [Required] Text to show next to input as its label.
* @param array $instance [Required] Current instance of widget option values.
* @param array $options [Optional] Associative array of values and labels for html Option elements.
* @return void
private function form_field($field_id, $type, $label, $instance, $options = array(), $group = false){
echo "<p>";
$input_value = (isset($instance[$field_id])) ? $instance[$field_id] : '';
switch ($type){
case 'text': ?>
<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( $field_id ); ?>"><?php echo $label; ?>: </label>
<input type="text" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( $field_id ); ?>" class="widefat" style="<?php echo (isset($style)) ? $style : ''; ?>" class="" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( $field_id ); ?>" value="<?php echo $input_value; ?>" />
<?php break;
case 'select': ?>
<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( $field_id ); ?>"><?php echo $label; ?>: </label>
<select id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( $field_id ); ?>" class="widefat" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name($field_id); ?>">
foreach ( $options as $value => $label ) : ?>
<option value="<?php echo $value; ?>" <?php selected($value, $input_value) ?>>
<?php echo $label ?>
<?php break;
case 'textarea':
$rows = (isset($options['rows'])) ? $options['rows'] : '16';
$cols = (isset($options['cols'])) ? $options['cols'] : '20';
<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( $field_id ); ?>"><?php echo $label; ?>: </label>
<textarea class="widefat" rows="<?php echo $rows; ?>" cols="<?php echo $cols; ?>" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id($field_id); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name($field_id); ?>"><?php echo $input_value; ?></textarea>
<?php break;
case 'radio' :
* Need to figure out how to automatically group radio button settings with this structure.
<?php break;
case 'hidden': ?>
<input id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( $field_id ); ?>" type="hidden" style="<?php echo (isset($style)) ? $style : ''; ?>" class="widefat" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name( $field_id ); ?>" value="<?php echo $input_value; ?>" />
<?php break;
case 'checkbox' : ?>
<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id($field_id); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name($field_id); ?>"<?php checked( (!empty($instance[$field_id]))); ?> />
<label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id( $field_id ); ?>"><?php echo $label; ?></label>
echo "</p>";
$BP = new Boilerplate_Widget();
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