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Created April 14, 2014 14:23
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Sample script to create recurring project budgets for specific projects in your Freckle account using the API.
# Hey there!
# This is a basic script that shows how to give projects an "allowance", like
# 5 hours every month. First, it looks at how many hours you want to budget for
# each project. Then, it establishes a connection with the Freckle API, using your
# API token. It then loops through all the projects you listed, finding out how many
# minutes it needs to add or remove from the existing project budget. Finally, it
# updates the project and goes onto the next one.
# If you want to set a monthly budget, you would run this script once every month.
# For weekly budgets, once a week.
# To run the script, just run the command: `ruby freckle_recurring_budgets.rb`
# Cheers,
# Your Freckle Team
# We need an HTTP client library and URI parser to call the API in JSON.
require 'net/http'
require 'net/https'
require 'uri'
require 'json'
# Here is where you configure the script to access your account. Just add your account
# name and your personal API key.
subdomain = 'apitest'
api_key = 'lx3gi6pxdjtjn57afp8c2bv1me7g89j'
# This is the list of projects, with the number of hours you want to budget for each
# one. In this example, I want the "Gear GmbH" project (the ID of the project is: 34580)
# to have a 1.5 hour budget and the "Fixture Company" (project ID: 8475) project to have
# a 5 hour budget.
project_budgets = {
34580 => 1.5,
8475 => 5
# Loop through all the projects, updating the budget for each one.
project_budgets.each do |project_id, hours|
# parse the URI we will call to update the project.
# See:
url = URI.parse("https://#{subdomain}{project_id}.json")
# Establish a connection with the Freckle API, using HTTPS and SSL
https =, url.port)
https.use_ssl = true
# First, we will get the details for the project.
# We need to create a new request and set the correct headers
request =
request.add_field("X-FreckleToken", api_key)
request.add_field("Content-Type", "application/json")
response = https.request(request)
#check if the API request was successful.
abort("ERROR: Your API key or account name are incorrect.") if(response.code == "401")
unless (response.code == "200")
puts("ERROR: Unable to get the details for project `#{project_id}`. The error was: #{response.code} #{response.message}")
project_details = JSON.parse(response.body)
# Now calculate how many hours we need to add to the budgeted minutes for the project
# the easiest way to calculate this is to subtract the remaining minutes of the current
# budget from the budget you want the project to have. If the project is over budget,
# the remaining minutes will be negative and we will add enough minutes to compensate.
# We add these minutes (whether positive or negative) to the total number of billable
# minutes in the project
# Formula: minutes_to_add = desired_budget - remaining_minutes
# Examples:
# 1) Desired budget: 100 minutes. Remaining minutes: 50 minutes. Minutes to add: 50 minutes (100 - 50 = 50)
# 2) Desired budget: 100 minutes. Remaining minutes: -50 minutes. Minutes to add: 150 minutes (100 - (-50) = 150)
# 3) Desired budget: 100 minutes. Remaining minutes: 100 minutes. Minutes to add: 0 minutes (100 - 100 = 0)
# 4) Desired budget: 50 minutes. Remaining minutes: 100 minutes. Minutes to add: -50 minutes (50 - 100 = -50)
# Formula: budget_minutes = (billable_minutes + (remaining_minutes + minutes_to_add))
# Examples:
# 1) Billable Minutes: 300 minutes. budget_minutes: 400 (300 + (50 + 50 ) = 400)
# 2) Billable Minutes: 300 minutes. budget_minutes: 400 (300 + (-50 + 150) = 400)
# 3) Billable Minutes: 300 minutes. budget_minutes: 400 (300 + (100 + 0 ) = 400)
# 4) Billable Minutes: 300 minutes. budget_minutes: 350 (300 + (100 + -50) = 350)
billable_minutes = project_details["project"]["billable_minutes"].to_i
remaining_minutes = project_details["project"]["remaining_minutes"].to_i
minutes_to_add = (hours * 60) - remaining_minutes
budget_minutes = (billable_minutes + (remaining_minutes + minutes_to_add))
# Now it's time to update the project!
# We need to create a new request and set the correct headers
request =
request.add_field("X-FreckleToken", api_key)
request.add_field("Content-Type", "application/json")
# Time to create the body of the update
request_body = {
:project => {
:budget_minutes => budget_minutes
request.body = JSON.generate(request_body)
# Now update the project and print out a helpful message
response = https.request(request)
abort("ERROR: You cannot update projects.") if(response.code == "403")
if(response.code == "200")
puts "Project '#{project_details["project"]['name']}' now has #{hours} hours in its budget"
puts "ERROR: Unable to update '#{project_details["project"]['name']}'. The error was: #{response.code} #{response.message}"
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