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Created February 24, 2021 08:12
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Conway's game of life in python (numpy)
import numpy as np
from numpy.lib.shape_base import expand_dims
def add_walls(board) -> np.ndarray:
'''add 2 rows & columns around the board
@param board: numpy 2d array
@return: a new board
h, w = board.shape # get heigh & width
# now sandwich it!
s = np.vstack((np.zeros(w, dtype=int), board, np.zeros(w, dtype=int)))
s = np.hstack((np.expand_dims(np.zeros(h+2, dtype=int), axis=1), s, expand_dims(np.zeros(h+2, dtype=int), axis=1)))
return s
def neighbors(y_x, board) -> np.ndarray:
'''get all neighboring cells (max 8)
@param x_y: tuple of coord in board; x for horizontal axis, y for vertical axis, starting from top-left
@param board: numpy 2d array
@return: a flattened list of neighbor cells
h, w = board.shape
board_copy = board.copy() # create copy to not affect the board
y, x = y_x
nb: np.ndarray = board_copy[max(y-1, 0): min(y+2, h), max(x-1, 0):min(x+2, w)]
board_copy[y][x] = -1 # filter out current cell
f = nb.flatten()
return f[f >= 0]
def trim(board) -> np.ndarray:
'''remove zero lines from a numpy 2d array'''
nz = np.nonzero(board)
return board[nz[0].min():nz[0].max()+1, nz[1].min():nz[1].max()+1]
def get_generation(cells, generations = 1) -> list:
board = np.array(cells)
b_padded = board
for _ in range(generations):
# since this is unlimited version, we expand the board to include 'out-of-bound' cells
b_padded = add_walls(b_padded)
b_padded_copy = b_padded.copy()
h, w = b_padded.shape
for i in range(h):
for j in range(w):
nb = neighbors((i, j), b_padded)
living_nb_count = np.count_nonzero(nb)
if b_padded[i][j] == 1: # live cell
if living_nb_count < 2 or living_nb_count > 3:
b_padded_copy[i][j] = 0 # die
if living_nb_count == 3:
b_padded_copy[i][j] = 1 # become live
b_padded = trim(b_padded_copy).copy()
return b_padded.tolist()
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