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Last active November 30, 2016 04:00
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PowerShell Script to ping the gateway constantly at intervals below 1000 milliseconds so that flaky wireless connections stay alive.
# This script will let you ping in intervals less than 1 second
$ip4_gateway = (Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_IP4RouteTable | where { $_.destination -eq '' -and $_.mask -eq ''} | Sort-Object metric1 | select nexthop).nexthop
$target = $ip4_gateway # target host
$interval = 200 # in milliseconds
function Ping-It() {
$success = 0 # initialize as zero
$failure = 0 # initialize as zero
$cumaltive_time = 0 # initialize as zero
$iterations = 0 # initialize as zero
$times = @() # initialize empty array
try {
Write-Host "Press CTRL+C to exit"
while(($iterations -eq 0) -Or ($r.Status -eq "Success")) {
$r = $ping.send($target)
Write-Host "Reply from "$target": bytes="($r.Buffer.Length)" time="($r.RoundTripTime)"ms TTL="($r.Options.Ttl)
if ($r.Status -eq "Success") {
$success += 1
$cumaltive_time += $r.RoundTripTime
$times += $r.RoundTripTime
} else {
$failure += 1
$iterations += 1
sleep -Milliseconds $interval
} finally {
if ($r.Status -ne "Success") {
$measure = $times | measure -Maximum -Minimum -Average
$avg = "{0:N3}" -f $measure.Average
$max = $measure.Maximum
$min = $measure.Minimum
Write-Host "Ping statistics for "$target":"
Write-Host " Packets: Sent ="$iterations", Received ="$success", Lost ="$failure" ("("{0:N1}" -f (($failure * 100.0) / $iterations))"% loss),"
Write-Host "Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:"
Write-Host " Minimum = "$max"ms, Maximum = "$min"ms, Average = "$avg"ms"
Write-Host "----------------"
# Infinite loop, press CTRL+C to exit
while(1 -eq 1) {
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